
City Planning Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"The city is going to look absolutely stunning once it gets all built up and everything, which is a very good sign."
"With Area Busyness, you’ll be able to understand at a glance if it’s the right time for you to go based on how busy that part of the city is in real-time."
"This is great. This whole city is going so well."
"I love this sort of busy highway road running through the middle of these districts."
"Parks and tourist attractions impact the attractiveness of the city."
"I had a lot of fun researching this one; I bought three or four books on city planning and walkability. This is something I'm very passionate about, because I've just been analyzing again, the places I've lived, or if I'm looking at where I would like to live, you know, the ideal place for me - walkability is absolutely a big factor."
"I have been wondering if it is possible to create a totally self-sufficient city."
"This isn't about being a sustainable city; it's about being a self-sufficient city if you catch my drift."
"Have you ever built a completely sustainable city without any outside connections?"
"City planning is not just city planning... it makes the population much healthier."
"We often picture vast mega-cities in the future and wonder if they will be utopian gardenscape arcologies or horrid hives of filth populated by gangs of mutants and cannibals."
"What Masdar has to be is a laboratory that develops things that then can be applied in existing cities all around the world."
"This could change like an entire city and how they do things."
"We've got ourselves a beautiful city that's starting to grow more than ever."
"I believe that taking small steps can lead to major transformations in our cities."
"People are recognizing that value has to be placed once again on the human condition in the city for it to be successful."
"Investing in a public asset that's outdoor facing was either a stroke of Genius or sore good luck."
"I'm completely fascinated by how the geographical and environmental context of a city informs its transportation and its Urban form."
"Having the city built on top of a dungeon offers a ton of role-playing possibilities because it's like what happens if the monsters get out?"
"This is probably one of my most realistic looking layouts for a city... really quite happy with how this thing ends up looking."
"The way that city planners or architects use old infrastructure... always love it when they do something really unique with train lines."
"The town feels almost sort of lifeless. It doesn't have these quirky little touches."
"Whenever a city service unlocks you're going to need to place it right away or deal with the consequences."
"Nature and this city are in Perfect Harmony."
"Frostpunk: strategic city planning in extreme conditions."
"It feels like they had an idea, the city I think it's a cool City, the problem is there's nothing to do in the city."
"Wider roads in the center of town would be intended for faster travel, but not in the car-dominated way we're familiar with."
"Dublin, one of the largest cities in Europe around Metro is finally gonna be getting a metro and I think that's kind of cool."
"We need to start expanding rapidly. We need a lot of cities."
"We wanted to make a city that is very, very believable."
"This city was laid out fifteen thousand years ago at least."
"Big dense cities, that's where we can all live. I like living in densities."
"This is one of the fundamental Technologies that's necessary to build a city on Mars."
"Most cities are not very pedestrian-friendly."
"One thing that's interesting: if I don't settle too many cities on the coast, I also won't be vulnerable to naval attacks."
"Definitely a fun one to add to the city, I think it's if that doesn't make a statement I don't know what does."
"Mixed housing answers the demand for diverse living options in City Skylines 2."
"Keep your city clean and functional - waste treatment is a necessary part of city planning."
"With an underground city, you really get to flip your expectations on what an above-ground city might look like."
"You can ban heavy traffic in specific districts."
"Built up beaches give the city a unique selling point, creating the perfect fusion between city break and beach holiday."
"This exciting tourist destination attracts tourists to your city to visit the top of your mega tower and profits from tourists that visit the crown."
"We are blooming, we are blooming. My city is so happy right there. That is the spot that everybody needs."
"Incredibly powerful tools for enhancing your city's look and function."
"Rio de Janeiro is looking to hold one percent of crypto reserves in bitcoin and pay taxes with bitcoin."
"The city he built set a blueprint for Western civilization."
"If we are going to sustain ourselves as a city it also includes climate change."
"Harm reduction is something that every city should consider, because it keeps people alive."
"For a city of this size, I'm amazed how little car traffic I encounter."
"Balancing aesthetics with functionality in our city planning."
"The foods that we put into our bodies will dictate what kind of clothes we can wear."
"Maximizing land use: Challenges of retrofitting urban spaces."
"Urban design considerations: Integrating green spaces into downtown."
"Creating a vibrant downtown: Planning for a bustling city center."
"I honestly think that a jungle city would be a really cool idea."
"The Tampa Riverwalk is a 2.6-mile-long pedestrian trail."
"Union City was no place for me, I wanted to be where I could do most good, helping the scattered people of the gap."
