
Inference Quotes

There are 358 quotes

"Empathy itself is not me reaching into somebody's mind to get their feelings. It's an inference based on my own experiences."
"Inferential thinking is what's called when we're always drawing inferences from a series of observations."
"Mathematical formulas in physics describing reality but there's a whole mathematical formalism associated with making inferences in the presence of incomplete information."
"It's reasonable to infer then that dinosaurs probably did the same, and actually, we have supporting evidence for that as well."
"It smells like lockdown. If it walks like a lockdown, acts like a lockdown, and sounds like a lockdown, then it's probably a lockdown."
"He’s written in such a way that even if he is a complete ambiguous entity, little hints in his behavior and actions allow us to make educated inferences about the type of man that he is."
"You're no longer speculating, you're dealing in facts."
"Traditional programming expresses rules in code, while machine learning provides answers and infers the rules."
"Machine learning turns this around. Instead of expressing rules in code, we provide answers and let the machine infer the rules."
"Driving while black registered with a lot of us... even though white people were unlikely to encounter it directly, we inferred that something was there that we could not see."
"Someone with a dead body in the car doing all this back and forth. What does that tell you if that's what happened?"
"Using singular anecdotes to extrapolate broader inferences is powerful."
"Premise two is simply an inductive rule of inference widely used in scientific, philosophical, and ordinary reasoning."
"You have to look at all the facts. You have to draw inferences from what you’ve seen, what you’ve heard."
"You're inferring that she is guilty and adding additional reasons as to why she might be guilty."
"There's no doubt that the inference is there."
"The strength of the case really depends on how many inferences can be drawn from the evidence."
"Numbers don't lie right so you know something's going on over there."
"Inference is very important; it helps us to figure out the meaning of things and make predictions."
"Slag alone doesn't make a blast furnace, but there are other substantial structures this could be."
"Sometimes all you have is what you call circumstantial evidence, but if you've got enough circumstantial evidence it does tend to point to something."
"If you take a computer, we know it's been created."
"Just because you don't have a necessity doesn't mean you can't make an inference to the best explanation."
"Police therefore theorized that Judy wasn't the kind of person who would have accidentally left her ID at home before a flight."
"So much of science is indirectly inferential... we posit unobservable entities in order to explain observable phenomena."
"The idea that inference, something widely perceived as purely abstract or mathematical, can be driven by simple laws of motion dynamically maintaining the boundaries between things, maintaining order in the face of chaos, is frankly astonishing."
"To guess and general conclusions based on what is already known, to extrapolate."
"Perception is, by necessity, a process of inference in which the brain interprets ambiguous and noisy sensory signals with respect to some prior expectations or beliefs about the way the world is."
"Holmes is famous for his quick-fire inferences given limited information."
"Whenever we see language, we instantly infer not downwards to the laws of physics and chemistry but upwards to mind."
"Imagine the archaeologist discovering the Rosetta Stone and saying, 'Well, I'd like to say a scribe was involved, but I've got to say it was wind and erosion because that's all that's allowed.'"
"I could tell that the driver, when it crashed, wasn't using a VPN tool."
"It's actually a square nail... so I would say this house burned down... and there's the ash layer."
"So with what we found so far we could assume that this place was definitely abandoned in 2008."
"It's when you can start basing presumptions off of the other person."
"We have sufficient grounds for inferring that life was designed by an intelligent agent."
"Understanding the writer's purpose is an important reading skill in IELTS, but it can be tricky because the writer never tells you their purpose. We have to infer it from what they do say."
"If there's smoke, there's fire and if it sounds like a duck, looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck."
"I couldn't help but think that he must have been an effective debater at school."
"Wow, that back end is pushed in like this. Fucker's been in prison."
"If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's probably a duck, and therefore dark matter."
"So to me, there's an old psychoanalytic idea. If you can't figure out what someone is doing or why, look at the outcome and infer the motivation."
"...the bed hadn't been slept in, it had all the appearance of having been made and then deliberately tousled."
"You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes."
"we want to infer to the best explanation"
"So there is this inferential leap, but the only explanation for some of those you have to ask why. You also have to ask who's putting those ideas in his head."
"Oh, clearly, clearly. If this is the Ten of clubs, this must be the Jack of Clubs."
