
Reversibility Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Type 2 diabetes is reversible...it's always easier to reverse these things earlier on."
"Many people wrongly think that posture is just something that gets worse as we get older, but for many people, that process is reversible."
"Type 2 diabetes is a completely reversible disease."
"Skincare is supposed to be preventative, not reversible."
"Here's the good news: renormalization can work in reverse too."
"The ability to do it living subjects means not just that it can be done with the informed consent of the subject, but that it can be reversed too."
"Most ideas are two-way doors. You can step through, look around, and if you don't like what you see, you just step right back."
"It's an incredible effect that turns out to be incredibly useful, especially when you consider the fact that it's reversible."
"Type 2 diabetes is not an irreversible disease. It's a reversible disease. It's a dietary disease."
"You might think its unavoidable, but it's actually a cumulative process that happens over time, and it's at least mostly reversible."
"The beauty with filler is that if you do something with filler you can always go back."
"There is nothing you can do that can't be undone."
"For virtually everyone Alzheimer's and pre-alzheimer's can be reversed."
"Puberty blockers are reversible and supported by medical standards."
"It's reversible and that's the biggest deal for me, especially for the non-modders or the people who don't want to take apart the blaster."
"Men can reverse hitting the wall, women cannot."
"You should make reversible decisions as quickly as you humanly can."
"Sometimes people just think of this sort of slow decline of their cognitive function they're not realizing that it's actually something that can be reversed."
"This is really preventable... even reversible."
"Type two diabetes is a reversible disease."
"I believe that many of these issues are reversible."
"We used to think that you could not reverse heart disease, you could not reverse cancer, but we're seeing it today, you can."
"Anything that can be done can be undone and I would start by taking that post down."
"Knowing how reversible these diseases are is the most exciting thing in medicine."
"Any motion allowed by the laws of physics, the reverse motion is also allowed."
"One of the beautiful things about screws is you can always remove them."
"Alzheimer's is preventable and in early stages, it certainly is reversible."
"...these epigenetic changes are reversible...you can also pass on your recovery..."
"What was once done can also be undone."
"Most drugs are reversible, they will fall off, meaning that you need to have excess drug available to take that place."
"Insulin resistance thing... hypertension and diabetes is actually reversible."
"The world is not losing information; it's being micro-physically complete and reversible."
"You can improve this. It doesn't... it's not permanent as you get rid of the cause for this you reverse that particular condition."
"Fatty liver disease is a treatable and even reversible condition."
"Developers just need to write migration scripts for each schema update and then they can be confident that that change will be applied consistently across all environments and also will be reversible if there's a problem."
"All of the findings in NASH, fibrosis, and even compensated cirrhosis are reversible with diet, exercise, and weight loss."
"Most moves will reverse back to entry."
"This shows that the child has mastered the concept of reversibility."
"If you make a big change or you rotate something and then you decide 'oh I don't really like that' you can always undo and get it back to where it was."
"The pain is in the brain, the pain is real, the pain is reversible, that's the message."
"The pain is real, the pain is reversible, that's the message."
"There's a direct relationship between the reversibility of the system and the information content of the output."
"It's much easier to take back a no than a yes."
"If you're precocious and you just lost your identity, then that's reversible."
"It's totally reversible, I love that."
"So as always I'm using High glue to put this back together because it's a reversible glue that way this can get repaired in the future."
"All these things, these chronic diseases of modern society, are improvable if not reversible by eating a proper human diet."
"Luckily, all the materials that I work with, the paints, the varnishes, the adhesives, are archival and fully reversible."
"I try to make choices that I can undo if possible."
"Some cavities are reversible, some are irreversible; it depends on the depth of the cavity."
"Asthma is a chronic hyperreactive airway disease that is reversible."
"Both osteopenia and osteoporosis are completely reversible by eating a proper human diet."
"Dementia is chronic and not reversible; delirium is acute and is reversible."
"Don't do anything to your records that you can't undo."
"If you want to be able to reverse something, map it forwards and backwards, one input needs to be mapped to one output."
"Chronic disease is entirely reversible and preventable."
"Global warming or the surface warming itself is reversible by removing CO2 from the atmosphere but many feedbacks will persist for centuries to millennia."
"Most of these decisions will be two-way doors; they'll be reversible."
"Fibrosis and cirrhosis can be reversible, but not necessarily in everyone."
"The beauty of these steps is they're all reversible."
"These are actually all eminently reversible diseases."
"Many chronic illnesses are completely reversible."
"We're using hide glue here because it's reversible, because it's forgiving, it has a long open time."
"What causes type 2 diabetes and how to reverse it, it is regarded as an incurable disease but it is curable."
"It's unbelievable that every doctor considered type 2 diabetes as a chronic and progressive disease, but we know that it's actually reversible."
"Lossless compression is compression that can be reversed with no data loss."
"Aging is malleable in the sense that we can slow aging, we can delay the processes that change, but... aspects of the aging of cells and tissues can be reversed, at least transiently."
"Type 2 diabetes is a reversible condition."
"Reversible bronchospasm is a characteristic feature of bronchial asthma."
"Remember the Silver Lining here's this is a functional medicine clinic so we can help reverse diabetes; it's a 100 percent reversible disease."
"The most well-known and most common one is diabetic neuropathy, which is generally regarded as reversible once you go on a whole food plant-based diet."
"We certainly show this can be a reversible process."
"Reversibility, it's an interesting concept."
"It's completely reversible in most cases."
"You might even have a reversible basket, that would be cool."
"See how the stripes chevron? Kind of cool, huh? Let's look at it from the backside. Isn't that neat? It makes it reversible."
"A transaction that can potentially be reversed with an operation is called a compensable transaction."
"Once everything is done, you can always go back and turn it off, and it won't affect anything."
"It's like a fully loaded gun with the easiest features deleted that are super reversible."
"Everything in a raw image is pretty much reversible regardless of the settings that you use here."
"It's a possibly preventable and reversible condition."
"All the cumulative functions work whether you're working them forwards or backwards."
"Lossless compression is the variety of compression where you can still reverse the process and get back the data exactly as it was."
"You don't invalidate any warranties, you're not messing around with the car, it's all completely reversible."
"The lithium-ion concept uses two materials that allowed the reversible change of lithium-ions."
"Everything is reversible; everything is only the limitation of the person and his ability or her ability to actually apply the principles."
"It's treated with steroids and also this other antibody treatment that we use and it's reversible in the vast majority of patients."
"Heart disease is reversible, blood pressure problems are reversible, blood sugar problems are reversible."
"The map is invertible, that is, given the point \( x_{n+1} \) and \( y_{n+1} \), you can go backwards to recover where it came from."
"It's believed that this type of liver injury from alcohol is still reversible because there's still no fibrosis."
"A reversible process is one performed in such a way that at the end of the process both system and surroundings can be returned to their initial state."
"All of those issues, all of those problems are absolutely reversible, fixable by the routine lifestyle choices."