
Consulting Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"Just because I'm not a consultant anymore doesn't mean I don't still organize my thoughts like one."
"Get paid to do what you already know how to do. Basically, the idea is you would become a consultant with the skills that you already have."
"I consult a lot of my ideas with him if I have a big idea he's the only person I talk to every single day."
"Management consulting is the practice of helping organizations to improve their performance."
"Everybody thinks they'd be a good consultant. That doesn't mean everybody's wrong."
"If y'all want to hire us to go to expert witness or consultant for the right amount of money we're happy to teach you all the magic that we know."
"Are you looking to move and need advice? I do consulting. Let's find you a new home that's safe and checks all your boxes."
"Consulting in general is about solving problems."
"Literally my hourly rate is x, right? It's like thousands of dollars."
"You get paid to consult, how does this work? Kanye's just revolutionary so I'm not on paper as a writer, I'm on paper as a consultant."
"You don't have to be some big expert for consulting, you literally just need to know one percent more than somebody else to help them out."
"Consulting or coaching is where you have specialized information on a certain problem that people have and you help them to solve that problem."
"If you ever became mega rich, what would you like to spend your money on?"
"We owe it to ourselves and to the client to say based on what I just learned there are two or three things that come to my mind that could possibly solve this."
"Get paid for your advice - consulting can realistically replace your nine-to-five income."
"Going to McKinsey is like getting the PHD on top of your MBA."
"Anyone that we can get who's a consultant for that, that is fantastic."
"Even if it's just on a consultation role like seriously that would be great."
"People... want help and I could go in there and say you know, part of the difficulties here that you know basically you know what you really need are more and more self-authoring employees."
"I wouldn't call it a necessary evil because it's only evil if we make it that way."
"For the day job stuff is really the best way to explain it is I'm a consultant and I solve problems for money."
"By far and away the biggest mistake that all consultants make is you're starting out, you're panicked, you're afraid, and so you price yourself for twenty bucks an hour when your nearest competitor is charging $200 an hour."
"Here are the three biggest mistakes consultants make by far: underpricing themselves especially at the beginning, selling too soon, and staying inside the box and not taking on projects that require a learning curve or stretch."
"You want your clients to pay you 3 thousand to ten thousand dollars for your program. You want to stop nickel and diming."
"We must make sure we have experts who will give us the right advice."
"We're in a situation where a lot of our work is custom, our solutions are custom, a client comes to us, we assess what they need, you know we play the doctor, we prescribe, and we share a proposal." - Greg Hickman
"I give out a free consulting call every single week."
"Clients come to you because you can have ideas that's your job and that's where the power lies in the end."
"Sherlock Holmes as a consultant to the intelligence agency."
"Start a coaching or consulting business, no investment upfront."
"...granted the facts were placed before me, I regard myself as a Consulting specialist."
"Marketing Consulting for new website."
"When they want you to come back and help because they can't figure it out themselves, this is your perfect opportunity to say hey, yeah, I will come back but I'm a consultant now."
"By working in Consulting you basically learn what it's like to operate at a really high level and it gives you the chance to experience a lot of different things in a very short time frame."
"Consulting is a very valuable industry for society."
"The only consultants I've seen that I think are truly useful are the ones that help us sell our computers."
"I've gone from making about twenty dollars per hour to over 400 US dollars per hour when I do freelance and Consulting work."
"I mean I do it now for free, you know, for smaller Brands I'm like can I just give you a little bit of advice they're like yes please and I'm like okay could you do and they're like oh my God so and I love doing it."
"I've actually never reached out in my life for YouTube consulting ever, and that's not even a brag, it's just it seems to be the way it's happening."
"Because content is going to become more of a focus for me and consulting.com and our team moving forward, I want to know what problems you have that you want solved."
"We teach the most robust effective case interview strategies in the least time-consuming way to save you hundreds of hours of prep time and help you land multiple consulting job offers."
"The pace of advancement is very slow in many larger consulting firms."
"He's worked in consulting for several years, most recently leading the cloud security and DevSecOps practices for CDW and Focal Point."
"A business consultant is very, very valuable."
"Imagine you only had 30 minutes with your ideal clients. What would you actually do to help them get clarity on their problems?"
"Consulting builds such a broad skill set that the number of doors open for you are countless."
"Consulting has literally taught you how to build something from the ground up."
