
Universal Energy Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Universal energy now guides me into ultimate healing of my body, mind, and soul."
"The very energy of creation itself, using you and me as co-creators."
"The secret or the law of attraction is working with the universal life force."
"Manifesting is commanding the universe, working with it, and that includes working with others."
"So when you surrender to this greater part of yourself, or the connection to the All-that-Is, what happens is that you allow this universal energy to flow through you and the life that it creates is something far greater than what you could create, if you were in this state of controlling."
"Don't give your power to other people, but do give it to universal energy and allow it to flow through you."
"Fear is the absence of the energy of the universe... the energy of the universe will destroy poison, it will destroy disease, it will bring you bliss."
"Everything is frequency, vibration, everything is energy."
"Let the universe handle it and balance the energy out because it's gonna go down."
"Surrender to spirit, let the universe work its magic."
"It's a sacred energy I feel really is and it reminds us of the interconnection of all things all living beings."
"Relax and go with the flow, allow the universal to use you as a channel."
"Everything is energy. You, me, this entire universe around us, it is all at its purest form energy."
"Energy is information moving through the universe."
"Your hard work has been noticed by the universe, even if it's been a difficult process."
"Just the sense that you know there's a greater energy at work."
"Love is the ultimate force of nature, the ultimate energy source."
"Love is the ultimate power in the universe. We have the ability to connect into creator and allow that energy to flow through our hearts into every situation."
"The positive energy that you put out into the universe is working exponentially."
"The energy of the universe expresses itself through you as an individual."
"Remember the universe is always listening, so pay close attention to the vibrations you're sending out into the cosmos."
"The universe has been constructed from various frequencies of energy, and all of that energy has god's essence embedded within it."
"The tip of the Lord's fingertip has more love... than can provide more energy to the whole universe."
"Part of what the universe is gifting us with is this expanding consciousness of how to do things differently, how to do it in a new way."
"There's infinite love, energy, and possibilities out there."
"Within every man and woman is a force which directs and controls the entire course of life. Properly used, it can heal every affliction and ailment to which mankind is heir."
"Every being who is channeling is channeling Source Energy but every being is Source Energy."
"Karma governs this for real, the universe is governed by energy."
"Universal energy is getting ready to bring in these opportunities for you."
"It's the energy of the universe driving the wheel. It's gonna happen, it's always for your highest good."
"Keep the focus on feeling good and let the universe work its magic."
"Extend your awareness to the energetic edges or boundaries of the universe. Your ability to manifest this week is very, very strong."
"You are able to let the universal energy of transformation move according to its own loving rhythm."
"These messages belong to source energy, belong to universe."
"And we really realize that source energy that creates worlds is who you really are and is who everyone really is."
"The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy encourages us to live in harmony with the natural flow of universal energy, by aligning ourselves with this dynamic process of change."
"Universal energy is unconditional love. I believe unconditional love is the fabric that weaves everything in existence okay that is what God is to me that is what that Source energy is."
"We must get into touch with the medicine that's in the universe."
"...the thing that I got most from the book is just how to develop your spirituality and how to develop more faith in God or the universe or whatever it is you want to call it that beautiful universal energy that we can all reach and that is all within us."
"I was in that deep energetic connection, you know, God, Spirit, Universe, whatever you want to call it."
"By connecting with universal energies, you become a channel for healing and balance."
"Love is the energy coin of the universe."
"It is just love. It is the universal energy of creation."
"My spirit guards over me; the universal force protects me in all that I do."
"It's about the process and putting the energy of art out into the universe because we were made to create."
"Tai Chi means supreme ultimate, the supreme ultimate force in the universe."
"You're going to come around to understanding that the only true value that you can ever reap the reward from or experience the benefit of is the value of alignment with this energy that creates worlds."
"Fusion is in fact the energy that powers everything in the universe."
"Magic is one's will, using what we have to influence or work with the energy of the universe."
"I think it's a living intelligence, and I think it's the energy of the universe."
"Love is the highest vibration in the universe, capable of dissolving even the strongest of negative energies."
"I believe in universal energy, and that we're all connected on some unseen level."
"The seven rays condition all life, whether it be a mineral, an animal, a tree, a human, an organization, a city, or nation."
"For us human beings and animals and trees and all natural things to exist, there must be a force to exist."
"Always do what uplifts you, because the more you uplift yourself, the more your energy is reaching out to the universe and pulling in what you need to support you."
"Energy is just one energy... it's the same energy that creates worlds."
"We all have a little bit of that power to feel and tap into the energy of the universe."
"Scalar energy resides in all things."
"The universe itself, the energy which underlies it, what it's all about, the ground of being, must be intelligent."
"I am buoyant, floating effortlessly; there is no separation between me and the water, just as there is no separation between my essence and the universal energy."
"There is no separation between me and the water, just as there is no separation between my essence and the universal energy."
"The most powerful healing energy in the entire universe is unconditional love."
"How to tune into the power of the universe to manifest the life of your dreams."
"The energy that's here now has always been here, and the story of the evolution of the universe is just the story of the transformation of the energy from one form to another."
"We are all sort of connected with the same energy."
"By tapping into the boundless energy and wisdom of the universe, we can become a force for healing and transformation, leaving a legacy of light and love that will endure long after we are gone."
"Keep your heart open, kind, and loving so that the energy of the universe can move freely through you."
"Either way, the energy wins, the universe wins in the end."
"This is the energy within the universe, the God goddess energy that is responsible for the creation of all life."