
Arguments Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"The climate change argument, by the way, is the strongest one of all of them for me."
"A wise man told me don't argue with fools because people from a distance can't tell who is who."
"You can't argue with someone's mom on Twitter."
"You do not have to attend every argument that you are invited to."
"Don't argue with stupid people; they'll bring you down to their level and beat you to death with stupidity."
"You can't invent facts to sustain your argument."
"Feminists make this argument for example that women cannot be sexist because..."
"The rule of cool arises out of too many people experiencing too many arguments that are really over nothing."
"Prophecies are arguments in support of the existence of God, not for the existence itself."
"It's just so weird that we don't hear those arguments anymore."
"Never argue with a fool because the people watching won't know the difference between you."
"You can't win an argument with a stupid person."
"Arguments will rise and fall on their own Merit it doesn't matter who said them okay with that that's the end of this one."
"If you're in an argument and not asking the person what do you mean when you say this or why do you believe that then you aren't actually trying to understand the person."
"Most people wish to win arguments, not seek the truth."
"What's the point of arguing? There literally is no point."
"It just seems like sometimes these arguments that you listen to, eventually common sense wins."
"It's like the people arguing for that don't trust themselves to go down to that level."
"The libs are not even trying to make arguments anymore."
"I genuinely do want to hear out the best version of their arguments."
"You can avoid so many bad conversations and arguments if you just decide to define terms before you get into the actual argument or debate itself."
"That is the stupidest argument I've ever heard."
"Even if you're right, you will never really win an argument on the internet."
"When you're able to use arguments, it actually makes functions a very powerful tool for making your code more useful."
"Nights like that define the argument and make it non-existent."
"I generally don't care who my opponent is because they are relevant. It is the arguments that are relevant." - Matt Dillahunty
"Functions can be arguments to other functions. These are first-class functions."
"Christians must be prepared to answer the arguments of Islam."
"The strongest judicial opinions consider and rebut potential objections."
"People argue but that like I said before, it's a plane crash waiting to happen."
"Are you serious? So when we do argue, the arguments get out of control."
"These arguments are just like tools in your back."
"Nothing makes you more formidable than verbal competence, than being able to articulate, to think, to marshal your arguments."
"The best parts of relationships is arguing about stupid [__] not getting mad just yeah like an arbitrary position those are the arguments that people have those are the wrong outcomes."
"When people argue for the resurrection, they go to the earliest sources, like Paul's writings and the gospels. But when they claim Easter is pagan, they're not going to early sources."
"It feels like family when they argue so that's a good thing."
"...that's a solid argument that he's the greatest producer to ever live like that is just very solid arguments not so many arguments against it really"
"We've got to learn to make the arguments for the center ground through Facebook, through Twitter, through Instagram."
"It's fine to talk about Josephus's reference to Jesus but just know the arguments against it and be able to answer them."
"It's all about the people. The arguments are maybe not worth our time but the people that believe them are."
"Even the best and the Goat couple argue now."
"The Quran gives extremely compelling arguments against those positions and why they should abandon them."
"Their arguments were very unconvincing."
"There's a lot of guys that have compelling arguments."
"The river verse really proved how so many people don't really understand the arguments and the positions of myself especially and more directly but others as well."
"... there's no chance. So, I thought between the fine-tuned universe and the big bang and the abiogenesis which I just mentioned, this life out of non-life, I said those are so compelling arguments for God. We need to know that this is what science now tells us."
"Every relationship, you're going to have arguments. There's no perfect relationship out there that they don't argue."
"Every day the same thing: argue, bicker, then silence. Meanwhile, the Global Financial meltdown continues to plague stocks."
"Stop fighting and obsessing over canon because if Toriyama changes the canon every year, you're having pointless internet arguments."
"I do know all the arguments. I have heard the best from both sides."
"We're in C++, we have functions of more than one argument."
"If you want to access arguments, they're down this way because that grows up, right? If you want to access locals, they're this way because everything is relative to the frame pointer. That's what local variables are. They're all on the stack."
"Arguments can happen over the least little [ __ ] thing."
"I think those are terrible arguments. I think we have no reason to believe that everything can be reductively explained in terms of science."
"Our goal is not to win arguments though that is helpful, our goal is to really just plant a seed, put a pebble in someone's shoe, so it rattles around in their head."
"Let's talk about God of the gaps for a moment. Now, gap arguments are poor arguments and we all have to be careful to avoid them."
"I do feel like I want to hear some of the other common arguments for the existence of God."
"We had the most fun, the most pleasant... I'm trying to figure out what we're going to argue about."
"Arguments are useful things in a relationship because depending on how you approach those arguments, it hopefully allows you guys to get on the same page."
"The only arguments we had were when we lost the war on either side."
"Empirical and logical arguments confront irrational beliefs."
"All our arguments will come to far sweeter conclusions."
"If you use divine power, you can destroy arguments."
"It's like dude, you're getting the most random conversations and the most random heated arguments about the most pointless thing."
"We're talking about those stupid fights that can also get really intense sometimes, right?"
"I can't find an argument against [Player's Name] amongst those that got votes for the Calder that year."
"Every argument we have, we teach our children how to feel."
"Who's right in the arguments more often between the two of you? Who wins the most arguments?"
