
Correction Quotes

There are 1863 quotes

"We have a basic psychological need to correct mistakes, and it's so difficult to fight this urge."
"The first act of correction or cure is always 'revise'."
"We often veer off the track...until a powerful eclipse comes and puts us on the right one for us."
"That which loveth most is that which chastiseth, that which finds ways to correct mistakes before they become impossible."
"It's grammatically incorrect. You say Tom and I, not me and him."
"It's not necessarily pretentious to correct people; it's all in the delivery."
"Magic nerds like a lot of things, but there's something they love above all else, and that is correcting people."
"In order to correct the problem, you have to admit that there is a problem."
"I think the truth will win. In overtime, we've got this great system called Community notes, which is fantastic at correcting falsehoods or adding context."
"Support me when I do well; correct me when I do wrong."
"God's message of Holiness is in the Earth to correct man."
"I'm wrong about something, tell me and I'll change what I say."
"Their mission, to fight injustice by exonerating innocent people and helping the justice system correct its mistakes."
"If I am wrong about something, I want to know."
"The number of times that science has been proven wrong has always been tied to science proving science wrong."
"I must set aright that which has been made wrong."
"It's too late to just mend our ways; we have to actively correct our past mistakes."
"The planet will correct itself, absolutely, and that nature is going to be okay, and the animals are going to be okay."
"If we make a mistake on this show, I will publicly correct it the very next show."
"The amount of effort required to undo is ten times greater than the amount of effort required to create."
"I have made so many mistakes in the past, and I'm now trying to fix them."
"Love is a terrible and dreadful thing because if you love your children, you don't let them get away with anything; you correct their transgressions."
"This court is the only one who can correct its own mistakes."
"Don't be scared to make mistakes. Make them. They're going to be corrected by people, and you're going to learn from that."
"If someone you know does something wrong by mistake, you just need to work to fix that."
"Nerds are passionate about a lot of things, but there's something they love above all else, and that is correcting people."
"The scientific approach is the best approach, technically the best kind of approach when we are incorrect, science lets us know with a tap on the shoulder."
"No matter what somebody says, we should allow them to say it because people are thinking it anyway. And when you allow them to say it publicly, you also allow people to be aware that they're saying possibly something that's incorrect, and then you can correct them on it."
"The real goal ought to be correction. If our children do something that's wrong, it's not that we want to punish them because we get some delight in watching them suffer. Our delight comes when their behavior is corrected."
"I'm always looking for like my mind to be changed. If I'm incorrect about something, I'd like to be corrected about it."
"In the entire history of humanity, nothing has ever proven a scientific finding wrong, except for better science."
"We need people who are honest with us telling us where we're wrong and where we need to course-correct we need people to live by the principles of God and to walk them out according to the truth of God's Word."
"I think if the media makes a mistake they should have to correct it."
"Science is the only self-correcting system of knowledge known to history."
"How can we love and engage each other if we do not, in love, correct each other?"
"Correcting that wrong was very, very, very important to me."
"It might have gone off a little bit, maybe it goes down some roads that aren't necessarily correct, but it always is moving in the correct direction."
"The greed was just way too high and it needed to be flushed out. It just needed to be taken out."
"I think there's an opportunity within the next one to two weeks to plan a possible market correction."
"Correction is not braces hurt, but they correct the smile."
"I think it should be, well, actually, it's good to be proven wrong."
"I'm here to tell you what I believe to be true. If I get things wrong, I'm more than happy to correct myself."
"Proper education always corrects error. Peace."
"We can disagree with someone's ideas and thoughts and we can work to correct them and help them learn without having to turn into an all-out war against a person"
"Well, you didn't use the right 'you're,' buddy."
"Sometimes love is correction sometimes love is discipline."
"It's actually really useful to have some washi tape around because you can just put a little piece of washi tape over the incorrect information."
"For every turn away from a better world, there's often a stronger correction towards it."
"It's never too late to go back and fix early mistakes."
"I've been there with people, I've helped abusers to have corrective experiences."
"I just won't give in... I'm gonna correct it."
"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore and repent."
"In the pursuit of great, we fail to do good. We have to make it right."
"Treat people according to the merits of their actual behavior."
"This goes against the basic principles of behavioral learning... if creators don't know why their videos are unacceptable then they can't fix them."
"We got it wrong. Let's step back from the cliff and let's make sure that we can have a responsible discussion about a path forward."
"We're the ones who corrected the injustice of Epstein."
"The firing of James Gunn should either be undone or suffer the first real serious injury to the MCU brand."
"Serves you mortals right. The contradiction of the gods will be corrected."
"Everything correct but I'll be the first one to make it right if that's the case."
"An interruption or a correction isn't silencing, it's being consistent with accuracy."
"Our goal is not to condemn, but to correct with kindness, bringing light to the truth of the Gospel."
