
Unique Experience Quotes

There are 804 quotes

"It's a heart-pounding experience you've never experienced before."
"It looks so beautiful. I've never seen anything like it before in my life."
"If I want to watch bad basketball, I'll go watch the YMCA or LA Fitness, but whenever March Madness happens, there's nothing like it on planet earth."
"Pacific Drive is a unique, one-of-a-kind experience you absolutely should get; it is worth checking out for sure."
"Eating dinner with the dead is the order of the day in this surprisingly uncreepy establishment."
"Some hotels are far from ordinary; they go beyond the traditional concept of a place to stay and offer guests a truly unique and unforgettable experience."
"Magic Mountain Hotel... is a captivating blend of nature conservation and pure unadulterated fantasy."
"Giraffe Manor... offers a truly unforgettable experience where guests can intimately interact with majestic giraffes."
"Seeing this warm bright glow behind him, it was a feeling I don't think I'll ever experience again, not entirely the way I felt it that first time."
"It was a moment in time, lightning in a bottle, and it couldn't be recaptured."
"Without the worry of scanning the horizon for other unknown players, we believe that Safer Seas will lend itself a completely unique feel."
"She fed me while dressed as an elven warrior."
"I love, love, love, love, love the live shows. It's such a different vibe."
"With Everywhere at the End of Time, James Leyland Kirby shattered the typical boundaries of the auditory medium and delivered an experience like no other."
"This is where it gets very surreal then, driving with the two Devos together."
"Winning the Super Bowl, you get kind of a little addicted to it. That experience is like none other."
"I've never been on a ride quite like it in the world."
"I think everyone should see it at least once... it's weird."
"It's a really really special moment in time that we're living through right now."
"A singular cinematic experience to say the least. Every once in a while you see a movie that's so startlingly original you can't even tell the story."
"Opaque Restaurant: Dining in the dark, relying on other senses for a stimulating experience."
"The Adidas X Speedflow Plus, a football boot that offers easily one of the most unique football boot experiences that I've ever had."
"This mod list of several hundred mods all kind of geared towards one specific and curated experience created something completely different than I've ever had before."
"It's satisfying in a way I'm not used to games being."
"The point I knew I'd become addicted to Cruelty Squad was when I realized that I was fishing in a sewer."
"Petscop gave me a feeling I haven't had in probably five years."
"That was, by far, the most rewarding melon experience I've ever had in my life."
"The album feels like an intense acid trip, weird and captivating."
"At the end of the day I personally consider Catherine to be a lightning in a bottle type of experience."
"It took me a long time to find the words to describe this experience. There's nothing else quite like it."
"It's just like a break from the world, you get like this total relaxation experience that's just like nothing else, especially like nothing else is this price point."
"Welcome to Baldur's Gate, an RPG like this with such Epic Proportions only Grace does once every century."
"Overall, we had a phenomenal time on Princess, and it was a very different but enjoyable experience."
"Choose Disney Resort dining over most of the restaurant offerings inside the parks. Unique dining experiences await!"
"The only time I've ever had imposter syndrome was the Pokemon stuff because I just did that like no man it would mean Lord I did but like what is this."
"Walking into Disneyland town square, there's nothing like it."
"We literally had chat perform surgery. Literally, if you missed it, you missed it."
"God will give you a high that no one else can give you."
"Outbreak is a totally different spin on the typical formula."
"This felt like this is very different than anything I've played before."
"Stalker is an experience, not a game, not a narrative, but an honest to god experience."
"A game that puts you into the shoes of Bucky's imaginary friend."
"Fighting at MSG is something... that's pretty damn cool."
"The nike zumax invincible flyknit is the softest underfoot cushion I've ever felt... it really feels like nothing else I've ever worn."
"That was the sickest thing I've ever Catholic. If anybody's going to remember something, it's a lot of moments, but that's going to be my number one."
"It's very rare that a game sees an inversion of this scenario... where almost all of it is terrible but the gameplay side of things is awesome."