"If you wanted to prove that all crows were black, you don't need to prove they're all white. All you need to do is to prove one is white. Thus, all are not black."
"If she took the whole universe and installed it into the Soul Gem, then the Infinity Stones must exist within the Soul Gem."
"I could not but infer that they enjoyed the spectacle."
"Someone described the person who happened to be with Clutch at the time. I assumed you weren't talking about the weather, Temple."
"Don't forget to read between the lines."
"The physical universe arises from our inferential cognition. We are constantly making guesses about what is out there."
"Brian, look, the fence is red, but the grass next to it doesn't have any stains, so the fence isn't likely to be freshly painted."
"The point is we're talking about like a logical preponderance, like a charitable preponderance. We're saying like, 'Hey, if it's heavily implied with the series to be one way, then it should probably be interpreted that way, right?'"
"Last time I saw that, that happened and yeah, you put bits and pieces together."
"You don't need that bit, they know. You just infer, you don't need to do the whole, in comedy, you don't need to spell out the joke."
"It appeared to me that the blood had been cleaned up."
"Once we make these different from those then using the transpose of these for inference is no longer correct."
"In this net and only in this net you get trivial inference that is I can infer an unbiased sample from these guys just by taking these dates multiplying by the transpose of these weights putting it through the logistic."
"Confidence you took off your shoes which makes me think that you're thinking that you might go in the pool."
"There's something magic about this particular deep belief net which is even though it generates complicated correlations at every level inference is trivial."
"...it appears to be a message from Chad to Lori correct and what did that appear to be an indication Chad was going to do."
"So movie poster it looks like it's him in front of a cityscape okay he's dressed up in a like work clothes and has a briefcase and a shotgun okay yeah so it's pretty easy to infer maybe what's going on based off the poster."
"Putting the pieces together. You're solving something without someone directly telling you the detail."
"So, that's an inference from the data points to an explanation, and so the explanation is a good one to the degree that it captures all the data points and that it makes them make sense more than before you had the explanation."
"Historians proceed by hypothesis."
"The sad fact is that these kinds of inferences, they work. They're not perfect, but they work to a better degree than random decision making."
"The fact that you can already infer that from this is impressive and also, yes, that would be me."
"I think my initial thought was that this crime had been carried out by someone with a great deal of anger."
"it speaks to a common designer right exactly right."
"It's very hard to draw really precise inferences that people think they can."
"Understanding the nature of inference, trying to discern the role of causation, correlation - these sort of deeper questions that are very, very important to really disentangle."
"Their friends know that you guys really, really like each other. Because if not, this person wouldn't get under your skin the way they do."
"If there's one of something, it doesn't necessarily mean there's two. If there's two of something, there are probably more."
"If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's probably a duck."
"She expressed that the freezer door was far too heavy and if her sister had been intoxicated to the point where she was stumbling around then she couldn't have possibly had the strength to open such a door."
"It's a character piece. You see that stuff and you can infer the person who lives in that space."
"Episodic memory allows us to make rapid inferences."
"He just saw the car pulling up and put two and two together."
"He knew what the inferences they were going to draw."
"You don't have to see the dog die to know what happened."
"The what we see confers more support to the design hypothesis, the Inside Job hypothesis, than it does to the random poking hypothesis."
"Plato's method is more like that of the astronomer who infers the existence of an invisible star."
"In other words, the sentence the unknown word is in can help you figure out its definition."
"This isn't magic. Suricata is not psychic. It's making informed guesses as to the intention of network traffic."
"Not much to work with here, but if we can infer anything from this single slice, it probably came from a pretty good equally pretty good pizza overall."
"Variational methods grant us the next best thing: an approximation that lets us make structured inferences about the state of the world."
"We draw a number from our prior distributions, we assume that to be true and now fit it, put that into the likelihood."
"Correlation is not causation, but we have causation."
"Assuming correlation has any meaning to explain something can lead to self-fulfilling prophecy."
"The power of Laura is that we can fine-tune a bunch of different Laura tasks and then even at time of inference, because the inference latency introduced by loading it is minimal, we can actually go ahead and we can get this going so quickly."
"It's been raining all day, but the spot under the car is dry, which means no one's used the vehicle during the day."
"Now Ross's sandwich is a Thanksgiving leftover sandwich which implies the existence of a Thanksgiving."
