
Organizational Skills Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Just because I'm not a consultant anymore doesn't mean I don't still organize my thoughts like one."
"I'm the executive: active organizer, logical, assertive, fact-minded, decisive."
"The key to staying organized is always having a place for everything."
"Create templates, frameworks, and matrixes for yourself; it allows you to streamline your workflow over time."
"Efficiency is about organization and workflow."
"The word triage just means deciding how to sort things in seconds for each email: archive, reply, add it to my calendar, create a task, store it as a reference, or send it to my read it later app."
"Are you able to learn quickly? Are you able to organize yourself and be organized by other people?"
"In cases that are this complex and with so much data floating around, you cannot solve the case unless you have a very good structure built up front."
"I keep my thoughts stacked in my memory like they are on filing cards."
"Everything having a place is really important to them because then they can remember, 'Oh yes, that's right, these are where my blocks go...'"
"I might never goof off again, that's called organization, okay?"
"I learned a ton from that, from that I learned about creating the edas and the importance of having committees and delegating and being organized."
"Those who love peace need to learn to organize themselves as well as those who love war."
"Organization is important, adaptability too."
"MLK really knew how to organize people and get stuff done."
"Structures like this speak to ants' capacity to organize their labor effectively."
"You are always very focused on making sure those things don't happen it will also make you very goal-oriented you would like lists you like details you'd like to organize."
"Thank God I wrote down the signs, but I think I remember like everything that I was doing for this place."
"They're successful and put together in terms of their life."
"Organizational skills, baby! Even this, okay, it's gonna be a little bit horrible to look at for some people but other people, they might like it."
"Time management is always easier when you have things in front of your eyes."
"He showed them the structure of running something that's organized, you know, it ain't just gotta be drugs, man, it's the mentor too."
"Put a working system in place and trust the system."
"Color code planning gives you a real in-depth view of what you're accomplishing."
"I really like keeping our overall goals for the year in the front of the planner so that I can see it every time I open it."
"He was a grand man in many respects. Fighter Command was a remarkably good organization."
"Being productive and organized isn't something that you're born with but it's something that we all can achieve even with a busy life."
"German Football is a lot more organized I would say in terms of how clubs have run."
"Plan ahead. Have a list of content ideas and a content calendar."
"My ability to be able to actually get my shopping list in place is super easy."
"We did it against the team that was really, really well organized."
"I love being productive... so often people don't organize their stuff."
"Happy home, happy home, planning, organization, managing."
"Organization is imperative for intentionality."
"After all of that, man I just can't get over how neat and tidy her little spot was."
"A good system of record-keeping and controls is necessary but not sufficient for the success of your business."
"We're gonna break this down into multiple categories."
"I'm a very organized person and that is very key to success."
"Administration is like the frontline of the next chapter of every move of God."
"It's labeled, it's clean, it's precise, it's organized, and it's beautiful."
"If you've done your job well and hired smart people, then your leadership team is capable of handling the day-to-day problems of the organization."
"It's more than just like cleaning up organizationizing is like a lifestyle change."
"Management is just as important in many ways as training itself."
"This is a group that for 15 or 20 years has done nothing but practice flexibility and invisibility. You will never find them."
"Getting a smooth transition is really important."
"It's able to support a population of that vastness all in one place. That requires a huge amount of organization."
"It's really important to have your products and your tools at the ready so that you're not wasting time running back and forth."
"Go get a three-ring binder, get on your laptop with your family, start working on these things, have this done by the next week."
"A shot list is just gonna take away the stress of pretty much everything on set."
"This is the time to reach your goals; stay organized, stay determined, and don't miss this opportunity."
"I do think though at the very least we should put some of the things that are clogging our inventory like beetroots into their own drawer."
"Stay organized, see your inventory, plan ahead. Always be ten steps ahead."
"That's the difference that can be made if you're organized and you pick the right projects."
"This is where you're gonna do all your profile manager a very important place to be."
"It doesn't take that long to do proper cable management in the case, but you do need to do a little bit of planning."
"I've actually won some speed builds doing this, having beautiful cable management."
"There's no secret to success. There's a system to success and no matter what organization you become a part of, the system works, if you work it."
"It's up to the top brass at these companies to get their poop in a group."
"Take control of your inbox once again. Seriously, you have no idea what you're missing."
"Clutter breeds confusion. When your life is cluttered, it's breeding confusion. You lack clarity, you lack clear priorities."
"Thank you all for joining so I have a little bit of an agenda today and let me first start off with that."
"It's like a puzzle for me, trying to fit everything into a small space as possible."
"Structure will be your best friend when you really want to make the most amount of progress possible."
"I cannot wait to be caught up with everything and be on the same page with everything else that's going on."
"Don't wait for time... just start, grab some paper, start making your to-do list, get your calendar off your planner and into your phone... and give everything its place so you're not scrambling all day long."
"I see someone that's prepared, very organized, very meticulous."
"I think this is just a better place to put my leader key, it's with all the other sets."
"Planning and organization are the keys to balancing all the hats I wear."
"That cable management... looks the exact opposite of every other desk in the world."
"No it's okay I got it, I love organizing. I feel like I can handle any situation."
"Staying organized will help keep you and your personal brand looking professional and put together."
"Being a leader means in some way you have to manage a thousand or ten thousand Minds if you cannot manage your own mind how will you manage ten thousand Minds it'll be a disaster."
"We know what we're good at, we know we're not good at, and one thing that we're good at is catering to community."
"That's really useful for organization as you can see here."
"The importance of teamwork and collaboration."
"I'm obsessed with organization, so this is really cool."
"You guys did good, thank you. Earthworks just has got a knack."
"Be productive by making lists; it encourages productivity."
"Humans are great at getting themselves together and organizing themselves through crises."
"Take copious notes because it's going to be the difference between you remaining amongst the clutter and you ascending into new places of influence and affluence."
"Here's what my job is. Here's what I'm trying to achieve this week or this month."
"I did find that you kind of have to get a structure in place you can't just start dropping them in you know willy-nilly or else you end up with a mess."
"There's creativity and growth coming back, nurturing, structure, getting organized."
"So now that I have all of my markers put down, it's important that you save your project."
"He just needed to be able to go out there and share his gift with everybody and it just so happened that my gift I found my gift because my gift was was having the organizational skills."
"Management is the organizing, delegating, and controlling of resources to achieve a specific goal. Leadership, on the other hand, is influencing, motivating, directing, and inspiring people to contribute to an organization's strategic objectives."
"You have great taste and I know your organizational skills are the best."
"Portfolios require organizational polish to succeed."
"Organizational skills are often overlooked as a strength, but in an interview they can be the difference between being hired and being passed over."
"I'm a good organizer, I'm a good problem solver; give me any scenario."
"Do not underestimate this country. Do not underestimate our powers of organization and our determination."
"Something about your work will involve arranging and or planning things involving people."
"The ability to upskill and reskill your workforce is going to be a core capability of any organization."
"The discipline the organizational skills, the deadlines that you guys have, it will all be over soon."
"Above all these things, you're going to learn organizational skills that you'll have with you for the rest of your career wherever you go."
"There are basically three levels of leadership: organizational, situational, and personal."
"Managing perceptions is a very important part of what we do in organizations."
"Hey team, we did a great job, check it, that's organized."
"The organizations that are very effective at dissecting problems have fewer of them to dissect."
"With a little help to learn, will transform the power and pleasure of using Notion to organize your life."