"Asheron's Call truly was a one-of-a-kind experience." - Unknown speaker
"The feeling you get from doing it is unparalleled to anything else on this Earth."
"It's like driving a Volvo through the Grand Canyon."
"It's really weird right off the bat... this is such a strange, beautiful, even sometimes kind of emotional game."
"This is one of the most unique reading experiences I have ever had."
"Nobody could have done a job like that. Most people have never seen anything like it."
"For us to even consider this kind of experience, it had to be unique and done in a way only Black Ops could do."
"We've got Michael Barker listening in his Arctic driving for Royal Mail."
"There's nothing like it. It's as close to a college atmosphere as you're gonna find."
"The experienced suction cup. The one heart. This is the most satisfying thing we've seen today."
"Very weird but it's good... it's a yellow Lappy Taffy... this is heat."
"It was right up there, I've truly never been involved with something like this at this level."
"This is a really unique and lavish take on a hotel and a rental experience."
"I've never had that wide a panel of tests done on my voice at once, and I think this is going to be an amazing experience."
"We wanted to do something that was completely different, it's a unique exclusive experience that you can't get everywhere else."
"Players are going to be shocked at just how familiar yet different this game feels."
"The exhilarating Spin Dizzy experience is like no other you've ever known."
"I've never seen a sunset quite like that before in my life."
"It was such a unique and amazing and beautiful experience."
"I really liked the way it felt different from The Force Awakens."
"Canvas Curse's presentation cannot be beat, and to do it full justice, let me talk about its finale."
"I thought this was a strange and interesting experience."
"The ashtray maze isn't just notable because it rocks a [__] and soundtrack."
"It's so interesting because this is straight up a level of human feeling and connection that not many people throughout the history of humanity have ever gotten to experience."
"It adds another element of experiencing the work of art that movies, paintings, any other medium doesn't yet."
"All in all, The Last of Us Part Two is one of my most unique gaming experiences ever."
"Delivering a World War two experience that no one's ever seen before."
"One man will get to experience that once-in-a-lifetime thrill."
"Nobody can completely explain his experience."
"It truly was a once-in-a-lifetime experience."
"It's a feeling that you just cannot replicate in any other medium."
"It's definitely an appealing package, a unique experience that you're not going to get anyplace else."
"I've never experienced something like that before. I can see over here that it's an order for a Mecca free total protection renewal."
"That was horrible cinematic brilliance and I cannot wait to watch."
"We want the children, we want the parents to have an experience within GooGoo Colors or within ZZ Kids TV that they won't experience elsewhere on the platform."
"The acceleration was in excess of that of a shooting star. I have never seen such a phenomenon before."
"walking into our shop is like visiting a time capsule"
"Yeah, that was so dope you could see your friends as stormtroopers, it was surreal."
"It's like lightning in a bottle. One of my favorite quotes of yours."
"I purchased a ticket for Anime Expo; all I wanted to experience from this anime expo trip was the part unrelated to anime."
"I teared knowing that was an experience I wouldn't have again. I'm glad it happened."
"It is the perfect encapsulation of the B-movie experience in video game form."
"Encountering an albino raccoon is a once in a lifetime experience."
"I don't ever see myself seeing something as good as Coco."
"It was amazing. I wish everybody could have had my view."
"Honestly it was ironically a breath of fresh air for me."
"How many people get an apology from their boss live on air? You're welcome."
"I fasted yesterday some hungry [ __ ] so is delicious empty stomach hot sauce situation some real chemistry going on there huh"
"I've never seen anything move like that in my life."
"I'm not gonna lie, this almost feels like you're looking at a scrying mirror."
"This week was such a unique experience for a multitude of reasons and I can walk away from it saying that I'm really happy with the way that things turned out."
"D&D in a castle... It's going to be absolutely insane."
"I've loved Game of Thrones, it's a show like no other."
