
Interrogation Quotes

There are 410 quotes

"There are psychological techniques that professional interrogators use to dramatically increase the odds of getting the truth out of their suspects."
"In every interrogation I've ever seen, the person will test the waters little by little to see how much they can trust you."
"I'm Greg Hartley, a former Army interrogator, interrogation instructor, resistance to interrogation instructor. I've written 10 books on body language and behavior."
"This is the old Boiler Room we have what I call the interrogation room because it used to be an interrogation room."
"I know my rights. I don't have to say any of that. Uh, you do if you're being detained for what reason. What legal reason am I being detained for? I need to know that legally."
"I'm not gonna grill him and press him to where he doesn't want to open up and he just feels threatened and that's not gonna really that's not how you get information out of people."
"What's unique about this interrogator is how he immediately adopts a no-nonsense approach yet manages to build rapport and remain sympathetic at the same time."
"If you've lied to us today, just flat out lied to us, or if you let us leave this room knowing you withhold evidence about two people being murdered, not only do I not have sympathy for you, yet I will say yeah Thor and Thor in jail."
"The question has complete and utter dedication to his craft also being a master interrogator... Vic's age question were later trained and passed the question mantle down to Gotham City detective Renee Montoya."
"I feel like I've played the bad cop throughout this interview, and this is another question."
"We think you did something bad to Captain Amazing. We would like you to tell us where he is."
"If you're innocent, why the hell did you plead the fifth for four hours?"
"Do you have anything illegal on you or in your pocket? No, no, no."
"I get questions all the time about what does resistance to interrogation mean the best possible resistance training is inoculation by that I mean the more times you're exposed the less likely you are to fall for it."
"Johnny Reed and associates still train more interrogators than any other organization in the world."
"Conversations go both ways, and often times, that meant killers had questions for him."
"Does it sound a little bit dishonest for the FBI to have brought in Flynn under the auspices of having a friendly little conversation and then sandbag him with false charges?"
"This senator knows exactly what he's doing. You could see that she was dumbfounded by the line of questioning but sort of composed herself and answered and told the story."
"If you don't have anything to hide, answering questions is very easy."
"Every one of us hear that and they're going to jump on it if we're interrogating because why did she suddenly shift do i remember well there's plausible deniability."
"I think there's more to this. We should push this guy a little harder."
"You think I'm messing with you, right? What is he scanning his face for?"
"If you didn't do it, you wouldn't be sitting here."
"Linda's interrogation unravelled: 'I calmly lied, but they knew.'"
"It's a great example of how a good interrogation works even without a confession."
"Interrogatories are a series of questions that opposite sides propose to one another."
"He faced over 17 hours of interrogation... detectives had no doubt... all they needed from him was a confession."
"Would you agree that if he had not told sled, that was not full cooperation?"
"It's good to know we got his best information out of him. This guy had no case by his own tacit admission."
"Let's just interrogate the wife, how'd your father die?"
"All we're asking is for your cooperation, your politeness to speak and give us what he needs as the justice of why you've done what you've done."
"Officer: 'Ma'am, this is your boyfriend?' Ellie: 'Yes, sir.' Officer: 'Okay, and how old are you, sir?' 'I'm 23.' This was my favorite part because the officer looked up from his notepad with a look of wait, what?"
"If they try and argue with you, you can ask them what is the first line of the police caution."
"The more questions they ask you, the more your answers become a more elaborate, and the more you really express how you feel."
"How long did it take before we came over to talk to you because you had apparently told one of the jailers too that did we keep you waiting a long time before we got up here today?"
"When a suspect acts defensive... this can be a red flag for deception."
"Their job is to divert your attention from the actual case, you know, and the evidence. Just answered my question: could you have arrested him? Yes or no, yes. I chose not to arrest him."
"I said you better start talking, you better tell me everything, we better find her, she better be alive."
"What are you going to do, torture me? No, nothing so barbaric."
"One of the best questions an interrogator can ask is, 'Is there anything else you should tell me?' That's a beautiful question."
"You tell me who you're working for, I'll go easy on you."
"Armin confronts Annie, questioning her suspicious actions."
"The scene where stripe was in the room being interrogated by the psychologist."
"Because at this point I feel comfortable talking with your detectives because it's making it because it sounds to me like you're trying to make me say something like I did something and I didn't."
"A better question would be, have you ever been arrested?"
"That's not only an interview, that's an interrogation."
"Why did you kill them?" I asked, because even though he hadn't told us what he had done, we knew he was guilty from his actions.
"Treating him unfavorably and hoping for a confession is illegal."
"That's correct and then so now with that information they started asking probing questions."