"This should be a relaxing experience where you receive constructive feedback that you could use to improve your city."
"Overall that means that this city planner gets 24 out of 35."
"Tashkent might be one of the fastest-growing cities in the world in the next five to ten years."
"Bigger cities are better, as you're gonna constantly be needing people."
"Sky Bridges will continue to shape the way that we navigate and experience cities, transforming them into interconnected, vibrant, and accessible spaces."
"This is what it all comes down to: city alignment."
"Moscow is The Shining City on the hill... every urban planner in the world should look to Moscow."
"Cities in the U.S.: A blend of politics, history, and urban planning quirks."
"They weren't designed for the car. They were bulldozed for the car."
"Houston is one of the worst examples of urban sprawl."
"Income inequality, public transportation improvements, and pedestrian accessibility top my list for NYC changes."
"Building the Financial District: Changing City's Character."
"Cities like this have a steep uphill climb to transform their streets into anything more walkable and livable."
"We need tightly packed, well-ordered cities with lots of squares in public places in which we can hang out."
"Entire districts are being raised and then reconstructed."
"Access to mass transit is crucial for city growth."
"Urbanism is a global thing and cities around the world have lots to learn from one another."
"Easily the most satisfying city to look at that I've ever made, I think."
"The city would offer its citizens equal access to Education Health Care and transportation."
"We have city planning policies unlocked, level four unique buildings... lots of new roads and some new buildings."
"The hexagonal design allows for drag and drop city designing just like in Sim City."
"We should simplify them according to fundamental principles of City Planning."
"We need to have a Convention Center, some place that you can have everybody come into."
"When you can use more areas of the city including the streets okay Commerce thrives it doesn't actually change the freedom of Transportation or the freedom of travel it simply makes things better."
"Imagine living in a place where the city itself was walkable."
"A city built in a godly manner is the city where everybody can make more money than they can anywhere else."
"I think Atlanta is an incredibly underrated city that will probably grow a ton in the next few years."
"These two buildings are a good start to the city."
"...if we really want to build a city for the future, we have to think about, How do we build community? How do we support each other?"
"New Ashgabat is a city that should look good on postcards. A city to do parades and to show off the prosperity of Turkmenistan. To do anything, but not to actually live here."
"So, if your city goes from being Airbnb friendly or not having a law around Airbnb and then adopting or prohibiting it if it's not your primary residence, probably what they're looking at is a 30 plus day thresholds."
"The city is stopping septic tank home building, new homes will have sewage treatment facilities."
"Seattle, a city that turned down $6 billion in today's money to build a Metro system."
"How many cities have their own mountain park system?"
"They have added a third different downtown."
"It's no small matter to assist in the birth of a new city."
"Jane Jacobs maybe one of the best writers on American cities today still because there's so many of her theories are completely applicable to the way that cities are still formed and the way that they operate and the way that they change."
"The idea is very straightforward, which is that give less space to cars, don't have so much space for car parking."
"To mark off the boundaries of this new city, Akhenaten placed 16 large markers called stelae around Amarna."
"The dprk hasn't stopped planning and constructing its cities around these few core tenants of socialist City Planning."
"From the moment work started on the Monks Mound, Cahokia seems to have been a pre-planned city."
"...if we're all about celebrating cities and making cities better then we should be able to find ways to partner with cities to make those cities better..."
"Sydney Metro West: a new horizon for the city's transit."
"What can design do to open up the city? Edge conditions, incomplete form, and arbitrary markings of value."
"Buildings must either touch or almost touch and align on the streets to define the public spaces of the city."
"Now, what this is, the city has decided a few years ago that they wanted to revamp the downtown core."
"The city had many pedestrian streets so it was easily walkable."
"There's nothing more valuable in a city than its land and its public spaces."
"Now we can put together incredible productivity tools with amazing data dashboards that allow city planners, for example, with no data science expertise, to be incredibly productive."
"When all of these extensions and expansion projects mentioned in this video are complete, Montreal will undeniably have a world-class transportation network."
"We're a pretty sprawled out city and very car reliant here in the Kansas City metro."
"Some interesting facts about Savannah, Georgia: It's America's first planned city and was founded in 1733 by General Oglethorpe."
"He helped develop this whole part of the city."
"It's always fun, you know, just changing up the city a bit and reshuffling Modular Buildings."
"We must invent and build the futurist city dynamic in all its parts, and the futurist house must be like a machine."