"I really enjoyed it and thought it definitely took you on a new unique journey in the Star Wars universe."
"It was magical, it was special, it was unique, it was an event."
"Racing in the darkness creates something magical."
"A chance to explore the wizarding world in a different and unique way, a chance to expand the lore."
"Here, you come and you feel, and you deliver properly. It's meditation station."
"It's an amazing feeling... imperfections give it a character unlike anything else I've ever driven."
"Have you ever wanted to live your very own life away from life? Well, that is in essence what Mabinogi allows for."
"No single Metro game is going to play exactly like another."
"The parade is only around this time of year so you get to see Santa Mickey Plus lots of characters decked out in holiday outfits."
"It feels like that moment in Spaceballs, but like, it's so cool."
"I really had a lot of fun with this. I think that it was a truly unique take on the Saints Row."
"The single greatest GameCube Gambit stop to date."
"It was something different to anything I'd ever seen. There was something romantic about it."
"Never in my life have I seen an ending like this."
"The immense effort that they would have to put into not being spoiled for the super secret pirate patch where the big secret is half the fun actually made the entire event and experience even more fun and even more rewarding and even more special."
"This is a unique once in a lifetime opportunity."
"The forest is a very unique experience and a good one."
"That first day experience of just setting it up and plugging it in for the first time, that's it because you only get to do that once."
"For starters, i is a genuinely unique experience and not only all the stuff I've mentioned before but also how every part of this game can be played in full-blown co-op."
"Shadow of the Colossus remains a timeless experience... often replicated but never bested."
"It really is kind of a magic trick of a movie."
"Space 220 is an intergalactic signature restaurant where you get to dine in the Centauri Space Station and honestly, that's the best part about the whole experience."
"Coming to China and visiting it, it's a Once in a Lifetime experience."
"Now I think it should be clear to you guys that you are in for an experience with art direction like nothing you've ever seen."
"The weather is nothing like you've ever seen before."
"You just can't get that Nintendo experience, especially portably, on any other machine."
"Experience the world's first Frozen-themed theatrical dining."
"It's been hands down the most unique and interesting car ownership experience I've ever had."
"I think it's pretty unique but at the same time I didn't feel a damn thing."
"What am I going to get out of it? So if I'm a fan of this game and I want to hang out with you while you're playing for 17 minutes, what is that thing that's gonna happen that makes this a unique experience for me?"
"In conclusion, Death Stranding: a strange game indeed, a novel experience, and definitely worth checking out if you liked Hideo Kojima's earlier games."
"It was just so fantastic like something you never saw before in your life."
"You will feel hope the more you invest into delayed gratification activities."
"I saw something like that at the front of this hotel... it really didn't feel like I step back in time a little bit."
"This is a super super special RV tour because you will never see this anywhere other than where this guy is."
"The mclaren f1 being able to review jay leno's car is pretty special."
"It still manages to be an experience of unusual quality."
"Look at this gigantic Cathedral tank, it's the coolest goddamn thing I've ever seen in my entire life."
"To visit a place where nobody had gone before."
"Well, you just spent a bunch of time watching tree people kill a glowing rock. I hope this experience enriches and enlightens the rest of your day."
"Oh, my God! The Venom crystallizing in my mustache, that's so metal!"
"Big screen is a super unique and awesome social experience where you can create your own room and hang out with friends."
"There's something about stand up that's like... there's a feeling up there that you get nowhere else."
"Yes we all love destruction and I think it's something that is truly unique for battlefield."
"The seabreacher allows you to live your dreams of being in the body of some of the ocean's fastest animals."
"You have to go to Costco once; it's an experience in life. If you never go back, you gotta see that [__] place once."
"It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience that combines luxury, thrill, and the love of the game into one incredible moment in sporting history."
"That smile, I've never seen anything like it."
"Star Wars is the hero's journey, an adventure film like no other."
"You create an authenticity of event that is unparalleled."
"It's a rewarding, memorable experience ones you won't find elsewhere."