"Initial admittance, he is aware the suspect is unlikely to provide an outright confession but more likely to at least acknowledge that he was driving the car that picked up the victim and even more likely to do so when afforded an exit strategy."
"How do you like your job? Why would you sign up to take somebody's liberties?"
"If you do talk to cops, ask them questions, don't answer theirs."
"How did you get in here? What's all this about? Questions, questions, questions. Everybody wants to know. Everybody's chasing me. Everybody's arresting me. And Russia's going to pieces."
"I'm going to ask you some questions. You're going to answer them. If you're lying to me, trust that I will know."
"This makes 500 consecutive cases you've solved. What's your secret, darling?"
"Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire, Harry?"
"...Makoto begins interrogating the Lich, learning that it wanted to study how the forest ogre operated."
"Did you commit the crime that you are accused of doing, and if so, why?"
"Who is he? His name is Jesus of Nazareth."
"What accusation do you bring against this man?"
"Scientology kids are put in the position of not only receiving these interrogations but giving them."
"That was a cool moment where it's Luffy and Franky interrogating one of Doflamingo's men."
"In the interview room, they pressed him to disclose the location of Linda's body."
"It can be hard to get to know someone via questions without it feeling like an interrogation."
"The girl pointed her sword at the chicken, asked why the bird was talking if it was a demon. So if he's not a cute hunk, he's actually a spy for the demon Clan?"
"That'll be your job," Styers said. "I'm not good at interrogation."
"I do not care about one dead dwarf tell us what you know and I will set you free."
"Was getting caught part of your plan?"
"Agent Barnes, FBI, we need to talk to you."
"...the man repeatedly asked what crime he had committed."
"...if she thinks that she will suddenly be their number one suspect by leaving and answering questions is the only way to prevent that, she would be more inclined to stay."
"You're a liar. You understood what your rights were then just as you understand now. Somewhere in the last 40 hours while you were rattling around on the bucket, you got the word."
"Detectives returned to the county jail and confronted Stephen Horning."
"But neuroscientists may have discovered a method for extracting the truth that's impervious to good liars and bad interrogators."
"When ad was questioning Sarah, so good. I was like good for you ad because that's really hard to do on camera."
"I heard you're knee-deep in the Olivia Lee murder case," Cat said, fixing her cat-green eyes on Millie.
"I'd rather have an interrogation than a softball piece of fluff that no one cares about."
"Wanting the location of the others, Hpera kicks Freddy's crutch and starts questioning him."
"You can either tell us what happened and be truthful with us or we're just gonna have to go with what we got."
"No one expects the douchebag inquisition."
"If you give me Dick Cheney, a waterboard, and one hour, I'll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders."
"The mispronunciation was a simple strategy to see how the suspect would react."
"What crime do you suspect me of committing?"
"Why did you follow me? I don't answer questions. I ask you the questions."
"I'm invoking my right to have my attorney present during questions."
"Why'd you steal the money, Jimmy?"
"I've done this job long enough man, don't you have to be asking me right in the eyes and tell you like yo, he told me about his tablet and he said the backpack was important because he wanted his tablet."
"In situations where so limited information exists early on, it is standard not to convey that information to suspects."
"David felt no one believed him and he was being treated more as a suspect than as a witness."
"He struggled against the hands gripping my forearms, shoulders. He seemed to think it over, then shook his head. 'No, I don't have her. The dungeon isn't empty, but I'm sorry to say it isn't her presence inside. I hope it will be, and soon.'"
"Just untie me and I'll tell you where the books are. No way."
"She looked the detectives in the eye and basically said, 'So what? I hired some pis to tail her. Is that illegal? I didn't think so. If you think it is, fine, arrest me for that but nothing else. I didn't kill her. You have no proof.'"
"This is the one time I'm going to let you ask about my business. Did you kill him?"
"Despite this, Jon still didn't provide the answers Hakim sought. Frustrated, Hakim threatened to expedite their execution set for the following morning."
"I'll tell you what you want to know. Who are you?"
"Liars always cracked, always, as pressure was applied from different angles, as new evidence mounted, as the interrogator's speculation shifted focus, circled around, and grew. A liar either changed his story or denied the evidence."
"What happened that night? Where were you?"
"These [__] just be talking, that's why they get in there and don't stop talking. I'm going to say it again, these [__] just be talking, that's why when they get in an interrogation room, they don't stop talking."
"We just fight for that [ __ ], a lot of little [ __ ] man [ __ ] get in them interrogation rooms, man, they [ __ ] up."
"He said, 'I'm going to ask you one more time, what are these things?' He said, 'Oh, we were just playing around you don't you don't really have to worry about him.'"
