
Energy Policy Quotes

There are 448 quotes

"Putin's contemptible manipulation of energy prices has only reinforced the importance of ending our dependence on fossil fuels."
"There is no bloody way that you can be pro-poor and anti-energy. Those two things do not go together, not in the least."
"The real reason they hate nuclear is because it means we don't need renewables."
"The way to hurt Russia would be for us to produce more of our own oil, drive the price of oil down, create jobs in America."
"I strongly believe the U.S. needs to ensure an all-of-the-above energy portfolio. We cannot go back to the days of over-dependence on foreign countries for our energy."
"This is what happens when politicians try to eliminate fossil fuels with a Molotov cocktail of regulation, taxes, and renewable mandates and subsidies."
"It would be suicide for the Greens to say we were wrong about nuclear power, so they're forced to continue with the old battle plan." - Thomas O'Donnell, Germany-based energy analyst and nuclear physicist.
"Cutting out Russia, U.S. President Joe Biden announces a gas deal with the EU to try and end Europe's dependence on Russian energy."
"Governments all around the world were making it very difficult to generate the supply of nuclear, to generate the supply of oil, and to generate the supply of nat gas."
"To your point, all of a sudden we realize, wait, we needed these bridge fuels all along."
"If the US immediately started on an accelerated program to build nuclear power plants... could we get free of Saudi oil?"
"China will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad."
"Russia and Belarus on Thursday agreed to set up a unified oil and gas market."
"Energy is a national security priority, and so therefore if you say that then you would assume..."
"The question is not whether we electrify everything, but rather how do we decarbonize the whole system. That's the fundamental issue."
"The real skew embedded in the economics is subsidies for fossil fuels. That's my point. How do we deal with that?"
"The idea that the world's poorest people should be restricted to using the world's most expensive and inefficient forms of electrical generation is the most morally repugnant aspect of the global warming campaign."
"America First agenda means energy independence and the thousands of tens of thousands of jobs here in the U.S. that go with that."
"It's time to cut through the red tape and prioritize America's energy security."
"I will take immediate action to help people with their energy bills but also secure our long-term energy supply."
"They seem to realize that providing their people with affordable energy is a direct way to prosperity."
"We wanna make energy as clean as we can, as fast as we can, and do it in ways that don't raise cost for consumers."
"We're going to open up federal lands, unleash American Energy, and have an all-of-the-above energy strategy."
"The era of Russian fossil fuel in Europe is coming to an end."
"By reducing reliance on Saudi Arabian oil, the United States may have inadvertently created an incentive for closer ties with Russia and China."
"This is the story of how energy privatization bankrupted Britain."
"Just three years ago, the typical UK household paid £450 a year for energy. In 2022, that figure rose to £2,500."
"Abundant safe power is something that we need badly and that would benefit us in a thousand economic sectors."
"Foreign electricity is just as important as food and water."
"If you want abundant, low-cost energy. If you want families to be able to make their budgets fit their needs, you want abundant, low-cost energy."
"You abundant, low-cost energy and if you want to protect the environment, you want abundant low-cost energy."
"When America is energy independent, not only are the gas prices lower but it's better for our environment."
"We support energy independence, energy dominance, and mining dominance."
"Nuclear energy is probably our path out of this."
"Forcing poor countries to reduce emissions does even more harm because cheap, abundant energy brings prosperity."
"The solution to make us energy secure is to move to clean energy."
"Energy has become a weapon of war for Putin."
"Everybody should want to see nuclear energy... it should be the go-to win for everybody."
"Our vision is pro-worker, pro-jobs, pro-family, pro-growth, pro-energy, and 100% pro-American."
"If you're focusing on wind and you're focusing on thermal and solar thermal for example and you're ignoring advanced nuclear or you're ignoring natural gas you're a fool."
"It's us using our balance sheet to make sure that we get to energy Independence so this is actually a perfect role for government it's shaping incentives so that capitalism can do its job."
"We should always keep an open mind... It is a challenge for advocates of nuclear power to give us a proposal and have it tested by the market." - Bob Carr
"Trump was pro-energy production, pro-America."
"We've ended the war on beautiful clean coal."
"We've got to produce more oil and gas, more energy in this country not only to fight back against inflation, to help our citizens, but so that we can provide energy to Europe."
"We've screwed up energy, and when you screw up energy, you've screwed up everything."
