
National Policy Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"We will make this country a clean energy superpower."
"This team has shown an undeniable truth, an inalienable right that the equality of women must be guaranteed in this nation."
"In Canada, we have free healthcare... I would wish that every country in the world would have that."
"The future is one of guaranteeing at all costs our constitutionally freedoms and to take care of the citizens of this country."
"Americans do agree at least that we have to secure our border."
"The most successful countries have been moving in this direction, and I can't think of any counterexamples to that."
"I hope it's a wake-up call to the nation that we need to make these critical infrastructure investments."
"The big picture for me is Ireland has never invaded anybody, never partitioned another country."
"One of the main reasons that Switzerland has consistently refused to join the EU is that it doesn’t make a whole lot of economic sense."
"We should recruit the smartest, most talented people and let them start companies here."
"Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders."
"We want to ban guns. We don't want so many guns in our country and folks to have such easy access to guns that endanger our children and our safety."
"There's no room; there has to be a no tolerance policy in our country when it comes to racism."
"We went from being oil independent to on the brink of absolute petroleum deconstruction in the United States."
"I will make America one giant Switzerland, armed and neutral. Finally, we will be at peace."
"Promoting and advancing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms continues to be a priority for the United States."
"What were looking for is somebody who will chart a course and say, 'Here's where America needs to go.'"
"Governments have got to have a bit of courage and say, 'You're not making money out of Australians unless Australians are protected.'"
"The Democrats are intentionally destroying America."
"We can't keep putting this in the too hard basket, this is just a women's issue, it's absolutely high time that we place this squarely front and center as a key national priority to address this issue."
"Putting women and children at serious risk in the community, we need to get on and get this national register really quick smart."
"The coronavirus shows the importance of bringing manufacturing back to America."
"It stands right there with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as a pillar of economic health security for America's families."
"America has said it will stay for as long as it takes."
"Can America, the wealthiest nation on Earth, do what every other advanced nation does, which is make sure that every person here can get adequate health care coverage, whether they're young or old, whether they are rich or poor?"
"We want people to come into our country through a legal system, through a system that they love our country, they work to come into our country."
"In order to preserve that, it's by putting America first, having a thriving economy, having happiness."
"I think limits make sense as part of that package of developing our own capabilities and manufacturing."
"It's the most radical version of how to govern Ukraine."
"But finally, we're going to reinvest in our country, you know, in the education system."
"This was according to the salesman's own pitch, a transformative effort to overhaul the nation's economy."
"We need structural reorganization in the United States big time."
"El Salvador attaches itself to the bitcoiners."
"But you know what they say now? Okay, he's building the wall but Mexico's not paying for it. Yes, they are. They are. They are paying for it."
"We need a national approach. We need to end bump stocks, we need to end our automatic weapons and bring back the assault weapons ban."
"Our campaign is about transforming our country."
"Even still, France is a country that has been living beyond its means for a bit too long, it's allowed its Workforce a lot of protections and a strong quality of life that honestly a lot of economies could learn something from."
"As a country, we must do better for our elders."
"It's a great thing that Sweden is remaining open."
"Sweden has managed to stay out of wars for the past two centuries by remaining neutral."
"I think America could use bluntly a little less Chamberlain and a little more Churchill."
"America First agenda does not belong to one man, it belongs to you, the people of this country."
"It's the first time in history that I'm reading a story, a real story, not a story about some app that's launching... but a country that is adopting Bitcoin because it wants to change the lives of its people."
"Even though the country claims it's only doing that to ensure it has enough food on hand to feed its large population, something the country has struggled with historically, the data indicates otherwise."
"He has seemingly solved the nation's biggest issue in a way that the people are supportive of."
"There should be some sort of a dividend for living in America and paying all these taxes."
"We need to save our economy and stop the inflation crippling American families."
"Canada has an awesome single-payer health system."
"The economic policy of this nation ought to be about the needs of our great working Americans."
"This is a bad recipe for our country no matter how you cut it."
"Building your email list is still the single most profitable thing you can be doing as a business."
"Trump is right. If we secure our borders, if we bring back manufacturing, if we defend the nuclear family, we will not face a hard fall when competing with BRICS."
"Free Enterprise in the United States cannot work if China dictates policy."
"The decisions that we make in the next five to ten years will determine the trajectory of this country for the next 50 to 100."
"Invest in Americans: housing, healthcare, education."
"Fundamentally, in America, we have to rethink how we look at health care."
"I want the American worker and the American, our American citizens to be able to get jobs."
"That's fine because the same National system takes care of 11.2 million people in Cuba despite the fact that Cuba is under an embargo and completely unjustifiable illegal embargo with public centralized health care."
"Humor over rumor: Taiwan's counter-disinformation strategy."
"What the United States needs to do is to start to be realistic about its policies."
"China embarked on a path... called it reform and opening up."
"The US should look at all of the above while making sure its resources are well developed."
"Borders, border security, having control over one's own borders - a net benefit to the population."
