
Blood Sugar Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"Walking maybe walk 15 minutes after a meal especially if a high carb meal and even walking for two minutes every half hour has been shown to statistically significantly reduce insulin and glucose levels throughout the day."
"Alzheimer's dementia, now being called Type 3 diabetes, is so related to blood sugar."
"The greatest impact on blood sugar is the type of foods that we eat."
"Carbohydrates have by far the greatest impact on blood sugar."
"Did you know that incorporating apple cider vinegar into your bedtime routine could potentially help balance your blood sugar levels?"
"Don't just reach for simple sugars. This causes a spike in your blood sugar with a subsequent crash."
"If you want to live a long time and feel amazing, don't spike your blood sugar very often."
"Eat your food in the right order... reduce the glucose spike of the meal by 75%. Vegetables first, protein and fats second, starches and sugars last."
"You can reduce the glucose spike... without changing what you eat."
"He drank this Ketone solution and he brought his blood sugars down to 25 milligrams per deciliter, which most clinicians would say, 'Oh, you should be dead.'"
"Protein fat and fiber are your friends for regulating your blood sugar that's the bottom line here absolutely absolutely."
"Cinnamon effectively supports blood sugar control and has a natural fat loss aiding effect."
"We have so much flour and that drives your body to think that there's high levels of sugar because this flour is actually worse than sugar for your blood sugar."
"Low protein/low fiber options imbalance your blood sugar levels."
"If it's too high, okay, it'll actually raise your blood sugar's way over here and kind of nullify insulin to some degree."
"Fasting and autophagy is the most powerful way to bring down blood sugar."
"The greatest reduction in blood sugar took place under one gram of Resveratrol."
"Sleep helps regulate your blood sugar levels... make sure you're getting a restful sleep."
"Sugar triggers insulin, but fiber won't trigger insulin."
"Physiological blood sugars of 105 don't glycate your cells and your tissues."
"But what about these people on zero carb diets that still have high blood sugar..."
"One of the biggest effects of apple cider vinegar and acetic acid is the glucose modulation effect."
"Berberine has recently been shown to help control blood sugar as effectively as a prescription diabetes drug, metformin."
"Berberine helps prevent cognitive decline by controlling blood sugar and brain cell metabolism."
"Berberine might lower blood sugar levels. Taking berberine along with diabetes medications might cause blood sugar to drop too low, monitor your blood sugar closely."
"It helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels"
"When you snack too much and you eat food way too frequently you're throwing your blood sugar constantly into a tablespoon."
"The more it's ground up and crunched up it's going to have a faster effect big effect on your blood sugar."
"Good fats can help keep you full and stabilize your blood sugar."
"Dates won't cause rapid spikes in blood sugar like many other sugary snacks, which also makes them safe for people with diabetes."
"The more insulin sensitive we are, the more we flatline that sugar."
"Aim for a good optimal blood sugar range."
"What matters is keeping your blood sugar and insulin levels in a healthy range making sure that the foods you eat are actually capable of delivering the nutrients that your brain needs..."
"Stress is a very, very key player when it comes to your blood sugar."
"Carbohydrates raise blood sugar, but fat doesn't."
"I find that many people start to panic when they hear that their blood sugar is high but they don't always really know what that actually means or what a normal blood sugar level is."
"If you monitor blood sugar and you've just eaten steak and broccoli, your blood sugar will hardly shift at all."
"High blood sugar levels... creates a pro-inflammatory state and we don't want that chronic inflammation because there's a lot of collateral damage."
"Oats keep your blood sugar more stable compared with Cheerios."
"It's all about how do you reduce the speed of arrival of the glucose in your blood that you reduce the velocity of the spike."
"If you frontload calories early in the day, you actually reduce mean 24-hour blood sugar levels."
"My blood sugars now are running usually in the 80s and 90s and it's just been amazing."
"I've been trying this the last couple weeks. It's called fenugreek, and it's supposed to help just decrease inflammation, again it can help with appetite control, balancing your blood sugar."