"Innovation is bound to make mistakes. The question is not how not to make mistakes but whether we can perfect and correct them after making mistakes and persistently innovate. To make risk-free innovation is to stifle innovation."
"Why keep doing that? Because you ain't listening. Because you don't ever listen. Well, actually, you do listen. My bad, sorry. All right."
"That lie went all the way around the world before anyone stepped forward to correct it."
"Either we correct this consciously or nature will correct it in a very cruel way."
"Correction is statistically harder after committing to an opinion."
"Don't be afraid to say no, correct what's wrong, and steer the ship in the right direction."
"You've got it all wrong man. You've got it all wrong."
"We have got to clean this [ __ ] up out here. We have got to restore balance, and the way that we do that is by calling out the BS and correcting behaviors, and we don't care who hates it."
"Accepting you've made a mistake but rectifying that mistake as soon as possible."
"Anything that God does is corrective and it always is meant to bring you back to him."
"If something doesn't feel right, go back and correct it."
"But I just want to point that out there are there are temperature discrepancies."
"Perfection of the messenger isn't required, but correction is."
"If your partner's guy friends start bad-mouthing effonism, you know he'll correct them."
"If you're mispronouncing the Quran and you're the leader of the Muslims and you're deliberately reading it wrong, he should move somebody else forward."
"There's a misconception that they have 16 inch barrels. Again, if there's a version of the M1 carbine that has a 16 inch barrel, I haven't seen it."
"You have the opportunity to immediately correct it with loving good behavior."
"This is the very least you could do. Fix the error of your ways."
"Gironovsky's musings: 'It is never too late to correct historical errors.'"
"Jesus during his Earthly Ministry does all kinds of commanding and rebuking."
"It's like you're not supposed to clap and say good job. It's a really good thing that you fix that."
"At least they fixed their behavior by they did they didn't shrink the black person in the movie on the posters after that so that's good."
"This is more than just a garden variety correction."
"Loving somebody and truly genuinely caring for their well-being is correcting them when you know they're going wrong."
"God will go to great lengths to correct and redirect us."
"Admit they made a mistake and correct it. We appreciate you noticing that we are honest to people who actually listen to the substance of the show. Thank you."
"It's hard to say you need a correction when you don't really have markets."
"Exercise humility when corrected; acknowledge mistakes and seek reconciliation." - Proverbs 10:17.
"It's long past time to correct this egregious mistake."
"How do I correct you in a way that honors you?"
"My mom really purposed to speak praise publicly and speak words of Correction privately, and I'm very thankful for that."
"Make sure that this way there are no spelling errors."
"It is really impossible to make a mistake that you can't easily correct."
"You don't have to play perfect, you just need to play correct."
"It's a one of two because I stand corrected."
"I wasn't there amen you know what wrong you have done and are doing and this is what God would want you to do then Peter said unto them repent be sorry about your wrong straighten up and be baptized every one of you."
"Five, four, three, two, one. Above the line Prince Caspian, incorrect. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, that's correct."
"There's some people on the internet who say M16s or M4s or ARs are bullpups because they kick like a dog just look up the video it exists no that's absolutely incorrect."
"Teach is probably the wrong word, I'm more informing."
"Nothing is beyond fixing. You make a mistake, you correct that mistake. That's the debugging procedure."
"A correction in the stock market would be far more impactful on the economy."
"Just because you see a bounce does not mean the correction is over."
"What if the referee misses a red card? They can always go back and do that after the game."
"Writing a wrong: the new efforts for justice."
"It is better to over correct than to under correct in the situation that they were in with this game."
"The market is at all-time highs, due for a correction."
"They constantly correct people's grammar. Okay, I mean, some of us need it, so yeah."
"We must be able to be corrected by Scripture."
"Let's not continue with that, so much of that is wrong, okay? So much won't play out that way."
"If we make a mistake, we correct it. That's what journalists are supposed to do."
"Sometimes you can go back and fix something, it's a second chance."
"Good coaches will stop practice, blow the whistle, stop, meet that player on the field or on the court and show them in the moment, this is what you did wrong, here's why it went wrong, here's how to do it the right way."
"The only solution then is where we go back to the wrong premise and the wrong solution."
"Let me know what I got right let me know what I got wrong."
"Nerds are passionate about a lot of things. There's something they love above all else, and that is correcting people."
"You have to proceed your corrections with the phrase 'um, actually.'"
"If you're wrong, that means you learned a new thing and you're now smarter."
"You got the dual blocks right... actually, I saw triple."
"An appropriate correction from an adult dog is brief, pointed, and with no attempt to harm."
"Indisputable: we create a mirror not only for reflection but also for correction."
"Obedience should bring glory rather than correction."
"Our republic will not survive. We must correct course."
"Every single one of those statements is wrong, like factually wrong."
"Large media networks aren't doing it so one of the things I want to debunk is this right-wing talking point."
