
Thrill Quotes

There are 2561 quotes

"It's a heart-pounding experience you've never experienced before."
"Shooting bad guys in the face out of a car going 100 miles an hour is just fun, period."
"The discovery was intensely thrilling to my feelings, and almost appalling."
"There's nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result."
"The acceleration is pretty impressive... it gives you that thrill, that immediate power right off the line."
"If you want a true thrill, look no further than the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror."
"Honestly, it's one of the best drop towers in the UK."
"I really like that ride if you like drop towers. You'll really enjoy that."
"Roller coasters are awesome and fun and completely horrifying."
"When I'm testing my client's security, I still get that endorphin rush when I'm able to find a security hole."
"It's like a comfort show. You get the thrill of fear but you're safe."
"Is there anything more fun than rampaging through a game and feeling like a badass God? No, probably not."
"That was really close, yeah that's about as close as you can get without hitting it."
"This game gives me those same feelings of being on the edge."
"Monster Hunter is the predator of video games. You are a badass, 1v1 toe-to-toe with a monster in the jungle who can mess you up if you make the slightest mistake."
"This drive is really fun with the boost and a scary section as well, as crashing means you lose the high speed and it's impossible going that fast again for the rest of the mission."
"It's thrilling because this actually happened."
"I like the danger in it. The heart pounds. It defies logic."
"People will often be more likely to do something precisely because it's illegal and therefore kind of thrilling."
"That's the fun part of it. It's like on the edge."
"Buckle up, it's going to be a floody, disturbing ride."
"Chasing that high, it is. Even if you're brand new to golf, you've hit a good shot and you've experienced that little bit of thrill."
"It's not obnoxious when you're scared by them. It's thrilling. That makes all the difference."
"Driving a car 100 miles an hour through the woods sideways and trying to get through that stressful circumstance."
"The Yukon Striker immediately became the scariest and most thrilling dive coaster on earth."
"There's nothing more perfect than defying death."
"Towing the line just really makes you feel alive though"
"The adrenaline rush of crushing your opponent."
"We relish the skin prickles and embrace those delicious uneasy flutters in our heart and stomach from a safe and comfortable distance."
"I'm about to make you believe in the danger right now."
"It's a fascinating twist that blends B movie thrills with thoughtful social commentary."
"One man will get to experience that once-in-a-lifetime thrill."
"Every save point in 'Alien Isolation' felt like a Jurassic Park moment."
"Seriously scary videos to watch in the dark, woo!"
"It's a thrill like no other, your car flows through the targets, it's like music, you find the rhythm and then dance with gain on the edge of control."
"Oh, come on. It was a little fun, right? You cannot honestly stand there and tell me that it didn't feel kind of great to kick all those guys' asses."
"I almost died and it was the most exhilarating, it was so much fun."
"He stuffed that neat little explosive into Dex's car and how it made him feel good that night doing something wrong and getting away with it."
"That was like one of the most intense roller coaster experiences I've ever had."
"Intimidator 305: Famous for the intense experience it provides."
"Phantom's Revenge has been one of my favorite coasters since I first rode it in 2016, but I haven't ridden it much since, and I really forgot just how insane it is."
"A truck that goes this fast, that jumps and lands it, it's a solid axle monster truck. This is more than a racing truck, this is just a truck that anybody can have fun with."
"If being up high in the air isn't enough to get your adrenaline to Heart attacking inducing levels then you could always try this crazy pool in Tanzania."
"El Toro is absolutely the best wooden roller coaster that I have ever ridden."
"Descending with a parachute into the pool provides a thrilling rush."
"I decided I wanted to become a rapper because I liked the thrill of the stage."
"We're left with real tangible and equally thrilling science."
"There's nothing like a good spook at nighttime."
"Live life on the edge of glory, ladies and gentlemen."
"Both trailers are amazing to show the fear, fun, action, and thrill of both games."
"Some of my highest highs have been from big gnarly wipeouts. There's something about it."
"I can't believe how much thrill and practicality these offer for the price."
"That high when you are a sniper in TF2 and you get that real good head shot on a scout... that's worth like 20 minutes of crap that's a human you just [ __ ] on."
"Rolling a handful of dice can be really exciting."
"65: A mix of futuristic tech, explosions, and Jurassic-sized chaos – buckle up for a wild ride!"
"The UAP topic is not a fun topic. It's fun in the way that a roller coaster is fun. So, there's some acceleration to it, but there's also terror."
"Holy [ __ ] in a scene out of a movie you pop Kirilenko mid-free fall and get thrown a parachute to land safely alongside the rest of your squad in Texas."
"Experience the thrill of property ownership."
"Like an emotional mutiny at sea, illogical but thrilling."
"He took us on a proper thrill ride. You guys ready for a good ride?"
"It definitely kept me on the edge of my seat."
"My heart was skipping a beat the whole time."
"Every good roller coaster starts with that first big drop."
"The Beast: the biggest baddest longest fastest coaster in the world."
"Roller coasters that enthusiasts absolutely drool over."
"What a rush it's only virtual when you're still in the simulator."
