
Web Design Quotes

There are 2625 quotes

"The most important element I would say is the headline, the h1 element 'Pay your debts', and that's kind of just lost."
"One element which is very important is the 'Find out how', and this is a call to action because it's a link."
"This is more or less how you would build a website now using AI tools and you could do it much faster than you could ever do in the past."
"With CSS animations, it's not just about making things move, it's about enhancing the user experience in a meaningful way."
"Well done CSS animations can really elevate your site to the next level."
"This is going to be a static website; we're just going to use HTML, CSS, a little bit of JavaScript for that theme setting effect, and then Flexbox and CSS Grids for the layout."
"Mobile first CSS means that all the initial CSS rule sets that we write are going to be geared towards what this particular website or app looks like and how it behaves and looks like on a phone."
"Making your website mobile-friendly is super important."
"It's super important that your website is mobile-friendly."
"The newspaper theme is so customizable and if you guys are running a newspaper website or if you guys want to run like an Amazon affiliate blog or just like a review website, newspaper theme is definitely a top pick for me."
"Squarespace is an absolutely stupendous platform that helps anyone create a beautiful, professional website with ease."
"Responsiveness is crucial. Do not build layouts or websites or UIs that are not responsive, that don't look good on mobile devices."
"If you were a lowly web designer, all of a sudden you can now become a desktop app developer."
"CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets... CSS is a separate language that goes hand-in-hand with HTML and what we do is use CSS to style our web page and make them look even better."
"As a front-end developer, you're going to use HTML and CSS to build and style the content of your website."
"Bootstrap was a very popular CSS library that we can use in order to use some styling that they have written, such that we don't need to write all the styling from scratch."
"It's much easier to read and maintain than Tailwind because changing complicated Tailwind code can become incredibly difficult."
"Literally, when it comes to you making your website, you can't really ask someone on how to make it. You have to make it to your liking; you have to play around with it."
"Adding a form on the bottom of every single page makes it as easy as possible for people to contact me."
"When people visit your website, they notice the brand and the color scheme you should use throughout your website."
"Creating layouts with grid: Define columns and rows, then place elements accordingly."
"Include an email opt-in directly on the home page."
"Embed videos in Muse using HTML code from hosting platforms like YouTube."
"Designing a website is not about the tools we use; it's about how we make it look good every single time."
"Choose one font; it's about consistency. Look at top websites; they use one font or maximum two."
"Text hierarchy matters; make sure your headings and subheadings stand out clearly."
"You can design websites without learning HTML coding, but it's not recommended."
"Elementor is a page builder that allows you to drag and drop and customize your website visually."
"That's going to give our site this really cool parallax effect where the image stays in one spot but the rest of the website is moving."
"Hover over these buttons, they look super nice."
"Can AI actually start auto-generating websites for clients, lowering the demand for web designers?"
"Let me show you guys how I generated 80 AI website templates in under one hour."
"Notion: where you're designing your own website without the effort."
"A call to action is always going to be the most important thing on the page."
"Adding an anchor is a great way to get somebody to scroll down to a specific section."
"Squarespace makes it almost impossible to make a bad website."
"Wix is a really powerful option... allows you to make beautiful customizable websites."
"Google does like images, so adding images to your articles can help improve user experience and potentially boost your SEO."
"Every piece of this video is dedicated to making sure that you have a beautiful affiliate marketing website."
"Squarespace is where creativity meets Simplicity."
"It's like having a magic wand for website design."
"One of the most stereotypical things you'll find in projects that are rug pulls or complete scams is their websites are terrible."
"That right there is how to create a login signup form using HTML CSS and JavaScript."
"We've covered how to have empathy for who you're designing for, we've covered how to map the architecture of a website out in your mind, and create a document for your clients."
"The About section is going to display our personality, we're going to use headshots, we're going to use icons of our interest or personal interests."
"Make it as easy as possible for your visitors."
"This looks really cool, it's going to be mostly CSS that we're dealing with."
"You have to experiment with your values in CSS."
"That's the power of responsive design with media queries."
"Meet Gary Simon: crafting beautiful web experiences."
"Choose a domain name that's memorable and easy to type."
"Design the aesthetic before diving into HTML/CSS and JavaScript."
"The hero section sets the tone for your portfolio."
"So each one of these little boxes is a flex container that is centering its own content vertically in that space."
"Gradients can make the site look tacky if overused."
"Wouldn't it be cool if we can make templates that we can use every single time we make a post?"
"The theme builder also allows you to customize other parts of your website like the category pages, the blog archive pages, and also for or for pages as well."
"The main concept here is anything that you click on the right side, you can edit on the left side."
"You're going to learn how to make your text look like anything you want."
"That's how you can create any style of button that you want."
