
Debate Skills Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"I think we need to learn how to debate...debate and critical thinking."
"We need better arguments to go with our facts."
"If you only listen to one side of an argument, obviously that side sounds compelling."
"Bernie Sanders absolutely demonstrated that he has the capacity to withstand... he could absorb blows and also counter punch."
"That's not actually what's going on... you've totally lost the ability to engage."
"Debate is something that like I have not I'm not really too great at but it's something that I really want to get good at."
"You cannot know your own side of the argument until you know the other side."
"They can't articulate arguments. They can't even have debates. They can't have discussions. They don't know why they believe what they believe."
"He [Pence] was just straightforward and had command of the issues."
"If you cannot argue your ideological opposition's point of view as effectively as they can, you have no business holding your own position."
"Debates are really more about being articulate than they are about presenting the superior ideas."
"Be nice to Destiny, he's no match for Wolf in terms of academic/economics but he's still a fierce debater activist entertainer and public figure."
"She brought up some great points and used perfect examples in real-time evidence of the situation."
"This was shooting fish in a shot glass. The easiest debate of my life."
"I handled that in-person debate phenomenally."
"It's the opposite of the straw man: taking your opponent's position so seriously that you state it more convincingly than he does."
"A person is qualified to debate when they understand the opponent's position."
"So he's a great arguer I'll give him he's a very good debater."
"You can avoid so many bad conversations and arguments if you just decide to define terms before you get into the actual argument or debate itself."
"Trump improved his performance. He hit many of his cues on target."
"The debate skills of guys like Dylan Burns are garbage."
"Common sense is an important tool in debate."
"To be able to see one side of an argument and then argue against it is enormously important."
"If you're gonna debate him, you're gonna have to come prepared." - Ben Shapiro
"Can you argue the other side? That's it. Can you argue the other side?"
"Being able to see both sides of any debate is the only real way to get the full picture."
"Opinions matter; it's about maturity and the ability to debate."
"These right wingers who claim to be like debate gods... they're actually not very good at debating."
"Take that microphone, take that lens and shift it, offer a counter argument."
"If you have the right ideas and you debate, at the end you will win your debates."
"Debates are a skill. The only way to get really good at it is to do it a lot."
"He was funny and he argued like a fifth grader."
"I got mad respect for you man, I watch you, I think you're one of the best on this platform when it comes to debate dialogue."
"You have to ask questions for clarification. It is very important to understand exactly what your opponent is offering."
"Being good at debate isn't the same as being a sincere truth-seeker."
"Everything you've taught me these past two years extends far beyond debate, and I couldn't be more grateful."
"If you're confident in your beliefs on something, you should be able to argue the opposing side perfectly."
"You're very good at arguing, you're able to defend or be critical or be quite analytical."