
Media Impact Quotes

There are 571 quotes

"But, if YouTubers holding microphones shows us anything, it’s that the amateur origins of the platform continue to have a startling impact on the culture and taste of YouTube, and likely will do for many years to come."
"Film and other media are a powerful way not only of communicating important health messages but of administering one of the most powerful medicines: hope."
"As much as we can say, 'Oh, it doesn't affect me,' we cannot deny the effects that something glorified or publicized has on us."
"The viral videos of the US-Mexico border have sparked international interest and shed light on the complex issues surrounding border enforcement, drug trafficking, and immigration."
"Insecurities: we all have them, the media perpetuates them, businesses profit from them."
"A half of billion people have been impacted by that movie and the book."
"It's okay to admit that some of these videos are horrible and bad to watch because they are. Just because you are desensitized to it doesn't mean that everyone else is."
"Representation in kids media has a bigger impact than I think we really ever knew about until now because it really impacts the bullying of real children."
"What media says – what it communicates – is therefore important and not something to be dismissed as 'It's only a TV show.'"
"The videos are much more powerful than the pictures."
"Media that helps us feel our emotions harder is good."
"Jaws, although an incredibly well put together movie, is probably one of the most societally dangerous things we've done."
"Life is strange is one of a kind for this medium."
"This was an important step for queer representation at the time, and it meant a lot to me and a lot of other people."
"Representation is extremely important. That's what Black Panther is really about."
"I want to do something that people will watch and be shocked."
"I've never seen a time when the political coverage... has as much impact on what they believe."
"You don't know how many homes you're actually in when you're on TV or when you're doing radio."
"Aaron Rodgers this weekend FanDuel posted a picture of him wearing a Chicago Bears uniform be honest he looked pretty good."
"War of the Spark trailer: epic, engaging, powerful, even moving."
"I said, 'You watch. They’re going to bite hard. And they’re going to bite hard and blow this up.'"
"I've concluded that this show, possibly even all reality TV, deserves more respect than it's given even if just for the impact alone."
"The world demanded answers. And so much more than they could have ever imagined after the infamous interview rocked the world and left the Royal Family on the brink of disaster."
"I feel normal, and so whatever that is, whether it's a book or an actor playing a role, or an author or a director, that allows you to feel connected, a connection to humanity."
"The amount of views is great, but who is watching matters."
"Oh, the humanity!" This one soundbite, a tiny innocent slip-up, this was enough to destroy Howard Dean's entire campaign.
"The fetishization of femininity is not even unique to media; it's a thing that people in their real lives have to deal with as well."
"The loss of such a recognizable part of the show is like losing an old friend." - Power Rangers
"Just to give you one illustrative example, Edward Snowden... on Joe Rogan's YouTube program and already within five days more than five million people have watched that program."
"When you don't see yourself being reflected back at you on screen, you're implicitly told that you don't matter."
"But no explanation will ever make us forget the shock of this live moment."
"The mischievous Bart Simpson became a cultural icon."
"The Simpsons made everyone stop to adjust their TV sets, but the picture within was never broken."
"If you made it this far into the video yo give yourself a pat on the back your brain has not been destroyed by TikTok congratulations you passed."
"The images that we see are tragic, they're shocking, but unfortunately they're not surprising."
"Covington High School had to cancel classes over death threats because of a completely falsified video."
"The content that you guys produce man, it's heavy, it's needed, and it's impacting in a positive way."
"The imagery in this video is genuinely disturbing. I feel really sorry for the kids who watched this video."
"It's just unlike anything I've ever seen, it really is."
"Can't have a pop culture phenomenon in the 80s without a Saturday morning cartoon."
"Fake pranks in 2018 are quite harmless, but fake social experiments are extremely fucked up."
"The real lesson in this by the way is that if this wasn't caught on video from wire to wire, then Kyle Rittenhouse might be in jail for the rest of his life."
"And that always feels very rich and I think what's so great about the show and the reason it's been so embraced."
"Red Letter Media has proven with the fans that did like the movie that there might be a market for a Star Wars anime."
"I cried when he cried on the show. I've never seen him cry before. He's a really beautiful, powerful moment."
"The story of the Mad Trapper of the Rat River was a media circus at the time, resulting in an enduring historical mystery. It is history that deserves to be remembered."
"This moment is so good... A huge tearjerker."
