
Resignation Quotes

There are 1819 quotes

"Nobody talks to each other anymore. You've got politicians resigning because they say, yeah, turns out nobody really wants us to do anything here but fight."
"I'm resigning my commission as a United States Marine effective now... I don't want any money from the VA... All I asked for was accountability of my senior leaders when there are clear, obvious mistakes that were made."
"It's time for action; it's time for a clear-out; it's time for him to resign."
"Word to the wise, give up and you forfeit the right to [__] about the outcome."
"Sometimes you just have to give up for a little bit."
"Her resignation is a bad sign. She's so likable and respected. She is the quintessential businesswoman."
"Donald Trump did what no president before him has publicly done on health care reform: he quit, he gave up."
"Bravo to each and every one of these officers who have quit the department and won't be party to the corrupt system anymore."
"To all these cops who are resigning, these guys are good people. They're good cops. They're refusing to suffer the indignity, and they're refusing to lick the boots of these politicians."
"With that being said, I've decided to step down as founder and from all other capacities of Kat Von D Beauty and sell my shares of the brand, turning it all over to Kendo, my partners for the past 12 years."
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation."
"I never quit Doom; I quit a toxic client. Marty couldn't accept that I never wanted to work with him again."
"Don't let anybody make you feel guilty for quitting a teaching job because it's freaking horrendous this year."
"Benedict XVI's stunning decision to renounce or resign his position to end his reign prematurely was also arguably a signal of the abruptness or shortness of his reign."
"There's no way I can compete with that. I give up."
"If they can get it done, they can get it done; if not, it's just not meant to be. I'm done with this."
"Don't give up hope, but if you have resigned yourself to release a certain expectation, that seems to be the right path to be on."
"The greatest thing that Nixon did was when he resigned."
"I'm [ __ ] done. I mean, does anyone ever think about me? What I have to go through? You know, the things I've seen? Arch[ __ ] this. You're [ __ ] going home."
"I don't want to play. I don't want to play anymore."
"We don't want to bother with you how crooked and corrupt it was but it'd be like that."
"If I cannot control the outcome of the situation, I'd think [ __ ] it."
"So, very reluctantly, we have seen France's former Prime Minister François Fillon resign from the boards of Russian companies."
"There will be a future if you give up, then there's certainty about what that future will be."
"Vince McMahon resigned from TKO and WWE, stating his intention to vigorously defend himself against the allegations."
"Don't fight for things you believe in... just take whatever the establishment is willing to give you."
"They tried, maybe they tried, they didn't try screw it."
"I didn't think I had a chance. I didn't even want a chance."
"He should be forced to resign in absolute shame. I can't think of anything that would personify fake news more than reading from a fake transcript."
"Cuomo's insulting resignation speech... he blamed a hot political environment, his enemies, and Twitter."
"Take one programmer who coded a Super Mario simulation and sent it to his boss. When the boss completed the level, the screen didn’t say "Congratulations!" but "I quit" instead."
"Sometimes people who quit end up being the heroes of the office."
"He quit that race within a week okay one of the reasons that he quit the race is because he was accused of plagiarizing."
"The last thing I want to do is be like, 'Yep, that's definitely why it happened.'"
"There's no way around it really, there's no way around it."
"This did crit damage to me. Straight up, I'm [__] done. I'm done. I'm done."
"It's the end of the world... maybe it didn't nobody got taken."
"Let it all go to the dogs, my dear. What is there left to be proud of?"
"It didn't have to end like this. Yeah, it did."
"Nixon had no choice but to admit his guilt and resign, making him the only president to do so."
"The pain has turned into anger that no longer merely concerns my resignation but increasingly also my person and my papacy as a whole." - Pope Benedict XVI
"There's no good way to stop this promotion, so cool."
"Tesla couldn't bear the horrendous consequences which he predicted would befall the crew members of the USS Eldridge, so he resigned from the project."
"Resigning isn't an act of whining. It is a ultimate protest."
"If I hadn't met Julia, things would not have played out as they did."
"But even this judge knew when to call it a career, and as his ethics hearing approached, he abruptly resigned."
"He pretty much knew he was going to die and he just accepted it."
"Maybe it's time we just give up trying to understand what's happening on Earth."
"We were unhappy with your way of handling this from the beginning and now we're asking you to resign failing which we'll kick you out."
"That's where you felt you gave up all you could give."
"Nobody wanted Allegra to resign, and I was very sad that she did so."
"A mass exodus from government ranks, ministers and aides quitting almost by the minute."
"These seem to be the choices we live in a world of so few choices there's not much to do when these things come out"
"Happy to be the scapegoat for why this thing isn't going to happen."
"You cannot Cry Wolf as a member of Congress... You should step down from your position."
"They just had accepted the fact that it was over and they wanted to go out doing what they loved."
"It's just bad luck, the way she goes sometimes."
"I think he was forced to step down precisely due to the network of people that I'm talking about."
"This is not going to end well, this is why so many people are saying to the governor, step aside, resign now."
"Expect it to be what it is, you know, it is what it is."
"Is there any way to avoid this? Is there any way at all?"
