
Conferences Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The World Economic Forum in Switzerland...advertises conferences tackling issues such as climate change, creating jobs, and managing AI."
"It's such a pleasure to be here. It's a privilege, and thank you to all of the team that has put on this amazing conference."
"I went to Satan Khan in Boston Satan con 2023 and I think if you know just one thing about that conference was that they ripped up a Bible in their commencement ceremony for the conference."
"That was a great conference overall and I'm really looking forward to Bethesda's later on."
"The Keynotes are another really great area to focus on."
"The amount of Education you'll be able to get at this show is unmatched."
"Conferences have more Authority than the NCAA ever has."
"The conference wants to follow in the footsteps of other reimagined conferences like the Sun Belt or the Conference USA."
"I enjoyed meeting you at VCS Southeast in Atlanta."
"I speak at conferences... I do this so that you don't have to, just read my exact summary if that's all you want, two minutes, you'll understand what was wrong with the study."
"An important venue for international conferences."
"I learned a lot from them, and the conferences, yearly conferences, they are a huge plus in learning."
"The idea is that the Big 12, you have your SEC and your Big 10 right here, and the Big 12 is like right here."
"They've all sung solo at political conferences."
"The anointing is going to lift off of your nightly meetings and it's going to go to your conferences and your schools."
"The networking opportunities here at CPPCON are well above and beyond any other CP C++ conference that I've ever been to."
"I feel like we are finally ready for conferences tomorrow."
"I started going to some conferences, meeting other people, and within a couple of years realized as most of us do, if the world went plant-based, it solves 70% of the world's greatest problems."
"Try to go to as many conferences as you can, just because that's where you're gonna present your work and that's where you're gonna meet people."
"We've done actually right now seven... I can't remember the last count. This was years ago, of the number of conferences we hosted, was like 285. I don't know where it is now, that was years ago."
"Thanks for having me everyone, isn't it good to be back at conferences again in a room packed with people so I'm super excited for that and yeah thanks for showing up in those big numbers."
"Invest in your personal development and versus going to these conferences not all of them I will say."
"Go to these conferences, invest in yourself, invest in your team. It shows and it matters."
"This conference is going to stick in our minds. We're not going to forget Landmark 2023."
"It's about the relationships and just like when I go to those conferences it's like a big family."
"I just wanted to close up by thanking our conference sponsors without whom this would not be possible."
"Competitions not only Kaggle but also like other platforms or competitions related to conferences like NURBS or CVPR and so on. So it's a really high synergy between like both worlds."
"If you want to achieve financial freedom faster so you can finally live your best life, then I highly recommend that you save your seat at the upcoming Wealth Hacker Conference."
"If you're going to Def Con, definitely go to the parties."
"There's nothing greater to me than when I'm doing my conferences all over this world and she is right next to me, supporting me."
"I've known him for a couple of years, we've done some conferences together."
"Graph neural networks are regularly among the top and fastest growing keywords for the major machine learning conferences."
"These small conferences are a great way to meet other people that are really focused on the same things that you're focused on."
"Events like FIRST conferences are great ways to get to know your community and to build this trust."
"Many of us aren't going to conferences or going to virtual conferences instead."
"If you like luxury shopping and want to know what's going on at these conferences, you will love this video."
"These conferences are awesome, if you ever get a chance to come to one of these big mining conferences, do it, they are freaking amazing."
"If you haven't been to conferences or any kind of technical meetups, I'd highly recommend it; it's a great way to build your skills."
"Honestly, my biggest challenge personally in approaching these conferences is what not to speak on."
"It's really helpful to kind of have these conferences where we can all get together and trade ideas and such."
"The findings can be published not only in conferences but also in very good journals."
"I like the West in terms of the top heavy part, but in terms of just more good teams, I like the East."
"I think one of the things I really love about conferences like this is that they're by product managers for product managers and they're really about the discipline and the joy that is product management."
"Every year when I put together my personal growth agenda, MedTech conferences are on it, and every year I just gain so much insight."
"We have conferences like the SIGGRAPH where we are collecting usually ideas by talking with you."
"What an amazing month it's been with all these different conferences."
"Usually a conference starts off with a speech from the keynote speaker."
"If you ever had a conference and you see me speak, by all means, come up and say hi. I always love to meet new people."
"The Big Ten led all conferences, which is really interesting."
"These will be your colleagues, these are the people that you'll be seeing at conferences."
"Back in 2016, I went to GDC in San Francisco, and that was a good experience."
"We offer accommodation, we have big conference halls that can accommodate a lot of people."
"Enjoy the next talks and I hope you have a wonderful day."
"You need to sit in the audience at a conference and see yourself because if you can see yourself, that's going to make you believe that your voice matters."
"Please remember to evaluate this session on the way out; you hold the power to control next year's agenda."
"We met at a conference, and that brings up a memory."
"I've spoken at a couple of conferences in the past few years, mainly Autodesk University and BILT."
"The collectible pins are a genius idea that other conferences should totally pick up on."
"We always start and end conferences with positive statements."
"That's what our conferences are all about."
"I started getting invitations to conferences and ended up having to quit my day job."
"I knew nobody... didn't even know these things existed."
"Miss Hawk attends conferences and had been a midwife in Haiti for years, delivering many babies."
"Nine and three in that conference could be equal to ten and two or eleven and one in some other conferences."
"I am just a regular software engineer, but I go around to a lot of conferences and I write papers about software engineering."
"Conference-driven development... is conference-driven learning."
"We had parent-teacher conferences yesterday; they went so well, I just wanted to cry afterward."
"It's really cute but yeah, the talks have been really good and I've really been enjoying myself."
"It's really impressive to have a room packed with experts in science."
"Conferences are great places to introduce a new product."