"You can show them where they're wrong without being rude or hateful."
"The son of man existed before creation" - Enoch 46:2-7
"Nerds like a lot of things so there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people."
"Somebody wants a redo, a chance to make things right."
"If someone is giving you a wrong pronoun, quickly correct them and educate them."
"Here at Rebel News, we work hard to get it right... Saying sorry once in a while actually improves your reputation for accuracy."
"That's not improved, that's extended. There's a difference."
"When you do something crazy, you got to make it right, make it make sense."
"His name was Peter Tobin, not Pat McLaughlin."
"These are the things many people get wrong and I've taken the better part of my last two days to create this video for you."
"If we don't correct this now, this power will not be lost, it will be corrupted."
"Corrections are healthy for the market; it's not the end of it all for cryptocurrencies."
"Sometimes love comes in the form of a rebuke."
"Netflix should probably take down their tweet, delete the tweet."
"This journey was an ancestral calling to rectify the fallacies that been perpetuated about this biblically historic land."
"We're better equipped to correct what went wrong in these societies."
"We are bringing balance back to this market."
"Rebirth is realizing what he's doing is wrong and needs to be corrected."
"I could say something, but it would probably be wrong and I would be harshly corrected."
"It's not about exploitation, it's about the addiction to trying to make things right."
"You would think it is a good idea to preserve the life of your friend yet Peter does this with Jesus and Jesus sharply corrects him."
"You made a mistake, Tony. Do what's right now."
"If you can't receive correction, you cannot be trusted."
"Seam ripper, that's to rip out the seams or the mistake areas."
"If something is wrong, doing more of it won't make it better."
"We're going to fix this, we're going to put out real information."
"You know what? Sorry. Okay, I'm just gonna delete that."
"It's pronounced 'singer,' not 'cyngor.' It's singer, not singing." - "It's pronounced 'singer,' not 'cyngor.' It's singer, not singing."
"I want to tell you that they are absolutely wrong."
"Just making it right, just making it right, just making it right."
"Let me give you an update to a story we reported and a correction to a name we submitted."
"It's been corrected and now we get to move forward."
"Justice will be served karma will be balanced whatever was wrong will get right."
"This is a moment for clarity and correction. Corona has given us clarity and correction."
"You see what he done there? Should have done it in the first instance."
"This is incorrect, Dennis. Let me fact-check your ass now." - A humorous correction followed by a fact-check.
"There's clear right and wrong in the world, and she was an English teacher, so she would always correct everything I said."
"Luther was not right here... we actually don't need to learn from Luther..."
"Real estate correction...the potential for a correction is increasingly looking like a given."
"This is an era where we're going to become more familiar with the loving correction of God."
"He will disrupt what you're using to disobey."
"We've learned to adjust because I believe that all these advancements are self-correcting."
"Even if a mistake is made, as long as a person realizes their mistake, it's possible to make it right again."
"Truth corrects all errors in the mind; lies create them."
"I am ready to set things right, not in the distant future, but right now."
"It's not about avoiding making mistakes, but ensuring you correct them."
"They really made it right, that's awesome, that's really cool."
"It fell to Emperor Diocletian to set things straight."
"The mind stone is not in Loki's staff. The mind stone is in Vision's forehead."
"Here are some of our favorite corrections from you, the viewers."
"There is no real mistakes because everything can be corrected."
"They found a very very serious bug in Luminary on June 18th."
"And Armstrong insisted it to be corrected."
"We realized that we kind of made a mistake, and we better fix it now because we for sure don't want to fix it later."
"Anywhere that I'm wrong, I'm happy to correct it."
"It's not about the mistake, it's about how you correct it."
"Science works because it is built to tell you what you do not believe; it corrects for biases."
"Ma'am, they are not earbuds, they are hearing aids."
"Demons act under God's permission as a Rod of Correction."
"The capital of Texas is Austin. It is, it's not Dallas."
"If one's wrong or appears to be wrong, one must put things right."
"The great thing about movies is when you make a huge mistake, you can fix them before you show it to anyone."
"Making something wrong the first time is not a mistake; it is your chance to correct it."
"High-quality businesses are very rare to come by and they undergo long periods of time correction."
"It's so easy to take that wrong turn and then it's so easy to be prideful and not want to correct things."
"I'm sorry for giving you the wrong information."
"I can see the future too, and you had it backwards,"
"why do we go for punishment as opposed to correction"
"This universe is finite, its resources finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction."
"It's an important part of history to be told and put right."
"Now it should flatten to the correct orientation."
"My goal in writing this novel was to figure out what was true and what was a lie, and then correct the lie."
"The accurate version is 'Fly, you fools,' although last I checked, Hobbits don't have wings."
"If I ever do make a mistake, I will be sure to correct it once I have seen the evidence suggesting that I have made a mistake."