"The Department of Energy has laid out a vision for generating 20 percent of electricity from wind by 2030 and 35 percent by 2050."
"We try to lead on energy and climate, we were the first state to mandate 100 renewable energy for electricity."
"You're either going to replace it with foreign oil from a place that abuses its citizens, or you're going to replace it with reserves and energy that we have here in the United States."
"Once the energy comes down, you're going to see a lot of good things happen."
"We should accelerate the transition to sustainable energy."
"We've gotta walk the walk and not just talk the talk when it comes to energy independence."
"Tesla's Master Plan 3 lays out a comprehensive roadmap for sustainable energy."
"The right lesson to learn is therefore surely that we have to go much further and much faster in developing homegrown zero carbon power."
"We're facing a critical time now for us to be making decisions about how we're going to be fueling this world in the future."
"The European Union gets around 40 percent of its gas from Russia but as the war in Ukraine rages on the blocks that it aims to slash two-thirds of its purchases by the end of the year to help cover this shortfall."
"This whole war is one more piece of evidence that we need to shift to clean and safe sources of energy."
"I think that if we end up with a Rishi-Truss final two, you should expect to see the Truss campaign pushing foreign policy a bit harder."
"U.S becoming an oil producer will catapult the Middle East into panic and War involving Israel."
"The fact of the matter is, fracking is a transition to ultimately a complete zero emissions."
"Coal Power is now so expensive that some utilities are buying working coal plants just to shut them down to get out of their contracts."
"Even if all of our energy was made here at home, we'd still be subject to wild price hikes? That's a complete lie."
"Building an economy on sustainable energy is not just doable, it's a better choice."
"China may be adding coal-fired power plants, but it is also making massive investments in clean energy."
"I stand before you today committed to unleash America's energy independence and dominance."
"Putin uses energy as a weapon. We've seen that pattern over and over again."
"President Zelensky of Ukraine said this pipeline is a dangerous weapon directed at Ukraine and the whole of Europe."
"The president is disappointed by the short-sighted decision OPEC+ made to cut production quotas while the global economy is dealing with the continued negative impact of Putin's invasion of Ukraine."
"The Biden Administration said that the president will order the Energy Department's release 10 million additional barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve."
"Why would you cancel America's energy independence?"
"Now that the Biden administration has announced a ban on the import of Russian oil, a move that will cost Americans money, is the White House now eyeing a trade of one tyrant for another when it comes to buying oil?"
"Byd already sets the perfect example of how to transition to a new clean energy economy."
"France relies very heavily on nuclear energy, and in particular, it relies on uranium from Niger for that nuclear energy."
"Nuclear has to be part of our clean energy mix."
"Gas is definitely part of the solution for your base load requirement."
"What happened to the promise of nuclear energy?"
"Humanity has denied itself any chance of making the energy transition gradual or smooth."
"Ultimately it comes down to this: oil and gas companies are flopping hard at every opportunity, and the answer is to kick them out so we can go back to trying to enjoy the game."
"You gotta get cheap green energy going and make it more reliable."
"We need more nuclear power plants, not just more but bigger ones."
"One of the best ways to be on the forefront in energy is to incentivize clean energy."
"Looking at sort of the post-Soviet countries renewable energies are not something that people are talking an awful lot about."
"There's no future for emissions-free electricity that does not include nuclear."
"More investment into nuclear power will help combat global climate change."
"Liverpool fans set up a Twitter account dedicated to Diogo Jota updates."
"Every energy source has to meet that energy trilemma: affordable, reliable, and cleaner."
"We've literally went from energy independence to the president begging OPEC to increase production."
"I don't think we should be taking any steps to get rid of fossil fuels for example."
"We've ended the last administration's eight-year war on Pennsylvania energy."
"Why aren't we focusing more on nuclear power?"
"We will remain energy independent," he vowed.
"Energy security is built on energy diversification."
"Europe's green delusion resulted in near complete dependence on Russia for energy."
"Having more solutions, more energy sources makes our country and the world more resilient."
"Increased imports from the U.S. energy mean a cleaner fuel for our European friends."
"By unlocking the power of American agriculture and American energy, we are fueling a roaring economy."
"They had the CGI dinosaur with Jack Black as the narrator being like you're all going to go extinct like the dinosaurs if you use fossil fuels you Africans."
"We must change if we're going to have the energy we need."
"We were energy independent, we were soon going to be energy dominant."
"Meeting 100% of the power demand in the United States with clean, renewable, and zero emission energy sources."