"This ride is a work of art, plus who doesn't love that dive off the quarry wall into that sweet tunnel?"
"It is so intense and fast, it's a speed monster!"
"It was fantastic, some of the intensity of some of those helixes."
"Compared to typical wooden roller coasters, intimate prefabs offered smoother experiences and ridiculous moments of ejector airtime."
"If you go full-throttle in a straight line in one of these things and you don't smile, you do not have a pulse."
"Whales chasing a boat to a creepy tank graveyard, these are 15 terrifying discoveries that nearly stopped divers' hearts."
"Dumpster diving: it's not about the money, it's about the thrill."
"This was heart racing, we did a lot of fun stuff."
"Ghosts, cryptids, cults, and serial killers - yes, it's true."
"This ride is such a rare ride it's a giant ride too you're probably a hundred feet off the air I've I love it."
"This one gonna make me throw up... I love rides like this!"
"I survived! Tsunamis are kinda easy, but they're fun."
"It's like walking through a fun house... always on your toes and waiting for the thrill."
"That was amazing. That is by far my favorite roller coaster that I've been on in this world so far."
"The presentation of warfare is inherently thrilling."
"What's going through your head... it's like a drug, it's a rush."
"I just feel alive when I'm in trouble... I feel alive when I'm fighting."
"It's more fun when you're risking your life."
"That was one of the scariest roller coasters I've ever rode in my life."
"Surprisingly lean and mean sequel which amplifies the bloody thrills..." - Metro Game Central
"That was the biggest roller coaster in my whole life."
"There was no experience in 2016 gaming more thrilling, fun, and heartwarming."
"VHS 94... is dripping in gore and imagination, it's a total thrill ride."
"This is one of the fastest cars I've ever driven, oh I've never been in anything this fast."
"He's flying through the air like he went skydiving."
"China's glass bridges offer a thrilling experience, suspended more than a thousand feet from the ground."
"Seeing two aircraft in formation is an exponential thrill compared to seeing a single fighter."
"I want a haunted house... we want really crazy rides."
"Man, if we just saw a silhouette fly over our heads right now. That'd be thrilling."
"I heard everyone's screaming every time I mentioned 34 kilometers an hour."
"Absolutely epic, relentless from start to finish, the forces on there, 5.2 Gs on that beast!"
"It was so fun. Honestly, like maybe one of the greatest thrills of your entire life."
"The thrill of such a moment is worth years of peacetime existence."
"I saw Sasquatch... it was the most exhilarating moment of my life."
"I loved being stopped and getting away. I ain't love getting busted."
"Expedition Everest is not only one of the most intense and popular attractions at Animal Kingdom but also at Walt Disney World."
"We're basically a bullet with rockets attached to us."
"It's been an absolutely ridiculous survive the hunt so far."
"It's hard not to appreciate the entertainment of a good chase."
"It is like the closest thing you can get to driving a video game in real life."
"I've never had so much adrenaline reading a book, uh, ever."
"The tension builds as you ascend 90 degrees up the 141 foot tall lift Hill."
"It's just so well balanced, like you're turning through an intersection sliding sideways comfortably, and everybody's freaking out around you, but you're in total control."
"Nothing scares me, nothing excites me, I find this really exciting."
"Pure joy, but these are actually thrillers borderline monster horror films."
"The thing that appealed to me the most... it just feels like you're flying."
"There's something so badass about ripping up this much smoke, driving your car sideways, flying down the road."
"I find it exciting. I don't find it scary at all."
"700 plus horsepower, in a 4300-pound car with a stick, it just explodes."
"This psychotic murderer is using a fake message to lure people into the building so that he can hunt them down for fun."
"Holy shoot, I see a three hundred dollar line hit, a hundred and fifty dollar line hit, what a thirty dollar... it's all in there, you guys."
"What saves the best is the action is the juice."
"It's always great to see that 205-foot-tall top hat again, an absolutely awesome ride!"
"Fantastic ride that is by far my favorite roller coaster here at this park."
"The fun part is when you actually step past the point of no return. When you go all the way into the river, all the way into the glory, all the way into the power, that's when the fun begins."
"Ride a motorcycle up onto the roof and use a flame-throwing shotgun like that's I'm into that."
"Cody did that for the love of the [__] sport, for the thrill of the hunt."
"Just when I thought it was one big doodoo, it turned out to be quite thrilling."
"This car is gonna get you in a lot of trouble real quick."
"I just step on the gas one time, you guys see this?"
"Graffiti was something that... it was scary, it was fun, the adrenaline." - Mohawk Matt
"The sky cycle towers 590 feet over the city and the only thing protecting you from a long and nasty fall is a little tiny seat belt."
"These bitches want to do sneaky shit cause it gives them an adrenaline rush."
"What's better than cars going fast? Easy, lots of cars going fast."
"This is the best chase I've ever seen. Thank you, you're the best."
"Nothing beats cruising around in a 700 horsepower supercharged truck with the windows down feeling the wind in your hair."
"I haven't felt this much literal anxiety but also at the same time thrill over something in a very long time."
"Sharing the pilot's view from the cockpit is a thrill for many on board."
"Real-world motorsport is a thrilling experience."
