
Ethical Choices Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Even if I knew I was going to die, I wouldn't go back to eating meat just out of being kind."
"Ideally, I would be vegan... just for ethical reasons, I would not eat any animal products."
"We should avoid the things we can avoid, and we can avoid this."
"The freedom to choose more ethical options is indeed a form of luxury."
"Your children are going to respect you more if you do the right thing... they're going to respect you when they're older and they fully understand the sacrifices made."
"I think it's absolutely great if you can avoid buying meat."
"I would definitely choose the person that's got the morals because that's what matters."
"I mean, if you don't have to kill, why kill?"
"I don't want to contribute to the torture of an animal."
"Once you've seen what happens and once you're educated on what happens to these animals, you 100% would not want to be a part of it."
"What do you think about this situation? Have you made the choice to go cruelty free?"
"We need to choose life, and whether it's popular or not, in a time of crisis, when somebody's headed down a route... you speak up."
"You don't want to be the person who ends up saying silent while your friend confesses."
"Veganism is simply about causing the least amount of harm to other animals as possible and practicable."
"It's more important to support the brands that actually stand for the right thing than it is to cancel the brands that don't. It's that simple."
"Veganism for me is a lifestyle. It's a way to be."
"Even if it's your job at stake, still do what's right."
"No employer should make you have to choose between your job and your honor. But if they do, choose honor."
"Eventually, for survival purposes, they will do the right thing."
"Forget the lesser evil, fight for the greater good like your life depends on it because it does."
"The main point of veganism is to do less harm to animals."
"I know that's saying there is no ethical consumption under capitalism and someone suffered somewhere for everything. Someone is suffering always for something. But there are choices that you can make that are not this."
"I've never had an opinion on save/kill the animals before, but I'm pretty into saving them right now."
"We have the ability to transmute energy, we can use it for good or bad, it's up to us."
"Do you want to be part of the solution or part of the problem?"
"It's really one of these things where she has to make a small sacrifice now for the greater good later on."
"A vegan bodybuilder achieves the exact same results without harming animals."
"You're saving the mouse and thought nothing of buying a home with the wood of 50 trees."
"Dignity is actually a more important consideration than safety... if there's a choice between staying safe and forfeiting your dignity or keeping your dignity and forfeiting your safety, you should go through door number two every time."
"You have the liberty in Christ to do such things, if it's a clean beast offered unto a false god."
"Your choices and actions determine your conviction."
"Hopefully, we can influence consumers to make better choices for themselves, for everyone, including the animals and the planet as well."
"You can both protect other people and protect the unborn."
"All of us do have power, and each individual can exercise that power three times a day with the choices that you make about the food that you're putting on your plate."
"Hasan, just like we are on top of the food chain because we are intelligent, we can choose to be morally correct instead and submit ourselves to the other animals."
"The moral compass is shifting constantly for them, adopting what they see is the lesser of two evils."
"In the situation that desperate, you have to do what you have to do to survive."
"Make the hard choices when nobody's looking."
"As soon as Superman makes the choice to kill Stalin, he’s already become him."
"If the ads are actively harmful, it's completely ethical to use an ad blocker."
"Your small moral choices don't have to make a global impact to still be the right thing."
"Animal agriculture is a biggie... you actually can't address the animal agriculture until... people stop doing this stuff."
"The choice for the greater good is always the right choice."
"Define success for yourself. But don't choose anything that will jeopardize your soul. Prioritize who you are, who you want to be, and don't spend time with anything that antagonizes your character."
"I mean, what they can do is the right thing, but what they will do, you know, it's like asking me how much longer is a drug addict going to take drugs. I mean, until he can't do anymore."
"Can we make the right choices, achieve the right outcomes, place our faith in the right people, and still retain our values?"
"Disconnect from those intent on doing harm. Shun participation with those who perpetuate wrongdoing."
"Prey 2017 is bold enough to let the player choose without a prompt to give them the option to act without immediately casting judgment."
"If they could be responsible... I would turn them in."
"Technology can be used for good or for bad. Let's make a decision to use it for good."
"You can make through selection the book say almost whatever you want but the truth is all of that is originating from a human mind engaging in thought and empathy."
"You're making a choice for those around you."
"Would you rather be a good godly person or would you rather not endure abuse?"
"Make decisions that are in line with the scriptures."
"The only thing moral about a man doing the right thing is making sure his family is safe."
"Bad victories should be avoided like the plague."
"The ripple effect of evil choices: what you sow, you will also reap."
"Freedom to choose virtuous action is the central good."
"Veganism is not a matter of leftism; veganism is just a matter of justice."
"All else equal, I would rather not kill an animal for my culinary pleasure."
"I would almost rather you go and support a store that is lesser-known that is doing the right thing."
