
Personal Bias Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"I think one of the dangers of being a critic is that your theories start to control your feelings rather than the other way around."
"In order to love Lamar, you can't be rigid. You have to accept initial opinions are wrong, including your own."
"When people tell me they don't like Lamar, it doesn't tell me anything about Lamar; it tells me about the person."
"We all have our own preferences when it comes to the movies we watch, and I won't deny that my personal experiences make me biased towards some films more than others."
"An educated person is someone who has some flexibility of mind, who's willing to examine their own prejudice."
"You cannot let your personal dislike of somebody taint your ability to understand what are otherwise rational, reasonable arguments."
"Even for me, it can still be difficult to set aside my personal feelings on the topic."
"Games are made by humans with their own views, and just like any other art form, those views will somehow or another make it into their game."
"There is nothing wrong with fighting for men's rights, but when your own personal experience with women has been hard, has been unfavorable, and that then affects the way that you view the world..."
"You're gonna believe what you want to believe because you want to believe it."
"Game masters, you are not a bad person for having a favorite player. You're simply human beings. Congratulations."
"People don't care really about the truth. They only care about their truth."
"Whenever people say they don't like politics in video games, what they really mean is they don't like your politics."
"You need to be on guard against fooling yourself."
"Whenever you see me splurge against Michelle Obama, understand that it comes from a position of god-like fear."
"I don't want to rant too much on this. I think this is fascinating and, you know what, it confirms my bias so I'm gonna go ahead and believe it. But take it all with a grain of salt, man. Do your own research, fact-check for yourself."
"Adding fantastical elements does not detract, unless you, you personally, you, this is not a problem with the genre, it's a problem with you."
"The ultimate check on personal bias is reality."
"Realistically, I just really, really tried to get my personal opinion and my personal opinion sounds pretty biased because it was that strong."
"Isn’t it so scary that we can become so wrapped up in our biases that we can turn into the worst versions of ourselves?"
"React rocks what can I say I am 100 unashamedly biased on this one."
"Sometimes white men, and when I have white men that call me and ask for matchmaking, I'll question if it's a fetish."
"I'm starting the guy that may seem like I'm a little biased towards it but it was just so good."
"This information, which by the way almost the word misinformation is almost always code for information I don't like, by the way, but yeah."
"You're not fueling your narrative with facts, you're not fueling it with history, you're fueling it with your own whims and desire, and that's the problem."
"You can't just omit certain things because they contradict what you believe."
"We are still very much limited by our own personal experiences."
"Those attitudes biases within ourselves go unchecked they absolutely do real damage."
"I'm not going to try to be unbiased when it comes to music that talks about certain sh*t."
"It's definitely a vice when people assume it's not me who's wrong, it's everyone else."
"Are we looking for a true answer or an answer that aligns with our personal preferences?"
"No one owns their quadrant of the truth with their biases and can't let other people into it."
"Jaclyn just wasn't given the benefit of the doubt."
"There's so much truth in scripture that we miss because we interpret it through our own lives."
"I might be biased because I love this theme so much, but I would give it a low A without the spell list and an easy S with the spell list."
"When you admit that what you're pursuing in life is nothing other than your own selfishness and biases and preferences... you'll have freedom from ideology."
"Don't let your personal dislike of somebody taint your ability to understand otherwise rational arguments."
"Dreamcast, good. Am I totally biased? Sure. But what were you obsessed with at the age of ten? For me, it was Fantasy Star Online."
"Nobody's perfect. What isn't fine is using criticism to hide a possible bias, subjective viewpoint, or even hostility towards the topic you may have."
"The quest for truth should always supersede one's ego-defensive desire to be proven right."
"Accuracy matters, regardless of personal beliefs or desires."
"Your particular history affects the questions you ask."
"I may be biased since I was such a huge collector way back in the late 90s but I think this set is really going to be worth it in the future."
"Every individual also has biases, and regardless of how much you try to regulate them, they're always going to manifest in some way."