"Bird resigned as president of basketball operations for the Pacers following the 2011-12 season citing health concerns."
"I just don't think about it, I gave up caring a long time ago."
"This is a massive contributing factor to me just saying Jane should just sack this off."
"I don't know, man, but I gave in and I gave him my credit card and I said, 'Okay, fine, you win. I'm tired of constantly fighting with the pirates [expletive].'"
"Not doing something because there's nothing you could do—dude, who could possibly blame you? That's the secret right there."
"The only person to resign so far for this scandal is Allegra Stratton, a woman, while he, the man who sanctioned and attended at least one party in 10 Downing Street, still sits in his place."
"Dan Snyder's got no sh*t. He's out." - Pat McAfee
"He was more than willing to accept what happened."
"That's the real reason why Patrick Brown stepped down as leader of the Ontario PC Party."
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What's called resignation is confirmed desperation follows people."
"If anything, his girlfriend dies, so he's like, you know what [ __ ] it, let me die. That should be his character arc."
"If peaceful unification can be achieved within 5 years, he would be willing to step down from his position as general secretary."
"How about I just put my head down on the desk and wait for the clock to run down?"
"I think a lot of people my age are to the point where we just kind of accepted that this is what life in America is."
"Just quit, just [__] quit, get out, go enjoy your life."
"SCP-3247 stopped its performance, throwing up its hands in a gesture of defeat."
"For there is but one escape from eternity's trap and I stand upon its precipice. I need not even jump, I need merely to finally rest."
"With that I hereby surrender the battle since we would lose everything anyway so goodbye."
"He acknowledges that what is happening is appropriate. That's amazing."
"When the man whose pen approved almost every single article that drove division for the past decade resigns, when he resigns, it opens the door for something better in the future."
"If Ollie had the slightest ounce of dignity, he would resign."
"It's hard to argue, let's just put it like that."
"What's the point of running when you can't catch up anyway?"
"Putin is being urged to resign from all sides."
"Australia is not going to go back to zero now I think we can say that with a fair degree of confidence and certainly a high degree of sadness."
"The boost we've seen... could be the result of more than a year's worth of pent-up resignations."
"No reason to keep fighting an uphill battle... enough is enough."
"He reveals that he will resign immediately if they don't have a higher position to offer to him."
"I didn't want to win anyway, it's just Mario Kart."
"Look if these people wanted to find me they would have found me by now like I can't live under this rock forever and we live online they really could find me they could have found me 10 years ago."
"Nancy, you're of no use to the American people... go home."
"This ending makes Batman just flat-out give up."
"Stand out in the rain, we're gonna call it a day."
"It didn't have to be this way, but now it's the only way."
"I'm sorry I've disappointed you all for the last time. Goodbye."
"Rules for thee but not for me. I mean it's it is what it is you can't expect..."
"Months later Skilling resigned for "personal reasons" and Enron imploded in the biggest bankruptcy in corporate history at the time."
"What are they going to do against the century? What are they going to do? Nothing."
"Once it spread up the generations, there was a feeling of, well, maybe it's time. Maybe it's all over."
"Nobody asked for this but we're getting it whether we like it or not."
"It is what it is, there's not much I can do about it."
"Have we just given up? We don't care? We don't like it?"
"The entire senior leadership of the Department of Justice said that they would resign en masse."
"The reality of this situation is that she quit."
"I'm freaking done with this whole day. I'm out!"
"I'm never playing Among Us again, this was my last experience."
"It's not great but it's gonna have to do at this point."
"He knows he should be sacked. That's a human being walking off like that, broken."
"He should have disclosed it right away. That is why he says he's resigned effective immediately."
"He's leaving behind thousand crores on the table."
"I am tired of being the root of all evil, so I stopped."
"We just let it ride and we let it run its course."
"If Ollie had any integrity or honor, he would resign."
"You resign because things are just a really bad look and you don't get a pass on it."
"At the conclusion of my term in November of 2024, I will be stepping down as State's Attorney."
"There's no way to stop it... there really seems to be no way to stop this."
"That's how I feel about a lot of things I'll be dead."
"There is no chance, oh my gosh, okay, we move on."
"There was a whole scandal that ended up with the top CEOs having to resign from the board of directors."
"You have got to be kidding! The person who actually genuinely comes up with something that can prevent gray hairs is going to be unbelievably well."
"Wake up, dream's over. I'm out, thank you very much."
"I'm just gonna give him the cards, there's no point in fighting at this point."
"I simply cannot any longer share in this bloody witless and absolutely needless ignominy." - Boris Bondarev
"Sometimes you just gotta know when to call it."
"At least losing the Europa League final like it's the way broth, it's always the way that's always the way."
"I'm gonna concede because I'm looking at this and there's definitely nothing I can do."
"President Henry finally resigned on March 12th... we are therefore witnessing live the collapse, the implosion, the fall of a state."
"I think it's time you should just give up. Every girl you've ever met rejected you."
"I don't see why I would commit here right now to resigning for any reason."
"There's nothing you can do... Just lay back and enjoy it."
"They'll almost feel like I need to just give up on love altogether because of this."