"Violent riots result in negative coverage, swinging public opinion against the party."
"Exposing Savile not only had a huge impact on me physically and mentally because it was a massive thing to do, but it was the right thing to do."
"We're watching his mental state nose dive... millions of people are going to have this special to comfort them."
"This work is so important because not only was this damaging for the kids who were on screen but also the kids that were watching."
"There will be a piece of content that changes the course."
"Whenever something's about to be banned, it actually just makes it more famous."
"For a while you couldn't open a newspaper without a story about Charles and Alex blowing the whistle on this whole thing."
"Plot twists are kind of a hot topic these days, or at least they were several weeks back when Game of Thrones ended its ten-year run, everyone lost their minds, and I decided to start writing this talk."
"Headlines that trail in the wake of Dillinger's death were incredible."
"Comaneci's outstanding and unprecedented performance was played and replayed on TV, making her a worldwide star."
"It recontextualizes the American campaign from patriotic bravado to a bone-chilling reminder of war's destruction."
"This kind of community backlash and media attention is exactly what we need right now."
"A compelling soundscape can make all the difference."
"I feel like it has to, because I've seen the impact that one news organization has had on the deterioration of it."
"Thankfully the layered and nuanced take on terrorism reached one and all."
"Once you start taking out the comics, it is a seriously dangerous situation."
"Jim's representation in this popular piece of media allows trans masc folks to feel a sense of pride in themselves and their bodies."
"By the time someone gets pulled off the air, their reputation is ruined, and they have to sit silently because their former employer holds all the money."
"Attention on these bands as possible for better or worse... whether a reaction is positive or negative, it has a positive effect for the band."
"I think getting a reaction is absolutely critical. Most people react to what we do. What we need to happen is to get them to react to our exposure."
"The impact of animated violence in 'Invincible' was more realistic and hard-hitting than live-action violence."
"It's perfect because now this will follow Donald Trump well into the 2024 campaign."
"It was really strange after we broke that story. I mean, Bob had death threats."
"Garbage wins in the deregulated information environment."
"Movies and shows often start conversations and can break down barriers and introduce ideas."
"They then expanded that bubble outward to encompass everybody who simply wants information. This rigs elections."
"They simply would not happen in their modern form if not for their massive television audience."
"The South Park Curse: something tragic or embarrassing happens to a celebrity shortly before or after they're featured on South Park."
"Chainsaw Man really burst onto the scene, didn't it?"
"This isn't a story about just one man; it's a story about a media phenomenon that changed a father and divided a nation."
"But every time I turn on television another young black man or woman gets murdered you know I'm saying so it's like you can't just sit there and watch that over and over and over again."
"I also wouldn't be surprised if we get a big interview from somebody within the current United setup that blows the doors off."
"15 million views and I said, shut up, 15 million."
"I feel like if I look at a show like David Makes Man, I felt very seen in that season."
"Apple's admission that it was intentionally slowing down the performance of older iPhones triggered news reports around the world."
"He's in clear emotional mental distress... it's the medium that is the problem as opposed to the effort that either party are putting."
"Platforming only benefits the people who are platformed."
"I thought it was one of those moments in history we ought to freeze and play it over and over again."
"Would you be where you are had there not been a sex tape? You know, I think that's how I was definitely introduced to the world."
"Netflix surging to a brand new all-time high today, Squid Game is the most watched Netflix show ever."
"Sabo was killed...that was the news that spread to the entire world."
"The movie managed to sell more than 4.6 million VHS copies in just about a week."
"Just days after the Bosnian trip, she lay dying in a dark tunnel in Paris, surrounded by the rapid-fire click of automatic cameras that had punctuated almost every waking moment of her adult life."
"Cover stories in general always come with a huge shot of nostalgia."
"None of that stuff matters. It's the symbol itself, it's the fact the story went big, the story is out there."
"It's not revolutionary for us to not want it to be okay and celebrated to be killed in the street on television."
"The most iconic moments in One Piece all do an exceptional job at making us feel a certain way."
"Needless to say, it re-sparked interest in the mystery centered around her death."
"This is the story of 200 and 201, this is that time South Park almost started a war."
"Kennedy was really a glamorous figure, poised, handsome, tanned, and all of a sudden the impact of the visual became very apparent."
"This was the images seen around the world so far at this point."