"I just completely disagree that it should be a nationwide ban that just taking down the whole app because it's you know dangerous for kids mental health."
"The US is either going to embrace crypto and win or ban crypto and disintegrate."
"With all states and territories signed on by the middle of 1996, the agreement flipped Australia's loose decentralized gun laws on their head."
"Bhutan hit the world headlines in 1972 when the fourth king introduced an unusual national policy."
"America moves forward only when we do so together."
"The number one way to bring business back to America is to make it easier to do business in America."
"We need a national strategy to get this economy working again and to save lives. It is really that simple."
"Ensuring economic security for all people of the United States."
"A blue-collar boom: lifting up Americans of every race, color, religion, and creed."
"I want to get it open as soon as we can. We have to get our country open."
"We're committed to ensuring America has the cleanest air and the cleanest water on planet Earth."
"Bhutan: measures its GDP by the gross national happiness of its citizens."
"We will defend the absolute right of every American citizen to live in security, dignity, and peace."
"The United States of America will never waver in our efforts to stand up for the right of people everywhere to determine their own destiny."
"We need to be a country that takes care of people."
"Estonia is the first state to recognize the internet as a basic right for all of its citizens."
"The whole thing about Make in India is to drastically cut down on imports."
"For me the first thing is it's going to bring back manufacturing jobs to the United States."
"To conclude, we will make America into the manufacturing superpower of the world and we will end our reliance on China once and for all."
"Poland is committed to putting its money where its mouth is when it comes to defense."
"The natural resources of Norway belonged not to foreign oil companies but to the people of Norway."
"Norway still has some of the highest taxes in the world but its people never have to worry about paying medical bills that they can't afford."
"With this executive order, we are ending the attacks on your religious liberty and we are proudly reaffirming America's leadership role as a nation that protects religious freedom for everyone."
"Norway is committed to sustainable development by promoting renewable energy, implementing strict environmental regulations, and supporting eco-friendly practices."
"We believe in democracy and we should continue the democratic system in our country."
"China made a commitment: the nation would reach peak carbon emissions by 2030, and carbon neutrality by 2060."
"The Chinese have done very dramatic things to try to contain the pandemic in their own country."
"We've been energy independent and it's been great for America."
"We don't need national surveillance; we need national health care."
"It's emblematic and symptomatic of what is happening in China."
"We can have a profound impact as a nation... no child will fall through the crack."
"The government of Israel is trying to become the developed world's first zero refugee nation."
"It has probably a good chance of succeeding."
"Ultimately, this move by Trump is a massive victory for American constitutional rights."
"The crisis on the border is a national problem. It Demands a national solution."
"El Salvador is accumulating $150 million in BTC to facilitate crypto transactions."
"America's stance on climate change is crucial."
"America First doesn't come with an asterisk for me, comes with actual commitment to what we stand for."
"We're using the full power of the federal government to fight the China virus."
"The United States will be unabashed in promoting our vision of a free, open, secure, and prosperous world."
"We need to do more as a country to help tackle mental health."
"There are certain things that we got to do to make this country work."
"Our goal is to ensure that every American family enjoys an amazing quality of life together."
"Our job right now is to help as many Americans as we can."
"India has a certain policy about how its Army conducts itself."
"Shut down the administrative State, declare independence from China, grow the economy."
"Give us borders, give us Safe Streets, we don't want crime, give us good education, give us dignity, and give us respect as a nation. It's not complicated."
"Let's put forth a plan that can benefit our country that people can agree on that we can actually get done."
"In many countries, there is not yet in place a project that can lead to good fortune for the mass of the people."
"The first America first healthcare plan will be a core part of our national renewal."
"We'll have a national mandate to wear a mask, not as a burden but as a patriotic duty to protect one another."
"I am officially running for president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again."
"A central bank digital currency is the digital form of a country's fiat currency."
"The president's concern is America first and the well-being of the nation."
"Sorry, Howard, we're done arming America. Now we're gonna save it."
"El Salvador has adopted Bitcoin as an official currency."
"The UK needs a weak currency for a period of time."
"We need to radically change our national priorities and give children the care, hope, and help they need."
"We can no longer be the stupid country. We want to be the smart country."
"American workers rose up in 2016 and decided to end this American carnage."
"It's not a question about whether or not China should develop. China has to develop in order to lift more people out of poverty."
"America is open for business and we are competitive once again."
"It's we who have made [China's dominance] inevitable... This is a very big deal, weakening an enormous part of our workforce." - Lee Smith
"If people ask, do I have an agenda? Yes, my agenda is that never again does our country, and I do hope no other country does it either, go down this route in such an ill-informed candid and at times deeply sinister fashion."
"America first on every single level, I totally agree with you on that and I think that's what the American people want."
"Do you think it makes sense to spend twice as much per capita as the people of any other nation and be the only country in the world not to guarantee health care to all people?"
"No country has ever devalued its way to prosperity."
