
Emotional Triggers Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Part of being a critic is reading each of your emotions well enough to understand what triggers them."
"Building a relationship with ourselves is crucial for responding intentionally and mindfully to our triggers."
"Internal triggers are uncomfortable emotional sensations that we seek to escape from."
"You can never change the things that trigger you... but you can always choose how you behave."
"What if they know that they can trigger you into some sort of triggered emotional state and then throw a sales pitch at you?"
"There's something about you that very much triggers that side of them that they're not comfortable with but it's also part of who they are."
"Negativity only ever triggered me into binges."
"Use jealousy safely without setting off those alarm bells in your ex's mind."
"A trigger is defined as something that affects your emotional state."
"Triggers are very, very, very real. I've been triggered once so bad that I punched a hole in the wall."
"You can heal your responses when you feel triggered... it starts by learning to notice and calm those triggers."
"He lacks attention, Kirk gave his son a happy birthday post and that triggered him."
"Your partner's healing is likely to be triggering for you."
"When you see a picture of somebody that you love, that might be the X out by the other side if that puts a battery in your back, do you see that as a possibility?"
"Kids push your buttons, kids have a funny knack for pushing on your own unhealed trauma buttons without you realizing it."
"Obsessions usually begin in a fiery cauldron of anger, jealousy, love, or revenge."
"Calling him Jenks nephew really does bother him, it really gets under his skin."
"Let's talk about how sad that has become a trigger."
"Anger is oftentimes caused by frustration, abuse, unfairness, injustice, irritations, disappointments, failure, and setbacks."
"Our healing journey is non-linear; triggers will change over time."
"Expect to be triggered in the next few days up to the transformative and emotional New Moon. It is a blessing in disguise that will enable you to go deep with them feel and find your truth."
"Getting triggered is actually amazing, why? Because one of those things you've been resisting is now coming closer and closer in to your awareness."
"What creates triggers, what drives and what creates feelings is not often what happens to us, it is our interpretation of what that means."
"This triggering is to serve you, not to torment you."
"Anxiety is the outworking of the root issue."
"They could look at the scenarios that caused them to transform: intense anger, just intense emotion in general. That seems to be the key."
"We all have those things that make us recoil."
"If a person is always emotionally triggering you, this is a sign."
"One of the keys for also knowing if you're being activated by something from the past sometimes is the strength and intensity of your emotional reaction."
"I can't even explain it, it's like when you smell your ex's perfume or something."
"I buy books all the time, I buy books way too much, I buy books when I'm sad, when I'm happy, when I'm nothing."
"You think, 'Oh, was it something that triggered me?' Was she like angry?"
"Every single thing that triggers us is trying to wake us, it's trying to let us know what we need to let go of."
"What was lacking, some kind of trigger, some kind of catalyst."
"There's nothing wrong with you... being alone feels like a failure, it feels like an abandonment, it triggers a lot of old fears..."
"Recognizing your triggers is like the best possible thing."
"And the Incredible Hulk is powerful because he's angry, he's always angry."
"Triggers and emotional baggage shouldn't run the show."
"Change requires pain, most people will not change until they have a significant emotional event."
"When it comes to that kind of pop culture definition of the word triggered, which we tend to use to describe having a very abnormally strong emotional response to something, that's usually a great opportunity to examine what might be in our shadow."
"In the moment of trigger, your coping mechanisms are by definition overwhelmed."
"Let your triggers be the doorway to understanding yourself more deeply."
"Feeling overlooked or judged triggers abandonment fears."
"One day I hope to tell you I have a few less triggers."
"You cannot remove the things that trigger you, you can't. If you've been doing a pattern since fourth grade, there will be things for the rest of your life that will trigger that pattern to come up."
"Boundaries are personal to you; you have to know what your triggers are."
"You've zeroed in. It's not really a... You may have a trigger and the trigger may make you very emotional when it happens, and maybe paralyze your response to it, but it is a reasonable request."
"What does that even mean to be triggered by something you might read or hear?"
"One of you made a mistake, triggering fear and boundaries."
"This person may have just been the one to show you that there are certain things that trigger you and that will continue to trigger you in relationships if you don't work on it."
"Somebody may try to trigger you, and it's only because you're doing better than them."
"Anything that would remind her of it would cause her a lot of anguish."
"Everything feels completely normal... it really just brings me back to a very dark place."
"'Would you still be there for me' just resurfaces every like two weeks or something."
"Sometimes I'm like that's not going to stop me so whenever we get that down to the root why do I want to spend money what are the feelings I am feeling right now that I'm trying to avoid or that I'm trying to amplify then we can choose other habits instead of spending money."
"Triggers reveal what has yet to be healed. They reveal your wounds."
"Can't nobody make you mad more mad than your own partner, 'cause he or she, they know it all. They know how to trigger you, they know what to say to make you mad."
"Super Saiyan is meant to come out a pure raw emotion due to great hardship trauma fury and rage so why didn't go home get this power in the Saiyan saga"
"I see y'all meeting people that trigger you in a bad way but also trigger you in a good Progressive growth way."
"When we think of emotional triggers, I want you to think of them sort of as imprints. So the subconscious mind is really where your triggers are stored."
"You need to learn to find out what your triggers are."
"Recognize the trigger, what are the triggers that put you in these emotional states."
"Some of the symptoms of PTSD are unwanted and upsetting memories, nightmares, flashbacks, emotional distress after some kind of trigger."
"Every time there's a thought, every time there is a situation, every time you think about a person and it triggers you... you kind of need to ask yourself, 'Why does it make me feel so uncomfortable?'"
"If you're triggered by something, look at how it makes sense that this would bother you."
"Be aware of your partner's triggers."
"Your peace is more important; if these feelings are triggered, it's not worth it."
"The holidays can be a time when those traumas are quite triggered."
"Triggers are where the power is seeping out of you."
"Triggers show us where the landmines are."