"I think consulting is the best job that you could have after college because you learn so much."
"It's a shame that considering people can have some very high aspirations and want to help people, the majority of us end up in large consulting firms."
"Consulting is more or less like you're getting hired out to other companies to look at their data and their financials to help on special projects."
"That's my expectation for the consulting industry."
"I do consulting... together let's find you a new home that's safe and checks all your boxes."
"Helping companies be better when we leave them than they were when we find them."
"I'm the only consultant engineer that offers a money back guarantee that I will do what I say I'm going to do."
"...the other fifty percent only happens when you sit down and talk with people about their lives regularly, especially in a consulting setting."
"Consulting with us is never too early. The earlier you have this conversation, the more prepared you're going to be."
"'I declined and instead charged them $5,000 a day as a consultant to train the new hire to replace me. I ended up making my yearly wage in a few weeks of training.'"
"Figuring out that somebody on the outside would probably be willing to pay you directly to just offer that expertise even if you have a regular job and you want to be doing it on the side."
"Consulting is a job in which even if you search the average package, then its average package comes around at 21 LPA+."
"To make money with consulting you do need visibility."
"This consulting accelerator program is like nothing else you've ever seen before."
"Minimum viable service delivery: how to deliver amazing service to your clients, keep them for the long haul, and really run your consulting business."
"My goal for you today is to provide you with everything you need so that you can start your own consulting business and get high-value clients immediately, even if nobody knows who you are, even if you have no special skills or experience."
"And every day right now, people are able to start their own seven-figure consulting businesses from home without any fancy qualifications and without any staff or expensive overhead."
"The most important skill for a consultant, right, is the problem-solving skill. We need to make sure that because every business case or business problem is so unique, consultants need to be flexible, who can adapt, who can customize, and bring the best solution to our client."
"They teach your company. Like, these businesses, they're... These programs are so unintuitive that there's entire consulting businesses that generate billions of dollars a year just to go to a company like, 'Oh, um, like, right here on their website, Lovesac uses them, so...'"
"Imagine you're interviewing a key client expert in getting some really intriguing figures. You need to instantly do some mini analysis in your head and incorporate that into the best next question without any delay."
"Successful consultants don't get paid unless they can repeatedly and reliably get to value-creating decisions."
"Think about what do you want to do after Consulting."
"...Booz Allen Hamilton allows you to leverage the experience that you prior had and be able to gain the business skills that you want transitioning into Consulting."
"...someone can enjoy owning the data as an analyst and in managing the team as a manager but if they don't enjoy selling the projects or maintaining to client relationships at the partner level Consulting might not be the long-term career path for them."
"Consulting provides a lot of amazing exit opportunities."
"A lot of the top consulting firms advise the largest companies in the world."
"So as much as I love engineering and technology, what I also like about the work that I do at McKinsey is it forces me to take a step back from what's the technology itself to what's the market and the demand and the challenge that it's solving."
"The Brethren believe it's a heresy, but no company I've ever consulted for gives plaudits to the competition."
"I used to do ad hoc consulting with people that I knew. Just show up, do what they need to have done, and we'll see you next month. It's kind of like the lawn maintenance of technical people."
"Consulting is about pulling together as many facts as I could as quickly as I could to help us make a good decision."
"Consultant means a doctor for a business... if business has HR problems, then it will be solved by HR consultant."
"If you want specific investment advice, well, you need to hire an investment advisor. They will do great. That's not what I am."
"Consulting can make you 20 times what you could at a traditional nine-to-five."
"Case interview in its core is a problem-solving interview that simulates real-life challenges consultants face."
"You're going to be doing things like responding to messages helping them with their automations adjusting prices week to week and 100 bucks a property is actually a steal."
"People will pay you for your knowledge and I think you could very easily charge people 100 bucks an hour to consult them in the world of Airbnb."
"You never say no you just read them a better option and they want to be guided they're afraid and that's why they're hiring you."
"Team Lizzy Introspective Consulting: because a lot of times you can read books and watch documentaries and stuff, but it's hard to apply some of those concepts to your own personal life."
"Clarifying questions are in the case timeline, it happens before the framework, so before you even start the framework after the interviewer gives you the prompt, you want to ask them a couple clarifying questions just to make sure you understand the scope of the case."
"Whether or not you find a job in consulting, nothing is stopping you from doing it. Honestly, there's so many opportunities to educate yourself, to learn new material."
