
Artistic Freedom Quotes

There are 749 quotes

"We have to uphold these things for artists to be artists, or art dies."
"I will absolutely defend her singing, her choice in art, and I think it's ridiculous and it pisses me off that people are making fun of her for her singing and doing musicals. I actually think that's pretty cool."
"There isn't that shame... everyone kind of supports pretty much every artistic endeavor."
"Taylor Swift can sing any song she wants as many times as she wants because she doesn't want to paint any colors out of the paint box."
"My client is leaving the color palette completely up to me. I am gonna shine on this."
"We don't have to follow any rules here to make a presentable image."
"We believe in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression."
"Be loose, be free, and be fearless, and eventually, you'll find a shorthand of your own that will just work for you."
"Artistic freedom and when you allow that to flourish... that's when the greats are produced."
"I think authors of content should leave their interpretive aspects of their narrative work alone once it goes out into the world for consumption."
"You kind of get this creative freedom, which is really creatively freeing."
"Why would you focus on 30 minutes of music when nobody is even listening to three minutes of your music?"
"Freedom to be an artist is a huge responsibility. Laziness is not fair to others."
"I thought there's I thought it was six feet tall and maybe 400 pounds you couldn't put him in a box so free if not for Sameer I probably wouldn't have gone to this business the way that I did as an artist."
"It's misleading and ignorant to call my art anti-China or racist."
"His greatest creative control can be a problem when there's nobody there to say no."
"It's crucial to acknowledge the subjective nature of beauty and to allow individuals especially artists their freedom to evolve creatively."
"What we proved by now is that it doesn't have to be in Sugimori's style to look like a Pokemon - it's all about the proportions, the concept, the execution."
"We believe that artists do their best work when they have creative and economic freedom."
"Artistic integrity, drawing, music, sculpting, it's anything goes in the Artistic integrity category, that's just nice."
"We wanted to allow for artists to be as creative as they can be."
"There's something wonderful about the constraints that the commerce side of art does provide."
"It's very inspiring to see someone like Megan doing her own figuring out and her own learning and expressing it in her art and allowing herself that freedom."
"Every artist I've spoken to, they'd say that they wish that it didn't have to be this way."
"The idea behind public domain is that it fosters innovation, creativity, and knowledge, and encourages artists to draw on previous works of art to create something new."
"Creative expression, you can do whatever you want with creativity."
"Once you learn the fundamentals, you can literally draw in any art style you want."
"Success is having the creative freedom to make what I feel compelled to make."
"As an artist, you always have to be able to just be free in terms of your expression."
"Francis Ford Coppola tried to create a new, better system of making movies where he could have full creative freedom without the interference of the studios."
"Adam Wingard made zero decisions based on how he thought American audiences would perceive them and made every decision based on the movie he wanted to make."
"I can actually play whatever I want because I don't have anything that people are expecting me to play."
"Bands do not owe it to their fans to play their old songs live or to continue writing albums in the style that got them famous."
"Why only stick to what nature can express when animation gives us the freedom to put our twist on our surroundings?"
"My best work is when I didn't give a damn about the result."
"What's so fun about cosplay is you can create your own look you can create kind of your own version of a character."
"Please feel free to take those artistic liberties, please feel free to copy it exactly, it's really your process, your journey, and you can approach it how you'd like to."
"Don't worry about overdoing it, it's okay if it starts off looking messy."
"You are more than welcome to take artistic liberties, go off, try your own things, have fun with it, make it your own."
"Don't be afraid to cover subjects you really like to make things look natural or just to improve the painting as a whole."
"Art is Art and it should kind of just exist even if it's just posing questions."
"I support artistic expression. That's who I am at my core."
"It transcends all genres. It transcends trends."
"Make art that moves you. If it happens to move someone else, okay great, and if it doesn't, that's okay as well."
"A good society values art, considers artistic contributions meaningful, and thinks about art it does not like. It encourages freedom, free thinking, introspection, and artistic development."
"He makes movies for himself and that's it you gotta respect the balls of that."
"I want to just do whatever I want to do, put it out not care about sales not look at sales not think about any success matrix or reviews just have fun."
