
Attention To Detail Quotes

There are 5018 quotes

"Be careful, the devil is always in the details."
"One microscopic detail can have a catastrophic impact."
"Every little detail is taken care of, the room has been made up again, it's just beautiful."
"Every detail, every little thing you notice can bring an image from good to great."
"The smallest details can make the biggest difference."
"Always remember to pay attention to small details."
"I really took the time to personalize this, even the weather was to your preference."
"It's the details—detail, detail, detail—that really set you apart."
"Take a 10-minute break and come back and look at it... I always find little mistakes or typos."
"I'm gonna be honest, I am extremely impressed by the attention to detail with these relationships."
"Don't let the small disciplines be neglected as being insignificant. Everything matters."
"There's fan fiction that's painstakingly constructed and managed with a fine-toothed comb."
"Attention to detail turns a trading idea into a good risk-reward proposition, significantly influencing trading success."
"Paying attention to every detail is our way of honoring them."
"Even what could be the simplest scene like this is given a 12-second tracking shot with care and attention and is always pleasing to look at."
"Show them that you're not careless, have zero mistakes in it."
"Nolan's dedicated work and attention to detail have reshaped the world of blockbusters."
"I think it's just important for you to understand something about me: I care about the details. Facts actually matter."
"The prop master knew you're never going to be able to read it, but he wanted the detail, the layering of the detail. That I love."
"There are few games as obsessed with realism as 'RDR2.' The attention to detail is second to none."
"Reliability of every tiny joint is the factor that can spell the difference between failure and success."
"Cape Canaveral is only a series of details in a visible form. For success, every detail must work."
"The level of attention to detail when it comes to historical accuracy is mind-blowing."
"I absolutely loved the sound design; it was super detailed and luscious."
"Spelling errors will eliminate you immediately as a candidate."
"That's attention to detail; that's brilliant."
"All these little nuances add up to a really good experience."
"Metro 2033 Redux is not lacking in the gameplay department; it genuinely drips attention to detail."
"It's little things that make a big difference in being effective."
"There's an attention to detail that really blows my mind here."
"It's the little details, like door handles and logos, that make a big difference."
"Trust and Betrayal is masterful at presentation and the little details, whether they be visual, auditory, or a combination of the two."
"The small things are important; it's just what small things we focus on that matters the most and what makes us whole."
"It's impossible to deny the impressive attention to detail on this one."
"Let's pay more attention to the little things."
"Rockstar makes $75 million per month and it shows with their unique attention to detail."
"Small details like this may flash by within a second, but they just show how dedicated the production crew is."
"I finally watched Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse at 0.25x Speed and found 25 incredible hidden details that will blow your mind."
"I want to focus on...lore buildings or little tiny spots, campfires, ruins, that make the world feel more lived in."
"It's the little things in the background that most people don't pay attention to that can make a world of a difference."
"If you can't get the small stuff right, you won't get the big stuff right."
"Elden Ring, as a game, is so impressive, so beautiful, so shocking how good it is, that every crack, every tiny problem with it, is highlighted that much brighter."
"It's those details that matter and kind of bring it to life even more so."
"Modern Versailles showcases architectural brilliance and meticulous attention to detail."
"Our objective when we're polishing paint is we want this paint to look as good as possible, but we want to remove the least amount of clear that we can."
"Everything from the treasure you find to the food you eat is presented with the care of a chef plating and topping off their signature dish."
"Visual effects is all about having a good eye for details."
"Replicating a photo one to one will not only help you in what you need to do next and what needs to be improved, but it develops attention to detail."
"It's not only caring about the big idea but also about the smallest details."
"Absolutely amazing and there we go again that attention to detail."
"The major difference in its scale was Woods attention to detail."
"There's a couple more little things I want to do for some extra detail."
"Spend more time on the eyes because we really do pay attention to it."
"The attention to detail in a place further than the universe is incredible."
"The recreation of the city of Baghdad is also really impressive."
"Colt really did think through all the details in his gun."
"Great acting is sometimes revealed in the tiniest of details."
"Founders talk about being fanatical in the way they care about the quality of the small details."
"There's been a lot of attention to detail across the entire map with regards to the backstory, the design of the zombies, the actual design of the bosses."
"Even with great intentions, the little details make all the difference in how the final game feels."
"Make sure that you're not missing something, look at the small details."
"I think it's the tail of the one on the far right. Yep, guys, the second row, the farthest right one, it's missing a stripe on the tail!"
"Wow, guys, it's this one right here. Dude, it's missing the little spots on its cheeks. The freckles! That was so difficult!"