"How often do you guys argue? Damn, everything. If we got a dollar every time we argue, we'd be rich as [ __ ]."
"How many arguments did you have about them simply stopping doing a thing that they don't need to do and you don't like them doing, but they keep doing it?"
"Arguments against the Bible always have a fallacy in them."
"The Bible is true, so arguments against it are flawed."
"So here's my last comment about both the organismic and the cosmological design argument. Creationism on the one hand, and the fine-tuning argument on the other. I think both of these arguments fail to establish the existence of God."
"...none of those arguments have been answered."
"The gospels are written in a context 2000 years ago where there are these arguments going on."
"Sometimes we just have to sit back and go, you know what, with all the different arguments out there and issues, America is still pretty cool."
"I think this is one of those topics where everybody comes to the table with pre-fabricated arguments and points of view."
"He'll have another argument three days later. They're like a married couple, a really toxic married couple."
"If you aren't arguing, if you're not having arguments or discussions or conversations, you're not communicating."
"Men who argue with women are trash."
"Many of the arguments from the naysayers do not command close scrutiny at all."
"Some arguments are better than other arguments, some patterns of reasoning are clear and rigorous and logical, and other patterns of reasoning are not."
"Our best arguments last two, three days. Yeah, but see, we've been together 27 years and we still like each other."
"Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy condenses interesting philosophical arguments into rigorous formats, making them accessible to readers."
"The couples who argue on the regular, that relationship is in it for the long haul."
"If you're arguing, that relationship is in it for the long haul. Those people give a [ __ ]."
"Reserve your strength, try not to get sucked into every pointless argument that the child puts forward."
"The bumpers and promos featuring C and N depict them as great friends while also occasionally getting into arguments."
"Arguments can get in the way of seeing people."
"Anytime I state a fact, what's this common rebuttal? 'But I feel like...' and then a nonsensical argument proceeds."
"Arguments become a beautiful part of life, they're not something we avoid like a plague."
"Our arguments literally be over the smallest thing, like a chocolate chip or something."
"I think their arguments are coming from a good place, a actually constructive place."
"Arguments are distinguished by the premises and conclusions; if you've got a different premise, you've got a different argument."
"Vallée presented five arguments for rejecting the extraterrestrial hypothesis."
"I don't like useless online arguments."
"We did have little arguments here and there, but for the most part, it was a good relationship."
"Arguments help you communicate; that's the point of one."
"Engaging in arguments doesn't preclude the possibility of overcoming differences and forging a friendship."
"No arguments means it was successful."
"Pick arguments that you actually believe in, not arguments that you just want to regurgitate."
"In every argument and disagreement, there are two perspectives; both of them are correct, both of them are right."
"We may have our little arguments, but remember we're all friends."
"The test of true friendship is to be able to have an argument and still be friends."
"No one can show that there are no arguments for the existence of God, so we can only deal with those that I know of."
"You do not always have to accept every invitation to an argument. You can decline that invitation."
"Certain arguments and disagreements should not be had in front of your children."
"We need to start solving problems instead of trying to win arguments."
"True love does exist, and that's how you know too that you care about each other when you start arguing like this."
"Facts are stronger than arguments, more dependable than opinions, more profound than reasoning, silence disputes, and always ends the argument."
"React Dom's render method is going to take two arguments, one is going to be what you want to render, and the second parameter is, where do I want to render it?"
"You can't take your arguments too seriously, and you have to be willing to make up."
"Being louder doesn't mean you are correct in an argument."
"CMake commands have two different types of arguments: keyword arguments and positional."
"Some functions accept any number of arguments... this is called slurping."
"You're with the right person if you can argue and it's like fun."
"I love a nonsensical feud; the dumber the arguments are where nobody is right, the better the rivalry for me."
"We do argue, but it's over the stupidest things. It's nothing serious."
"Assess means you're creating arguments to find out or determine how important something is."
"The reason I deal with philosophical arguments for the existence of God is because you don't have scientific arguments for the existence of God."
"That transcends politics, that transcends petty arguments that are happening right now."
"Never argue with a fool; a stranger walking by won't be able to tell the difference."
"In a debate every argument is important."
"You do not have to win every argument, sometimes you have to agree to disagree."
"You can't win every single argument, just a lesson you got to learn in life."
"It's just an argument we no longer need to have, and it keeps the place looking tidy."
"Arguments are the values passed in when a function is invoked."
"These values we pass to a function are called arguments."
"Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."
"So with named arguments, all you have to do is put the ones that are not your default values."
"I've won at least 500 arguments in the shower by myself after the argument has taken place."
"It's important that you can make principled arguments based on whether or not it's coherent with justice."
"Some arguments aren't worth the time and effort."
"When we pass in an argument, this is a particular value."
"We've gone back through a lot of our arguments, and with perspective and time, you think back and like, what were we even arguing about? Nothing."
"Even if we argue like this, nothing will ever happen to make me stop caring for you."
"The things we argue about the most in life are the things almost impossible to prove."
"Not every argument is worth having, and not every argument is worth winning."
"We argue about every little thing, and then the next minute we're kissing."
"I do feel like you shouldn't be arguing with anybody on Facebook, that's kind of childish to me."
"Arguments are not a problem; sometimes arguments are healthy."
"We learn a lot from our arguments."