
Wealth Growth Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Billionaires increasing their total wealth by 70% over the pandemic alone."
"The reality is, building long-term sustainable wealth and growing it in the stock market is not easy...it's all about just consistently investing every week or every month and letting your investments grow and compound over time."
"Every day in every way, my wealth is increasing."
"Brad took home 74 million after taxes and set a goal to grow his wealth to 1 billion within the next 15 years."
"Our economies are also wealthier today thanks to the teachings of people like Keynes, who showed that the business cycle could be managed by governments so that economies continue to grow wealthier over time."
"Millennials and Gen Z's are expected to see their net worths skyrocket."
"It's easier to get from a million to a billion than it is to get from a hundred to a million."
"At this point, you have a choice: master your ability to grow wealth or decide what to do with your money."
"Billionaires in this particular space have almost doubled... in just the last year alone." - Josh Nichols
"My investments return me dividends and i also get to see an increase in wealth through the overall growth of those companies that i invest in."
"If it actually held the kind of CAGR that it has, then by year 30 even if I was not dripping the portfolio would be making 671 grand a year."
"You make money work for you, you can grow it to the most extraordinary extent."
"Wealth is like watching a flower grow. The more time you give the flower to grow, the bigger it's gonna get."
"The growth of US trade with China has made both US and China richer."
"Wealth has grown the same way a seed grows into a tree."
"Electric vehicles represented a massive opportunity for him to 10x his wealth."
"The way you make money is planting good seeds in your garden and tending to that garden, and over time, it will bear you lots of fruit."
"You just grew your assets by one billion dollars, and you're looking at that as a negative. That doesn't make sense anywhere but some kind of crazy land called the world of Wall Street analysts."
"Real wealth is created during bear markets, so be prepared to add a zero to your net worth."
"I like to get paid every day, just get paid all day every day. You wake up, you're richer than when you went to bed."
"The more money you put here the wealthier you will become."
"You budget to save; you save to invest; and you invest to grow wealth."
"DRIPs are the best way to get your dividend investments to work on autopilot, getting you that compounding exponential growth."
"Muhammad Duji: Africa's youngest billionaire transformed his father's business from a measly $30 million to $1.5 billion in valuation."
"This dividend growth investing strategy allows compounding wealth over time at massive rates."
"Waiting is sometimes the biggest enemy of multiplying your money."
"Regardless, by 2030, Millennials are expected to have five times as much wealth as they have today."
"Learn how to double and triple your money and make cash flow while you wait for the double and the triple."
"You protect yourself with having a very, very good deal... the worst thing I think you could do is buy a property that is market value and has a negative cash flow."
"Money will compound. Wealth will compound. Goodness will compound."
"Invest early if you have a lot of money when you're young, time will grow it for you."
"Those of you who have cryptos now are going to be very well off."
"These were eight specific things that can help you make more money and grow your money faster."
"...there are a lot of merits to Dividend investing but one of the most underrated is the psychological benefits the psychological effects that it can have on you and helping you relax while you slowly but surely grow wealth over time."
"Long-term investment is about growing wealth steadily and sustainably."
"The biggest lie in personal finance is that you can grow your wealth by just cutting your spending."
"The goal of investing is to grow your wealth over time by earning returns on your investments."
"A good manager will increase your money and then take a very small and reasonable percentage."
"Holding on to your money long enough for it to get pregnant and have babies, you never spend the mama money, you only spend the baby money."
"I went from a zero dollar net worth individual to now multi-seven figures approaching eight figures."
"It's unbelievable what you could do; this is how the rich get richer."
"Investing in dividend-paying stocks is a smart way to steadily grow your wealth even with small amounts."
"Improve your relationship with money to help grow your wealth."
"Investing into real estate is one of the best ways to grow your net worth faster."
"Put a percentage of your earnings away and let that compound and grow."
"You need to invest and use the power of compound interest."
"Dividend reinvestment is critical to grow your wealth."
"I think the best time to start investing is 20 years ago, and the second best time is today."
"The rich grow more wealthy every day because they work not for money but to buy assets that produce cash flow."
"Live below your means and continue to do so if you want to see your net worth grow."
"Many investors aim for an annual return significantly higher than the average inflation rate to ensure their wealth continues to grow in real terms."
"This massive increase in wealth brought many of Africa's countries out of relative poverty and into the middle income class of the world."
"Focus more on making money than saving money."
"It's one of the smartest ways for you to grow your wealth, for you to become your own bank and be dependent only on yourself."
"Your expenses are going up... it can be a very good sign that wealth is coming your way."
"You're starting to see multiple streams of income... that's an enormous sign that wealth is headed your way."
"Once you have 100 Grand, the interest just snowballs."
"Dividend investing is watching myself grow richer month over month."
"The rich prioritize assets above all else because they know that assets will increase their income."
"If you're investing to grow your net worth, create specific portfolio goals to be achieved ideally within set time horizons."
"The only thing I need a financial advisor for is to help me figure out how I can use my money to make more money."
"If you just stay invested... your balance would be well over $1.08 million."
"Leveraging other people's money and other people's credit is the easiest way to grow your own wealth."
"When we get over the fear of actually investing, that is when our wealth truly grows."
"Please be active not passive with your savings."
"Investing a broad market index fund that follows the index like the S&P 500 is one of the most effective ways to grow your wealth in the long run."
"The basic formula for growing wealth is: Grow the gap, invest that gap, and repeat until those investments can sustain themselves."
"Your money makes you money and then that money makes you more money."