
Startups Quotes

There are 402 quotes

"Most startups don't die from homicide, they die from suicide."
"I love people who work in startups, I love entrepreneurs, in part because it's so tough and isolating."
"A startup is an experiment... fundamentally we don't know what's going to happen, and discovering what's going to happen is the only thing that we exist to do."
"If you're a startup creator and you want to start tomorrow, you can still do it."
"Do you know how many startups that are now these amazing companies happened because of recessions? Where people lost their jobs, and they were brilliant but they were, you know, like this, they were comfortable or whatever, they lost their job so they're like, alright, I'm gonna start a company. I'm already fired, let me just take this big risk."
"In retrospect, they were right; startups today are the craze and today a lot of people understand that compared to a big Tech Fan Company, a startup might be a very good career path both in terms of money and your learning curve."
"The R&D tax credit supports the efforts of startups to invest in the development of new innovative products that lead to job creation and economic growth."
"Give kick.com a year; it's going to be buggy, it's going to be weird, it's going to have some growing pains."
"More than 90% of fashion startups will fail in the first three to five years."
"This was all going down in the midst of a huge bull run for tech startups with no end in sight."
"The thing that I often ask startups on top of Ethereum is, 'Can you please tell me why using the Ethereum blockchain is better than using Excel?' And if they can come up with a good answer, that's when you know you got something really interesting."
"It all starts with an idea, a new app, a new platform."
"Tech startups have the allure of being able to grow super fast."
"Some of the most important tech companies will not be started in Silicon Valley in the next couple decades."
"Startups work really well when the founders have the gas pedal all the way down to the floor. Yes, a lot of internal things are broken, but you just keep growing and you keep winning. That feels good."
"If you have an idea that you think will really matter to the world and you think a startup is the best way to get that idea out into the world, then you should start that startup."
"Startups will price their products too low... consistently undercharging is the number one piece of advice we give through most startups to fix their pricing."
"I'm going to be bringing this week in startups to the Middle East."
"I think companies are a great change agent. I think we all do. Being in Silicon Valley, creating startups, we all believe that startups are a great way to change the world."
"I raised a million dollars from 22 different investors."
"For startups, the use case was immediately obvious: low-cost storage and compute."
"Guess who's going to fight against [big Tech]? It's startups."
"A startup is a company designed to grow fast."
"Silicon Valley is seeing a surge in startups."
"I just think getting involved in startups first generally get some operating experience and that would serve you well startups or even bigger companies I just think getting getting some reps inside of an organization is critical."
"Freelancing is one of the fastest businesses that you can start and one of the cheapest."
"Now is the best chance to start a company and believe in your idea, even if everything crashes."
"Invest in the future Amazons, the future Facebooks, the future biggest businesses in the world while they don't even exist."
"Starting a company is absolute hell, but you know when you start out with things you don't know this right."
"It's not about saying we're going to stop the company and cease to exist. It's, 'Hey, how much does it cost for us to spin up a company?'"
"If I had heard this from a brand new startup Studio I would think oh yeah okay it's always you know there's a lot of skepticism in what is a brand new studio."
"But for a lot of us that want to start small, little companies, if you find a small idea and you test your idea, you can start a company basically on fumes."
"They're jumping from platform to platform, searching for capital to keep their company afloat."
"Airbnb should never have worked. The CEO knew nothing about business, the idea had been done before and was actually illegal in many cities, and even the company's founders didn't think it would work."
"These are companies that will give you credit when you have none. They report to the business credit reporting agencies, you don’t put your Social Security Number on the application."
"You can't build these world-changing companies if you're not a pirate and you're not a rebel."
"You could put 250 towards a startup, a thousand dollars five thousand dollars towards a startup and you have better odds of coming out on top than you do with winning the lottery."
"Invest in yourself because startups are draining."
"We get to see the unicorns before they're released into the wild."
"We've just seen one startup company, there are thousands, and what they're doing is amazing and potentially world-changing."
"It's one of those things; a lot of these sites, they start off with a sense of mission, right?"
"Forte will certainly become a unicorn company."
"The reality is, most of the companies, most of the startups that you can think of, could not exist if it wasn’t for venture capital."
"It's an idea that you're hopeful about because you've put everything into it believing it to be something that it actually is not."
