
Personal Conviction Quotes

There are 912 quotes

"Even if I knew I was going to die, I wouldn't go back to eating meat just out of being kind."
"My veganism exists for the benefit of animals and for the environment. That is it. I do not care what other people think about me, about my decisions in that. That is not what I am here for."
"I am unusually confident that I'm on the right track with this one."
"I am out here in it and whether you agree with my tactics or my tone or not."
"My teaching against the word faith movement is not just an academic exercise for me. This is my heartbeat: to rescue people out of this deception."
"I fear Jesus Christ far more than I do Joshua Chavez or anyone else for that matter."
"I'm saying this not with respect, and won't. I'm saying it because I want you to understand just what God is saying."
"Let me be very clear to everyone, whatever is going on and whatever is happening in your life, there is nothing more important than full submission to Yah and seeking Him truly in spirit and in truth."
"I read the Bible too much to worry about what you think."
"I just want to fight for what I think is right because this is wrong, in my opinion."
"I've always felt compelled to speak out against the things that I see that's gone wrong."
"I'm not talking about something you hustled up on after you took a course or after you saw something on Instagram. I'm talking about being emphatically clear that God said something to you."
"Peter rejects that, his simple response to why he does this being 'because it's right'."
"I would defend your right to say anything you have to say to the death, regardless of how much I disagree with it."
"When you fear God, you don't have to fear man."
"I don't believe in God; I know God. There's a difference."
"He was for universal healthcare coverage, I was for that 40 years ago, 30 years ago, 20 years ago, and I'm for it now."
"I support an individual's right to hold a personal conviction or belief."
"That's called faith. Some of y'all don't have it."
"I'm doing life with Jesus, no parole. I'm on death row. And I feel good about it."
"As Christians, we submit our feelings to our faith, our chemistry to our convictions, our biology to our theology."
"I may disapprove of what you say, but I would defend to the death your right to say it." - Evelyn Beatrice Hall, 1906, The Friends of Voltaire.
"It don't matter what nobody thinks if you don't believe it."
"Connor has built up a very strong defense to why he wants to do what he wants to do, and that's totally fine."
"Your sin reveals that your claim to believe in Jesus is not genuine."
"You may disagree with me, I however have the truth, the definitions, the facts, and the case rulings on my side."
"If somebody calls you a lunatic for raising questions, you should laugh in their face."
"If God places value on something, it is your duty to search it out."
"I treat Mark Davis just like I treat Hugo the janitor."
"No doubt about it, it is in fact I that has wronged myself. I take full responsibility for what just happened before you. I have done wrong to myself. So forgive me."
"Pulling that Republican lever doesn't make you stand for something. You will fold without God."
"It's better to stand for something and have 50% of people hate you and 50% remember you, than to stand for nothing."
"I back my opinion against anybody's, which is what everybody should do, actually."
"I stand for truth and show the way, my heart belongs to you I will never sway, a taste of praise gives me the strength to spark."
"If you see an evil, change it with your hand. And if you can't, at least with your tongue. And if you can't do that, at least feel bad in your heart. At least feel bad in your heart."
"I kind of got to the point where I realized that Christianity makes the most sense of all of reality."
"Every time I see those comments, it lets me know it reaffirms why I am in this fight because it is a fight of good versus evil."
"I don't regret anything I've done and I would do it again."
"If you're not trying to influence people on your ideas, you're losing."
"You have to go with your heart, you have to go with your spirit."
"I do not believe in, okay? And I am a Christian."
"I refuse to give up hope. I will always carry hope for Rebecca."
"It's all about the will of the people, follow your heart, religion, or faith."
"I was telling the truth... I don't regret it because I was telling the truth."
"The truth is the truth and so if you are a person who leads with Integrity you just walk forward and trust your lord and savior that he has a plan for this."
"I'm proud that I'm doing what I feel like I should be in saying what I say and tell people and friends because that's what I feel I'm supposed to do."