"Musically, let the journey creatively take us there."
"I'd love him to have whatever budget he wants."
"They're selling like hotcakes, which is actually, they're brownies."
"It felt amazing to kind of release my inner creative beast with no boundaries attached."
"Sometimes it's fun just to enjoy stuff, you know what I mean? I always land on the side of allowing artists and storytellers more freedom versus less, like or less constraints."
"What's the point of being creative if there are all these rules you have to follow?"
"I myself am excited to see where cyberpunk 2077 goes and I'm thankful that it is pursuing artistic vision over social conformity."
"Animation is power, animation is freedom, animation has no limits."
"Creativity is endless, as long as you're expressing yourself in a manner you're comfortable with."
"You gotta know the rules to break them, right?"
"We've created an environment where we're authentic and so then to get upset with them for being, for doing a character or doing a bit and having a problem with it, it's yeah."
"To create from a stance of not having to care about that, that's absolutely a luxury."
"It's a really good place to be an artist and be a creator and just be me."
"Dream sequences in films are like drug sequences, another area you're allowed to go all out."
"You can get weird, and people are forgiving."
"You can't be politically correct. You can't gauge something that's creative and artistic and then it has to fit a certain criteria in order to be great. If something's great, it's great. If something's good, it's good."
"It's the record that makes it okay if you fail because it truly came from your soul and no other place."
"Talented people make really good things when they're just left alone."
"Patenting gameplay mechanics is utterly [ __ ], and it has absolutely no place in any art form, including video games."
"Keep it loose and free, and then you can kind of find how you like things."
"YouTube is going to become more sanitized... we are absolutely losing future art because it creates a chilling effect."
"Creative freedom is very common in K-pop for group members to pursue their own solo projects while they're in a group."
"I'm just creating the things I want to create."
"Phoenix figuratively rises from the ashes to decide for herself how to perform her music."
"When an artistic creation succumbs to outside pressure with the explicit goal of modifying what it contains, that is censorship."
"Can you imagine telling Picasso what had to be in his paintings? You people have lost your minds."
"My father allowed me to paint several heads in pastels and also to dabble with his crayons all day."
"So, if you're doing you and you're making beautiful music, that will happen. And it's happening all over the world." - Tech N9ne
"Artists are not here to fit into your beauty standards, artists are here to make art. And this body is art, and I'ma do whatever I want."
"I think we're cut from the same cloth, children of this culture, hip-hop culture for a long time, not allowing ourselves to be pigeonholed and marginalized, and he's shown us that art doesn't have to have limitations."
"If you're an artist, a filmmaker... affected your artistry and your freedom of expression."
"He was able to break all these rules and dissolve all of these boundaries because he wasn't afraid of the consequences."
"Art didn't need to be realistic; it should be about freedom of expression."
"I'm very unprecious when it comes to creativity, just pluck something out of the air and make it."
"I want to see independent artists who sell their own music not have to bend their knee to an establishment elitist machine."
"There has to be a place... you shouldn't need anyone's permission to create."
"I am in favor of free expression, which means artists should be able to produce artistic content of any sort they like."
"The art style just gave the creators so much more room to work with."
"It doesn't matter if people enjoy it because they'll only see it once, put it out there and who cares?"
"Do what you want to do, do what you think this character would do."
"Once we laid everything out it just allowed us to be fully creative."
"Movies are not about logic, they're not equations, they're not proofs, they're not puzzles."
"I feel like films don't necessarily just have to be a medium for cramming as much plot in your face as much as possible..."
"Seek no approval and fear none in your art of self-expression."
"We should all encourage each other to do that with our careers, art, and lives in general, not hold ourselves back for the sake of being cool and out of fear of judgment."
"Stan Lee was in a position where he could make literally any kind of art he wanted to."
"He's not just a rapper, he's an artist... and he's doing what he wants to do and still being a dope ass rapper."
"Approaching any creative process with making fandoms happy would be a mistake."
"By removing both the paralyzing infinity of endless options and the uncomfortable choice of artistic compromise we're instead free to constrain our focus on the things that actually matter and are achievable."