"[Bleep] Pudding started out as a throwaway character for a sketch but became so popular that she got her own special."
"That was the best thing the republican party has probably ever done when it comes to media."
"The moment Megan realized the public had turned."
"This is the most watched video in Project Veritas history like you said 40 45 million in a week that's what we're getting in one week in one week in one week."
"It's absolutely clear that she meant it in a negative context and Harry is trying to undo the damage."
"I'm so honored that my brother T.I. came on my show. T.I. coming on my show helped my show."
"Rebecca Black was sort of the flip side of that... but she very much still got that the full viral video star treatment."
"It really got you to be in tune with those emotions."
"Ultimately what Fox News is doing... they're hurting good Americans."
"How does that affect the thousands of people that read it and believe? Well, it sticks with them their whole [ __ ] life, you know?"
"Sweet Home is a must-watch horror and supernatural k-drama. It certainly lived up to the expectation as it became the first South Korean series to enter Netflix top 10 in the United States."
"The start of Jesse's own demise was his interview with Robin Roberts."
"We're destroying channels that have millions of viewers."
"Its influence on modern horror has been enormous."
"Never underestimate the power of entertainment; it's edutainment."
"Television revolutionized election campaigning."
"If one viewer, one family, one parent watching this could resonate with some of the words we've said, then we've done our job."
"I love it when people go beyond the show and take something from it."
"I think a lot of people that say stupid [ __ ] to me like I'm a piece of [ __ ] have never watched anything I've ever done."
"Do you understand that this isn't just about the news lying? It has a direct impact on you."
"The show made rock and metal relevant in a way that it hadn't been in years."
"One company changed the landscape of film and TV forever, with revenue and subscriber base growing a whopping average of more than 30% a year."
"We making superstars outta these shows and they super relatable."
"What's interesting here is if one thing ironically Donald Trump in a weird way has saved to the press."
"We live in this weird world and I think that videotape cut through all the propaganda like a hot knife through butter."
"Get really clear and honest with what is the meaning of social media in your life."
"Don't tell me this video doesn't feel different. Don't tell me this isn't in fact impactful. Don't tell me that this direction is like 'oh same old same old.' No, it's nowhere near that and you know that."
"I knew I was in for something interesting but I didn't know that I would end up finding more than a show that I absolutely love but also see myself in so greatly."
"Your show is crucial in reaching out to victims."
"The 2010 movie's themes feel more relevant than ever as our culture grapples with how untrue narratives can still possess great power to shape people's minds and thus the resulting reality."
"These stories aren't just headlines; they're a mirror reflecting our nation's soul."
"Look at what they did to Britney when she went in."
"At this point, everything I say, every comment, every 'like,' it's going to become a headline."
"We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."
"He's extremely over, back to being a legitimate ratings mover."
"These videos are all short and sweet, it's incredible to see the impact they can make."
"Reporting must be done without pushing someone to the brink."
"Everything else is meaningless w the microphones the cameras like bro even if this video gets a billion views it's still meaningless like in a couple years nobody would care."
"Chainsaw Man's been huge as if it has an anime out already."
"The headline is definitely not good news here."
"Tucker Carlson averaged 4.33 million viewers at 8 PM, the largest audience in cable news history."
"Even a princess can overdose on intrusive publicity."
"Trauma lasts longer than the media news cycle."
"Naruto is the most important piece of media in my life."
"It saddens me that everybody woke up because of Harvey Weinstein. On the other hand, thank God we've woken up."
"Is it possible that you've been impacted by cultural apologetics and propaganda?"
"If we'd all had money behind us I mean help we had money behind us now we could take them down uh pretty quickly I think and certainly with with the damage that Dominion has done to them."
"I hate this movie but without this movie I don't get Dragon Ball super."
"Dragon Ball Z was breaking ratings records before Falconer was even hired."
"Just a crazy, crazy story and one that I think is gonna have big ramifications for the whole of streaming culture, gaming culture, and of course both parties that are involved in the suit themselves."
"Representation matters to see and to hear ourselves on screen humanizes us to ourselves and it humanizes us to others."
"Every time you come on I learn something new."
"The days go on and people process this trauma and we see more and more of these videos. This story becomes bigger and it becomes worse."
"I would not be where I am today or Who I am today without JoJo's Bizarre Adventure."
