
Memorable Games Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The best game I've seen this season was Villa against Man City."
"That game's going to go down as one that you remember for a very, very long time, so cherish it, hug it, kiss it, love it because you will remember it for a long time."
"You're gonna get turned in, you're gonna get busted and that's what happened to Plum High School 2005 when Justin King touched the ball seven times in the first half and had six touchdowns because they wanted to go to [ __ ] eatin Park."
"this game is won at this moment right here and it's a build up that you don't see every game but when you see it it's a beautiful thing to see"
"Wow, what a game...this is going to be one of the most memorable games in the World Cup."
"Definitely like playing against y'all, um, the Bay, honestly, that was one of the craziest arenas to play in."
"It's been one of those games you dream of as a fan, a manager, a player."
"Unbelievable comeback in the Champions League final."
"Trademark fears dropping 41 points. Yeah, oh my God, yeah, what a game."
"Have we seen a better final? Struggling to remember one quite like this."
"We've just won a game we won't forget for a long time, and that is why I love football and that is why I love Manchester United."
"Thankfully, what a match that was, a crazy awesome match."
"Super Bowl 42 can only be the greatest game of all time."
"The 1958 championship game, the greatest game ever played."
"Was that the greatest game you've ever seen in your life?"
"Probably one of the best comebacks I've ever witnessed."
"I think tonight was going to be one of those nights where you don't watch it and you check your phone, and people are going, 'Oh, it's one of the greatest games we've seen in years.'"
"I mean, that was such a close series, goes all the way to Game Seven, win it on home ice in Canada."
"Games that I remember, games that stick in my head for a long time after playing them."
"That's unreal, yeah, this was an insane game."
"I hope we can summon the same fight that we had back in 2014 when we put Bayern to the sword 3-1 during Sergio Aguero's hat-trick."
"I want something that kicks me in the feels like Reach did or like ODST did."
"Belgium that game had 39 shots right 18 of them were on target saving 16 of them what are your memories of that game that's just mad isn't it brilliant yeah."
"One of the most unbelievable games of Chess I've ever seen."
"It actually turned into an absolute classic."
"Oh my God, what a game dude. What a [ __ ] game."
"Breath of the Wild was one of the most memorable gaming moments to me because it did that thing for me that only some of the best games ever do where even when you're not playing the game all you can think about is playing the game."
"That was the most satisfying and exciting conclusion to a [ __ ] golf game that I've ever been part of."
"They met in the postseason for the first time in 1989, and enjoyed it so much, they dragged game five out."
"History makers! We're witnessing history here."
"That England Columbia game was like a f****** movie, like it really was that dramatic."
"When you hit the 16 straight shots, had you ever been that hot before and had you ever been that hot since?"
"Golden Sun is easily one of the greatest JRPGs that's been released."
"Aguero versus QPR: The most incredible end to a season."
"He's got seven, I think he's seven and three, lost the Giants twice."
"That series absolutely lived up to the hype I don't know if anything for the rest of the night's going to match that that was such a great game."
"The biggest comeback I've seen in a single game."
"Players only remember the best games." - Jim Ryan
"What an opening. I can't remember a better game one weekend than this one in the NBA. It was crazy!"
"Like that game, game six of 2011 is, I have said many times, it's the best game I've ever seen."
"The game was a great game too, it started out very slow and kind of boring and turned into one of the better Super Bowls of all time."
"What's the best story you've experienced in a videogame? Why did it stick with you?"
"This might be one of the best, most competitive games we've ever seen."
"These teams have played some phenomenal battles over the years."
"Across the history of college football, some of the greatest contests that this game has seen."
"The night ends with not one but two instant classic games that in most years would be top tier contenders for game of the postseason as a whole."
"You don't forget games like that."
"How about them Cardinals, dude? That game was insane."
"What an incredible game, what a weekend we've had."
"When the occasion is a bit higher and the stakes are a bit higher, they've provided very very good games."
"Yesterday was the best Sunday of NFL football this season."
"This is the best final ever, this is why we love this game."