
Life Hack Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"Learning just simple ways to balance out that glucose roller coaster can be an amazing life hack."
"Caffeine's like a secret cheat code for feeling less tired."
"This is the greatest freaking hack in the world, completely discovered by mistake."
"So I want to start by offering you a free, no-tech life hack, and all it requires of you is this: that you change your posture for two minutes."
"Start from an edge, peel it up, that way whatever your habits are with weeding, try it on the mat. It's gonna change your life."
"Do your setting spray before your mascara... it has changed my whole life."
"Set a timer, I'm telling you, it will make a difference."
"This is such a good idea, you could even hack this and bring this with you to work or school."
"Manifesting feels like a cheat code or a secret to life."
"That was the sickest thing ever, the best life hack."
"Freezer meals can change your life; it certainly changed ours."
"I feel like this would be on five-minute crafts like a sick life hack, but like instead of putting that thing over yourself while you're sleeping just make sure you got nothing hazardous before you go to bed."
"Tracking your glucose and optimizing your metabolic health is really the ultimate life hack."
"Tip number five is the greatest life hack I've ever experienced."
"Another cheap little life hack is this little roll of sticky tape."
"I was today years old when I learned you can freeze avocado whole."
"That's ingenious... It puts a little bit of pasta water into your sauce, which tastes amazing."
"That's crazy, that's a delicious life hack."
"...it's a no-brainer, this life hack works."
"So if you guys have a warm can of soda and you're looking to basically make it cold... get a paper towel, get it nice and damp, dampen it up... and then you're going to wrap it like in a blanket."
"If you guys are ever eating a bag of chips and it gets dangerously close to the bottom... all you need to do is basically fold these ends up and then it slowly."
"My goal here is to help you live your life beautifully and sometimes a home hack can help you do that."
"I saw this life hack and it changed my life."
"For once, I win at a cooking life hack."
"Life-changing advice: Are you always late for things? Here's a two-step life hack to help: 1. Figure out what time you should be at a place. 2. Simply get there before that time. You will see results instantly. Try it out!"
"Oh, it's moving! Watch, check, is it going to spill? Is it going to spill? Is it spill? Nope, it's not spilling! Let me spin it. Oh yeah, this is actually the coolest hack ever. No more throwing your drink away. That's right, you can keep it."
"Rye bread to all my fellow giant headed folks you can actually stretch snap back hats by steaming them on the stovetop found a video on YouTube and it's changed my life."
"Dry tea bags inside shoes can absorb humidity and smell."
"Is don't do this. Try to travel. Don't try to fly out at 6:00 AM. That would be my life hack for you."
"Life hack to get artists to draw for you: find a commissions page and give them money."
"The biggest life hack of all time is to Simply do the work."
"Life hack: I have Canadian plates, I don't pay for parking."
"If you put nail polish on a run in your pantyhose, it won't run anymore, and it freaking worked."
"Shaving foam reduces/stops misting on bathroom mirrors and car windows."
"This was an extremely inexpensive but kind of a really nice like home hack that has made our life a little bit better and easier."
"I saw this hack somewhere on Instagram. The moment I saw it, I was like, this is right up my alley."
"Hack number twenty: sensor light for night."
"Here's another really cool hack, an octopus brush."
"Cut and dry life hack: Coffee in ice cube tray so cold brew doesn't water down."
"Life hack, oh go on, bear with me on this guys."
"If you put your Chinese takeout on a plate when it arrives you're doing more work than you should much like the paper condiment pots in fast food restaurants, your cardboard Chinese takeout box can be unfolded to create the perfect size plate for your food."
"Massive game changer, put your car keys so you never forget the stuff that's actually charging."
"That life hack is real, it works."
"This life hack definitely does work, guys."
"This life hack is pretty successful."
"The metal tab on soda cans can be flipped around."
"This life hack is over and I'm probably going to literally throw this in my pool."
"Buying bed-sized blankets to use as living room throws is the most underrated life hack ever."
"How to impress your mom in the summer: Pro tip, if you're tired of boiling water when you make pasta, just boil a few gallons at the beginning of the week and freeze it for later."
"I just want to give a life hack for anyone."
"I am demonstrating the bra hack or as I call it the life hack that has now afforded me to wear backless outfits."
"Let me just give you a little life hack with these books right now, listen to the audiobooks."
"It's baby Annabel, we're gonna need her for a final life hack."
"Final life hack of the video, are we gonna get away with sneaking in this baby carrier with a bunch of snacks?"
"My Starbucks order is a venti salted caramel cream cold brew with extra foam on the top. If you want to be really cheeky, you can ask for a grande but in a venti cup and then fill the space up with foam. It's a real trick, you're welcome."