"America could not be an Empire abroad and continue to be a democracy."
"America has the potential to be a nation that actually cares for its afflicted and wounded and ill and disenfranchised."
"El Salvador is using Bitcoin as legal tender... it's bigger than we even thought."
"Are we going to see a national shutdown? I think that's really hard to see."
"We brought our jobs back, a lot of our jobs are coming back now."
"Build the wall! Why do we not have our lands protected?"
"I want to make sure that we as a nation are a place that people feel yes we can come here we can innovate."
"Thank you, Mr. President, for your national call to action."
"Immigration is like the stupidest thing that we have in America."
"Every Canadian deserves a secure retirement. Let's ensure that."
"Over the next four years we will build America into the manufacturing superpower of the world and we will end our reliance on China and all other faraway lands."
"We'll make our medical supplies right here in the United States."
"I think it's important to explain to the American people ... two very different Futures."
"The French take their produce maintenance very seriously and became the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food since February of 2016."
"China is almost at another level... an example of a country prioritizing sovereignty over universal values."
"The nisara is giving the country back to the people."
"President Reagan supported newcomers as the vital force of America's preeminence."
"Australia sees financial support for its news industry as vital to democracy."
"The biggest stimulus packages in the world come from the US."
"Under President Donald Trump, the United States has again chosen the way of strength."
"Get Pakistan out of this Quagmire is going to be probably the most phenomenal thing that anyone could ever do."
"Under President Donald Trump, we're opening up America again."
"Chinese president Xi Jinping has committed to achieving self-sufficiency in high-tech chips."
"If we want to get back on track, we definitely need to reindustrialize."
"Germany is the first country in the world to allow driverless vehicles in regular operation and in the entire national area of application."
"Constitutional carry needs to be across all 50 states."
"We're not going to let millions of people come into our country that shouldn't be here."
"El Salvador has just officially become the first country to approve bitcoin as legal currency in its state."
"The plans to reopen the country are close to being finalized... I will be authorizing each individual governor... to implement a reopening plan."
"America first is also what's best for not only the American citizens but what is best for these other countries."
"Injecting sanity into the thought here, the big problem that I think we have... is that there is no strategic vision in the United States."
"I mean, that Americans are saddled with. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Just look at our healthcare system. Just a disaster."
"We are standing up for America and for the American people."
"You secure your borders, you bring manufacturing back, you bolster the US economy, and then you win through trade means."
"We need to ensure that there is broadband internet available in every part of this country."
"You will not touch this ecological security based on this, and that has become a top number one national regulation today."
"Trump invokes defense production act as coronavirus response."
"Canada needs a total overhaul of our immigration system."
"China is undergoing a tremendous change in the laws that govern big tech."
"America is basically stating its claim here and saying we're not going to have scams or money laundering. We're going to be number one in Innovation."
"What is the actual solution here? Well, the actual solution is for the Republic to wake up and get tough."
"This is America last right this is what we mean by America last."
"You'd think at a time like this, we might, if we were a serious country, we might be like, you know, guys, we gotta kind of shut down our borders, figure out what's going on in our house."
"As long as I am president, America will never be a socialist country."
"Another country has essentially legalized cryptocurrency trading, which is absolutely wonderful because it allows people in that country to legally be able to trade."
"The United States, as the world knows, will never start a war."
"Is marijuana gonna become federally and recreationally legal nationwide? And we don't know."
"We will have law and order in every city in this country for every American of every race."
"We need the federal government to come in and really... we need an overarching national policy on this."
"The most racist thing we can do as a country is continue on with our imperialistic ways." - Jimmy Dore
"It's actually a nation truly governed by the rule of law."
"I think in economic terms what America has done has been great."
"Conservatives care about the everyday Canadian, seeing the bill as an existential threat."
"It is not an army we must shape and train for war; it is a nation." - President Woodrow Wilson
"We need access to home care, to child care, and to paid family leave for our country to thrive." - Mary Kay Henry
"We need people-centered healthcare in our country."
"We need to show respect for the environment, something this country has not done for a very long time."
"Anything that builds U.S. infrastructure I agree with."
"Under this administration, we are living by two simple, but very important rules: Buy American and hire American."
"Canada's best recourse for a troubled future is to simply act as the best support available."
"We see these folks trying to come into our country illegally and we try to stop it but we have to remember they're coming here for a reason."
"No nation can tolerate a massive organized violation of its immigration laws."
"America is and will remain the gold standard for environmental protection."
"Sweden decided to lock down, so they're not going to be as locked down as maybe European countries or even us in a few weeks."
"America will be painfully contracting from its global economic Empire as we attempt to revive a self-sufficient Free Republic."
"China is currently implementing the blockchain to issue digital versions of their currency."
"It is possible to secure our Southern border, and we have to do it."
"Shout out to Sweden for standing against the herd and refusing widespread lockdowns."
"America was systemically being weakened our military was systemically being weakened America is back to leading America first this is what happens when POTUS has no strings attached cue."