"If your follow-up questions have continuity with the previous one, then there's no reason that the other person will feel there's an interrogation."
"Curious," Gareth asked. "Why are you betraying your employer?" "Bite your tongue."
"Now let me ask you about those scratches."
"A lot of interrogation is trial and error as people can differ in terms of what gets them talking and what techniques work for them."
"Just tell me why you tried to push your uncle off that cliff."
"Police knew that in order to get any kind of information from these two witnesses, they were going to have to confront them with some kind of evidence."
"You tell me where Bri is right now, Vince. Tell me where Bri is."
"So before going straight to Paul, police actually, they reached out to Carla and they wanted to like create a wedge in the relationship, knowing that they could probably get more information from Carla."
"Say Tony, hypothetically, how would you have killed your wife? Uh-huh, first of all, if I'm an innocent man, uh-huh, and I had nothing to do that, you're not allowed to ask me that."
"His books are always engaged in its kind of active and often bracing interrogation of our assumptions about technology, economics, language, narrative, reality itself."
"Have you killed your wife? What do you think?"
"You were referring to the check involving the car, right? Yes, the check that you know was uncashed in his desk in his office, right?"
"You have no right to keep me, and you have nothing to charge me with. Set yourself down."
"Why did you leave a 15-year-old girl in the backseat of your car?"
"What are you saying?" demanded Hercule Poirot. "What are you saying?"
"If he already knows who they are, then why interrogate her in the first place?"
"Hell if I knew that I wouldn't be talking to you now would I? I just need to know if you've pumped him full of anything."
"So, you have Mr. Jordan, you said during that 40 minutes or so from the time that he was arrested until the time that you called for this tow company to come, you say you didn't ask him any questions at all?"
"I'm going to lock you up till you decide to talk."
"If you cross-examine for 2 minutes, they'll remember every single question."
"Researchers observed that some naturally occurring psychedelics had a tendency to mitigate the adversarial relationship between the interrogator and their subject."
"These people are going to have a lot of questions for you. I want you to know right now, pile number one, that they're not interrogating you because they want to be mean."
"If you think that this administration would be somehow more squeamish about using coercive interrogation than George Bush's administration was, you're crazy."
"For the last time, Ehlek - Where is he? Where has he taken the mask?"
"Why did you choke the young man that was in here?"
"...make the interrogation and presentation effective for the ascertainment of Truth, avoid needless consumption of time, protect Witnesses from harassment or undue embarrassment."
"You think he's with them other... we asking you something, teardrop asked impatiently when the Watcher stood silently motionlessly."
"If you think I'm going to tell you something after you torture me, you're dumber than you look," Zahid retorted.
"He finally looked at me in that first interaction, stopped my babbling, and said, 'Do you know what it takes to be a counterintelligence agent?'"
"In your experience, when someone's about to have a serious crime such as bodies on their property found, would they normally get nervous?"
"Did you hurt her? Are you a pedophile? What's on your cell phone? Why aren't you talking to investigators? Where was Maddie last seen? Why aren't you helping her mother and her family? This is a little girl, help them find Maddie!"
"If you have nothing to hide interviews should be recorded interrogation they should be recorded from the minute that suspect walks into that interrogation room until the moment he leaves."
"It only means that you may get things you said excluded from trial if you said them in response to police interrogation while in custody."
"All we're trying to do is communicate and find out some information. If you don't give that to us then there's no point in being here."
"He responded no." "The polygraph determined that he was being truthful."
"He confessed to all four murders after an 8-hour interview."
"My final determination after my interrogation with Miss Shino was that she, in fact, is being truthful and she has not cheated on her fiance."
"How long exactly have you been involved in the slave trade?" she asked, leaning forward.
"She was taken to police headquarters and questioned further, but her story did not change."
"If I was behind the kidnapping, then why the hell did I chase the van afterward?" she challenged.
"Then Sylvia suggests that they find the culprit who poisoned lady Dolce and so everyone should be interrogated, including lady self."
"...we have a system that offers no sense of justice to survivors A system that makes survivors feel that they themselves are on the stand that they themselves are being interrogated."
"I would press if I were you. I'd press Megan pretty hard."
"He was a worm wriggling on the end of a hook because with each question that was put to him he was really uncomfortable at trying to find answers."
"Alex, Vera, and Claudio were not holding back with their questions."
"When questioned by detectives about his girlfriend's disappearance, he commented, 'I don't owe an explanation to anyone but the Lord.'"
"I'm giving you three to tell me where that bag is."
"...if you think about it, cameras are rolling right now in interrogation rooms across the country capturing everything said and done while a suspect is inside."
