
Income Disparity Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Your children will earn less than you did, the first time again in history."
"At the world's largest worker-owned firm, Mondragon, the maximum allowable difference between the highest paid and lowest paid worker member is 11 to 1."
"An average Senator is paid 50 million a month, an average Nigerian worker is paid 30,000 a month."
"I want you to take whatever preconceptions you have about wealth, about poverty, about income disparities, about what people earn and how they live, and reconsider them."
"The average CEO today takes home more than 12 million dollars, while the average worker makes about 34,000 dollars."
"It's super [] up, by the way, that I make like 18 times as much as your average [] investigative journaler in Thailand right now."
"Productivity gains during the expansion were disappointing, and income and wealth disparities have been growing for several decades."
"I can see the opportunities of cheaper food, clothing, and footwear, helping most of all those with lower incomes."
"CEO pay, of 150 times the average worker. That's not going to work."
"The housing market is massively overvalued with home prices about 31% overvalued compared to the level of incomes in America."
"If you'd say that you prefer to make $5,000 a year just so I make 10, that shows that you're a jealous punk, not that you actually care about your living standard."
"Utilizing the opportunity that she had in front of the cameras to put out a message... showcases the income disparity and the wealth disparity that exists in America right now."
"CEOs used to make about 20 times the average worker in the company that they ran. Today, they make more than 350 times what the average worker in the corporation makes."
"I'm bitter because of the imbalance in how people are paid."
"When a man makes money he says, 'I can support a family,' when a woman makes money she says, 'I'm independent of a man.' That's the difference."
"He's attacking lower class, I mean, everybody in this space, we're all making nickels and dimes compared to what you're making."
"Real weekly wages for the lowest paid earners have grown more in the first three years of my administration than in the entire decade before my election."
"The problem is that I have disposable income and a lot of other people don't have disposable income."
"I tend to agree in general with Milton Friedman that we ought to find a way to open up opportunities for all income classes."
"Support among the top 10% of income earners doubled a policy’s chances of being adopted."
"Conservatives that make less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year are simps."
"MPs weren't paid originally for being MPs, which was very bad because that meant that people of means could afford to stand but working-class people could not."
"My mom never made more than twenty grand a year, and she worked hard. I sometimes make fifty thousand dollars in one hour."
"Their wages combined are less than a sole wage of Maguire, Mount, Anthony, Bruno, Martial, Rashford, Casimiro, Varane, and Sancho."
"Incomes only 217, tuition for college is 1200, a thousand percent more."
"Income gains strongest at the bottom of the economic ladder."
"The equally yolked man who's 35 that's making $500,000, he's probably already in a relationship."
"Modern women, we do work and we most of us make more than our husbands."
"Every time a woman says that they need a man in the top 15 top 10 top 5 percent of earners they are telling the rest of me you're not good enough."
"Why the hell is the guy or girl that's not in the truck making more money than the guy or girl that's in the truck? So you gotta be smarter."
"When you're spending more money than you're gaining, it's like putting in all of this work and time and only making $20."
"If you're in that situation, you're now to buy the average house, you would have to be making 10 to 20 times what you make a year."
"If that guy is making this amount of money... what are these big gurus doing?"
"Policy should allow you to [live where you want], even if you have a job that you're not making like 250,000 a year."
"Who's really getting hurt? It's 1099 income."
"There's levels to social media, right? And you know that. It doesn't even come down to follower account. We know people that have 200K followers that are making more money than people that have 10 billion, yeah."
"There's no wage gap, there's an earnings gap."
"It's easy for economists to say, 'Just go out and specialize,' but when most people are only making the equivalent of $4.00 a day, it's simply impossible to survive by specializing in a traditional role."
"Doing the day-to-day for their company, those are going to be low-income people who are not getting paid well and are going to typically have negative experiences."
"I think we're kind of at this point of this late stage capitalism where the incomes don't match up with the work."
"Most people don't even make thirty grand a year. Even if you have a hundred thousand dollars, even if you're making a hundred grand a year, it's really hard for people to save that type of money."
"Just because you make more money than somebody else doesn't mean that you're a better saver or a better investor."
"People are just in shock by these increased costs particularly as I said, the middle and lower income Americans who I represent..."
"Girls don't want to date dudes who earn less money than them."
"Inflation is raring, and many don't have the income to prepare anymore."
"Minimum wage would be $18 had it risen alongside productivity."
"It would take just something like me 40 hours a week no overtime 365 years to make what our CEO made."
"Imagine two men: one making millions but absent, the other making less but present."
"You want to be in the top 20% of the earners in the United States. It will be the only people over the next ten years that are safe, I promise you."
"Married men earn 70% more than everyone else."
"500 750 million so there are many many people making a million dollars a year who might only be 30 30."
"When you peel back the onion you see that there is no larger income and wealth dispersion than there is in China."
"Most celebrities earn more in a day than most people will see in their lifetimes."
"If they're making 25,000 a year they can still save... they are no less than the person who makes 100,000 or 150,000 a year."
"The top 10 percent of the country's earners received almost 40 percent of the country's income."