"Attention to detail is what really makes this modification."
"But really think about all the little details in the prototype that were changed and the effect they had on the actual story of Berserk."
"The attention to detail in this game is too good."
"Sometimes Epic puts attention into the tiniest things."
"I just love how these little background details show what a huge amount of love and attention to detail was put into this game."
"Every single line matters. There's not one thing that doesn't matter."
"Attention to detail transforms a scene from ordinary to extraordinary."
"Small, pointless details are what make Hollow Knight such an amazing game."
"Everything in Islam is carefully chosen by Allah; even minor details have significance."
"The extra effort that went into providing accurate character models, a star-studded cast, and fully fleshed-out gameplay mechanics really shows."
"This says to me that the developers really thought and cared about the game's layout."
"Everything from the textures, lighting, and even the buttons and heads-up display on the steering wheel is meticulously detailed and strikingly authentic."
"The UI on this thing has such attention to detail that you just don't see in products these days."
"If you want to practice living in the moment more, I think the best way you can do that is just pay more attention to the small details of life."
"Risk of Rain 2's macro game is always broad and diverse, but it's the tiny details that define it."
"The attention to detail reached a new level."
"I'm not kidding when I say there are recruiters out there who will throw out a resume the moment they find a grammatical error."
"It's the little things that you don't care about... it's important to bring up the little things."
"Gris is full of examples of this meticulous attention to detail that the team at Nomada Studio had to put into each environment to make a game that not only looks good, but plays well too."
"It's all in the details right and that's why I don't need to do a lot of volume and a lot of sets because each one is milked to the maximum every aspect of it and that's what you'll get on the on your hit certification."
"In a world of sound bites, you have to listen carefully."
"Every tiny consideration makes a huge difference."
"You just need to always be thinking about the little details that make you better."
"Nobody at all is not just a fool if you pay close attention to details."
"The Sprite work goes beyond just combat it's little things like details and cutscenes."
"People clearly spent time on all the cute little idle animations."
"It's all about the details, it's about the little details in life that make the big differences."
"Mouse has paid a lot of attention to the products and accessories, and it shows."
"The quality and the attention to detail is above anything I've toured in factories before."
"The devil's in the details, and those details are important to us."
"Metal Gear 5 was oozing with thousands of little details... it made the game feel vibrant."
"Yeah, you really broke it down just now. Um, I'm gonna have to watch that part over and take some notes. I hope y'all was really listening to that, that was some real science right there."
"Every time you open that war story, you're looking for misses."
"Details and really paying attention to what's going on around you is so important."
"Brian's attention to detail was extraordinary."
"It's all in the details, man. It's the little things."
"Their attention to detail is amazing, even by fleet standards."
"An amazing animation technique... little things like this that add up."
"Read the instructions carefully, if you do not read the instructions carefully you're going to lose marks."
"Historical accuracy requires attention to detail."
"We're coming up on it, and it's just, the details are just phenomenal."
"It's just the moment in the game where you really gotta start sitting up and paying attention to your strategy."
"It's these little details that add up... how fine-tuned to Perfection the overall feel of this game is."
"Their attention to detail is stupid like it's it's off the charts."
"Attention to detail is key when restoring a classic – from polishing metal to selecting the perfect tires, it's the little things that make a big difference."
"It's incredibly dense... just watch the trailer and look for all the little details."
"Every little design touch on this shoe was extremely considered and came out really well executed."
"All the little Easter eggs and details here are just so good."
"It's the little things that make the big differences here."
"It's the extra little things like this that make the big differences."
"Always pay attention to detail. No little detail like that is a stupid thing."
"The attention to detail in the small motifs is stellar."
"All the little stuff, that's where success comes from."
"You put this much detail, this much thought and this much time into your build and you're gonna get an excellent result."
"Keep in mind not every ability has a cast bar so if it's an instant ability you may just need to pay attention to the attacks that you're actually taking."
"As always, in Stranger Things, the attention to detail is amazing with a ton of 80s era branding in every frame."
"It's that attention to detail that you don't even see on the console games."
"The show doesn't shy away from detail; the sets, the scenery, and the makeup are all very intricate."
"Man, I almost expected the wheels to move because of how great the detail looks."
"It's the little things that make a difference."
"He remembers every little detail... He knew her so well... He keeps doing it, and it's just so cute."
"It's small things like this that really show how well this book was adapted to the big screen."
"The preparation and attention to detail is insane."
"I love when a special effect is so flawless that you can't actually even consider how it was done."
"Stay focused on player prices. Don't get lazy."
"Some of them are sneaking in, those tiny little gaps aren't they?"