"I do think he had a resentment towards women."
"Does it deserve a six? Am I letting my fanboyism cloud my judgment? Who cares, I love this game to pieces."
"All storytellers, to one degree or another, inject their own beliefs."
"Most relationships fail due to self-bias, seeking to get needs met rather than truly caring about the other person."
"Self bias is synonymous with selfishness, hypocrisy, confirmation bias."
"I say I learned to hate liberals... boutique activists who have traditionally been and remain utterly irrelevant."
"If you get out of this report lawful investigation with a few irregularities, it says more about you than Mr. Horowitz."
"Projection: when your needs, fears, cravings, and ego color or distort how you see people."
"Every one of us has bias. How do you make sure that your personal bias does not impact your analysis?"
"If I did an actual 50-state bracket, I don't think Colorado would be on the top. I'm biased, obviously, I think Washington would be on the top, but Colorado would probably make it to the elite eight."
"I also might be biased and this may be a little bit of a flex..."
"I'm always gonna be biased to that, people are 2018 and my man Breezy's where it's at."
"Why are you saying no? I bet you it's because Cindy doesn't like being wrong."
"If we revise history based on how you personally feel, now you getting in the way of the story and what makes you bigger than our story when you not even playing?"
"This is them acting on their own to target someone they don't like politically."
"Every critic's review is motivated solely by what that critic likes or doesn't like."
"If you're betting with your money in your brain, you're going Lemon. But if you're betting with your heart... you pick Devin Larry."
"We all have our personal bias and our own opinions, everything's subjective."
"If you're going into a movie and saying I hate this movie because it's not like the comics, then I think you're selling yourself short."
"Accept that you're going into it with a bias but be willing to admit you're wrong."
"Be better than that again look I'm you know I have my own bias and I realize it and I have to constantly guard against that the thing I've learned over the years is compassion and love for people."
"I do think this is their time, got a bit of bias, gotta root for these guys, a lot of friends on the team."
"How embarrassing that you are choosing your nostalgia, your memories over the rights of actual human beings."
"It's gonna be a great fight but I gotta go with Nate cause that's the homie and he's a stoner, he's canny."
"The absolute worst type of criticism is someone just telling you their personal preference about something and then like packaging it up really nicely and presenting it as criticism."
"They will accumulate from themselves teachers who will suit their own passions and they'll turn away from listening to the truth and they're going to wander off into myths."
"Bro this is like oh I'm biased towards the Beasty Boys dude that's the [ __ ] I grew up on so I'm going to go 9."
"...a lot of times I just wear shorts or sweats just for Comfort wise so I might be biased in that sense..."
"I definitely think my Nostalgia and love for this franchise helped me enjoy the movie a lot more than maybe others will."
"I think I'm probably biased in favor of this game because of how much time I spent on it and how much attention and that it's not just a game that was revolutionary for me but it was an analytical practice that was revolutionary for me at the time when I did it."
"Even very great minds to which I think Dostoevsky certainly belongs always come with their own blindness."
"Everybody is biased. Everybody has things they like, things they don't like."
"Don't so much hate the man where you miss the message."
"I'm gonna try my best to keep my personal biases out of this video."
"We're not always the best judge for our own work because we're so close to it."
"Veterans' accounts can tend to be slightly biased, usually not intentionally."
"It's a capital mistake to allow personal feelings to interfere with your investigation."
"It's my favorite... I might be biased 'cause it's a new album."
"Your dislike for her can run so deep that you actually mess around and really miss out on some life-altering, view-altering things."
"You hear what you want to hear, you see what you want to see."
"It's a lovely place, well I think it is, a little bit biased."
"It's very easy to overanalyze or apply someone's background upbringing and see everything that they do through the refracted lens of that."
"Be honest with yourself about your biases. The bottom line is, bias is part of being human."
"Well done, I'll give you a 10. Go on, I'm biased."
"I'm biased, I love Cornwall, I think it's the best place in the world."