"Improvements in blood sugar can increase sex life."
"In a fasting state, blood sugar should not be more than 100 and not less than 60."
"...blood sugar control plays such a large role in our health."
"When you have higher spikes of blood sugar over time it messes with your hormones."
"The pancreas releases a hormone called insulin which you've probably heard of. It regulates the amount of sugar in your blood."
"Of all the people who choose low carb, 97 of them get improved blood sugar. 97."
"A low-fat, high-fiber diet advocated by some can help control blood sugar."
"The idea of carbohydrate is key for blood sugar control."
"Straight alcohol does not get converted into blood sugar."
"Just making sure that you're keeping your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day will make you feel so so good and keep your appetite levels balanced and happy and leave you feeling really great come end of the day."
"It's the same kind of concept during our bread video... it's everything that satiates your hunger and doesn't really spike your blood sugar as much."
"Incorporating chia seeds into your diet isn't just about enjoying their nutty flavor; it's a small step with potentially big benefits for stabilizing blood sugar levels and supporting metabolic health."
"Curcumin improves blood sugar and hba1c."
"Having apple cider vinegar before a carb-heavy meal can help with blood sugar regulation."
"Keeping your blood sugar through the course of a lifetime in a low and healthy range is probably the best thing we can do for longevity."
"Dandelion tea aids in regulating blood sugar."
"So insulin resistance happens because of too much sugar in the blood."
"If you make your muscle cells use blood sugar, exercise."
"The last cool little tricky thing that you can do: if you consume your carbohydrates within two hours of exercise, your muscle cells will use more of that blood sugar."
"Eating protein first and then waiting 5 to 10 minutes can dramatically reduce blood sugar spikes, make you feel satisfied, and reduce overeating."
"Avoid foods with added sugars, refined carbs, and trans fats to help keep your blood sugar levels stable."
"...fiber also helps you have regular bowel movements helps with blood sugar control fiber binds toxins and helps remove those from your body..."
"People that have a big dip in blood sugar versus a small dip in blood sugar have about a 300 calorie difference in their energy intake, which is huge."
"Recent research has shown that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can help regulate blood sugar levels."
"It's nutrient dense and won't spike your blood sugars as much as a normal cracker."
"Protein is very important for blood sugar management; it very much stabilizes your blood sugar levels."
"It's a really great meal replacement as well that keeps your blood sugar steady so you're not hungry."
"Choose the foods that are less processed because... it will help to lower that spike of blood glucose level after the meal."
"Stevia contains no carbohydrates and no sugar, so it's not going to have any kind of direct impact on your blood sugar by itself."
"Eating monk fruit extract has been shown to not just lower blood sugar but seems to stimulate an insulin secretion effect."
"Eat protein first; it's more satiating and helps with better balanced blood sugar."
"The effects of the metabolic effects of this diet do not really come from the ketones, they come from the lower blood sugar and lower insulin."
"When your blood sugar is dysregulated, it can affect your hormones which in turn can affect your acne and hair growth."
"Building muscle actually helps you regulate your blood sugar."
"If we compare people's responses to the same meal, the different blood sugar responses can tell us if their muscles and liver are working well."
"...our ability to use fat as a fuel has some link with our ability to control our blood sugar levels."
"Cinnamon can lower fasting blood sugar levels by 10 to 30%."
"...exercise can lower both the levels of blood sugar and the levels of blood fat after a meal."
"I call it mastering your Matrix when you stabilize your blood sugar because it's not about deprivation."
"Stevia actually ended up decreasing glucose and insulin after the meals."
"In diabetes, we don't want the blood sugar to go lower than four, so we say 'four is the floor'."
"Breakdown of glycogen or glycogenolysis to release sugar so there's more sugar circulating the blood ready for muscle contraction."
"Cinnamon has been proven to help with managing blood sugars."
"Whole grains stabilize your blood sugar; white bread, white sugar shoots it up, shoots you down."