"Life hack for happiness: buy flowers every week."
"My life hack is do that, be that person, be that neighbor."
"It's such a cheat code in life like just get your jewelry tattooed on you."
"Control C and Ctrl V will save you years of your life in aggregate."
"Financial independence is quite literally the ultimate life hack."
"This is perfect I promise you will love this hack."
"This is the best hack I've seen so far to get the paint out of brushes."
"This stuff worked pretty good. Thank you very much for the hack."
"I'm actually thoroughly impressed with this, this is a sick TikTok life hack."
"This might be the best hack I've ever learned."
"...if I ever need you to just throw a nail into any part of the wall to hang any item I will call you oh but it doesn't have to be straight right well technically if there's only one nail it never needed to you know thank you but that's the life tip for today folks..."
"I just got TSA pre-check and if you have not done that and you travel semi often it is a game changer"
"The great hack on this planet is this: pay money to change the people that you're spending time with."
"You can't cure jetlag. There are no cures right now but if you understand how it works you sort of can hack the system a little bit."
"That's a straight-up 100% life hack for you."
"I cannot poach an egg... so I have a way to poach eggs perfectly without having to do the spinning thing in the water."
"I'm sorry but it has blown my mind the amount of times I've struggled to get an avocado pip out and it's as easy as that."
"It's a little cheat code for life."
"Having one of these little lights to clip onto your book while you're reading will simply change your life."
"I think moving abroad is a life hack."
"It will honestly make your life so much easier."
"It's like getting back your time which is so essential in this busy kind of life that we live in. It's a total game changer."
"It's now given me a cheat code at life."
"Confidence is ultimately the cheat code to life."
"It's literally like you do one thing once, and you save yourself a ton of time."
"Life hack: if you're gonna make expensive purchases, use a credit card so you get the points and you get cash back or some kind of reward."
"I was once told that if you boil water in a kettle and then let it go to room temperature and then freeze it, you get absolute crystal-clear ice cubes."
"A really nifty hack is to just have dinner leftovers for breakfast."
"If you're ever bored... sleep on the other side of the bed."
"I think it'll make your life much easier if you use this in a big project."
"We love a life hack, that is just the smallest key to success."
"The burrito method changes lives, man. It really does."
"Absolutely necessary when it comes to getting time back in your life."
"You will find life a lot easier if you grab yourself one of these."
"There's a quick and easy tip that I want to show you that will make your life much easier."
"I just found the secret hack, the cheat code for life."
"Kourtney decided to make a life hack about how to eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup."
"You have to try this trick; it's so simple."
"Now that's what I call a working life hack."
"Waking up early and opening your window is like an actual cheat code to life."
"I wish there was a Konami Code for life, though, right? Up, up, down, down, left, right... strong, smart, I keep my hair too, look handsome."
"Folex spray is life... it's the most amazing stain remover."
"Literally, it didn't have one typo, so I will give this life hack a raging success."
"That's actually wavy, and this life hack did work."
"It is a cheat code in life to get ahead of everybody else by putting in the work from 18 to 25."
"It's such a simple thing, but holy cow has it made my life a lot easier."
"Use this trick to create amazing, happy, and magical moments."
"Prayer is a major cheat code for your whole life."
"Life hack number two is buy back your time."
"Life hack number four is you need to mitigate your distractions."
"I'm gonna show you a one penny hack that got me back something that we all desire, something that we can't live without."
"If you have a ton of Christmas cards that you're going to be writing this season, a hack you can try is using a glue stick to shut all of your envelopes at once."
"If you can eliminate your housing expense, the rest of your life gets much easier."
"Go outside when it's sunset and get some glam pics in the golden hour because that is another life hack."
"I found a trick that works so well, and I think you guys are really going to like this trick."
"This trick is going to save us a ton of time."
"That's a game changer, that's a bit of a life hack."
"How would you like to have two extra hours every single week?"
"The clock is famously almost five minutes early, so that if you are heading for a train or running late for a train, you look at the clock, you're like 'Oh no, I'm gonna run for my train,' then actually you're going to end up right on time."
"That's my hack, boys and girls, it worked!"
"That's what marriage is. It's a cheat code. Every day you're done. You're at the end of the level."
"Genuinely, with practice, this is probably my favorite hack ever."
"This eBay hack will change the way you list forever."
"Books are literally the biggest life hack you'll ever have."
"This has to be one of my favorite hacks ever."
"You've bought back 10 minutes of your life."
"Sauces are going to save your day, save your entire freaking life when you're on a budget."