"What did I like about consulting? I think what everyone tends to like about consulting is the people, the network that you get to build, and just like the general good quality of talent that is in consulting."
"Don't always be closing, be consulting."
"So if you are able to get some sort of experience even if it's at like a smaller consulting firm then that will help you immensely in my opinion."
"When you build authority and get results, people may want to pay you for consulting."
"Report writing and debriefing are crucial skills for a successful consultant."
"I've been doing like coaching Consulting and agency for a long time they have generated over five million dollars online doing this stuff and so really good at generating appointments client acquisition sales sales teams appointment setting."
"Brady's consulting company aims to enhance leadership skills and foster creativity in the corporate sphere."
"I'm a consultant, image is everything."
"Doing consulting and changing clients often is a way that you can kind of keep upping your game."
"My job as an engagement manager is to ensure that the client gets the best answer to the problem we've been tasked to do."
"I feel like I have a huge amount of resources at McKinsey that enable your time as a consultant to really focus on problem-solving."
"This program is presented by This Dot Labs, the framework agnostic consulting firm helping enterprises realize their technical goals."
"We are a fast-growing Salesforce consulting company."
"I run a consulting business that specializes in being kind of a fixer for weird semiconductor problems."
"Consulting is a really great stream of income because you can sit down for an hour and charge for that hour."
"Tom is also doing independent exploration consulting work for the gold mining industry."
"Management consulting... it's like working a different job every couple of months which can keep things very exciting."
"Case studies... it's a good litmus test to check whether or not you enjoy consulting."
"An independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations."
"Be a doctor. Diagnose the challenges that your prospects are bringing to you."
"The secret to being a great consultant is helping people see the value you bring."
"Accenture is the company that's going to help every company figure out how to navigate generative AI."
"I'm the CEO and founder of Third Stage Consulting, an independent enterprise software and digital transformation firm."
"One of the main things that I do for my clients is to help them choose the right app to add to QuickBooks Online to solve specific pain points around expense management."
"I work in a gym. I'm a fitness consultant for Fitness World, and I help people now."
"Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a Deloitte consultant."
"Inclusive Minds does not edit or rewrite texts but provide book creators with valuable insight from people with the relevant lived experience."
"If you have expertise in any field, any sort of experience that you think is worth sharing, you can charge $500, $1,000, even $2,000 a month just for weekly calls."
"Whether you're going into an interview or just doing consulting, or running your own company, this video is based on real experience working with lots of different startups."
"Present yourself more as a business person or more as a consultant."
"Management consulting... give guidance and advice to companies, governments, or other entities around strategy, things to do, projects."
"As a professional grant writer and consultant, I'm going to answer the top most popular questions I get all the time from startup founders who are looking to raise funds using grants."
"I've been a professional grant writer for about 10 years and to date, I help my clients across so many different industries secure over 10 million dollars of non-diluted funding."
"I encourage farmers and crop consultants to include more multiple proactive tactics."
"I want to do consulting and just see how it goes."
"I had always liked games and strategy like I played chess and poker, and so strategy consulting really caught my eye just as a place to learn a lot about how the world works and solve these problems."
"You want that good energy to go towards your revenue generating consulting clients."
"I have a little bit more time to do consulting."
"Connect with people through live video, solve their problems for a fee from the comfort of your own home."
"We offer both business IT services and consulting services and are excited to help you with whatever project you want to throw at us."
"For me, I typically pick business consulting, content creation, and influencer."
"If your goal is to go into every single interview feeling confident... this consulting bootcamp is the one for you."
"Being someone who is always giving and providing value to people who have questions is a massive leg up for finding more clients."
"Consulting is really great if you don't know what you want to do so you can get a lot of exposure in different areas."
"I own GAP Consulting, and we are going to help you save up to 20 hours per week thanks to no code and automation."
"Organizations reach out to these big four consulting firms in order to help them with their largest and most difficult cyber security needs."
"I've recruited for over 200 companies and consulted for a lot."
"In my experience in consulting, you get a higher percentage of your time to improve your skills."
"As a consultant, you're going to have many more opportunities to learn."
"Being a software consultant can be really exciting and lucrative."
"Are you just starting out in your software development career and trying to decide: Should I be a software developer for a company or maybe go into consulting in software?"