"People believe more in this than anything else they've ever invested in in their entire life."
"If you are worried about people's opinion, you cannot operate in all of the faith that God has given you."
"There's no confusing this, a trans person asked me not to play it so I won't."
"All he wants to know is are you willing to have faith in the God who believes in you."
"I admire anybody who stands up for what they truly believe in."
"The truth always comes to light brother, that's right."
"It's a huge split, people like me, no, I'm gonna let you know for a fact, I will never support the GOP again."
"Would you rather die in hunger and thirst than give up your religion? This is how much we value our faith—it's priceless."
"My God has not changed. I still trust him. I still worship him. I still love him."
"Mary Heaster maintained throughout the rest of her life that she had been visited by her daughter's ghost."
"I believed in the Force. I knew it was real."
"Ultimately my battle is for the church my mother."
"When Jeffrey Epstein first died, I thought he was murdered. I was convinced of it."
"Comics also they don't take crap and they double down because to them comedy is the religion which means that i am constantly trying to walk that line."
"Break out of confusion and repent. Stand firm with the Bible, not with personalities."
"They can't move me off of it. They're not standing on much."
"Your incarnated purpose is to trust yourself."
"If you've made a choice that you are going to take a stance on these issues, then do it."
"I do truly believe there is another realm, a spiritual realm of some sort."
"You got to know who your daddy is so that when the culture tries to water down our God you can step back and say that's not my God because I have taken time to know who he is."
"If god could provide evidence that would convince me exists, then I would absolutely believe that god existed."
"You can't fear man and trust God. If you're going to have faith in God, you cannot fear man. The two cancel each other out. Faith and fear cancel each other out."
"I am more interested in God's approval than I am even in His love, which I know sounds to many of you heretical practically, but I must say I think it's the best."
"You don't need somebody else to tell you because you know that you can do that you know how capable you are and you really start to believe it."
"I don't need an analyst to tell me that. I can just look around and look at that. That analyst is only going to support my argument."
"Catholicism ruined Protestantism for me... I just can't go back... It kind of feels like an ex and I never stayed friends with my exes."
"He believed that he was fighting for the freedom of all individuals."
"He's doing what he believes is the right thing to do."
"Are you future ready? Are you convinced? I hope so."
"I thoroughly and heartily disagree with that premise, I really do."
"Ghosts I don't believe... demons definitely exist."
"I just want personally to protect this country, protect the freedoms that we have in this country."
"Don't let someone shame you for looking into things."
"No one will ever need question their path again."
"Do not be afraid of saying what you believe is right no matter how unpopular it may be, especially when it comes to defending the rights of others."
"If not a single solitary person joined the church if not one joined the church I would still say do it."
"There comes a point where you're just going to have to obey God rather than man."
"I pledged a long time ago that I'm never again gonna vote for someone that I don't believe in." - Brent Welder
"I am urging my people... if I see tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated, I can't go along with that."
"Nikki Haley is fighting back in this madness and she's saying what we've been saying all along."
"I don't have to have faith, I have experience."
"Regardless how I was thinking, if that happened, you mean the same situation happened, would I make the same choice? Yes."
"If I'm right about that and I'm fairly sure I am, then we're in for a very long haul."
"Is truth seeking sacred? ... I personally think it is a sacred thing."
"She said yesterday that preventing a no-deal that may threaten the livelihoods of her constituents means a great deal more to her than keeping the Conservative whip."
"You're either convinced or you're not convinced, that's it."
"Trust my instincts, say what's on my mind, stand up for what matters."
"I don't believe in my heart of hearts that there is not systematic oppression in this country."
"If you're watching this and you agree with what I'm saying it's not enough to agree advocate for it that's what I'm doing right here and right now."
"If you're ashamed of God, He'll be ashamed of you."
"Nobody's going to tell me I'm going to die!" - Disbelieving individual
"Because he stood up for what he believed in."
"We haven't had a president who represented that kind of gut conviction in my lifetime."