"Plan out the week of dinners ahead of time... it changed my life."
"Pro tip: if you want your cilantro to last longer, put it in a little jar with water and then put it in the fridge."
"The quality of life improvement for putting air tags on as many things as you can is insane."
"If you put your clean laundry on your bed, you'll be motivated to fold it."
"If you want to get the ketchup out, you smack the 57; works every time."
"Lifehack: I was today years old when I learned that."
"If you like that spicy pepper sauce but you don't want to pay extra... it's a game changer."
"Make sure you remember that because it will make your life a little bit easier."
"This is my life hack for microwaving noodles: get a paper towel to put over the top and get it wet."
"I just discovered the best hack for organizing your sweatpants."
"Every once in a while you stumble upon a hack that can change your life."
"Get yourself a knife sharpener from Home Depot, ladies. Twenty dollars for the diamond one. Change your life and your knives."
"It's one of those totally awesome tips that can turn your day around."
"It's the best hack I've ever found and it makes the letters beautiful."
"Just having everything in categories is honestly life-changing."
"This is a genius life hack for the college kids."
"One of the tricks I love doing to get wrinkles out... is just using a squirt bottle of water."
"Where had that hack been my entire life?"
"Infinite money glitch found, the cheat code to life."
"I get extra time in my life; it's a superpower."
"Instead of going to Starbucks to buy a four-dollar drink, you can go to 7-Eleven and buy a one-dollar regular coffee and then just squirt syrup into it until it tastes good."
"If you don't know what else to do today, go buy some pre-loaded bobbins, and your world will change exponentially."
"Using this method to annotate is one of the most life-changing hacks that I've ever used."
"Let me just tell y'all how much a dress with pockets will change your life."
"If you find a job that you enjoy and it pays well, that's a cheat code of life."
"When you start living out your calendar, it's a cheat code to life."
"This pineapple cutter will save your life."
"That life hack, I never thought I would see."
"A hack is a strategy or technique for managing one's time or activities more efficiently."
"That's a hack, that's what we call that. A life hack."
"I actually really love this hack, I give it a 10 out of 10."
"A carrier is going to save your life."
"Wrap a wet paper towel around it and throw it in the freezer; it'll be ice cold in pretty fast."
"Most people hide from these situations and the conversations their entire life and it's almost like the easiest life hack: just put yourself in these situations and you're going to start to win."
"Good morning friends, today I will tell you about the biggest longevity hack known to man."
"The one minute rule is if something takes less than 60 seconds to do, go ahead and do it."
"If you skip to the end of a long YouTube video and press replay, you can watch the whole thing without ads."
"Your dreams start here with our ultimate hack to great sleep."
"That's like the easiest hack to level up your looks as a guy."
"I'm always talking about USB-C to USB-A adapters. These will save a project meeting, I'm telling you, these will save your life."
"I feel like I have just well and truly cheated the system, right, I've got a kid's meal but there's still so much food here."
"That's probably my most useful hack because vets even use it, and it's super easy to do at home and also super effective."
"Who knew that if you get up at an earlier time, you can get more done."
"Who wouldn't want this? This is the ultimate life hack!"
"I love you, Sheets, but hey, if I can save myself a little car ride and get free food out of it, I'm gonna do that, you know. Life hack."
"It's the only life hack you'll ever need because it applies everywhere."
"If you were able to rewire your brain to do one thing that would help you out drastically in life, it would be that."
"You just can't go wrong. I'm obsessed; it's like the best hack ever."
"You guys know the best way to keep your clothes from getting wrinkled is to put it on your skeleton?"
"Life hack to go with the French baguette, I got some Gruyere cheese."
"If you are able to find the blessing and the joy and the comfort in everything that happens, you have access to a life hack unlike any other."
"Batch cooking is simply making more food than you can eat for that one meal, and it was life-changing."
"It makes life a hell of a lot easier."
"This is a fantastic life hack, I love it!"
"I've discovered a rather brilliant life hack."
"I'm going to show you the best life hack ever."
"I'm telling you guys, this is such a life-changing trick for me."
"I'm more willing to go in there and clean it, and this is one of those tips I will be using for the rest of my life."
"Pro tip: Make extra waffles when you're making them and put them in the freezer. Easy breakfast."
"If you need to remove a price tag on glass, then you just run over it with a hair dryer for a few seconds before you peel it. It makes the biggest difference."
"If you just float a flame over the edge of your ribbon, it will completely stop it from fraying."
"I'm super happy with this hack, definitely try it out."
"Jars are going to change your life."
"This hack I want to share with you is ridiculously affordable."