
Business Development Quotes

There are 586 quotes

"Passive income is something you achieve after you ruthlessly work hard and dedicate your life to a business for like two years first."
"India is an important country for our business, and we're very excited about the opportunities here."
"Four months ago, I bought this abandoned auto repair shop and moved the family from Utah to Colorado."
"It's easier to grow massively than it is to grow slowly. It's easier to be successful than it is unsuccessful."
"Franchising... would bring stability to our staff, increase revenue for our players, and honestly make the ecosystem better."
"Setting up our email marketing is part of developing our backend."
"Positioning yourself as the go-to person for something and driving all of your marketing focusing on that thing is going to get those leads coming in the door."
"We're building this organically, small steps in small increments, constantly winning."
"We're not just creating content; we're building businesses."
"I love where you're going with your business since the last time you and I spoke."
"I raised a million dollars from 22 different investors."
"Leverage your success by getting testimonials from satisfied clients."
"Not only is it costing you business, not only is it costing you profit, it's hurting everybody in your company if you yourself don't figure out the proper way of self-promoting."
"Sheila Johnson has built a reputation on making bold investments that tap into her personal beliefs and passions while building businesses."
"I think we're past that. I think that's in the past. We learned a lot certainly we took a lot of notes."
"This Pizzeria is coming together very nicely!"
"The beginning phase is not having a perfect plan. The beginning phase is just building some momentum."
"Moving from free to starting to get paid, and then to higher ticket paid, really is just how much access they get to you."
"This is going to be huge and we just need your support right now in the beginning and we appreciate it."
"It's a way of saying, we will build your brand."
"The birthing of new systems, business, and enterprise in 2021 will be big."
"I am creating my own business and if I eventually want to sell my properties... I get to sell not only my tangible real estate but also my contracts."
"It's a few millions to get going and then a few tens of millions once the virtuous cycle begins."
"He was about building up the Trump name and then selling it and leasing it in as many different ways as possible."
"This is an industry that is growing at an extreme pace."
"Price changes, but what doesn't change for me is that I'm always bullish. I'm always building. This is just my approach."
"The next thing that I've been working on is a retail space opening."
"You've got to think long term in building your business and your funnels."
"He's not just a visionary with visions" - Jeff Bezos's meticulous approach to building Amazon.
"Our goal with this showing company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually execute on your dreams."
"Rey looks around the May Cafe set up knowing that they have created a high standard experience but he has a mischievous look when he gets an idea on how they can push it one step further."
"The real American dream is the ability to build a business."
"We have done it by having 250 investors... who participated in four consecutive capital raises."
"What makes this new business interesting is that both Partners Warner Brothers and Discovery had their own streaming services before the merger HBO Max and Discovery Plus."
"A business analyst is a multi-tasker responsible for generating ideas, developing them, and then implementing them to reach their goals."
"It started within a niche within a niche so exactly exactly it's really dope to see that."
"Stop looking at what everybody else is doing... ask yourself two years from now when you think about where you want your company to be, what habit do you have to change right now?"
"You can increase the amount of value you can put out."
"Building my own business: all the benefit accrues to you."
"Maybe you'll want to take your business in a new direction or maybe you'll want to start a completely different business."
"This is another cool thing we're trying to focus on."
"The upside potential in terms of what they're building is ridiculous."
"Do the work, go through the process, build your business."
"Now you're getting it, getting that marketing team working, eh?"
"Once you can separate these two things, now you have the ability to build a real business."
"We have simplified this process literally to unhandcuff entrepreneurs and salespeople."
"It's tremendous for these two companies to be on the same journey at the same time."
"I'm more of a creator first, building a business around that."
"Once you have the pitch, it's time to chase that cash."
"I think Gordon's helped to put the hotel on the map."
"Nobody can stop you from making an LLC, no gustap. You're doing, starting a business. No one can stop your intelligence, no one can stop you from learning."
"But for a lot of us that want to start small, little companies, if you find a small idea and you test your idea, you can start a company basically on fumes."
"Recent financial support and new measures from both the U.S. government and the EU have contributed a lot to boosting various perovskite cell enterprises and helped them evolve past their pilot phases."
"Ideas by itself have little value, you know everybody has different ideas but the real value of that is being able to execute."
"The most important skill for a young entrepreneur: Sales and marketing."
"We made some serious progress in helping take this great idea from the heart and turning it into a real business with a heartbeat."
"The full moon in your 11th house brings results from business collaborations, wider outreach to clients, and positive developments in friendships."
"Grants, they're out there and if you want to play a major part in developing a product or helping your business or just helping the community, grants are a fabulous place to get money to accomplish your dreams."
"Helping sales professionals find, connect, and engage with prospects."
"Quit relying on cold calling, get off your tush, and start making content and making connections."
"One of my buddies, I launched another company that sells supplements and the CEO of that company, it's hilarious."