"I can't see me going, 'oh [__] this, that, and the other. I can't see it because I think there's just an acceptance in me at the moment that we're not very good."
"CNN president Jeff Zucker announces resignation effective today."
"Try to leave with as much grace and dignity as possible."
"George Washington resigns and sets really a tone for what this American experiment will be."
"It's game over boys, it's absolutely game over."
"I get the confederacy. You know, they lost the war. I get it, whatever. But like other people, it's like, dude, people who lived... I mean, look at us. People like George Washington..."
"Shinzo Abe, the longest-serving prime minister... announced that he has taken the decision to resign."
"I'm not super thrilled about it. I would've rather lived."
"I think you're going to get drawn in either way... regardless how severe a nuclear war is, it's just an accepted matter of fact."
"Oh man, I kind of wanted this one to die. I guess it keeps going."
"I thought this is the last one. Oh God, there's going to be another one."
"You never give up, you never surrender, but it's time dude, it's time to throw in the towel and go on to the next game."
"Maybe it's not supposed to be, I don't know."
"He's not pleased, he's not upset, he's just accepted his lot in life."
"I didn't stay my full final two weeks. John continued to harass me anonymously for months after this."
"Richard Nixon, the only person born in California to have become president of the US, was incidentally also the only President to resign."
"Toxic club president Jose Bartomeu has chosen to resign."
"We're all going to keep getting sick. It's 2024, man."
"By resigning, he avoids a likely impeachment and trial."
"Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself. He should step down and resign."
"I quit, okay? Fine. You seem adamant about it. Go ahead and quit."
"Don't trust Hannity, don't trust Tucker. If they had any integrity whatsoever, they would have been resigning after Fox News did what they did in the midterms."
"If we go down, we're all dying. It's totally fine."
"It doesn’t matter what I say, I've said 'no' so many times that people just always kind of be like 'oh so there's a chance' and people always come and go and they come back and they leave."
"You all should be ashamed and you should have the moral courage to admit you are wrong and step down."
"The shocking resignation from the president of CNN."
"It's guys who just simply give up, it's incels mostly, it's guys who just simply don't... they want to opt out of a game that they can't really opt out of."
"One of the best decisions I made in 2020 was to resign from that seat."
"It's messed up, it's sad, but that's just kind of like the world that we live in, man."
"It's a case of quiet resignation and thinking of the people you're going to leave behind."
"He got straight to the point: 'What is up, Drama Alert Nation? I quit.' That's a chef's kiss right there."
"You're never gonna beat it, just go out on top."
"It's time for Jack Del Rio to resign or be terminated. His comments could not have been more offensive and ignorant."
"Peace at all costs. We don't care anymore if this is going to be the only impact that we have over here."
"He just decides, you know, I'm just gonna give up, Eddie, f*** it."
"That's what it's always been like. I'm sick of this [expletive] really. That's what it's always been like."
"I fully support the impeachment of Joe Biden and honestly, even more than an impeachment, I think that he just needs to step down and resign."
"I ain't gotta do nothin' but stay black and die."
"It appears to be that for a lot of first world countries... you hit a certain amount of months of 'hey [ __ ] chill out' and then they just all decide to give up."
"If it's broke, don't fix it. That's what my mother say before she walked out."
"If you don't tell the truth, you resign. If you bully or intimidate, you resign. If you're guilty of predatory behavior, you resign."
"That's it, you know, like that's it though, you know?"
"Nobody wins in the situation. It is what it is."
"I will stand down and give one of my brilliant colleagues the chance to win instead."
"I frankly don't think I'm gonna have any better pace."
"When you resign yourself to that, is it any wonder why you feel like garbage?"
"Over 400 million Chinese people have quit the Chinese Communist Party."
"And that's good game I guess, it just ends right there."
"Sorry, Hank, nothing on something I wanted to know."
"But if you've already set your mind on just giving up, this doesn't really change anything."
"That's some bad news, that's all I'm gonna say about that."
"There's nothing Boris Johnson can do to hold on to power."
"What really baffles me is how quickly he was resigned to death he was lucid still able to talk and walk and yet less than a week later he was in a hospice center not being given food or water just morphing on a drip."
"I tried to back the process, I can't take this [__] no more."
"She really is just sort of resolved to going through the motions."
"McCarthy apparently saying he plans to urge the former president to resign from office."
"Kamala should have ended Kamala she basically did."
"This is the hard part. This is the part where I say I have given my notice and Friday will be my last day with Giant."
"We now know looking back on that time, April ’74, that Nixon was only four months away from resigning the presidency."
"This man had the Intelligence Committee in the house he said quote he believes that the scandal was of a size and a scope probably bigger than Watergate and that there's plenty of evidence of collusion he ought to resign today."
"Eventually, we just have to lay down and go, 'Well, this is just the way.'"
"But at the same time it's like you know it is what it is."
"I'm leaving, I'm leaving, it was over for him."
"It's gone. It's out. That's it. It's all gone."
"Cancelling is admitting defeat as well, like you're essentially saying I give up."
"Knowing that he will be doing the same job for the rest of his life does not make him relieved but desperate."
"I quit, I uh, you said this was a temporary replacement for someone, remember?"