"Investing in startup companies... Higher risk comes with higher potential return."
"The startup ecosystem is super strong... There's not a shortage of people willing to take those risks."
"The emergence of impressive new EV startups in China is changing the game."
"Launch does not mean the polished thing, it means something you can put in front of users."
"If you look at companies tech company started 2000 and 2013 you sum all the market caps compared with tech company start in the 1990s some of those market caps four times as much."
"Sometimes it's okay to do a startup bankruptcy like sometimes it's okay to take that L get to sustainable."
"Encourage all startups all of them all the brands like you got this okay if you made a mistake no problem you can do this again."
"It's like maybe you want to start a business and this is saying like there are going to be multiple ways for you to start this and it doesn't have to be big, it can be very small."
"Start small and throw a lot of things out while you're small... Try a bunch of different ideas and see what people are liking and resonating with."
"It's not about legacy companies like these big companies. Innovation comes from small startups."
"Join me as I travel the globe to talking to startup founders using technologies to make our world more interesting, accessible, and livable."
"We're seeing new companies rise up, we're seeing creative ideas come out."
"I'm more interested in smaller companies and companies with a younger newer culture."
"Thank you so much to all of the investors who have gotten behind DigiBuild."
"You have to start somewhere and define what makes you unique before expanding your concept."
"We get so used to seeing huge numbers in startups that I don't think we fully realize how absolutely ridiculous it is to build a billion dollar company from zero in a few years."
"Nobody even knows that you launched, so none of my failures nobody knows."
"You can start overnight with a website and an idea."
"Connection with the right people that get your startup off the ground, drop a bomb on that."
"There will be a lot of new startups with the North Node in Aries, so if you want to start a business, that's a great next year to do that."
"Pakistan startups are the next big thing, no question mark at the end of this title."
"Small hidden gems like this tend to rise pretty high in price."
"These went from random ideas to multi-million dollar companies."
"You need the most basic minimum viable product to get something like this going."
"Tesla should really be thought of as roughly a dozen technology startups."
"Two of these five startups could account for 92% of Tesla's $34 trillion valuation by 2030."
"Innovative startups may find better and more efficient ways to operate an e-commerce platform and dethrone Amazon in the future."
"Your version of the future, more than alternate versions, is one where all these startups and teams can thrive and innovate."
"Startups are very counterintuitive. You cannot trust your intuitions all the time. It's like skiing in that way."
"Part of learning to ski is learning to suppress that impulse. Eventually, you get new habits."
"The list of the counterintuitive stuff you have to remember to prevent your existing instincts from leading you astray."
"One of the big mistakes that founders make is to not trust their intuitions about people enough."
"What you need to succeed in a startup is not expertise in startups, but expertise in your own users."
"Starting a startup is where gaming the system stops working."
"There is no boss to trick. There's only users."
"You're playing a confidence trick on yourself. You're wasting your own time."
"Your life so far has given you some idea what your prospects might be, but unless you have had a very strange life, you have not done much that's like starting a startup."
"The way to get startup ideas is not to try to think of startup ideas."
"Work on problems that interest you."
"With people you like and respect."
"If you're interested in genuinely interesting problems, gratifying your interest energetically is the best way to prepare yourself for a start-up."
"And, for that matter, probably the best way to live."
"One guaranteed way to turn your mind into the type that startup ideas form in unconsciously is to get yourself to the leading edge of some technology, to, as Paul Buchheit put it, live in the future."
"A lot of these startups, they were building kind of these obvious apps that openi itself probably had in the works and they kind of got rolled over by open AI by the base layer if you will."
"Startups work by driving towards one really strong thing."
"Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups."
"Startups must adapt and adjust quickly to succeed."
"Startups might sound unstable but I genuinely enjoy growing alongside the company."
"Venture capitalists give all their money to startups and startups give all their money to AWS."
"They're also very good at starting new things, hence they make wonderful entrepreneurs and anything to do with startups."
"The best of the startups today are more aggressive, more ambitious, more capable. The people are better. They execute better than at least I've ever seen."
"Include burn rate and Runway at the top of your investor updates."
"One of the most important metrics for all startups is retention."