"The cries died out as then I heard Sonic's laugh... 'You're a lot of fun to play with, kid. Just like your friend Kyle, even if he didn't last long.'"
"When you're already rolling and you punch it full throttle it snaps your neck back."
"Space is hard, space is dangerous, space is exciting."
"It's like jumping out of an airplane tandem. You can either scream your head off or enjoy the experience knowing that you're with someone who will help you through it."
"F-Zero games have always had this feeling of exhilaration which is ramped up due to the game's very well designed visuals."
"This bike is an absolute riot to ride around."
"Oh my gosh, that was incredible. I'm so glad that I did it. Honestly, my heart is still pounding. It was really fun. It was just a moment where you have to push yourself off and you look straight down onto the boardwalk."
"Nothing can equal the thrill of a mystery and the adrenaline rush of fear."
"The whole ride experience is immensely thrilling and horror movie buffs will get a kick out of it."
"We can push things to the edge and beyond, we can be scary, and we can freak you out, and that's really fun."
"Pushing limits: the thrill of maximizing performance within constraints."
"I just want to floor this thing and I want to hear that 6.2-liter engine roar."
"My brain is like your brain immediately tells you this is wrong, but then you do it and you kind of get like a rush when you eat it, you know?"
"You come into the break run on that just like... oh."
"Jumping off of the air is really fun, we call that coyote jumping."
"Nothing better than driving a GT car around the mountain."
"Killing someone without anyone around ever knowing about it will never not feel cool."
"I felt this tingling feeling between the thrill and satisfaction."
"It was exhilarating, absolutely exhilarating." - Pat McAfee
"That was just super cool, I really love the drop."
"By far my favorite part of flying is the takeoff, you go hurtling down the runway at over 100 miles an hour, suddenly your body is pressed into the seat as well."
"Let's not take him to no scary [ __ ]! What about those panic rooms?"
"It's all the way up, brace yourself, oh it's up."
"If I'm the most scared that I've ever been and I'm still having fun, you've got a winner there, you really do."
"Nothing makes you feel alive like knowing you might die."
"Holy crap dude this stuff they gave me $1,000 to take one pill and it rules so much."
"Landing at night, bad weather, off a carrier, there aren't any thrill rides in the world like that."
"Driving off-road fast is a whole new level now."
"I just did 70 miles an hour, zero to 70 in like a few seconds in a tank."
"It swings, you can rest, you can look out the top window, it's so much fun."
"It's a rush, I gotta admit, it's an adrenaline rush."
"It's a whole lot more fun when you got to make a play like that to win the game and just steal somebody's soul."
"There's a definite thrill there, a personal feeling that you get when you see something that nobody else has seen or touched for a few hundred years."
"When the camera's rolling, I like the danger in it. The heart pounds, it defies logic. It's thrilling to me."
"Driving a slide at 200 miles an hour lap after lap is just a ton of fun."
"The only thing that excites me is going fast, really fast."
"It'll be the adventure of a lifetime."
"Man, we give you guys the best adventures, literally sneaking into abandoned resorts in different countries, different islands."
"...I'm absolutely thrilled that I did it."
"Being able to keep up with the slope of the mountain as I'm going down, being just above the tree lines, is such an exhilarating feeling."
"What a thrill, it's fantastic, and this is just the beginning of it."
"It's a proper roller coaster, right, and I'm so pleased that we've done it."
"It's more of a thrill than it is anything else... the overall experience is incredibly rewarding."
"One pull out on the highway in a Jeep like this, your adrenaline keeps going for three or four days. It never gets old."
"It's the thrill of the win, it's like gambling in a way."
"People like the thrill of the unknown. They want to chase after a dream, even when that dream can be a nightmare to others."
"It's just a car that rewards you the harder you push."
"Everyone is entitled to one good scare."
"The experience was horrifying, nightmare-inducing, and yet I couldn't pretend the exhilaration I had felt wasn't greater than anything I had experienced in my day-to-day life."
"No matter how much you try to imagine what this is like, it's just so incredibly thrilling right down to your toes."
"When you put yourself in danger and you go through it, you come out the other side feeling way more alive."
"I love the adrenaline you get from the photo taken."
"I enjoy it. I get a rush out of it."
"The adrenaline you get from riding a motorcycle is like the most in control of your life you feel."
"It's like a roller coaster but you're not sitting, it's like you're on a motorcycle almost."
"The thrill of the surf just isn't enough."
"It's always nice to feel some sort of actual sense of danger when watching a show like this."
"Mostly it's just fun to blow stuff up."
"What we actually got from the one shot was a thrilling opening to a brand new arc set at the furthest point in bleach's timeline to date."
"It was just super sketchy, but the run was good."
"I think scary movies are fun. I think they're a thrill. I think they are like a roller coaster."
"this is an incredibly fast incredibly thrilling car"
"There's some romance in a hunt like this, getting back in there deep. I mean, that's getting on top of a mule. I want to kill a bear back there."
"Scary movies are fun, I think they're a thrill, I think they are like a roller coaster."
"It's wild how it's come full circle, but it's absolutely thrilling."