"If these videos could cause just one person who sees an ant crawling by to not squish it for no reason, that to me, means the channel has done its job successfully."
"Every time this comes up in the news cycle, every time that there's a big day for Labour anti-Semitism, Jewish people think, 'Well, it can't get any worse than it already has,' and we're continually proven wrong."
"Nobody cared, like if, let's be honest, if it wasn't 50 and let's just say rapper B and rapper B basically comes out and says we got paperwork on this thing, it's gonna be bad for you."
"Propaganda makes its way into your head much much easier when people are in an emotionally heightened state."
"Reputations can be made, destroyed, or protected."
"Brenda Leyland was killed by the mainstream media for having an opinion."
"His daughter relapsed, a recovering drug addict relapsed because of the coverage her father received in the media and went into a downward spiral and almost died."
"Ruthless replies and savage digs are leaving fans speechless."
"You want them to be real that's how I always feel after a great movie or a great book or great amazing game."
"There is no denying the impact that Cartoon Network has had on the world of animation."
"I think the judge is going to ban these cameras."
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles became a household name in 1987 and continued on well into the 1990s."
"Even little tiny things that you think don't matter, you know little independent newspapers or magazines can blossom into something big."
"He actually made the ITV's Good Morning Britain relevant again."
"The photo was published nation wide and even gained international recognition due to the portrayal of everyday heroism."
"OJ created the cable news industry; his double murder trial defines the American Criminal Justice System."
"Issa Rae is pretty [ __ ] amazing... just how dope you have to be to get where she's gotten under 40 and all by herself."
"The modern concept of zombies has been largely shaped by popular culture."
"He's on the highest high wire because he's saying the crazy [__] with no censorship, no post-editing, nothing."
"Tonight's interview on Kara's channel is going to be a game changer in the world of astrology."
"There's no such thing as the ideal policy, there are only trade-offs, and you have to figure out which trade-offs make sense."
"Avatar has proven that it's not just a cult classic or a completely successful cash cow but an entire franchise."
"I mean this is the crazy thing if I had just released this footage alone it would probably classify as one of the most credible UFO sightings on the planet."
"All Star might be like my generation's Rickroll."
"When someone does something negative in the face of black women, it's only an L on the image of black women."
"Whether people watch your show and be angry or whatever, you guys are really doing something useful."
"Getting back to an earlier question about the way that the live streaming of the whole thing and the exposure has changed it."
"The goal is to have things so unstable, so scary, chilling everywhere, shocking images... the American people are being tenderized right now."
"Even if nothing happened, which is the kind of best-case scenario here, you know, and if something has happened to them and they're in the middle of this media storm, I mean, that's just horrifying to think about."
"If it isn't true, and you buried this guy... that still is terrible for him because forever a huge percentage of this country is gonna think that he did it." - Cenk Uygur
"We've moved on from the trans bathroom and we're talking about trans women in sports, partially because of Joe Rogan and the massive audience that he has consistently talking about this."
"The consequences, the ramifications of this, much bigger than Dominion."
"It's one of those rare pieces of media that just shows you exactly what you need to hear when you need to hear it."
"We were able to break that news worldwide instead of someone like IGN or gamespot, and that was like a huge deal to us. It kind of legitimized us as a real site."
"And it's going to hurt Donald Trump with the public undoubtedly..."
"It's extraordinary how much this show has broken through some of the barriers."
"Black Clover: 12 million copies. Anime number one in like 80 countries on Crunchyroll. Regardless of how you want to slice it, this is still a big step."
"Exposing this to public view to millions of viewers, what's this kid's life gonna be like?"
"This is the legendary fan cam that made history, known for saving the girl group from disbandment."
"It's like it's incredible that there is this show and that people care enough about it to want to watch it and be a part of that conversation that I think no matter what is positive."
"The turning point in the story of Julian Assange was the Swedish accusations of rape."
"It hits on issues that we're dealing with today."
"It's a good reminder that this has been going on for such a long time."
"But what makes this worse, than say, watching Nightmare on Elm Street?"
"I feel like with all the complaints what the barbs don't realize they're doing is they're propelling Cardi B's status."
"Jussie Smollett was charged with filing a false police report, arrested, and the whole world learned the attack was faked."
"The revelation about the comments about the skin coupled with the rest of the interview would throw all of that into a ball of chaos."