"We watched Russia get a pipeline. We watched the eastern coast of the United States actually bring natural gas in from Russia."
"Nobody's perfect. I'll stand with Trump because he controls our gas."
"There is no worse policy to get wrong than energy."
"Think about how affordable energy could really change people's lives, make it so people are not freezing this winter, make it so there's no heat-related deaths."
"Moving to a continental grid would reduce the U.S electricity sector carbon emissions by 80 percent."
"Ultimately, if we want to win the war against climate change and produce a more reliable, resilient, and cheaper power system, this micro-macro battle should end with them joining forces."
"New England is an energy crisis waiting to happen."
"You unlock American energy, put people back to work, will you pledge not to touch Social Security and Medicare?"
"We're not going to achieve drastic or any measurable positive result by getting rid of gas appliances in New York State."
"This bill will increase supply of energy more affordable energy in the United States and the easing of price pressures that will happen in the economy when we have more secure supply."
"You can't just say oil bad, nuclear bad, it's all bad."
"The policies inside of a year that we have seen with this administration are now becoming legendary on how anti-American energy they are."
"We need to end dependence on russian oil and gas."
"Banning Russian oil without boosting production at home means we're technically still living on a prayer."
"The only way to protect the United States over the long term is to become energy independent."
"If the US was energy independent from the get-go, this wouldn't be an issue."
"The United States said we don't like Russia has refused to sell its oil and gas to American buyers therefore we're grabbing."
"When you eliminate government subsidies... it becomes more difficult for fossil fuels to compete in the market."
"The secretary of energy oversees electricity production, genome research, and the U.S. nuclear weapons program."
"China has installed more solar power capacity than the US and several other countries combined."
"Dismantle our energy independence, make us dependent again on foreign oil, and then take us down a path that will further bankrupt the country."
"We need fossil fuels until we have something else, and they should say that."
"One of the tactics that President Putin was hoping was going to bring a quick resolution to this war was to threaten to switch off all of the energy supplies to Europe."
"The bottom line is that a majority of experts now agree that renewables could economically deliver about 80 percent of grid energy requirements."
"We need to move away from our collective addiction to hydrocarbon energy." - Addressing the need for sustainable energy solutions amidst geopolitical tensions.
"I don't care if every seagull on the shore bathes itself in Crisco. I want cheap gas energy, and I want it to be made here in the United States."
"Their energy policy and the insanity of it is causing disasters everywhere."
"Joe Biden wants to kill American energy and impose the Green New Deal."
"The most urgent action in countries like the US is really to get rid of the remaining coal-fired electric power."
"We've got to look everywhere that we can including in terms of increased U.S production... to increase the supply."
"We need to be producing so much renewable energy now."
"Smoking gun: Joe Biden's Department of Energy blocked Texas from increasing power ahead of the killer storm."
"We have 12 years, which is no time at all, to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel."
"We need to rapidly move to sustainable energy."
"Nuclear is not only absolutely necessary for global energy production, but it is also the absolute best possible solution by a huge margin compared to every alternative."
"We need fundamental changes in the way we do politics in America, the way we do economics in America, the way we do energy in America..."
"Sometimes it's okay, all lie sometimes. We all lie sometimes."
"We were energy independent two and a half years ago and now we're begging people to give us oil."
"This bill is designed to make clean energy cheap and it does that immediately through subsidies, tax credits, rebates, loans, loan guarantees."
"We need an energy transformation on the scale of the Industrial Revolution at the speed of the digital transformation."
"If you had said a year ago that a major pipeline connecting Russia and Germany carrying energy was going to be blown up and that the U.S was going to celebrate that, some people at least would have been surprised."
"We have had multiple power ceilings established."
"There is a conservative case for a transition to Green energy."
"By not producing our own energy here... we're effectively funding regimes like Putin's."
"Let us not give a drop of that to a country who is our sworn enemy."
"The only way forward is realism for the short term recognizing that there is no way back to cheap energy allied to radical long-term ambition."
"What is the point of renewable energy if the people living in an everyday house in the UK can't actually enjoy the benefit?"
"President Trump has made America energy independent."
"Cheap and plentiful energy has always been the key factor in pursuing the American dream."
"The Shale revolution in Texas and the United States helped the European Union...slash its imports of Russian oil and gas."
"We've spent 21 trillion over 20 years on militarization, but for less than a quarter of that, we could have a fully renewable energy electric grid."