"My blood's actually good and it's not full of sugar."
"The normal blood sugar level is about 100 milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood."
"Adding fiber to your meal and healthy fats can help to minimize the spike in blood sugar."
"Chickpeas... just consuming a hundred grams of chickpeas per day for 12 weeks could elicit a very powerful effect on blood sugar stabilization."
"Eat protein first; it helps you have better blood sugar control."
"My blood sugar hanging around 75 to 80."
"They may help improve blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes."
"Protein has no carbohydrates at all, so it does not raise your blood sugar."
"Gentle rise, so six, a better score, blood glucose only went up by 24 points."
"Apple cider vinegar may help reduce inflammation and balance blood sugar levels, factors that can contribute to kidney stress and damage when uncontrolled."
"Stress can absolutely cause an increase in your blood sugar as a result of having too much stress in your life."
"He is not only no longer insulin resistant or pre-diabetic, he is low on average blood sugar."
"The more that you can keep your blood sugar stable, the better."
"Regulate the level of glucose in the blood; regulate it, absolutely determines it."
"Eating fewer carbohydrates equals reduced blood glucose, which equals reduced blood insulin, which equals improved insulin sensitivity."
"I want to have balanced blood sugar throughout my day so I don't have any crashes."
"Without the fiber, it's actually not going to fill you up as much; it's going to cause your blood sugar to spike, so you're going to feel hungry again sooner."
"Eat high-quality protein at every meal because it helps to balance your blood sugar."
"We need to focus on balancing our blood sugar levels for good health."
"Fiber slows the absorption of sugars from our gut into the bloodstream, therefore stabilizing and overall lowering our insulin levels."
"Glucose levels in blood are referred to as blood sugar."
"Just two minutes of walking after you eat severely blunts your blood sugar spikes and crashes."
"If your blood sugar is better controlled, behaviors are changed."
"With Signos, you can literally see which foods are causing your blood sugar to spike."
"To restore muscle mass, you first must control your blood sugar."
"Exercise can act as a medication; it can lower your blood sugar."
"Whole grains are key to stabilizing blood sugar."
"If the problem is elevated blood sugar levels, cutting out or eliminating carbohydrates from the diet as much as is practicable can lead to significant benefits."
"High-fiber foods help keep our blood glucose levels more steady."
"Glycemic index takes into account how food with the same amounts of carbohydrate influence blood sugar."
"Discover the path to lower blood sugar levels. Are you looking for effective ways to reduce your blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy lifestyle? Look no further."
"Cinnamon has been studied for some really great blood sugar stabilizing benefits."
"Any type of exercise can help keep your blood sugar in check."
"A more gradual rise in the blood sugar and a lower peak means a lower insulin level."
"A nice whole grain, low glycemic meal like oatmeal can give you a nice gradual rise in the blood sugar."
"The pancreas... produces hormones insulin and glucagon which regulate sugar in our body."
"Hyperglycemia means the sugar level in the blood becomes higher and higher."
"Blood sugar levels are not only relevant to people that have diabetes; blood sugar is actually a major factor that affects almost everyone's fatigue levels, mood, mental health, physical health in a lot of ways."
"Start your meals with vegetables... this will then dampen any glucose spike coming down afterwards from the rest of your regular meal."
"That buzz you say I get from caffeine is from that increase in blood sugar that you just got from your cup of coffee."
"Chlorella can lower cholesterol as well as blood sugar levels."
"Keeping a steady blood sugar is so crucial to remaining feeling satisfied and feeling in control."
"Eating regularly and sustaining a good blood sugar means you're more likely to diet successfully."
"Cinnamon is a fantastic spice that is actually known to help balance your blood sugar."
"Eating a piece of fruit is probably the healthiest way to satisfy your blood sugar."
"Blood sugar is important for all of us to be aware of, having steady blood sugar is not only just going to make you feel better, you're going to be more energized, you're going to feel more like yourself."
"The most important thing is blood sugar control."