"Even though prices are high... it's unlike anything I've seen in my career."
"It's been an unforgettable night in a lot of ways."
"It's honestly so wild I cannot recommend it enough."
"Far Cry Primal is a masterpiece, one that scratches that ultimate itch for Bonk."
"I feel good. I feel really different than any other competition that I've done before."
"There is no one in the United States of America with the experience about the Manhattan District Attorney's Office like Karen Freedan."
"From Palestine to the Charlotte Motor Speedway."
"As you go through the inter-dimensional space that the Cosmo Hopper always travels through, all of you lose time for a moment except for you."
"I felt egg giddiness I've never experienced before in a video game movie Yeti."
"It gives you a real sense of depth and dimension that I've never experienced before."
"There's an indescribably serene urban flow to the overall feel of Shadow of the Colossus that only Team Ico have ever managed to deliver."
"It captured my imagination and interest. I was like, that is truly something I have not seen before."
"The atmosphere inside that stadium was something like I've never experienced."
"Rare opportunity right now to see villagers up close."
"This attraction was exactly what it sounds like, a thrill ride shaped like an enormous bell."
"Trinidad carnival... you're really experiencing something that very few places in the world can organize."
"This is not like any other breakup ever, not even."
"These cars are so damn awesome. They're so special. We're never ever gonna experience these cars again."
"You just had to be alive and old enough at this point to be part of this cultural phenomenon that can't ever be replicated."
"He's got Mario Andretti driving in a formula for one, a two-seater."
"Look, I love a good rivalry, but this rivalry you have never seen anything quite like it."
"An experience to share and remember for a lifetime, there's nothing like it on the planet."
"It was such a spectacle, the likes of which I've never seen around wrestling."
"Your story's extraordinary. It's not normal on the planet right now. People that were born when you were born, I think you're the most inspiring person on the planet right now."
"What a unique looking fish. We're with Brian today. Probably in the morning for a little bit if you guys want to come out here and see some of this fishing that we've been doing."
"Visiting Abbey Road is a unique experience unlike any other."
"My first time to ride in a helicopter I was unconscious for it. I don't even remember it. That just stinks."
"One of the most unique playing experiences I've had this year."
"Artorius was a fight that was interesting and unique."
"Just play this game and enjoy it, it's a super unique experience and story."
"And oh my god this is a funky little affair."
"I feel a way that I have never felt before this is a very unique Sensation that I'm experiencing right now it's a good feeling it's a really good feeling."
"This is one of the weirdest tests I've ever provided commentary for in Boca Chica."
"I have never seen a video like this where you're really invited to intentionally reflect on your school life."
"Appreciating a film like this is a rewarding experience like no other."
"You know, all the drama is football drama. It ain't just like drama drama, you don't understand 'cause I ain't really in the drama drum. But football drama? Oh yeah, like it. Oh man, okay, yes sir."
"I threw it and my mind was like instantly blown like i obviously we're all fully aware of that this is not a disc you need in every round or on every course or ever kind of but uh it is so fun to throw."
"It's not every day you get a ride with Bob Gurr."
"Endurance races in Gran Turismo offer a unique experience."
"I think we're gonna have a really unique one-of-a-kind experience through the Alola region."
"It's like nice but it's weird, you know it's 5,000 rpm real for real, that's nuts."
"This is no normal day, this is leave this to the professional drunk bar mechanical bull riders."
"Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a once-in-a-lifetime game. It's the best written Mario title ever created."
"Sharing it with you guys, it's gonna be a pleasure and a once in a lifetime experience."
"It's a totally out-there experience, but still has me fascinated every time I see it."
"Chilling outside and all Frosty and cool on an iceberg the size of an Olympic pool."
"I've never seen anything in my viewfinder like that in my life."
"I felt so special because there was a stamp of the coin or something and I was like, 'Oh my god I've never got in a package with the stamp with the queen on it, so royal.'"