"Rules and structure can augment creativity because you can only break the rules if you know what they are."
"Their label Big Hit Entertainment emphasizes artistic freedom more than anything else."
"Art has no purpose if artists aren't given the freedom to express themselves."
"YouTube is a place where art can reach its audience no matter how weird, and connections can be made in ways that not even television can manage."
"A community where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality."
"Tracing is not cheating. As a matter of fact, the thing about art is that you can't cheat. You can lie for sure, don't do that, but as there are no rules or guidelines or even right and wrong in the making of art, you can't cheat."
"The only rule in painting is that there are no rules. It's an individual thing."
"Art does not always need to make you feel good."
"Once you learn how to layer your photos, there's no limit to your creativity."
"You don't need to know how to draw, you don't need to know how to paint."
"You don't have to be perfect... you can just play and have fun."
"I always approach art like that. I'm gonna make what I want and I hope people will like it."
"It's fun to take these characters and do your own take on them."
"Nothing I say about a film or any other piece of art should prevent someone who loves it from enjoying it."
"Make things as long as you want it to be, as long as you feel it needs to be."
"I just want to see them go absolutely mental with their creativity."
"You can self-release on the internet. That's pretty powerful."
"I'm done and I'm gonna say whatever I want whenever I want and it is the most beautiful freeing thing as an artist."
"Because it's fantasy, it's not history. You can take certain liberties with it."
"We want to hear your voice, your individual voices, take these characters and do a run."
"Everything you do should be self-indulgent... it's an important way to create and keep yourself creating."
"You don't need anybody's permission to go make your thing."
"We need creative artists of good ideas to be supported and not filtered through corporate woke ideology."
"Art is so flexible; there's no definition of what is art and what isn't."
"The most important thing about Eternals to me was that Chloé Zhao was able to do her thing."
"You gotta give everybody a chance to take their own take on the character."
"Understanding commerce gives freedom to the artist; it enables them the time and the space to be able to make what they want whenever they want to."
"When art is told to follow only one set of ideologies otherwise it's considered problematic, that's how you end up with an industry where so many games all feel and play the exact same spewing the same BS."
"My need as an artist to say what I want supersedes the fear."
"Art is Art. Somebody wants to put in whatever it is that they want in their show, they have full right to do it."
"Time to pursue creativity and creative expression of self."
"To create without a filter is right now what the purpose is."
"You have the freedom to draw whatever and call it whatever you want, and say that it has the ability to do whatever you want. It's all up to you."
"Artists, he said, must have the right to express themselves freely."
"If we were accepting in the beginning, rainbow flag would've been enough."
"There's definitely something liberating in the idea that you keep on choosing because in the art space there is a softness when you choose to exist the way you want to exist."
"Don't be afraid of ISO, don't be afraid to push it."
"The trend is your friend until the end and every single thing in this chart right now is pointing towards bitcoin looking to move to higher levels and put in all-time highs."
"It's like, just do, create. Don't get hung up on the technicalities."
"Rule 34 artists have always been scrappy, creative people who work around limitations to make something good."
"Miners should be able to draw explicit and non-explicit not safer work material and that they should be able to do so without judgment or insult from other people."
"I really love seeing Playboy Carti right now. That man is limitless to me."
"It's what separates you from being the artist and being the employee."
"Break your rules, do whatever you want as an artist."
"I think artists should be completely free from the criticism of anything... put in art and art format should be looked at it should be viewed it should be observed it should not be taken personally."
"Easily bro come on took W's all year long are you kidding me he dropped a seven song Masterpiece with Daytona which was an instant classic hip-hop moment."
"Tyler really proved that a rapper could really just go into any Direction they want sonically and doesn't really have to play by any rules."
"Endings are not always endings, sometimes they're beginnings."
"The controversy surrounding Bruce Lee's portrayal in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood highlights the delicate balance between artistic freedom and historical responsibility."
"Let the artists keep their artistry and be creative."
"This movie is full of all sorts of fantastic artistic liberties when it comes to representing this story as a comic adaptation and it's done in multiple different ways that are each so perfectly executed."