"You know, I'm pretty strong in what I believe in, but I also respect someone else's beliefs."
"I'd rather be dead than red." - Rose Namajunas on fighting for freedom.
"I didn't sell out, son. I bought in. Keep that in mind."
"It's about the truth and it's about knowing the truth."
"The thing that keeps me going is because the things that I talk about are things I'm incredibly passionate about."
"I don't care if you dislike me and I don't care if you don't watch my videos because like I said I don't do this for the sake of anyone except for our Creator."
"I don't want to serve man's agenda. I want to serve in a place where I believe God gave a thought to a leader."
"I did what I did because I believed it was the right thing to do."
"I want to go on record saying this... I will die on this hill defending the original five nights at Freddy's game."
"Dorothy was not afraid to speak her mind nor to stand up for what she believed in."
"If I have to be ridiculous, be gossiped about, I'll do it, because I sense something in this Jesus that I can't let him get away until I've had a personal experience with him."
"I win my arguments because I always have the truth on my side."
"Truth is always stark, like two plus two equals four. It's not anything else in the world."
"I really believe that we can win, we can defeat them. I will not put that stupid mask on my face ever again."
"You should say what you mean, argue for what you believe, and even if it's unpopular."
"There's no one better to direct this film than me and I know that, and to this day, I know that."
"I stand by everything that was said in both of them, a hundred percent."
"Stay with the clarity of conviction until it becomes a living light."
"When you are right, and people don't see you are right yet, they criticize the crap outta you."
"I don't care what people think of me. I'm going after Jesus."
"Why would somebody and why am I compelled by the Christian faith? I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen."
"Evil when I see it, another soldier, I was thought you fight that regardless of consequence."
"This is the most important electoral moment that I've been involved in, whether it was Mondale or whether it was others who posed. I'm choosing, I'm standing with someone I believe in, someone whose voice is about truth."
"You gotta trust your gut and stick up for yourself."
"My life and my livelihood is not as important as what's right and the truth of God. I'll stand with that, even if it meant my life."
"To live a life of power, you must have faith that what you believe is right, even if others tell you you're wrong."
"It's so incredible when you know something to that level. And I knew... I absolutely knew that... People considered it very risky, but for me it wasn't risky at all."
"It's the truth, it's right, and this is what I'm gonna do."
"I'd rather die while living my truth and freedom than to live a thousand years even partially free."
"Failure is not an option I I truly like my everything told me I'm doing it yeah you know."
"Change is about what's in your gut and what's in your heart."
"Conviction is what makes you do what you do and become who you become."
"Chase this uncertainty where your heart is telling you to go."
"Choose the path you believe in. Move forward bravely."
"I believe that Bigfoot's real, okay? That's just fuckin' false."
"Block out the noise and do what you think is right for you."
"Deploy all my capital and then I'm gonna try to fight for something worth dying for."
"Christine knew from the second that she laid eyes on this boy that it wasn't Walter."
"My enthusiasm for American government may have waned, but my enthusiasm for this country burns brighter than ever."
"I think I'm so far down the line with tattoos now that I don't question myself. I just know I'm quite confident in my choices."
"I want to be integral to the scripture... I want to be biblical, not be right all the time."
"Yeah, I would definitely [be equally passionate about gender equality if I were a man] because it's right, not because I have a mother or a sister or you know whatever."
"He's not swayed by popular opinion or feelings."
"It's worth it. It is worth it. It is a price, but it's worth it."
"Embrace the culture battle and embrace the fact that everyone is opposed to what you think." - Michael Knowles
"Here, it's a little bit different. You know when you're telling, when speaking the truth and you stand for something."
"I'm prepared to make a stand and die on my hill for what I believe."
"Will you join the apostasy or will you come out from among them and be separate?"
"If you stand up, speak out for what you believe in, you'll win."
"Are you admitting you're wrong because I'm still sticking with what I said?"
"I don't care if I get killed as long as I die trying to do something I feel like is worthwhile."