"Your images play a huge role in the design of your website."
"If you follow the steps, you're going to have a website and it's going to be amazing."
"Responsive design: making your website perfect for all devices."
"Set your home page to display your latest posts."
"Elementor gives you a ton of customization, so let's go ahead and look at the website that I'm going to show you how to make."
"Step number five is to customize your website, so let's get started."
"Make sure it's consistent throughout your entire website."
"Our page is looking awesome and mobile-friendly."
"Work smarter, not harder - starting with a simple contact form is recommended."
"Customize your header by adding menu items and a logo, making your website unique."
"Your website actually is fantastic... when people want to help it shouldn't be difficult to try and figure out how."
"We want to display custom colors, give it a specific color if I want to."
"Grid is the only layout technique that establishes a relationship between the rows and columns. The grid is real."
"Something super convenient about Shopify is they have a built-in way to turn a general page into a Contact Us page."
"The truth is your website does not need to look perfect to convert. Often the simplest websites are the highest converting."
"WordPress allows you to edit your website visually."
"With these inline elements, you can just store them right next to each other in the file, and that's the difference between the two main display types in HTML: block display and inline display."
"Think about the information architecture of the pages you encounter."
"You'll be a professional with the Divi theme builder."
"Alternative text describes any meaningful image for someone who isn't able to see the image."
"Your website must answer all the basic questions every client has."
"We're going to build this layout using flexbox principles and elements."
"One main thing I love about Squarespace is the beautiful designer templates that they offer."
"It's super simple, it's an all-in-one solution, and Squarespace handles everything."
"Figcaption is going to be text-align: center and then color is black."
"You can see that the text title here is red."
"What's great about classes is that they allow you to use the same CSS styles on multiple HTML elements."
"Hex codes can be used to create over 16 million different colors."
"Docs main grid - grid template columns: 1fr, 2fr"
"Margin is meant to space elements around other elements and padding is meant to space elements around their own border."
"We need to have the user click on the details to see the joke punch line."
"Make all of your buttons incredibly consistent."
"Nest elements just like in HTML, making CSS more intuitive."
"Functions in Less: lighten and darken for dynamic styling."
"Automatically adjust text color based on background brightness."
"Squarespace is the best place to make a website for absolutely anything. They got over hundreds of designer Award winner templates so that you can make a website look exactly how you want it from scratch."
"You'd be surprised, there's a lot of websites that use the basic ass templates and they just put their own photography and photos on it and it looks great."
"Your lead is the section of your page that comes right after your headline."
"Bitters is the idea behind those styles so that once you start a project, you throw bitters in there and it gives you a nice-looking site right from the start."
"Check out Squarespace if you want to make a responsive, flexible website."
"The Shopify theme controls what design we're actually going to be using."
"It's going to change this section over here."
"I mean look how slick this homepage looks I mean you look like the professional you look like someone who actually knows what they're doing you know."
"So, the theme of a Shopify store controls all aspects of the store’s appearance and layout."
"I always feel like I've seen so many incredible websites that nothing is going to impress me but I keep getting impressed by the creativity of certain people."
"Your website needs to be informative, interactive, and intuitive."
"Fonts are going to change everything from your navigational options to your newsletter descriptions."
"This is position static by default. Now I want these to be positioned absolute so I can move them around wherever I want within its element."
"You know what looks cool? Page transitions. That smooth animation that you get when you go from one page to another."
"And that's literally all there is to page transitions."
"Whenever you're looking at a page and you're looking at a design you need to build, the most logical approach is to create divs that these groupings belong into."
"You can change the background to match your logo."
"Emmet provides shortcuts for common CSS properties."
"Simplify CSS styling with Emmet's shorthand notations."
"Dynamic websites allow users to see different things every time they visit."
"Running a business and a blog is hard enough, why make it more difficult with fussy web design?"
"Flexbox is definitely one of those things that... can be very frustrating at times."
"Let's learn the fundamentals of flexbox and the really important parts."
"People complain about vertical centering being hard in CSS but look how easy that is. So so easy to do."
"Elementor is one of the most popular WordPress plugins. It makes it very easy to design professional-looking web pages without coding."
"A layout, each individual component, as much as we want them to be, has to live in relation to other things that are on the page."
"Understanding how using flex and how using grid impacts the relationship of what's actually going on."
"CSS Grid is more powerful for sophisticated website layouts."
"Unleash the power of Material UI in your projects."
"There's a lot more we can do with theming, we can nest themes, we can add on different types of styling."
"Above the fold, you want to have the social icons... if you can get it up there."
"Social icons are above the fold and the sales funnel."
"Design for developers: learn how to enhance your website."
"Intuitive navigation like this is extremely important in keeping people on your website longer."
"These are things that will make your website go from good to great."