"A general Association is not one in which I'm going to quickly jump to the conclusion is causal."
"When you saw the fires around the house, did you see Zainab running from the fires around her in Karbala?"
"It seems like she's shooting this maybe in her new home apartment that she lives with outside of her parents' home. I'm just guessing because it seems a lot smaller seems a lot more sparsely decorated."
"He deduced that there must be a companion."
"If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck."
"I'm noticing a lot of assumptions going on."
"I think this is the birthday card, and it's in a woman's handwriting."
"Blowtorch, yeah, he did get shot, is he cauterizing his own wound?"
"...would that be an inference you could draw?"
"Wouldn't that make sense? It seems there were a number of other espers in the Monster Association after all."
"Absence of evidence is evidence of absence."
"We have to rely on methods and modes of inference which in a way are closer to what historians or political scientists are doing."
"The number of craters you count are a good indication of the age of a surface."
"We have a model in staging, it's ready to do inference."
"So, with that being said, and having the clue or the hint that we were in Boston before, we're above New York, what might that tell us?"
"They ain't gonna smell an eighth, but they're damn sure gonna smell a pound."
"The color is giving me a lot of information about the duration of the fire."
"Who do you think he's talking about?" "Sunny."
"Stimulation methods are seen as being causation methods...the inference is kind of the opposite."
"Our inferences are occasionally wrong. But they're incredibly right almost all the time."
"I knew you were the lead singer's brother and I would have put two and two together if I saw you at a concert."
"...when you say you're going to send Vinnie and Rocco to your house, no offense to those names, but you know what it means."
"He doesn't have a sweatshirt on. He's thinking July 4th."
"You saw enough that you could fill in the blanks."
"Understanding is usually linked to the notion of having a mental model which can be used for complex inference."
"The easier way is to collect a sample from the population and from the sample statistic collected make an assessment about the population parameter."
"If the null hypothesis is proven wrong, the alternate hypothesis must be right."
"CLT enables you to draw inferences from the sample statistics about the population parameters."
"Even if you don't see something happen, there could still be other evidence to support that."
"Your brain will fill in the gaps."
"Signal processing, in some sense, is just an inference problem."
"Changes in gravity can give us important clues."
"Bayesian inference proceeds on two tracks."
"To do Bayesian inference, you don't quite need to know how the data are collected."
"Look at the jersey of Colt McCoy, and that tells you everything."
"The full strength of the Bayesian perspective is unleashed by taking some inside review of what goes on."
"The evidence of science really points to a designer"
"Variational inference has a very deep connection to reinforcement learning and learning-based control."
"If Lyle used black lip gloss she wouldn't know he had a mouth."
"Indirect observations of Europa hinted at plumes of water vapor, likely caused by the bursting of pressurized briny water pockets near its surface."
"Parametric knowledge is gained during the LM's training, while source knowledge is fed into the model during inference."
"So you can then ask inferences based on that world model as to when the friend meets John's wife, what should they do, and what concerns will they have."
"Inference is the technical term here to talk about how truth can flow from the premises to the conclusion."
"If P entails Q, it doesn't follow that evidence against Q is evidence against P."
"Merely from the fact that a is evidence for b and b is evidence for c, it doesn't follow that a is evidence for c."
"Even if you didn't have a dictionary to tell you that gregarious means a person who enjoys social gatherings and is fond of company, you could glean as much from the description of the subject as someone who liked parties and whose door was always open."
"Where there's smoke there's fire, honey."
"I can tell from the window behind you that you're not in the house that I last visited you in."
"...if you see three hot women around him you like 95% of those questions are answered"
"The jury is told to make an inference against you because you destroyed evidence and didn't produce it."
"Upon seeing this object, Jennie recalled hearing the thud on the roof the night of the fire, and wondered if it had been caused by this object."
"So, my point is, there is if Amenohabakiri had some sort of special ability just because we didn't get to see that shown or mentioned during Odin's flashback doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't exist."
"If you watch MJ's reaction you'll know what happened with the shot"
"When you look at objects that are human creations, you can tell their design."
"...the brain is approximately implementing these idealized Bayesian inferences."
"They didn't say so directly, but we caught inferences that each brother doubted the other's innocence."