"What happens in an interrogation room can make or break a case."
"There's another example of this right at the start of the interrogation."
"With the main targets in custody, Scotland Yard needed answers."
"...I am NOT answering any questions and I want to speak to an attorney."
"...I want to speak to an attorney."
"...I am NOT answering any questions and I want to talk to a lawyer."
"Trying to get a confession out of me. They say I killed Tony Black. Oh, nitwits."
"A man's got to believe his eyes. We heard the shooting. What have you got to say for yourself, Dan? Speak up, man."
"My name is Shay... you could be interrogating me."
"So before you had the basic level interrogation, because the basic questions are the ones you've mentioned. Why is the Quran being burned by 'Uthman? Why is the... whatever, you know, whatever they say, you know. I don't know what they say, to be honest."
"What you're about to see is an unfortunate tale of secrets, betrayal, and twisted love triangle which compelled a police officer/lover to kill."
"Torture is not an effective form of intelligence gathering."
"One before we fight, I gotta know. Why'd you do it, Milly? Why'd you split Rudy's ham?"
"Make sure you're asking those hard, difficult questions."
"Tell me what you know, so we can find these [__] who did this to you."
"The novel itself should be that act of radical questioning, and the novel should give those things the third degree if you like, just in order to see how things stand up once that's done."
"No more questions. All right. He said, 'Do you?'"
"He flipped the interrogation right. He's on top, he's asking you the questions. Then all of a sudden, the interview starts, he asks some questions, you answer some questions, and then you start asking him the questions and you flip it."
"In this video we'll take you through the interrogation that finally put this monster behind bars."
"Do I need to answer any more of your questions? Hell no."
"If a person holds their breath, it will often create a false answer, so you always want to make sure that they're exhaling."
"A great many of the traitors have heard the tales of Asmodai and there are few things they fear more than remorseless interrogation at his hands."
"Waterboarding is an interrogation technique that stimulates the experience of drowning."
"Maybe about shooting somebody who's already dead. But why won't you talk about your wife? Why don't you tell me what I want to know?"
"the good cop bad cop interrogation method is the oldest trick in the book for a reason"
"Let's see if you're telling the truth."
"Clark is annoyed by Lex's line of questioning about him hiding something."
"That's implying I do have some knowledge about this and this is a power play he's basically saying to the police I do know something about this but I'm not going to give it up that easily."
"...you want answers? I think I'm entitled to them. Do you want answers? I want the truth. You can't handle the truth..."
"Are you a spy?" she blurted, then threw her hand over her mouth as her eyes went wide.
"The interesting thing about Ryan's reaction to being told by Dalton for the first time in the interrogation that there was a dead girl in his house is Ryan reacted with genuine surprise."
"Thank you ma'am, that is the real question. Why is this anyone's business, sir?"
"You're trying to fish information dude, that's what you're doing."
"Did you play a part in the death of any patients here at the hospital?"
"I refuse to be interrogated. I was just so nice to you, right? So sweet to you, yeah?"
"But now tell me wherefore thou art fled from them and are coming to us, for that were to come for safeguard."
"...a far more effective method of interrogation than torture since it's more reliable and requires an acknowledgment of the subject's humanity."
"They continually accused you of lying, yes, and they continually said that you were somehow holding back on some kind of information, withholding information, yes."
"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what I want to know."
"detectives are absolutely allowed to lie to you and manipulate you in fact the entire point of being like an interrogator is that you will do whatever possible to get a confession out of someone right"
"I got questioned quite vigorously by the cops."
"I shall now begin questioning you. Answer carefully. Fooling this woman is no walk in the park."
"We're gonna have a another look at a clip here of Dylan's character getting grilled."
"You don't go in like the tough guy, you know? I'm gonna beat you over the head until you give me the information I want. You try to establish rapport, try to get the buddy-buddy thing going as much as you can."
"In our analysis, we do our best to track what information came out when in the course of the interrogations."
"The opinion that this was a highly coercive interrogation, a kind of which that could lead both to a guilty person providing a true confession and an innocent person providing a false confession."
"Take your murdered, those people, D. Who is your accomplice, Charley?"
"I want that man alive and talking. In fact, the more he talks, the better it is for us."
"Well, I expect they'll want to test all the men who knew her."
"Other than with Ladi, have you ever exchanged any type of sex act for anything of value with another male? She answered no, and the results came back all the same for her lie detector test."
"The police made Aaron feel as though he was not free to leave, they wanted him to feel alone, isolated from anyone who could help him."
"The detective swiftly called in Curtis for questioning... it was a breakthrough in the case but it was far from over."