
Art Preservation Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"We have to uphold these things for artists to be artists, or art dies."
"We don't understand that the story is the thing and we destroy art and the people who make it and we undermine our culture when we forget that."
"Seeing games destroyed to me is the same as if someone were to walk into an art museum and start torching the paintings."
"Nine-meter tall Buddha statue believed to be from a Chinese dynasty emerges in Chongqing, missing its head but with finer details intact."
"scaffolding an army of artisans and time could get the job done"
"Your generous donation has enabled us to collect, preserve, and present artwork here at the Orangery Museum."
"All video games consist of art within them, so they should in theory have a bit of preservation."
"These are also works of art, these are priceless works of art that someone spent years making and that have stood there proudly for decades or centuries in some cases, and we're tearing all this stuff down like it's nothing."
"Lascaux Cave: prehistoric art, forbidden entry, and ongoing preservation."
"It grieves me when any institution uses its power to ban or censor works of art or literature."
"But over time, all of that will fade, leaving just the artwork itself, just in a vacuum, alone, outside of society."
"There's a big difference between the interests of the companies making these games and the interests of the art form itself."
"I'd like to think stop-motion's gonna stick around for a good while now."
"I got scared that I'm not going to be able to frame it."
"Caroline should also arguably get the credit for the continued survival of this collection of Holbein sketches."
"Some artworks matter more than others. They deserve to be saved and shared instantly with your loved ones."
"Destroying art is not a way to get me on their side, give me a logical discussion and an actual reason for it."
"Video games are art worth preserving for generations."
"When builders came across the multi-million dollar graffiti art while refurbishing the hotel... they apply two layers of paint over the stencils, mistaking the paintings for rogue vandalism."
"Cinema as an art form has only been around for such a short period in the grand scheme of things that it deserves to be preserved as all art forms do."
"It's really important to create art for posterity and that doesn't age really badly. A problem with contemporary painting techniques is that a lot of contemporary artists don't know enough about the mediums that they are using."
"Art won't be obsolete until Humanity dies."
"I always loved sharing paper animation. That, to me, is an absolute joy. I feel like it's a dying art."
"We are the custodians of the art, we cherish this stuff."
"This art form's dying man, and if people like us don't preserve it, then before we know it, this stuff's just going to get lost and I can't let that happen."
"It's very important to preserve all this art."
"Now with international recognition, the women of Sejnane hope to keep this art alive."
"The only reason that these paintings survived is because of the little boy's tears."
"Make sure you hang it not in direct sunlight, but yeah, 15 years old and the colours are just as vibrant as they were from the day I painted it."
"Aren't we lucky that the battle is over and that the picture is here on the National Gallery, never to go anywhere else for the rest of its history."
"Once water mixable oils dry, they are just like any other oil painting and should be treated as such when it comes to varnishing and so on."
"Whenever a Banksy original does pop up on a wall or whatever, people like frame it and preserve it now."
"They guarantee that they are 100% lightfast for up to 100 years under museum conditions."
"The pigment seeps in, so it dries with the actual plaster, becomes part of the wall."
"As the value and status of Stradivari violins continue to rise, more and more are now joining the Messiah in museums and institutions around the world, changing forever the connection between musicians and their instruments."
"If a violin ends up in a museum and it's not played at all, I would say that's the equivalent of taking the Mona Lisa and putting it in a closet where you can't see it at all."
"It's a Race Against Time where cops and investigators try to save masterpieces before they're lost forever."
"The art form of comics aren't going anywhere."
"Keeping the painting on public display has been the wish of every custodian of this portrait."
"I always see myself as the carrier of ancient art of ancient tradition and servant."