"Follow the science, no more fossil fuel licenses."
"The moment that the Nordstream 2 pipeline starts flowing to Germany... Europe is done. Europe has said enough is enough."
"We can't have a grid dependent just on wind, solar and batteries. We're not going to have 24/7 reliable power without the flexibility and the long duration energy storage that hydropower and pumped storage can provide."
"Finding the right incentives for hydropower and pumped storage development, and ensuring that it's done in a sustainable manner, is going to be critical to weaning the world off of fossil fuels."
"You cannot ever allow a statement that we want everybody to come. We want to take care of everybody."
"We've ended the war on energy and we've ended the war on clean coal."
"Renewable doesn't work well in extreme weather, never will."
"We need an all-of-the-above energy approach. Wind and solar aren't consistent enough to be our primary energy source."
"Tesla will keep executing and eventually the fundamentals will become undeniable regardless of the macro circumstances."
"War plus inflation equals energy innovation."
"Hate to say it, but we need to increase oil and gas output immediately."
"When you damage our energy economy, you are handing power to nations that hate us."
"Niger's mere hint at suspending the tsgp has sent ripples through the European Union."
"The tension between economic and environmental priorities couldn't be clearer than in the fight for and against pipelines."
"Niger has given a clear warning that if Europe intervenes... Niger will end the trans Saharan gas pipeline."
"Because they know you are hurting when it comes to gas prices and so they're saying we're going to scramble in order to bump up our use of clean energy by using the defense production act to do this."
"It's this that allows Africa to enjoy the benefits of the pipeline forever. It will be in the hands of African countries to decide gas prices and negotiate all terms."
"We had Republicans say, 'Hey, he needs to do something about gas prices,' and then we did something about gas prices, and they're like, 'Well, don't do that.'"
"It's the gas station's fault. Biden has blamed everyone else already. He's blamed Putin, he's blamed oil company CEOs, he's blamed everybody but himself and his own stupid policies."
"It's simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production. That's simply not true."
"This is also a tremendous opportunity... to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy."
"By ending fracking Biden would destroy 700,000 to a million Ohio jobs and your energy prices would go through the roof."
"And while I'm president America will remain the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world and Ohio workers will continue leading the way."
"In some ways, the solution to climate is very straightforward. We just need to stop burning fossil fuels. Whoa, what? That's it?"
"President Biden really has been particularly focused on reducing costs for American families, especially energy costs."
"Biden Administration has leased fewer acres for oil and gas production than any other Administration dating back to the end of World War II."
"I think what the West needs to do... is some kind of a ceasefire allow the gas to flow from Russia to Europe do away with most of these sanctions."
"The promise of nuclear power would never shine as brightly again."
"This crisis is a stark reminder to protect our economy over the long-term we need to become energy independent."
"We're all for removing coal with natural gas, we're all for nuclear, we're all for renewable."
"Nuclear's rightful place is still gonna be there even with Democrats favoring renewables."
"Saudi Arabia sees the writing on the wall: oil is going away."
"Solar and wind are vastly subsidized, 10x or more than oil and gas."
"The destruction of gas boilers and their replacement by so-called heat pumps will cost the average household tens of thousands of pounds."
"We need to think about fossil fuels in the way we think of prescription drugs."
"When you make energy more expensive you make everything more expensive."
"We achieved energy Independence soon to be energy dominance for the first time in 64 years."
"The energy and climate goals that Western governments, the United Nations, and other organizations are pushing on Africa constitute a crippling blow to its economies."
"There's even strong support in Quebec for pipelines."
"The only thing she's really mentioned is energy security, and I'd like to know exactly what that means."
"Why we would turn our backs on it to invest in new coal-fired power stations... just nuts."
"I want to be super clear: you should not only not shut down nuclear power plants but you should also reopen the ones that you've already shut down."
"I will kill the carbon tax, get pipelines built, and win the next election with a real environmental plan." - Mr. O'Toole
"U.S. to auction almost 1 million acres in Alaska for oil drilling."
"Despite all the dire prophecies of economists, gas prices have fallen as the U.S. produces more oil than any country in history, including Saudi Arabia."
"There's no reason for us to continue a fossil fuel economy."
"Physics matters, and when you use physics as your lens, nuclear is by far the best option available."
"The whole move to sustainable energy is such a crucial part."
"I might as well tell you if he's not running I'll say he was fine on ethanol don't worry about it."