"I mean I can only comment on the time that I was there but I can only imagine that she kept that up afterwards as well."
"Bayes rule is a way of inferring parameters from given the underlying data."
"I'm guessing I know who this woman drew this picture of."
"Randomized control trials are the gold standard for drawing causal inferences."
"By just taking a look at the name of the data set, you know more or less what is inside."
"You don't even need to know the Anus number and so on. That also can be inferred from this data."
"The ancients thought and noticed that the slower-moving planets were also the dimmest. So they reasoned that, hey, if they're the dimmest, they must be the furthest."
"You can actually tell quite a lot about a country by the shape of their plug sockets."
"We're going to see that not only do graphs capture relationships in these connected networks, but they're going to support inference. They're going to be able to reason about them."
"Only one thing could be afoot: the devil."
"Science is a process, science is inference, science is to see fact A, fact B, fact C, and then try to develop a theory."
"If I see that someone has darkened yellowish teeth it tells me a lot about their lifestyle about their hygiene."
"You can derive everything from these."
"That's probably like a whiskey bottle of some sort."
"The lifting of the boy, however, so completely without even the slightest trace being left behind beyond the drag up the embankment looked more like the work of a tiger, but the tracks of the panther were unmistakable."
"From this little piece of wood we can suggest there's quite a complex organized Society Somewhere Out There managing the wooden for construction."
"The point is there were first principles in play here, right? Things about the universe that underlied any future inference that you could make about the universe."
"Gravity is an inference by looking at the effects."
"Look at the wall, there's a painting of the queen and her daughter. She looks exactly like the girl on the right. I bet she's the princess."
"I have deduced that from the same documents without direct memory."
"No, I think they're just going to the house because all the bodies. Literally across the street."
"Yes, it sounded like it was coming from right like inside that area and since he was running that way I just assumed it made sense."
"A correct inference is always from the point of view of the author. Correct inference cannot be something on which the author has not given any opinion and the author agrees with the facts."
"Inferences can help us figure out things about a specific reading."
"this lecture has been about prediction prediction is just as important as inference and in most applied research both inference and prediction problems are present and it's important to realize that they require their own tools even if you use them together in the same project"
"Bayesian methods make inferences and predictions based on probabilities."
"Metal learning is aiming to try to actually infer what this shared structure is and use it to learn tasks more quickly."
"...during training, it's still your linear layer, and then during inference, you can drop all of those weights and just run it as a binary representation."
"Science has this structure of being indirectly inferential; we infer the unobservable to explain the observable."
"The moment we see text with meaning and it's a code, we infer upwards to intelligence instantly."
"A fact is established by circumstantial evidence when it may be fairly and reasonably inferred from other facts proved."
"Swift data can infer the relationship for us and is doing so correctly automatically; it's very, very nice."
"Induction seems to involve a rule which tells us to infer from the premise 'all past F's have been G's' to the conclusion 'the next F will be G'."
"If we assume that the future will be like the past, then in fact we've got pretty good reason to infer from the fact that all observed fires have been hot to the conclusion that the next fire will be hot."
"You know what that tells me? That tells me that whoever owned this car was not out drag racing it all the time."
"What I'm sharing with you is what I think is the most logical, empirically consistent, and parsimonious inference we can make about what's going on."
"Experience provides no means for ampliative inference."
"Statistical inference is fundamentally the idea of working with a small sample from a large population."
"Logic is the science of valid inference."
"Modus ponens: if we have A and we have A arrow B, we can just follow the arrow."
"Statistical inference is the opportunity to become conversant with the data and learn something from it."
"What we can infer based on that argument alone, so I think that this has a lot of application; it's really interesting."
"A mathematical representation of a kind of inference game that consists of five different parameters."
"Your observations inform your perceptions, and your perceptions inform inferences."
"We test our inferences about the past against our knowledge of the cause and effect structure of the world."
"These categorizations provide a tremendous amount of inferential information that goes beyond the information that we're currently perceiving."
"We can actually infer from the third peak the amount of dark matter that there is in the universe."
"The outcome is perspectival objective representations, cognitive representations, and recursive inferences."
"It doesn't tell you the answer, it invites you to draw that conclusion yourself."
"As we get more and more evidence, this curve is going to get more concentrated in a particular region of the horizontal axis, and that's how the inference works."