
Human Civilization Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"A positive view of a functioning utopian human civilization was a fully unique concept."
"All of humanity is in debt to the pioneering force of ancient Africans."
"Mathematics, to me, is beautiful in the pure sense just for that. It's quite interesting to see human civilization as a network, as a graph, and our relationships as kind of edges in that graph."
"The entire history of human civilization is the result of climate conditions we've already left behind."
"The idea of time keeping and time tracking is a uniquely human concept and it's also something that, in a sense, defines human civilization as a whole."
"It's almost impossible to separate human history from gold."
"We've got a sequence of stories of beginnings that suggests not just an older human civilization but an even more ancient timeline than that of repeated resets and civilizations."
"What is our place in the universe? Is it our autumn, where we are just a leaf falling from a universal tree, or is it our spring, where our story as a civilization has only just begun?"
"Gobekli Tepe raises huge fundamental questions about our understanding of human civilization, and makes us wonder, what will we discover next?"
"People should be really concerned about AI... AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization."
"It is no exaggeration to say that the very essence of human civilization, the shape of our future for centuries, the fate of entire cultures and subsequent generations, billions upon billions of people, hinged on the outcome of that great struggle."
"Let's see if we can just make it through the next few hundred years."
"It's a lot harder to accurately capture that complexity without appearing like you're constructing a weak or inconsistent character."
"The end of aging is possibly the most radical change that human civilization has undergone for millennia."
"It feels like for human civilization to flourish... there has to be some level of integration and cooperation."
"It's fascinating to see just how close early human civilization came to being completely wiped out."
"Human civilization is an interminable fight... to better refine the systems by which we make our lives better."
"The emergence of civilizations shaped the lives of almost every human on the planet."
"I think human civilization is built on cooperation, so the fact that we got this far proves that we can cooperate with each other."
"If there's a tiny risk of nuclear war, we're literally talking about the extermination of human civilization."
"Earthlings are an emerging civilization, we're learning how we might be able to communicate with other civilizations."
"Perhaps dance is the universal language because it's essentially what we all did as a human civilization before we were to evolve into what we are now."
"A technological singularity is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization."
"The mysterious artifacts confirm ancient legends and stories which describe human history not as linear but cyclic."
"It's probably the greatest engineering achievement of human civilization so far."
"Books, the building blocks of our civilization."
"Sea level got to the present level about 5,000 or 6,000 years ago. That's pretty much recorded human civilization."
"People will analyze the effects of my existence on the growth of human civilization for the rest of time."
"This is very probably the single most serious issue of our civilization: the existence of some other intelligence that is interacting with humanity right now."
"They are the most populous human civilization on the planet."
"Love, freedom, and truth are axiomatic to human civilization."
"It shows a deep appreciation for human life back before any major civilization had even been born."
"Fragrances have a history as long as civilization itself."
"This episode basically represents a curtain that has come down and obscured 150,000 or more years of deep human history."
"We are at one of the most extraordinary times in the history of human civilization."
"Maybe human civilization is an ongoing process of consensus."
"Seven thousand years of human history."
"This one particular archaeological site in night from 9,000 BC is the earliest human structures built in the world."
"Millions of people believed that they are capable of creating a more human civilization which is open to the realization of a society without oppression."
"It's one of the most ancient cultures in the history of humankind."
"...they are a direct link to an ancient aristocracy that has chartered the course of mankind since before the Imperium itself."
"This mental attitude which forces self-interest to recede into the background in favor of the common weal is the first prerequisite for any kind of really human civilization."
"I'm gonna take you to the pinnacle of human civilization."
"At the origin of human civilization is really the incarnation or the manifestation on the physical plane of some higher spiritual beings."
"The people of Earth believe that they have always been on Earth and the people of Mars believe that they have always been on Mars."
"Kemet is the flower of human civilization and also the flower of African civilization."
"The linguists in Europe consider Sanskrit as a fascinating language, a language in which the genius of the human civilization was perfected to its fullest."
"Staring at these petroglyphs is like gazing back in time, not only to the history of Azerbaijan but of all humanity."
"We're talking about at an absolute minimum twelve thousand years of human history in California."
"If the Earth were a zoo, then we would be like the Sentinelese, a civilization being observed."
"Every law could be broken, just like there was once an incomparably glorious myth in human civilization where Pangu opened up the heavens and the Earth."
"Human civilization on this planet may not even exist, which is crazy to think about."
"This window into Earth's diverse cultures, philosophies, and aspirations revealed a civilization brimming with creativity, resilience, and a yearning for knowledge."
"Fundamental to the furtherance of human civilization is having humans."
"It's a tale that marries the genesis of human civilization with cosmic visitors."
"Sustainability is this arc over all of these different aspects of human life and human civilization, making sustainable societies."
"The very existence of marriage as a social institution is extremely universal for human civilization."