"Ukraine is an absolute hidden gem in the software development world. Many successful startups such as GitLab, Grammarly, and Jooble have already recognized the huge value of hiring Ukrainian developers to build top-notch software."
"Bad ideas are not the thing that kills startups."
"The vast majority of startups die before they ever build something that anyone really wants."
"To illustrate, many successful companies started as small startups."
"Determination is everything in startups, so good luck if you apply to YC."
"Startups used to be very narrative-driven. They've become very much metrics and operations driven."
"We work a lot with startups and independent software vendors, what we call ISVs, and other customers who are building, for example, their software as a service and selling it to their customers."
"I believe that startups fall pretty clearly into two categories. One category is about problem-solving, fundamentally solving a problem. The other type of startup which can be equally or more successful is about creating joy."
"The most important thing is to have a focus on growth. Startups with growth goals from very early days usually succeed."
"I deeply believe that if we can't get growth back in this country, we're in a really bad place. The only thing at this point that's going to drive growth is innovation, and the only thing that seems to be driving innovation is startups."
"Most startups still don't ever build a product that people want."
"in the world of startups money equals time right more money you have more cash to have in the bank the more time you have to build your business"
"You can absolutely start your own business."
"Go see Deep Water and we'll see you guys all next time on This Week in Startups."
"Startups are like really great soil. Plants will grow better when you're constantly being challenged and don't have a boss."
"Hey, startups, you ever notice how successful businesses are constantly evolving?"
"Complete any banking task in just a few clicks... join over 100,000 startups that trust Mercury for financial excellence."
"I think experimentation is really the way to go to generate ideas and to set up a startup that's going to be able to build something really valuable."
"They went from kind of idea to building product and to selling in that 12-week program, so I think in terms of product velocity, they're up there."
"VCs don't really do a ton of valuation work, and that makes sense actually because you know the companies are so young like how can you properly model when they're like cash flow negative and all that."
"Startups are a really long term game and you wanna you win by making the best decision in the long term."
"Startups are an incredibly intense and taxing journey and it's great to have someone you can lean on for support during the tough times."
"The advantage a smaller company has really is in latency. You can have an idea one day, you can test it the next day."
"More so, I like the market and startups. Those are my focus."
"Startups can't survive blindly following buzzwords or whatever trend is hot because you actually have to know what's coming in the future and be right. That's all there is."
"Startups are very counterintuitive, and this is an area where you cannot trust your intuitions all the time."
"Starting a startup is similar to having kids; it's like a button you press that changes your life irrevocably."
"The very first one I did on my own was a company called Photobucket."
"Startups are about not giving up to a degree that most people don't have a good intuitive understanding for."
"I think it's a classic battle though... where it's about the startups getting distribution before the incumbents get product."
"I think we'll also see startups... and I think the opportunity for startups to build new products is where the product doesn't fit neatly into an existing category."
"I think if we want to be on the side of broad Innovation... I think you always want to be on the side of the startups."
"...the startups that we work with... your sweet spot is... shipping software... tendency for that to be the thing you do when you're trying to figure out something."
"Every business starts from the startup zone."
"A new wave of people taking things to the extreme and challenging themselves to build 12 startups in 12 months"
"Startups are ones where you might pitch an idea to 40 VCs, and they will all give you polite maybes."
"New York City being a hotbed for startup companies with every major industry having a presence and being arguably the best city to live in if you're an influencer who lives alone."
"...most investors really really care about the potential to invest in 10 to 100 billion dollar companies for the simple reason that the math works better for them personally."
"So many successful startups... there's a non-consensus insight they had. It was ultimately their very good judgment and knowing what the right thing to do is."
"Startups are more open towards implementation part. They will listen towards you, they will welcome changes right, but yeah, that's what that's what the case here."
"It would be very bad for science if a bunch of startups for no reason just disappear, startups that could provide the Alzheimer's medicine, the Cancer Medicine of the future."
"Startups at two advantages: stealth and speed. Why would you ever give up any one of them?"
"Speaking of just crazy shit early that I want to tell you about, I think about, well, technology startups in general, we all know 90 percent of them fail."
"The main difference between startups and everything else is growth."
"What are the things that are killing the startups the most?"
"Why startups win is ultimately team mindset and momentum."
"American startups have a lot to learn from startups in Asia."