"Keep your eye on the details, do your due diligence."
"That's how hard it is to notice these things."
"I have good eyesight, I can see the bubbles."
"Blown away by the level of theming and detail."
"The level of detail, the fire and smoke on the horizon, every individual little brick and piece of plank."
"The attention to detail here is absolutely exquisite."
"No detail has been ignored in the making of this incredible vessel."
"You slip up, don't cross a T or dot an I and I'll treat you like every other criminal here."
"The detail is something that has to be seen to be believed."
"I definitely encourage people to continue looking at the small things and the small game development things."
"If you're looking for exotics, freaking pay attention, they're everywhere!"
"I just love the attention to detail when it came to creating these rosters."
"All right now taking a closer look at these crispy deets."
"I hope everyone could listen out for some of those key words."
"Everything from its core gameplay to the little details has me enthralled."
"The level of detail is absurd, I mean look at this!"
"It's those small finishing touches that make all the difference."
"That's the kind of attention to detail level that we've gone through, which is pretty bonkers."
"It's honestly pretty insane how much detail and comment put into this coaster."
"Did you notice something? My goodness, the buffers are painted."
"Loose pieces drop off, always look out for them."
"Everything gets detailed because in Elden Ring, nothing is ever insignificant."
"Be mindful of your attention to detail because it's so infectious sharing knowledge."
"Overall, Breath of the Wild's cel-shaded art style and attention to detail still remain unmatched."
"It's attention to detail and that's important to see when evaluating a product."
"This is why I mean when I talk about Dark Souls being fair...even the moments that seem like it...if I had just looked more carefully."
"Sometimes the smallest little details can make a big difference."
"It's amazing to see that level of design and detail being put into this."
"This film is better appreciated for its cinematic details, not just a list of comic book easter eggs."
"Nintendo is a company that has always put meticulous attention to detail at the very forefront of everything they do."
"It's very much in the collector sphere of intricate details that 98% of the rest of the population will never ever notice."
"Please describe everything she's wearing in every scene."
"The art department of this movie did an incredible job just putting those little touches in there."
"The attention to detail and the overall composition of these films is something that can't be overstated."
"It's easy to overlook some of these small things."
"The devil is most definitely in the details."
"It’s a great tool, but one it involves a lot of attention to detail."
"Just that little extra detail that makes the game as cool as it is."
"I am a firm believer that the little details are really what make the dream work with a game and what really is conducive as betting to sort of the sweet sleep of immersion."
"Details, details, details. Your wedding planner ensures nothing's left to the last minute."
"Instantly feels entirely familiar like they know what this is but they'll you know they're also starting to notice a level of care and attention and detail that's all been added new."
"It's just so considerate, every little detail."
"The amount of attention to detail... I'm just gobsmacked."
"It's all about the details, the accessories, and the layering."
"Each location has a great sense of scale and offers strikingly different visuals all of which possess such fine attention to detail." - Reviewer
"Do the little things to the best of your ability."
"These are the small details that really bring it together."
"Great lip sync draws no attention to itself and instead allows the focus to be in the narrative."
"Shit doesn't matter how small, sometimes the tiniest details."
"The sheer amount of detail in Night City is absolutely staggering at times."
"I truly believe that even rooms like laundry rooms should have just as much attention to detail as any other room in the house."
"It's those little attentions to detail which I really like."
"A lot going on there's so much detail in the game."
"It's all those like little details that are going to make the scene really pop out."
"Pay attention to the details if you want to control the result and the performance of DAX."
"I really appreciate that kind of attention to detail in writing something and coming up with an idea."
"Sana pays attention to sensory details with clear development."
"Every little detail in the book is brilliant."
"Pay attention to detail. Pay attention to the smallest, tiniest little details because when you don't, they will notice."
"I'm a little irritated guys because I built that frame and I just didn't double check the plans."
"Sigmas pay close attention to minor details."
"Attention to detail is very critical in this case."
"How the hell do you know that, Sherlock?" "Because she was on the same train as us and I heard her calling its name. And that's not cheating, that's listening. I use my senses, John, unlike some people."
"There's so many little things in there that you can catch."
"Details might seem small but add up" - the significance of subtle hints.
"It's rewarding the player for exploring and paying attention to dialogue."
"The attention to detail is in every facet of the film."
"The devil is in the detail, you need to look at what's happening with regards to the latest month and the trends."
"Every bit of detail they put into this thing is definitely showing when you come and look at it in person."
"I've left a little strip for him... I've double layered that."
"It's just a cute little detail that there's almost no purpose but they put it in there anyway, so it is kind of fun."