
Positive Affirmation Quotes

There are 628 quotes

"I am receiving the blessing of healing right now in this moment."
"May you be filled with loving kindness, may you be well, may be peaceful and at ease, and may you be joyous."
"I hope you're treating yourself with love and respect, my friend, because you deserve all the best things in life."
"If you can look in the mirror and say, 'I am lovable, I am good enough,' then you're on the right path."
"Pray for your children, cover your children, pray for your grandchildren, cover your grandchildren. Don't curse them; bless them."
"Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better." - Emile Coué
"Stop the self-criticism...Recognizing when it happens and choosing either to engage with it or...give ourselves those affirmations."
"You are good enough; you've been good enough."
"I am worthy of good things. I am worthy of happiness."
"You are perfect, beautiful, worthy, and valuable just the way you are."
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made; I am the head and not the tail; I am blessed and highly favored."
"You are so loved, you are so appreciated, gosh, we like you." - "You are so loved, you are so appreciated, gosh, we like you."
"You're amazing, incredible, and valuable. Don't you forget it."
"You're not a nothing Burger, you're a something sandwich."
"That encounter with God is gonna propel you into your next step."
"I am worthy, I am worth it, I can do this, I deserve success, wealth, love, abundance in all the highest forms."
"There is a great camaraderie, there was a great togetherness. I think I can say that very, very strongly."
"I think you are a good person and I think you're going to make it."
"You've got like this beautiful unique vibration and energy which is so special and so loving and so magical."
"I am enough, you are enough, just as you are."
"You shine your light so brightly, protect your own energy."
"You have such a kind heart and soul and deserve the best."
"You deserve to have a man who cherishes you, who loves you, who looks at you and says, 'Man, this woman is special, she's different, she's everything that I've wanted.'"
"You deserve to be loved... You are worthy... You are amazing and beautiful as you are."
"What's wrong with being you? It's cool being you."
"I think you're passionate, natural, and beautiful."
"I got joy, I'll express it. I got wisdom, it's got to come out. I'm successful, I'm prosperous, I'm a child of the King."
"There's a lot of success and abundance coming in for you."
"You deserve happiness, you deserve love, you are a being of love and light."
"You're a sheep like one. Congratulations, you've made it."
"Speak and act as though you know it's going to happen because it will."
"I've decided this guy is awesome. He's great."
"You are amazing, you are phenomenal, you are magnificent, you are beautiful, you are a success just by being who you are."
"Thank you for preserving her this season. I declare miracles and manifestations."
"Just say yes to everything... if you're good then the demand increases."
"You're gonna do really, really great in life."
"You stay true to you Virgo and you know what, wow wow."
"You're worth it, you deserve to have the best experience."
"Remember you are love, you are already loved, love is abundant in your life."
"You are so precious, you are special, you are magical, you need to know that."
"Let's call grace what it is, it's an amazing, come on, it's amazing grace."
"Tell someone you love them today even if that someone is yourself."
"I feel renewed and I feel refreshed. I don't know about y'all but I feel good, I feel good as hell."
"You're perfect just the way you are, keep talking."
"You're beautiful, you're gorgeous, you're fantastic, you're fabulous, you're amazing."
"God does not say it's unrepairable, He says it is repairable, hallelujah!"
"The reason he even wanted to be in a relationship with you is because there was something good in you."
"I always tell myself good job, that's how I know I did well."
"You are lovable, you are worthy of love, you deserve love."
"I think there should be a scale, like a weight scale, that every time you get on it tells you that you're amazing in some different way."
"You're amazing you know you're so powerful and you're so beautiful and just shine your beautiful light."
"You are wonderful, amazing, great, all of you."
"Be good to yourself, and you guys deserve it, okay?"
"Know that whatever you're hoping for to go your way, it shall be so."
"Encourage yourself and lift yourself up instead of ripping yourself apart."
"You are both wonderful. You are both worthy."
"You are truly appreciated, loved, and honored."
"You are blessed because of your being, not condemned."
"Remember you are beautiful inside and out I love you guys and I can't wait to see what this next year brings."
"You matter and you can never hear that enough."
"I'm telling you right now, you matter and don't ever forget that."
"You are valid, you are wonderful. Love yourself. That is what is important."
"You're awesome just the way you are always remember that all right"
"Keep doing your work, and whatever you want is coming towards you."