"As a consultant, when you come in, the business is usually looking at you as a provider of a solution; you're there to solve a problem."
"One of the most sought after exit opportunities is moving from audit into management consulting."
"Each consulting engagement is fairly unique and it can be a lot more interesting because you're doing a lot more diverse activities."
"In the consulting world, it's a lot easier to build a relationship because you're there to help them."
"I've been working with containers since 2014. But before that, I spent most of my career as a .NET consultant."
"We got to get clear on our outcome before hiring the consultant."
"When you're dealing with strategy and consulting, conceptual frameworks are the only tool that will help you think about long-term qualitative problems."
"Can I pick your brain? Sounds painful, should be illegal."
"Then why don't you go out on your own and start your own marketing consulting firm?"
"Vogue really needs to bring us on as consultants."
"I'm doing surfboard consulting, spending time with the surfer, really trying to dial in the volume range so they get the right board and have a great experience."
"For functional consulting, you need to know the business side more than you need to know the technical side."
"Bind with our broad knowledge and expertise to help our clients compete in today's marketplace."
"The Partners Group is the largest independent consulting firm in the Pacific Northwest."
"...it's a lot of people that's in the web development world that then can leverage the fact that they can get additional contracts by doing consulting work or they can start their own business to make additional monies."
"It's about taking a consultative approach, listening, and matching."
"Within consulting, you get to work on multiple projects at the same time with multiple clients in multiple industries."
"We feel it's most effective when we can provide services like consulting services to customers to solve particular problems."
"The most delicious learnings during advice and consulting phase comes from the outliers."
"Consulting was what I really wanted to do because I really like working with data."
"I work with small companies that can't afford like a VP of sales and marketing, and I help them get their sales house in order."
"When I was in college, I didn't exactly know how to get into consulting."
"Being a consultant is about asking questions, in whatever consulting role you're in."
"In consulting, you'll be hired by companies for a wide variety of projects."
"Consulting is so attractive as an initial career as a junior consultant; you'll be exposed to probably more industries than in finance."
"For consultants, I think the world is kind of your oyster."
"Thank you, that's it about filing your income if you are a consultant."
"You're gonna save time by avoiding the back-and-forth between a manufacturer or a consultant."
"Whenever CEOs of large companies face a problem they don't know how to solve, they'll hire consultants from McKenzie to figure it out."
"This is what Consulting is all about: having all of these in-depth discussions so that you can get to the best answer ever."
"I'm a development consultant with over 20 years experience in Oracle technologies."
"Our consultants are leading experts in the field of analytics."
"What is really important about consulting specifically is that you want to know what matters."
"Consulting and coaching... there's so many different opportunities here."
"We are an engineering consulting firm based out of Calgary, Alberta, 100% Canadian-owned, operating since 2008."
"We focus on educating, consulting, and we also have an enterprise platform for some of our partners."
"This is like free, cheap consulting."
"She transitioned out of doing stand-up comedy and into, she's like a full-time creative consultant, business coach."
"The Benchmark Consulting system had become just that, the Benchmark for many other consulting firms."
"Just Answer lets experts register to get paid to answer questions from people that need help."
"You want to find a sweet spot, and as a consultant or a business analyst, you need to understand what the business's requirement is."
"Your girl is now consulting for brands."
"I'm very confident in what I'm saying, so consulting is absolutely my bag."
"One of the most important things that you can do for any client is to help them figure out what it is that we want to do and what's worth doing."
"The target audience for this course is SAP basis consultant, authorization consultant, user administrators, and security consultants."
"I am a marketing cloud consultant and a marketing champion, 16 times certified application architect."
"Our biggest goal is to develop new Consultants, new people getting into the business, new business owners that want to start their journey and helping them develop to start off strong and continue to grow."
"My name is Dave de Cespedes, I'm a certified Notion consultant, and I help remote teams reach peak performance by building custom workspaces and workflows in Notion."
"I consult with organizations and help them hire the right people, develop their talent, do executive coaching, team building, trainings like that."
"Happy coding, happy consulting, and see you next time."
"My domain here is data science consulting."
"I'm a body language expert and I'm also a trial consultant."
"They knew me as a gambler, and the main character gambles, so they hired me as a consultant."
"I really wanted to get into consulting, that's like the field I wanted to go into."
"If you want to be a consultant or if you want to start an agency, you don't need any money to get that going."