
Market Needs Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Figure out if your business is actually going to be fulfilling a need of the marketplace or not."
"You're going to create a company that meets a very well-known need that has not yet been serviced by a product that is relatively easy to get across the finish line and into the marketplace."
"The ones who are entrepreneurs and bosses, they found a need that was missing in the market."
"Realizing at 20 years old that I could put my two loves together hip-hop and fashion."
"I'm actually blown away by this range I think that it is exactly what the beauty industry needed right now the versatility and the variety in these products is just insane."
"Some of my best products have nothing to do with my personality nothing to do with my interest it's just is there a mass-market appeal for that product and does it solve a problem they're my two main criteria."
"A 5700 XT like product in the current market would just be what everyone needs, really."
"We only design a product when we can make something unique, make something better, or fill a void."
"I think they're going to need to come out with a vlog centric full-frame camera."
"Instead of building something nobody wants, go find out what people want and go build that."
"Find a product that solves a problem you or others have - that's where the market is."
"Something I've complained about many times is it's weird that no camera has really completely gone after the vlogging market, and I feel like this might be the best one yet."
"The automotive market needs a lot of help and needs a lot of things to be fixed."
"I just have something that's needed, that's it. Supply and demand, that's what will make the world go around."
"The real question is... is your brand solving a problem that wasn't already solved?"
"That wealth lies at the Nexus of three things: things that you're good at, things that people want from you, and things that you're passionate about."
"Figure out what people are not willing to do themselves, and you have yourself a business."
"If I solve my own problems and teach them to others, I mean that's technically solving a problem the market has."
"Knowing your customers is so important. When you really understand the customer, you understand what they need after your product."
"The raison d'etre of every entrepreneur is to figure out some need that isn't being addressed by the current market."
"What the market really needs right now is a simple and easy-to-use solution to adding smarts to your existing garage door."
"It's going to suit the needs of a lot of buyers who are looking for a luxury experience and plenty of space mixed in."
"Product market fit is the point where startups product or service satisfies the needs of the market."
"It is delivering something that maybe was a void in the market."
"It's filling a hole in the market, it's something that hasn't really been done."
"I think that is pretty darn innovative and something that the market needed."
"It allows us to build our business based on what the needs in the market are rather than what we think we need to do."
"I'm trying to put myself above the level of every other photographer and address the needs of the particular markets I want to serve."
"We do think that Cognizant Technology is well positioned to meet those needs."
"Every company is going to see value a little bit differently."
"A winning problem is something that isn't going away or isn't going away anytime soon."
"Figure out problems or places or areas of people's life where they definitely need something, and you can supply that to them."
"The Spaceport company has zeroed in on a big need in the commercial launch Services Market."
"A real sustainable competitive advantage for a business model comes when you're able to match the emerging market needs with the capabilities of technology."
"Innovation means new ideas and having better solutions to meet market needs."
"I think this actually fills a really good void in the market."
"As entrepreneurs, we have to provide the market something that it needs."
"I hundred percent love the idea of the ASI Air and see the need for it in the market; it's just not for me, at least today."
"We have to define value; we have to say what is it we are offering to the marketplace that the marketplace wants."
"It's filling a serious void in the marketplace."
"What do you think they want to use, and you can build your business."
"The purpose of any business is really to solve a problem in the marketplace."
"What are people searching for that this marketplace is not offering or not offering enough options to meet people's needs?"
"The selection, processing, and packaging process requires meticulous quality control and in-depth knowledge of meat quality to meet the diverse needs of the market."
"We need to create what we don't have in the market."