"You have very positive qualities about yourself."
"You don't have to hope, I'll tell you right now you do inspire."
"Your energy is now supported and protected more than ever before."
"If you're happy and you know it, then the chat will surely show it."
"Notice how you talk to yourself and I want you to start and each day with a positive that you say about you not about anybody else or something that you have."
"Your exam is gonna think wow you are incredible."
"Happy New Year everyone! You're all amazing. RDX world's number one 2021, 2022, facts!"
"I want the person that I'm with to feel like they hit the [ __ ] jackpot like in a positive way."
"To me, two sixes says you're going in the right direction and you're basically on the right path in your life at this time."
"You make my life better and I don't think it's said enough."
"You are good enough. Remind yourself that you are good enough, you deserve love, you deserve happiness."
"I'm so glad that each and every single one of you exists."
"You are worth so much and you have so much love to give."
"Every single person in here has walked out of the house feeling so good in the morning you feel cute you feel great you feel like I'm about to conquer this day."
"Accept yourself and stop rejecting yourself you are so so beautiful as you are."
"Much health, much wealth, and much love. Namaste."
"Being appreciative and grateful for everything you have will attract more abundance, I promise."
"You are worthy of love, compliments, and being heard."
"You're very stable, creative, nurturing, and abundant."
"You're fine, you're gorgeous, you're beautiful."
"You're valuable and you're precious, period. That you're worth His blood."
"I think the church is a very positive thing that day."
"You are beautiful, okay? I hope you are having an amazing weekend."
"You deserve more, make sure you let them know, I think someone knows you deserve more too."
"We can do it, man. You guys be good to yourselves, man. You deserve it, okay."
"You are so beautiful no matter what size you are."
"It's very satisfying. It is good. It is good."
"In case nobody else tells you today, I want to be sure to tell you that I love you and I believe in you and I believe in your ability to make your life and your dreams come true one step at a time."
"It's gonna be a good year I'm gonna keep saying it until I believe it."
"You are beautiful. You are stunning. You are amazing."
"Did you know that bald is beautiful? Yeah, thank you!"
"Forget the before and after, you are always beautiful."
"Success is in your DNA. Wealth and abundance await."
"You're amazing, amazing human and you're so worthy and you're so enough and you're so capable."
"I easily step into the life of my dreams as a lottery winner."
"Stop trash-talking yourself. You are defining yourself, you are labeling yourself, and word is bond."
"Good morning, hope you're having an amazing day."
"You are wonderful and beautiful and valuable as who and what you are right now."
"You are beautiful, you are worthy, you are magnetic."
"You're a catch, you're amazing, you're incredible."
"But, you know, if that makes you feel good, I'm all about it. I'm all, I'm here for you."
"The view from the 50th floor was something."
"Tell yourself that you love yourself and that you think you're beautiful not just for your outside but for your heart and how you're kind and all of that good stuff."
"I hope you're having a fantastic, amazing day."
"It's time to make a splash. You're exactly who, what, and where you need to be."
"Total positivity, abundant success, victory."
"Praising yourself would change your entire life."
"It's good for you, it's good for you in the morning feeling pretty good, right?"
"Every girl, woman is beautiful. Stay positive, be who you are, walk that walk, girl."
"It's the best day ever. It is the best day ever."
"You are a blessing to this world, and you are very loved."
"Make a wish because you are going to be successful. Manifest, manifest. Money is definitely coming in."
"These babies are well taken care of I could say that yes ma'am."
"I have so much confidence in us. So much confidence in us and we are doing such a good job."
"You are not broken by nature of the fact that you are here"
"Thank you for being you Emily, such a blessing"
"You are worth more, valuable, worthy of love and belonging."
"It feels good, you know what? It feels good."
"This was so much fun. I'm gonna have to put I love that for you."
"I want your joy to be full, I want your joy to be full, I want your joy to be full."
"You're not broken, you are whole and complete."
"Wear what makes you feel comfortable and beautiful and great day everybody and take care and I'll see you in the next video bye."
"You are attractive, and you are attracting people towards you like bees to honey."
"You're recognizing that what you want wants you and what you want, you deserve."
"You're going to succeed. You are. You just are."
"You just all in all turned out to be like an A+ person, like a 10 out of 10 person."
"You're next in line for a miracle that will change your life and make you incredibly happy. You will have more money than you can imagine, and all your bills will be paid on time."