"It's not only important to create a successful business because we have another balcony but to create a more sustainable future for him and future Generations."
"Building a great company is less about revolution... it's much more about evolution."
"By moving our capital to Torino, it will move our primary trade location and trade port."
"What gets you to start a business is very different from what gets you to carry on in the later stages."
"Outdo yourself every single day, make your company a better version of itself today than it was yesterday."
"Sometimes they'll integrate you into their existing product and so you'll just roll your accounts into their existing application."
"Something that just appears inevitable is often the answer to building something."
"Nobody's building a million-dollar business on some trick or shortcut."
"It's about growing the team with people that like what they're doing."
"If you can master marketing locally, you're going to be able to do marketing globally."
"There's potential here for growth and expansion."
"If this person's trying to get their own business off the ground, they're trying to do it all or you are."
"PayPal just confirmed they are incorporating ether. Freaking awesome!"
"If you want to make more money, you can build more business and do a lot more things."
"Starlink opens the possibilities for new businesses to go into places that probably were never considered before."
"You're gonna have to organize and develop a business."
"The best way you learn how to build a business is by trying to build a business."
"The best way to get new clients is from your old clients."
"My only goal here is honestly to help you get your business going from the ground up."
"Coinbase is on their train, on their way there, chugging along to become a full-fledged digital cryptocurrency bank."
"This is a business leadership personal development type channel, so if you're looking for like really super entertaining stuff, this isn't for you."
"We're excited about the future of what we're doing, what we're building and where we're going from here."
"According to the Austin Business Journal, an LLC called Horse Ranch LLC just purchased at least 300 acres on the other side of the Colorado River from the Tesla Austin Gigafactory site."
"You have the potential to outsource over the next coming weeks."
"Reaching out to potential clients means putting yourself out there."
"Capital is the fuel that drives entrepreneurship and business."
"Now is the time to lean in. It's the time to build, it's the time to buy something, it's the time to partner with somebody to buy something."
"Create hard content sell the solution later."
"We have an interest in acquiring development knowledge and management expertise." - Jim Ryan
"The details matter... every single entrepreneur's individual journey is comprised of a million little decisions that all individually contribute something." - Thomas Frank
"The world of business is constantly changing and developing. To have a healthy living business, it is essential to grow and evolve."
"They don't want Black people to compete economically... so we can actually build strong businesses and institutions."
"Focus on one thing and build that thing out, build the infrastructure, build the employees, build the systems."
"My ultimate goal is to employ hundreds of people to take care of thousands of animals."
"How ChatGPT is more than just a model for chatting to an AI and how it can be used to solve problems as well as create business opportunities."
"Without patents, business innovation can run smoothly."
"This is a very new and very exciting frontier for us."
"Tesla is still in the early innings of their growth story."
"Apple opened direct retail stores in New Delhi and Mumbai."
"We're going to look for all of them: new workers, new policies, new maps, new unique factories."
"Build your business in a step-by-step manner to make sure you're taking advantage of every precious hour you have."
"You'd need a really spectacular idea to convince me that they could launch another franchise."
"How would it change your life or business in a really meaningful way?"
"This is the best time not only to look at the real estate and hotels but also to look at mini factories, to look at fisheries, and invest in a number of areas."
"My goal now is to invest my money and my time to help grow market briefs into something a whole lot bigger than just me."
"She helped me so much in just making my business more legit."
"If you're super confident, grow slowly and organically."
"Customer service is what truly builds your business."
"Whether you are starting a new business or growing one, if you want it to be successful, you need the most talented people on your team."
"Big things start small. The biggest oak starts from an acorn. You've got to be willing to let that acorn grow into a little sapling, and then maybe one day, it'll be a big business on its own."
"New business opportunity to develop. Growth."
"It's been a crazy year of growth, not even just a year like during the pandemic we grew an immense amount."
"Competition is good, it allows for new innovation, more innovation, bigger developments, better developments."
"So I think the happiest moment, especially while I'm building the product, is when our customer tells us or tells me that, Oh, I am writing my new business plan with Typed."
"One of the biggest investment firms in the world, Apollo, has just announced an investment in Wejo. Microsoft has just extended their partnership with Wejo. And GM is constantly working with Wejo."
"We're going there to connect with the motherland, to heal, to establish business, to hire locals, to integrate with the people."
"Make money first, then you will start being able to look into these things."
"It's exciting man, and we're really working on a lot of cool stuff to take advantage of the situation that Mixer's in right now."
"You get lost unless you're able to build... this little client base."
"Imagine there's a place that gave you all this: the problems to solve, the blueprints to solve them, and the strategies that turn simple ideas into million-dollar businesses."
"Bear markets are good for building and talking about the fundamental stuff."
"We are excited to announce a new EV plant plan in the United States soon." - Hyundai's plan to build an EV manufacturing plant in the US.