"Wages are rising fastest for the lowest income Americans."
"Wealth is about the gap between what you need to live and the income you have."
"Audits on low-income Americans have fallen by 40 percent, however, audits on Americans making over 10 million dollars have fallen by 65 percent."
"If you make a hundred and ten thousand dollars in your salary position, you don't need overtime. But if you make 36 or 37,000, the idea that you can work a 12-hour day and not get paid any OT for it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever."
"I make double that in a month what they earn in a year."
"The richest five percent of households have average incomes 13.9 times as large as the bottom 20 percent of households."
"The only time where I do feel like 50 50 is incorrect or wrong is if a man is making well over the amount of money that you make annually."
"I work less than you, but I still make 10 times more."
"The bottom 90% of earners were actually growing until 1970 where thereafter it flatlined and declined."
"I'd rather make $700 playing a maid than making $7 a week being a maid."
"You could make money in wrestling and actually the guys in the 50s 60s and 70s the top guys made better money than even the guys in the 80s."
"The people on the lowest possible incomes are less likely to vote and right now what we're seeing with the labor strategy in terms of how to win an election, we're not talking about them."
"If you are a CEO, the good news is those days are long gone. Today, as I am sure the CEOs of this country know, they are now making 350 times more than their average worker."
"Why should a financial engineer be paid for four times, 200 times more than a real engineer?"
"Only people at the top of MLMs can truly earn a significant income."
"There's still so much housing that's out of reach for Americans that we'll see the price declines, but I think the income gains that we're seeing lately still aren't keeping up with the prices that we're seeing in the market in most markets."
"You know, I know you make a lot more money than I do, but I don't need you rubbing it in my face."
"It just screams of insecurity. The fact that your girlfriend earning more than you is that much of an issue to you just screams insecurity."
"Inflation is a tax on the people who have the least disposable income to spend."
"There's a lot of money in this, literally earning above most people's annual salary in a month."
"Number one is food. The basics. It may seem on its face like people who are poorer will spend less on food, and though that may be true in raw numbers, you quickly get a more complete understanding of the situation when you account for it as a percentage of overall income."
"He got a new job about eight months ago which pays almost three times what I make."
"The entire Fever payroll is $1.2 million less than the minimum salary for a single NBA player with a year's experience."
"When you aggregate these numbers, there are more jobs being created at the lower end and more jobs being created at the upper end and the middle is shrinking considerably."
"What makes them fascinating is not the fact that Stacy makes five times what Jesse makes it is the dynamic between them."
"When you leave the sexes to their own devices, they naturally put themselves in positions where the men just make more money off of choices."
"If anyone wanted to pay us a fraction of what those guys were making, I would be... we'd all be very happy."
"Bankers earn more than teachers and nurses, and I couldn't tell you a single thing a banker has done for me."
"What we tend to forget is nineteen thousand pound is someone's yearly wage."
"Having a really large income inequality is something that we should try to avoid as a society."
"Wages are rising at the fastest rate in many decades, and they're rising the fastest for the lowest income Americans."
"Nearly 51 million households don't earn enough to afford a monthly budget that includes housing, food, child care, health care, transportation, and a cell phone."
"The middle class debt load is growing much faster than their incomes."
"The problem with today's housing market is that the relationship has broken down over the last decade, and home prices have gone up way more than income."
"The difference between some people earning ten thousand dollars a year and some people earning ten billion dollars a year is quite enormous."
"The top 20 percent of people at work earn 80 percent of the money."
"For every dollar of income whites have, Asian households have $1.15, Latinos have $0.70, and blacks have $0.59."
"I'm making even more money than she is now... and she's struggling. Should I pay a larger percentage? Yes, you absolutely should."
"Most women, even when they earn more, even when they're more educated, they typically don't have those longer-term financial skills."
"Japanese and Chinese saw gross discrimination in the United States but yet according to the 1980 census, Japanese Americans have the highest median family income."
"These two economies, number one and number two in the world, completely different political systems and completely different economic systems, have roughly the same Gini coefficient, which is a measure of income inequality."
"I'm working like eight to ten hour days and I'm making that much, and she makes it in two hours."
"62% of consumers now live paycheck to paycheck, including 36% of those whose annual incomes exceed $200,000 a year."
"That's the difference. However, the doctors from other countries who worked with me, when we had a chance to talk, they earned $7,000 per month."
"Regressive taxes... take a larger percentage of your income if you don't earn that much and a smaller percentage of your income if you earn quite a lot."
"...black gay men by ratio out earn straight black men... we're far more degreed."
"There's people working 365 days in the year not even making that much money."
"College graduates out earn high school graduates by over 70%."
"I love you all, but nobody should make no money and then the rest."
"Female unmarried drawing higher income than the male."
"For every stone a woman gained in weight, there was about a 1,500 pound reduction in annual household income."
"A lot of times women make less money than men and they put their job second to their husband and it's not equal and it's not fair."
"One of the biggest complaints for most people that rent: the increase in their income hasn't met what the increase it is to actually live right now in the United States."
"Inequality of income and social mobility are inextricably linked."