"I think it's better to be killing one mouse accidentally than one cow purposefully."
"Dark and difficult times lie ahead, and soon everyone must make the decision between what is right and what is easy."
"Most choices in the realm of power are between evils. There are very frequently no good options."
"We all can do something a little bit about bike theft, and that is just don't buy stolen bike stuff."
"Stay true to yourself. Lie when you need to. Trust me, it creates bad habits."
"I think it's good that people think about what they spend their money on and they have the autonomy to make ethical decisions."
"Withdraw from this evil organization as soon as possible."
"Tanjiro's choice: save Nezuko from the sun or save the humans from the demon."
"The choice of when the victim becomes a victimizer in their own right."
"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." - Jerry Garcia
"Money or inconvenience would move you to snuff out your own child's life."
"He didn't go after the greed or any of that."
"I love that they continually take the high road."
"Morals over money, principles and values over money."
"Sometimes you can choose not to be a dick even if you're technically in the right."
"That choice doesn't seem so tough to me: vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right on in, we'll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace."
"Will you be able to look yourself in the mirror? Will you be able to sleep at night?"
"Virtue is not virtue if it is not freely chosen."
"When we're willing to cause others pain and great harm in order to protect ourselves, we're going to face difficulty and hardship."
"Be conscious. If you find out something is using generative AI, maybe don't buy that thing. Don't feed into the corporate pipeline of allowing them to make money off of using this tech."
"I didn't want to be the slayer of the elderly, I didn't want to be another link in the infection chain."
"We just want to do the right thing for them."
"Courage is not being mean and negative, it's taking the difficult path."
"Objectively better than before is the way the game handles the little sisters."
"So we're just like, 'We're not gonna do either of those things, let's just stay out of that world altogether and make content that you know, is mostly wholesome.'"
"When you're a vegan, you're anti animal abuse."
"Eating animal products is one of the cruelest things anyone ever does."
"The notion that it is the right thing to do, but it's painful."
"The high road is often extremely lonely, but I think you should always try to take it if you can."
"Even if it's difficult and inconvenient, it's never too late to do the right thing."
"When you get into situations where the consequences could be so severe that I'm no longer able to take care of my family, that's where a guy doesn't cut corners."
"Most of us would not do this to somebody that we love."
"We believe in educated choices that put your best interest first."
"Evil acts arise from a collection of smaller decisions."
"If anybody asked me to do something shitty, I would say no."
"I would never pick money over putting someone's life in danger."
"Your conscience should you ignore the obvious and continue to live a lie."
"I am doing this purely for environmental and ethical reasons."
"It's not about forcing change but about seeing the moment and choosing it not just because it's the right thing to do or quite frankly the only thing to do but because it can also be incredibly lucrative."
"I'd rather die fighting for what's right than live with what's wrong."
"You always have an option. Do good. If you're going to [mess] up, [mess] up, but do it the right way."
"I would rather be nice and lose than to be conniving and win."
"Envy not the oppressor and choose none of his ways."
"There are two paths to success: the fast lane and the organic lane."
"It's about just doing the right damn thing for once."
"There's so many ways to make legal money that doesn't involve prison time or any murders."
"Literally all of human civilization could end at any point because of what we do to animals and yet we still say oh well I like the taste of bacon more than the risk of swine flu."
"It can translate into a livelihood without shedding any of our ethics."
"Many times in my life, I had a choice between doing the right thing and doing what you're supposed to do in business. I did the right thing."
"There are very very good reasons to consider being vegan or at least shifting down that spectrum and they're worth covering."
"You gotta look at yourself in the mirror and say, 'Man, I can do something messed up.'"
"When enough people stop eating animal products, it actually does translate as having a real-world effect in the long run."
"Cassie never had to go forward with the lawsuit. She could have just taken the money and silently walked away."
"Fashion can be very powerful; will you use it for good?"
"Y'all have to stop throwing y'all morals out the window for pennies."
"You don't want another animal to be harmed in your name, so you abstain."
"One of the most beautiful things that I've seen come out of this is not only their health benefits I can't even tell you how many patients of mine went plant-based for help and now become full ethical vegans."
"You have to choose your humanity over the machine."
"Doing the right thing is more important than what's easy."
"There's the law and there's doing what's right."
"What has higher value? Sensory pleasure or the lives of sentient beings?"
"Everybody can do the right thing when it's not hard."
"Shame on every black motherfucking member in this motherfucking movie who read this script and still took that role."
"Money's not everything; you have enough self-worth to not do certain things for money."
"You don't need to eat meat or any animal products in order to live."
"Why would you choose to intentionally harm animals when there's a completely valid way of eating?"
"Medium rare with American cheese, but please hold the misery."
"Ethical animal parks do exist and it's important to do your research before supporting such places."