"What we need is a Vancouverism 2.0 that focuses on equity for Vancouver to truly be the best place to live in the world."
"It is a very unique site that provides a once in a generation opportunity for the city."
"50% of the land of the city of Vienna is open space."
"Anything you do to make a city more walkable, if you do it right, will make it more rollable."
"If you want to know how cities get built, but only look at City Planning, you're really missing out on half the story."
"We're really gonna have to rethink our entire public policy around urban economics and the economics of cities."
"It's not just around Jebel Ali but it's the whole city that is building up to Expo 2020."
"Imagine cities packed with 10 times more people than its usual population."
"The festival came about because the city wanted to do something interesting."
"The city was constructed to reflect the cosmos, as cities were built back then."
"Transit should obviously serve all parts of a city, but it should make an especially big effort to serve major trip generators like hospitals, universities, and event centers."
"Our cities have a huge impact on younger people and we deserve to have a say on how they're built."
"And his designs on becoming a city planner, going to grad school at NYU that fall will get him there."
"One of the favorite parts of my Lego city is my tram on its monorail track."
"Roseville is going to be the third largest city behind Sacramento and Elk Grove."
"The wall of Boston, that's crazy, yeah man, they built up high walls around cities."
"City Planning in the 21st century demands that we prioritize pedestrians more than ever."
"How a signalized intersection is designed and operates is really a statement of a city's values."
"The city of Hong Kong developed with the transit system rather than the transit system trying to match the city of Hong Kong."
"No city planner would have come up with this wonderful layer cake of history."
"But now I think it's in the perfect spot in the Lego City; it's right beside a Farm Campground and also a large mountain, which I think works beautifully for a zoo."
"The master plan is stating this is what we would love our ideal city to look like and our goal is to work toward that."
"The Boston Planning Development Agency is looking at it as a tool for managing the zoning constraints within certain neighborhoods of the city."
"It was his vision to build a city where government, religion, and morality would not interfere with the advancement of science and art."
"We're gonna make this city livable for all of its citizens."
"The plans for the city's vertically tiered neighborhoods will upend the idea of flat horizontal cities."
"The most economically successful cities in the western world that draw the most visitors, they just don't have freeways in the middle of the city."
"No more delays, no more opportunities, just a straightforward implementation of a plan that the city has already adopted."
"The city and its walls were surrounded by large canals used for navigation, defense, and flood control."
"The injunction below leaves the city with an abundance of tools to address homelessness."
"It's just the cars are kept at a distance from the city centre, which is reserved for social and economic activity as it really should be."
"A sufficient population is crucial for the development of the city of Neverwinter."
"We can do crowdfunded software development in VR of what our first cities will look like."
"The remains of Roman cities can be found across three continents, visible proof of the impact of this ancient culture of city builders."
"We had a lot of fun building it and it's gonna look absolutely fantastic in the LEGO city."
"I'm really happy with the results so far, I think this just opens up the city beautifully."
"It's the kind of design that you wish somebody who designed that took over the city."
"This is our original concept, Abbastonia, a retrofitted ancient city by a modern civilization that's trying to build a massive rocket in the core of the city."
"The only way the city is going to be affordable is if more housing is built."
"Every street is interconnected and it really creates a perfect grid, super easy to navigate."
"An infinite solution of differing city layouts can be procedurally created."
"The story worth telling here is the story of how cities draw boundaries."
"Merged entirely with this understanding of what the city asks for."
"I built an unethical zoo that's an actual city."
"The overhaul plan covering all the facility upgrades proposed to the city council was just under 700 million dollars."
"The city lieth four square; the length, the height, and the breadth of it are equal."
"How we design cities is how we understand them."
"The more connected streets are, the better used they are."
"The city itself is situated on an advantageous site in the centre of a great plain."
"Warsaw does really really well is the infrastructure public infrastructure."
"Paris has been a hot topic among urbanists the last couple of years because the city has undergone a major transformation towards improving pedestrian and cycling spaces."
"I want to be the first major American city to end homelessness."
"My vision for Toronto is one that is a city that works, a city that is safer, more affordable, and more livable."
"It never ceases to amaze me just how many light bluish grey tiles you need to do a city properly with paved streets."
"It's incredibly important to build in fast reflexes from day one in any system that's driving in a dense city."
"The key to this is to utilize the properties that the city has control of as a leverage for affordable housing."
"We have quarterly meetings that the city council gets together and makes decisions about how the city is going to advance."
"I want to make sure that we have a city that works for everyone, everywhere in our city."