"I always tell everyone they're a 10. so I think everyone's a 10 out of 10."
"I decree and declare there will be no holdups, setbacks, delays, or substitutes."
"Remember you're beautiful, talented, and smart. Do not let anybody tell you otherwise."
"You are wonderful, you're beautiful, you're worth all the wonderful opportunities."
"Congratulations on the daughter! Congratulations, you are, I am sure, an awesome father."
"It's just going to give you beautiful fresh confidence."
"Baby, you are a vibe. Hello, don't let nobody tell you different."
"If nobody has told you today you guys are absolutely amazing and gorgeous you are worthy and I love you with all my heart and soul."
"This is wish granted, Gemini. This adornment, like I said, it's a reward, it's a gift."
"You deserve acceptance, love, and forgiveness."
"Black is beautiful, black is awesome, black is amazing, black is powerful, black is fantastic."
"You love to see it, folks. You love to see it."
"You're just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside."
"There it is! That's actually... there it is. Exactly cool. Yeah, she's got it. Rox knows the coolest way to walk."
"We're the best things ever, that's what I'm saying."
"You're genuinely more valuable than you know."
"You are enough. You are amazing. You are incredible right now."
"Everything's good, everything's great, everything is awesome."
"There is no like all those things we said there are pretty good I think I think that they're really valuable advice."
"Just tell yourself proud of yourself. It's good. It's good. You need to build yourself up."
"The light and who we are in our power can annihilate anything that goes against us with the power of love and light."
"There's power in the tongue. Speak greatness into existence."
"Jesus will put a smile on your face, okay? He really will."
"You are the flipping GOAT, seriously blessed and highly favored."
"You're going to end up very wealthy, you've done a great job."
"Stay kind, stay beautiful, stay safe."
"Welcome here on this channel and you are enough."
"Significant inner healing is taking place right now for you."
"You're beautiful all months but you're definitely beautiful this month."
"You're all lovely beautiful people, always remember that."
"Honestly, not bad. I'm actually really happy with us right now."
"I've seen a lot of silly people, and you're definitely not one of them." - Zach
"Big fan of justice, me too. Me too, yeah, me too! Big, big fan of justice."
"Kate, you'll always be my brightest light against the dark."
"It's beautiful, heart's pounding, feeling good. Oh yeah."
"You are beautiful the way you are. You should not feel pressure to fit societal standards of beauty. You are beautiful the way you were made."
"I want you to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are amazing and that you deserve to be happy just as much as anybody else does."
"You guys are beautiful, you guys are amazing, you guys are awesome dude."
"We just have to garner it and demonstrate it and all will be well."
"You are now riding a wave of peace, harmony, balance, prosperity, abundance, and joy."
"There's a lot of ascension here, you're very original in your ideas."
"I deserve the best and I accept the best, it is my birthright to deserve all of the good."
"I cannot wait to play this, America love Joe if you're doing something right."
"Spirit is proud of you; you're doing amazing."
"You matter, your happiness matters, your health, your love, your energy."
"You have something good to do, you really, really do."
"You are loved. You are wanted. You are valid and you're beautiful."
"Enjoy life, be happy, and I love you lots. Bye!"
"You are not not enough. It's you are not not enough."
"I feel incredible. I feel the best I've ever felt."
"I deserve the good. I have worked hard to be the best person I can be."
"Women are blessings to the world I just want to make a point today how beautiful and amazing the women are in this world man I just want to say thank you you're awesome"
"I am valuable, I am worthy, I deserve to be cherished."
"Self-love, loving yourself just the way you are."
"Your strengths keep shining, Leo, you were born with a very special light."
"Honestly, I'm loving it, loving it, loving it."
"I would say yes, I feel like you'll be successful."
"It's Wednesday, it's a beautiful day to be alive."
"I admire you as this radiant being worthy of everything."
"Success is assured for you... everything working out in your favor."
"You're beautiful, and you have wonderful things to offer the world."
"It's gonna be a good day, okay? It's gonna be a good day."
"One thing I push here on this channel is you deserve the world bbg."
"God's hand is really over you guys and I'm so happy for it."
"Already what it is right now is beautiful and amazing."
"I've never looked at myself in something and felt that good."
"You look amazing. I feel amazing, feel special."
"Remember to shine your light, remember your confidence."
"You deserve love, you deserve all the love in the world."