"If I can communicate one thing today, it would be this: when it becomes my passion for His will to be done on earth and for Him to be glorified."
"I feel like I was put on this earth to do this."
"Let them call you racist, wear it as a badge of pride."
"At the end of the day, if somebody don't like what you're doing, it doesn't matter. Just as long as you got that respect, you feel me?"
"Never let no community or nobody period tell you what you can't say, what you came to do. As long as you're doing something right and you believe in what it is that you're doing, and people see the good that you're doing, do that."
"But it's not God's plan, like it's just simply not."
"The third way is the most compelling for me."
"From the moment Danny laid eyes on Layla, he knew she was the one."
"Adventure is missing from our lives these days. Stand for conviction and let the chips fall where they may."
"Sometimes if you look at them in the eye and say 'this is what I believe, this is why I believe it,' you can get further than you can on Facebook."
"I must answer for my crimes, repent for my sins, but every choice I made I would proudly make again. I submit to no one, not you, not the Jailer, and not that cowardly throne."
"I think I'm very, very, very right and I've spent every day for the last few years chasing this and I'm not gonna stop."
"He genuinely believed that Sherry had gifts and that she could really tell people the future."
"Jesus Christ is true and he is good, and he's worth it, he's worth all the whether it's misunderstandings or strained relationships or whatever it is he's worth that."
"I'm right about every single one of these [ __ ] things and I'm right about this one too, I guarantee it."
"You feel like this is something that you need to do and maybe your actions towards this goal feel less than worthy at the moment."
"Share revelations boldly; take ownership of the words God has spoken over you."
"No really though, when you come out of this period of life you are going to have such a better understanding of the world, of yourself, of your spirituality."
"They said they didn't have evidence that he had murdered my daughter. But I just had a cold feeling he did."
"Strongly believe in that, strongly. Very, very, very strongly."
"People always defend their opinions like it's a shield for any counter arguments."
"Who gives a [ __ ] with anybody else thinks? Do you believe in what you're saying? Do you love what you're doing? Then [ __ ] everybody else."
"When it's the right woman, it's the right woman."
"Nobody can convince me otherwise. I travel the world and I meet thousands, thousands, thousands of people and everybody have their own testimony how they came in contact with the truth of God message."
"Choosing the red pill is about staying true to your feelings and what you know in your heart is real."
"He genuinely believed in it, and finally, something clicked that it made sense."
"You've got to trust that, deep in your heart and your soul."
"The moment I saw him, I said that's gonna be my husband."
"I am not moved by what I see, I am not moved by what I feel, I am moved by what I believe."
"Putin truly believes that he's trying to drive out the cabal."
"Courage to stand up for one's beliefs, even in the face of persecution."
"Name one thing that you've stood up for that was unpopular."
"He just believed that there was something of the divine about him."
"I just knew. There was never any doubt whether or not Zach was the one."
"We just have to do whatever we feel in our heart."
"Nobody will ever convince me otherwise. They do exist."
"Ali believed no one could beat him, that's courageousness."
"People believe what they want to believe and belief has power."
"Standing up for what you believe in is worth it."
"The greatest salesman tend to believe their own pitches right, and Trump really believes that Mar-a-Lago is the greatest place in the world."
"I'm not here to please people, I'm here to please Him."
"If you are a person that has it in your heart and your mind that you're going to be free, you'll stay free."
"Why would I compromise my deen right at the expense of Allah's anger to make somebody else happy? That's not loyalty."
"If you believe there is a God, then the question is not whether you feel there's a God, it is simply setting your will in the direction of God." - Andrew Klavan
"My fidelity is based on my reverence for God at the end of the day."
"Sowell convinced me absolutely that I hold to a constrained rather than the unconstrained vision."
"Belief is an act of will to convince themselves of something that is not evidently true."
"I'm proud to be a free-speech warrior in America and I will continue to do that."
"That's the location that got me believing from the start."
"There is an alternative, you know in your spirit."