"Creating a sitemap gives your entire website direction."
"Creating a mobile responsive design is essential for a better user experience."
"Having a clean, attractive, professional-looking website is really, really important to me."
"I don't want people visiting my website and thinking I'm an amateur because my website looks amateurish."
"Squarespace helps you showcase your work or your extensive collection of Frasier DVDs."
"Squarespace website just maintains itself—no updating needed, no fussing with plugins."
"Astra is by far the most popular WordPress theme and it's my number one recommendation for anyone that's brand new to building websites."
"One of the reasons why I love the Astra theme is because it comes with a bunch of amazing and free templates."
"An organized menu at the top of your website is a must because it gives your visitors an easy map to jump around your website to whatever they need to find."
"I think this is a great example of progressive enhancement."
"Stop for a second before you build your website and think about what you want that result to be."
"Sometimes less is more and using [features] effectively is more important than using them a lot."
"Number three: fix your terrible website. Haha, now here's something that any idiot could do."
"But building a website is so simple with Squarespace that the sheer depths of incompetence you'd have to reach to mess it up would crush a submarine."
"Then how about you building a website on Squarespace.com/co optional? With Squarespace, you can create something truly unique."
"Squarespace let me design a website that's just as beautiful as I am."
"This is one of those things that can help capture people's interest when they visit your website."
"Force the world to acknowledge your existence with an awesome looking website from Squarespace."
"Getting a good WordPress theme is the difference between driving across USA in a red pickup versus a yellow Ferrari."
"It gives this site a unique feel that makes it stand out from the rest."
"Once you know these skills, you're going to be able to create badass visuals on the web."
"This is what makes a winning product, a really good video ad, and a very good website."
"Semantic HTML: exploring why it's important and easy solutions to follow."
"Landmarks assistive technologies can use to identify different parts of a page."
"We're using CSS transition to give us that effect."
"Let's set a transition on the opacity property."
"Now we're gonna style the main showcase area."
"We're gonna add a transition on all properties."
"I'm not just gonna show you how to make any website, we're gonna make professional and beautiful looking websites."
"You can spell out your website or disable that."
"The footer section is probably one of the most important ones."
"Make sure your site's mobile optimized, very important."
"This really is the best time to be making your first website."
"Now, what you'll wanna do is you want to check out all these different themes, preview them, and then install a theme that you like."
"Some of them do require payment in order to use the full theme, but with that said, I'm going to choose a free theme that you can start using today, free of charge."
"So, this is a fully visual drag-and-drop builder that's just super easy to use."
"The grid system which is probably the best part of bootstrap allows you to create layouts without having to use floats or any of that."
"Bootstrap's grid system simplifies layout design with easily customizable column widths."
"Looks perfect, and the final thing which I want to do on the home page..."
"And now, as you can see, this rating bar is animating nicely."
"It's just really clean, looks really good, and I can easily match this up with a premium theme."
"This is a new theme that the thing that female has introduced, and it's sort of like a child theme for the Azera shop, but it's still a really nice-looking theme."
"This is good for something like multi-purpose and it's just really, really clean."
"Squarespace is going to help you figure out what you're trying to do on the interweb."
"Bootstrap has a class called alert-success, and that is just this kind of nice green alert that they pop up."
"These forms look a lot better and give us some better feedback."
"This would not be possible without Squarespace."
"Mobile-first design and responsive design changed the game."
"Your product page should look tight and efficient, just one small scroll from the first interaction to the add to cart button."
"Squarespace literally has everything and it's never been easy to implement whatever your heart desires."
"I just had a vision... a way this site could look."
"Squarespace: You can make a website with no experience required and without a fight."
"Have a clear call-to-action above the fold and a clear value prop of what separates you."
"You can make a top-of-the-range website immediately with Squarespace."
"Flexbox completely takes away the mapping of your source to how things are rendered on the page."
"There really isn't a better or easier place to make a website than squarespace."
"Any website that plays sound automatically is terrible."
"Here's what our website is going to look like potentially and here's the vision and the site map."
"My goal with 3js in this channel is to teach people how to use it primarily for landing pages and web design."
"It's just a very simple little landing page that I have created here."
"Just about anything you might want, Squarespace makes it easy."
"Those are just the kind of websites you can easily create with today's video sponsor Squarespace."
"Find something that's going to take the least amount of time and have the biggest impact."
"Squarespace makes the process of creating your beautiful website a seamless reality."
"Guys, if you're intimidated about starting a website, Squarespace is the way to go."
"Crafting beautiful websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
"From concept to creation: Learn web design fundamentals."
"Working with Elementor page builder is super fun and super easy!"
"The goal of any portfolio website is to showcase your previous works."
"Thank you to everyone who helped me find someone to design the Scorpion show website."