"A shift from expressing diary entries into art without feeling self-conscious to moral revisionism."
"And remember, fun can be simple, create with Reckless abandon everybody."
"He crossed that line where he doesn't care if big corporations or the major sponsors ever do business with him again."
"You are adequate. As a creator of nightmare fuel pumpkins, I get to decide what she should look like."
"The freedom to not worry about things like budget on my records."
"I don't think you should ever put a limit on your creativity."
"Funny, the race or memory doesn't matter. People are attacking the artist because they decided to draw Ariel from the original cartoon."
"I think it is so incredibly rare to get a movie that does not care at all about whether or not something is quote unquote too much."
"I try to make the theater a place where I am free."
"I just want everyone to be themselves... do your art for you."
"Cinematographers prove again and again that rules are meant to be broken."
"This doesn't mean I'm not gonna draw from these materials at all, but it does mean that I'm not gonna take any deep dives into them."
"If your first record doesn't really move the needle that much, the nice thing is you got the freedom to do whatever you want."
"I have a dream for the future where artists can release music irrespective of race."
"I think the sweet spot is making the [] you want to make that you like. If you make [] that you like, you know what I mean, then everything else is like, famous."
"Once you go on stage, that's your stage for an hour. You can do whatever you want."
"I hope it gives filmmakers more license to do things in their voice with less studio interference."
"Make what you want to make, not just like, oh maybe, but make what you personally want to make."
"Comedy will always be stifled when that happens."
"You should be able to make whatever music you want like, you know, he said that to Rich, I guess."
"It ain't no right and wrong way to be a hip-hop artist."
"There are no stakes when working in that medium."
"You must learn to trust your creative mechanism... let it work rather than make it work."
"Anatomy, behaviors, colors, laws of physics—these Petty restraints shatter and fall to my feet, and I am free."
"There is no right way to draw dinosaurs, no one thing that is done incorrectly."
"I don't know why people get so upset about it. You can't creatively box yourself in."
"People don't have the right to tell you what isn't art."
"There's no such thing as cheating in art, there's no rules."
"We always hear about these artists, I want to be free to be an artist."
"You literally have the White House saying that, 'Of course, he has the right to pursue an artistic career.'"
"The less description means the less accurate it'll probably be, but it does mean I get more creative freedom." - Lavender Town
"You cannot copyright an artist's style. It doesn't matter how distinct the art style is."
"You can't force everyone to use the exact same colors because that removes the whole point of art."
"Master your tools because it allows you to free your mind and paint what's on your mind versus what's the right brush or what's the right button to push."
"Chris Cornell had everything he'd ever dreamed of, a band he loved, the freedom to write music and lyrics he was truly passionate about."
"There are no rules to comedy, remember that."
"Bring it out nearing your witch... as far as you want is totally fine."
"It is an art form that does not and should not be tried to be taken away from any type of genre, man, or any type of music, man."
"I don't overthink anything I do or stick it out there, let the people decide."
"Artists now could just record a song on their iPhone and now they're expressing themselves."
"It's your painting, you sign it however you would like."
"I think the word I would use to describe Keith's style of drumming is free rather than anarchic."
"Characters should be allowed to be problematic. That's part of what makes them interesting."
"Political correctness is a trend in my business and it needs to happen from various social reasons yet there are times it does get uncomfortable when it affects the art because I feel art should be free of restrictions." - Scarlett Johansson
"When you're painting this method, don't worry about drawing patterns or tracings. Look at what's happening, let your imagination guide you."
"It's never been better to be a creative. You have unlimited flexibility."
"All the ways are acceptable, as long as you look at your painting and go, 'I did it.'"
"If I want to mock Boris Johnson, I'll do that... her whole raison d'etre is to go after identitarianism in particular on the left."
"Nobody is so cool they can tell everybody else how to interpret a record."
"I'm not a rapper, but I like the fact that I can do whatever the [__] I want."
"Judge it on what you see and what you like. It doesn't matter what other people think."
"Inside Number Nine doesn't put this restriction on itself."
"At the end of the day, I get to keep all the mediums, so it's kind of a win."