"Being vegan is a great decision. It's healthy for you and it's best for the animals and it's great for the environment."
"What makes a hero? Is the hero someone who holds up the rules that are put in place, or is the hero someone who listens to their own moral compass?"
"No animal would ever choose pain and suffering over freedom."
"I'm not sacrificing any part of my family to make one extra dollar for me."
"Choose the chicken's life over a sandwich and choose a different sandwich. That's how easy it is."
"Being vegan is easy, it's just against animal abuse in your actions."
"Beef doesn't originate at the grocery store, an animal should not suffer," I told myself.
"Regardless of whether this is worse for you than other people, it doesn't erase the moral choice."
"I try to do the right thing every time it matters."
"What would you do with your life if this was the only life you had? Would you be a selfish jerk or try to make the world better?"
"I just want people to choose different things in the supermarket. I don't want animals in farms and slaughterhouses."
"There are a lot more you can do in the forex space instead of doing fraud."
"The right things may be hard, but we should be doing them in our long-term interest."
"When you know better, it makes it harder."
"Right now, you could always be doing the right thing."
"I didn't want to lose my integrity."
"BFC, yes, it's good, trying to stop people from harming the chickens."
"He wanted to do the right thing rather than what was politically the right thing."
"Choosing the good path, being selfless and doing what is right, is not the easy path."
"It's vegan and cruelty-free, so I love it."
"Please reconsider your choice to eat animals."
"Morality basically means if you want to be moral and ethical, try to pick the path that results in the least amount of actual harm in the real world."
"I made it and I didn't have to hurt a single animal."
"Buying these products from these companies, we're telling these companies that, hey, you can make money by not exploiting animals."
"There would be hard choices and they should be made by elected ministers."
"I'm so grateful that I am able to give them a good life instead of buying something sight unseen at the grocery store."
"You either have integrity or you don't. You get to pick if you have integrity."
"There's every reason to get the animals off your plate, whether it's your health, your waistline, preserving your brain, whatever it may be."
"These animals are more valuable as a part of the ecosystem versus your fancy belt or your bag or your girlfriend's new shoes."
"I get to be the guinea pig for you, and I would love to prioritize, like sustainable and ethical brands of course, because it's the best for the environment."
"Decisions you make about what you buy and where you buy them can have an impact on families nine and a half time zones away."
"Technologists and researchers are making ethical choices all the time."
"Moral thinking means you are weighing all interests and sometimes choosing your interest over others and sometimes choosing the interest of others over your own."
"You don't have to be a hero to do the right thing."
"Choosing to act right, choosing to fight right."
"Everyone who does evil hates the light and does not come to the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed."
"The meat itself is actually healthier and this is much more ethical than what you pick out at a supermarket."
"It is also alcohol, fragrance, and essential oil free as well as being vegan and cruelty-free."
"I consciously choose synthetic brushes; with as well as they perform, I don't feel a need to use genuine animal hair."
"Our choices as consumers can also create a meaningful impact in terms of forcing the hands of production companies by not engaging with content that makes you feel icky by not supporting content that you don't agree with how it's made."
"We have chosen to do the right thing; it's painful at times because people are used to doing things their way, but it doesn't make it right."
"I'd much rather go for vegan leather because there's no cruelty involved."
"Doing the right thing isn't always easy, but it is always right."
"The real solution is to step away from factory farming."
"If I can make a person feel better doing the right thing than making them feel better doing the wrong thing, then they're going to do the better thing."
"Vegan should not contain any animal ingredients or animal by-products."
"Vegan, never tested on animals, we'd love to see it."
"After spending time with these animals, it becomes clear that they are smart individual beings who don't want me to bite into them."
"Humans with a rotten heart and humans who let lust take over their minds, that's the real devil."
"By taking your money out of the unethical business and putting it in an ethical business, yes, you're going to make the same difference as you would by not eating a cow."
"It's not kind to eat animals. Why can't you extend your kindness to other animals instead of paying someone else to kill them for your meal?"
"They're vegan and cruelty-free which explains the packaging for this month."
"They are vegan and cruelty-free. Yay!"
"We can make choices that can make a world of difference for other animals and for ourselves and for our planet."
"I don't appreciate, I don't condone, and I don't like the cruelty that goes behind making leather things."
"I've gone cruelty-free this year."
"Vegan skincare is not just for vegans, but it's for anyone who cares about the ingredients, who cares about the animals, who cares about the environment."
"I've been cruelty free for over three years now and it's definitely been a journey."
"I've been cruelty-free for a little bit now."
"They are one of the main reasons I went cruelty-free."
"I would encourage people to try cruelty-free options where the products are just as good or better."
"98% natural, vegan-friendly, and never tested on animals."