
Political Climate Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Nobody talks to each other anymore. You've got politicians resigning because they say, yeah, turns out nobody really wants us to do anything here but fight."
"The political climate currently favors liberalism because it's seen as a safe and proven alternative to fascism."
"We're at one of the most polarizing times in our country's history."
"Equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise."
"If this is how politicians are going to be treated who do you think is going to run for office in the next four years? It's not going to be people you can trust anymore."
"Our politics has become a naked appeal to anger fear and resentment."
"I wonder lately if people have become a little desensitized in this area with Donald Trump because they're so used to it."
"We're literally on the cusp of fascism in the United States unprecedented rise in hate crimes."
"The constitution has never been more important than it is right now because it's the one thing that I think can lower the emotional temperature in this country."
"There is madness loose in the land, and no one fuels that madness more than Donald Trump."
"Freedom has never been so fragile so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment."
"We are experiencing what I'm calling the authoritarian moment."
"Regular people are sick and tired of what's happening."
"It's terrible the condition of our political climate today where there can't be just civil discourse anymore."
"The perfect microcosm of where we're at politically right now in the United States."
"They are so much afraid of this repression, they're really literally scared."
"Trump didn't happen in a vacuum, this is the hate that many elements, not all but many elements of the GOP created."
"People are incredibly frustrated and angry here in Texas. I encounter that anger all the time." - Todd Benjamin
"The closer we get to the election, the less facts and nuance will matter."
"They're trying to turn us against one another continually we have a spiritual Challenge on our hands as well as a political one."
"These past few few years have given me a new appreciation for the fragility of our freedoms."
"The effectiveness of the Secret Service was proven in the 1970s and 1980s, when an unstable political climate led to more assassination attempts."
"All I can say is like, yeah, you're in a really tough situation."
"The rhetoric around here has gotten so harsh and so toxic that you can't agree to disagree anymore."
"This is indictment season baby, it's definitely indictment season."
"All liberties in America today are under siege."
"The planet's burning down and the fascists are taking over and we have a lot of work to do and I believe we actually can win we actually because we do win yeah."
"Politics currently in the world are very very toxic."
"So if politics is now based on whatever group is angriest what's the next thing that's gonna happen?"
"Dark is the hour when telling the basic truth makes you An Enemy of the State."
"We are basically now in a fascist culture and fascist politics is on the rise."
"Sometimes I think we're a little too hard on ourselves. Yes, the world is garbage right now, fascism is on the rise, we can't agree on anything."
"Authoritarianism is rising in the red States of America."
"It's a very dangerous and dark place for American democracy."
"Democracy on the ballot itself because some of these candidates are so anti-democracy at a time of rising authoritarianism."
"Nearly 62 percent say the political climate prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find it offensive."
"1880s France was a tinderbox of monarchists, republicans, bonapartists, and communards."
"Media and political bias are dividing our country."
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"Everything's so political that nothing's safe anymore."
"Everything seems strange since Trump was elected - nothing is as it seems anymore."
"Normal Republicans are being pushed out of the GOP in droves. They are being labeled rhinos and traitors by a fascist Maga movement."
"This is a fight worth having because I really do believe that when we get to, we, I don't want my kids to grow up in a country where they have to feel like they can't share their political views."
"I think it's part and parcel of the fact that were in polarized times and I've done what I can when I thought it was necessary to pull that polarization back."
"People are scared to proclaim their love for America, especially now after Joe Blow in the office bastards."
"A new poll shows over 60 percent of Americans say the current political climate prevents them from sharing their views."
"Living in a Maga inspired country right now where people are being encouraged to be racist, to be bigoted, to be sexist."
"What concerns you the most about America today? People are so divided right now in political camps and of course politics have their place but they don't take the place of the gospel or they shouldn't."
"JFK's assassinated it's the climate of hate in the country I hate that."
"Elections in 2023: Erdogan's popularity at its lowest in 20 years."
"It all sort of came to a head really with politics when Jeremy Corbyn steps into the... for me, that was a very scary time."
"If you follow the political climate and you're doing your research, you're doing your reading, I just got to read the article yesterday on BuzzFeed about collapse of a society. You have massive inequality going on."
"Real advice comes from a sincere point."
"It's been a tough year; we're socially isolated, it's politically charged, divisive time."
"Washington is kind of a crazy place. But that doesn't mean every place has got to be crazy."
"The political climate was quite ripe for Monarchy to be restored."