
Scientific Reasoning Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Correlation suggests a relationship, whereas causation suggests a direct cause."
"The absence of evidence does not equal the evidence of absence."
"Correlation does not equal causation, but in order for there to be causation, there has to at least be some proof of correlation."
"Correlation does not equal causation although that is most certainly what Wakefield would want you to believe here."
"If we receive a rhythmic signal from outer space, does that necessitate aliens sending us a message? Of course not."
"We cannot blindly apply the Copernican principle to anything and everything that we come across because clearly, in the case of the Sun, it is unambiguously not a typical star."
"Many solutions for explaining it have been offered, but the focus of this series is just that there is no paradox because we’re simply massively overestimating how likely life is to arise, grow to complexity and diversity, get smart, get technology, then grow to be a galaxy spanning civilization we could easily spot."
"The case for intelligent design is not based on... deduction from the scriptural text. It's an inference from biological evidence."
"The truth is not impacted in any way by the number of people who believe it the plural of anecdote is not data you can line up as many testimonies as you want and it doesn't increase the plausibility of the claim."
"Just because you don't know a scientific explanation doesn't mean it's explained by magic."
"From a scientific standpoint, it makes a lot of sense."
"Correlation is not proof of causation." - Patrick Moore
"Based on other galaxies we see outside of our own is why we conclude that our galaxy spiraled as I'm shown."
"We can understand by revelation... then by science try and go back and use our reason."
"Premise two is simply an inductive rule of inference widely used in scientific, philosophical, and ordinary reasoning."
"We choose hope over fear, we choose unity over division, and we choose science over fiction."
"Chemistry isn't random so no it's not at all like dropping toothpicks and randomly having them form letters."
"This isn't a hunch, this isn't a mere hypothesis, this is a theory."
"Culture does not exist to serve the genome...you are taking it on faith."
"That's how we know that whatever force of physics caused the Big Bang, it's not going to be a mythical Bronze Age deity looking out for billions of years across the vast expanse of space."
"Acknowledging regularity in nature isn't presupposing; it's an acknowledgment based on consistent observation."
"Good scientific theories will be widely explanatory, and that's a reason to accept your assumptions."
"It made a lot of sense that vitamin D is likely to be implicated in this."
"Naturalistic explanations for the rise of life on this planet are far more compelling and awesome than any kind of supernatural explanation."
"With science and evidence, you don't have to watch something happen to know it's true."
"There's no correlation causation or sorry correlation does not equal causation."
"Exceptional claims require exceptionally good evidence."
"But since natural explanations have always overturned supernatural ones and never the other way around, it's reasonable to expect future answers to continue this way."
"If any of these scientific models... are even halfway right, it's definitely worth holding some of this pristine asset."
"A good Bayesian scientist will emphasize the likelihoods rather than the priors or the posteriors."
"It's sort of inferred by, and I think I remember reading that, but I mean, I think it's less so the meteoric impact itself, more so the impact on the environment."
"You don't need to touch the sun to know it's hot and you don't need to see oxygen to know it's there to breathe."
"But 100% is a hell of a lot better than 0%, which is what you can prove by religious reasoning."
"Science furnishes us with some of the strongest evidence for the existence of God."
"Carl Sagan once said extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"Evolution is the only way this biology makes sense."
"Even if I didn't know about the law of entropy, I would deduce there's something."
"Remember that correlation doesn't equal causation."
"So you see now, the connection with area and with thickness, by no means trivial."
"To me, the cause of a fire is never a belief issue. Fires happen for a reason. Science says there's always a cause. You can therefore park your belief outside before it makes a right Lon of itself."
"Our subjective experiences are impossible to make reasoned scientific arguments about."
"Associations are not the same as causality."
"Correlation does not show causation."
"Science, reason, and logic trump ideology, hurt feelings, and intellectual gibberish."
"Correlation is not always causation."
"Logic is the science of valid inference; you are inferring the conclusion from the premises."
"...you cannot infer causality from association."
"Science isn't just like a list of observations... we rather make observations and then use these observations to defend broader conclusions."
"The science is at least sound, and it makes sense."