"Personal networks are the best place to hire, especially when you're early and making your first few hires."
"...game-changing Innovation so often comes from the startups the Renegades."
"Each of the startups we spoke with takes advantage of all four in some way."
"It's our first round of financing, we only pitched one firm."
"I hope all of you will do startups at some point in your career I hope all of you will be involved in innovation policy and issues and part of the tool set you're going to get is how to think about those innovation systems."
"I think the biggest opportunity in startups is people who are willing to take a very long time frame."
"Estonian has among the most startups per capita in Europe."
"Venture capitalists can help with hiring and building a team."
"Let's start up. We can make it affordable to populations of developing nations."
"Startups, I shouldn't just say startups, but young companies create jobs at a tenfold rate to mature companies. They provide services that are needed, they transform the economy and our way of life, and the way that we fund them is through these private offerings."
"Even the startups can have the exact same success you just have to follow the same formula that they followed."
"Every company including startups needs a business manager as it is a vital part of growing a successful firm."
"Seed is the new series A. If you've got paying customers, your valuation starts to get towards high single digits."
"Startups, everything is fast paced. You'll be thrown with a problem statement."
"When we analyzed these 200 unicorns, all of them, without exception, had this tagline, huge problem that they were trying to solve."
"...we're now seeing a wave of really high-quality AI startups."
"You actually have an opportunity to jump ahead because startups are on sale."
"The great Founders almost always feel like they're too late and almost always too early."
"Timing always makes the list of the biggest reasons why startups fail, so this is pretty important."
"Startups, especially in the early days, are very, very capital constrained."
"One of the biggest reasons why startups fail is because of timing."
"Startups are really really hard... but if you treat your team really really well and you build a culture and you surround yourself with awesome people who want to work together, they will give you just that little bit of extra time."
"Start with startups if you're looking to transition to customer success, they're easier to get into and more fun because you get to experience the entire array of responsibilities."
"Startups are fun you're gonna make mistakes but please take some play pages and have fun with it."
"Startups are not about working on a great idea; they are the relentless pursuit of doing stuff for customers."
"Working for startups... you are at the ground level of establishing the accounting team, the accounting processes, accounting policy, and expense policy."
"10 startups have exited for more than a billion dollars in the last five years."
"A startup is a business experiment that you run with other people's money. That's the nature of a startup, right? You are testing your model of the world against reality."
"The majority of ICOs, though, have failed already."
"In the 2010s bed in the box, companies began popping up everywhere."
"The absence of past information is a major roadblock for startups."
"India is now the third biggest startup ecosystem outside US and China."
"Startups really are a super effective vehicle to make important things happen in the world today."
"The key difference between crypto and traditional startups is that the production capital in crypto networks comes from a community of contributors, not only the core team."
"Equity facilitates long-term alignment between founders and investors, allowing flexibility to achieve product-market fit without mandating the production of a token upfront."
"So if you think about the way that Hacker News works, Hacker News is a forum in which the people over at Y Combinator run, and it just talks about startups and all the things that the startup developers and programmers talk about."
"Presidential campaigns are basically a form of startup."
"Product market fit is the point where startups product or service satisfies the needs of the market."
"PyTorch is definitely preferred in the research and startup ecosystem."
"I founded another startup called Mailcall.com."
"Startups and the history of startups may not repeat, but it Rhymes."
"All of the startups here today have had to do more with less."
"I'm optimistic about startups, at least in Southern England."
"Bangalore is known as The Hip City and the city in India with the most start-up businesses."
"Bangalore is the Silicon Valley of India, has the most startups."
"It's usually that you need fresh blood, fresh startups coming along with a new idea."
"These unicorns... a company whose valuation or market capitalization is at $1 billion or higher."
"Young companies not only can be valued, but they should be valued."
"A startup is like a baby, needs constant care, attention, and capital."
"It's very popular, reliable, and a lot of new startups do use Postgres."
"Working as a student for a startup was my big goal."
"Unicorns... are magical, they're worth a billion plus dollars."
"Dragon eggs... have the potential to grow and become unicorns."
"Value young companies require some creative thinking, some imagination."
"We need to bring them out of the starting blocks as entrepreneurs from day one."
"Browse jobs at some of the world's best startups."