"You truly have to be consistent in working on your shop, always thinking of the next thing you can do to level it up, to build it out more, to make your listings better."
"Building a store idea is going to start branching off of what we just talked about here."
"We haven't been able to pass offices, but I'm proud when I walk into my spot and I got different buildings and then I go into your spot. Yeah, we gotta build it, right? We got our own companies."
"I think it's a good chance probably 70-80% chance that they'll show something by the end of this year."
"I started announcing it out loud. If you do a great job, I will sell you that restaurant. I'll make you a franchisee. I will help you become successful."
"Ripple's B2B strategy is helping people build new business."
"The upgrade is happening. We've finally landed this deal."
"Different segments of Tesla's business are in different stages of growth."
"For now, it is rough but very, very promising."
"Updates like this are an incredibly good sign."
"Unfortunately, the way that it's grown and developed, it took on a lot of the characteristics of a Ponzi scheme."
"Being a voracious reader helped me build a billion-dollar brand."
"You are selling the fact that you have the business that achieves the result of that work."
"You're transitioning into becoming a business owner at this point."
"As soon as I had that realization was when I got on a fast track to growing and scaling."
"You have to feed your business until your business feeds you."
"There is a version of yourself and your business that you haven't met yet."
"This is a lesson on how to take a company from basically a couple thousand dollars in profit to millions."
"Microsoft offers access to resources that will make us a better publisher and developer." - Pete Hines
"Rather than just copying, innovate and cross-niche."
"They succeed because of the entrepreneurial spirit and not being afraid to succeed."
"Facebook ads is actually one of the only platforms that you need to learn in the early stages."
"A brand new day has dawned for Native Instruments."
"You know, you can't really develop a strategy without understanding what the goals are."
"Our growth has not been linear; our growth is often exponential."
"We're starting to get some traction on that but things are feeling good."
"You're going to say 'I'm going to build my own empire'."
"After Shark Tank is where the real work begins."
"Well, in the beginning we try to contract those things out, but at Tesla and SpaceX, we start with most things contracted out."
"We're gonna go from concept to cash and everything in between in this program."
"I decree and declare it is a new day dawning for my life, my business ventures, my community."
"Frank might not have expected to have come this far in their business."
"Lead generation is one skill that is at a very high premium."
"You guys have seen the evolution of me the evolution of my company the evolution of my rig which is kind of an extension of my mentality it's me it's it's who I want it's my business card on wheels."
"Validating their business idea can shave years off their entrepreneurial journey."
"We're trying to make this a business with decent paying jobs they can come to work and have a good job."
"I think you need self-awareness to build your business."
"It's dangerous because people don't realize they need to build a business, not a perception that they're good at business."
"You could take your API idea from a simple form of passive income to a full-blown startup."
"You're gonna have to employ these other sort of sales strategies."
"Your rate of growth is unlike anything that this industry I think has known."
"Entrepreneurs waiting for someone to tell them what to do."
"In business, you can never stop learning or growing."
"Graphic design is an essential tool for business growth and it will continue to evolve as a result of advances in technology and online mediums."
"Your business can be anything as long as you actually like the process of building up a business."
"I really believe that we're creating something truly special here."
"Are you ready to use Quora for your business... it's free, it's simple, and you can find highly targeted prospects for your business."
"You've got a fully fledged business here and it didn't take long to create."
"Once you actually figure out how much you're going to make, you can figure out who you need to reach out to, who you need to take through your sales process to actually bring in that Revenue."
"Young Americans support labor unions which puts Gen Z on track to be the most unionized generation in American history."
"We got all of our contracts hammered out, got some big-time staff upgrades, things are looking pretty good."
"For those of you that want to set up your own business or make your hobby into a career, I also see partnerships, collaborations, and sponsorships."
"We have some really exciting long-range plans, probably one and a half to two and a half years out."
"It's time to invest in your business and it's time to invest in yourself."
"Million dollar businesses aren't built from not hustling."
"Because we needed to go through all of that in order to make the next set of decisions that we were going to have to make."
"We're very close to launching the new merch store."
"Everything that you liked about this company before, everything that you hoped it was going to be, has been confirmed with this announcement."
"Instead of having a family where one person goes to start a business and everybody else sits back... every member of the family feels deeply connected."
"Money is an interesting driving factor. It's cool to try and make a business or something."
"I love being in the franchising business... being able to give a lot of people jobs."
"I just love the fact that you turned your interests into a business."
"It's really about the long play and setting ourselves up for the future."
"Our goal here is to help people innovate faster."
"Build your company, build your product, and we will help you make all of the e-commerce integration easier."
"There's something new that you're either integrating to what you're already doing on your path or creating something new like a new business or a new way of doing things."
"It's better to go after ripe markets than to try to create a brand new market."
"Started with 10,000 over 200,000 at this point."
"Everybody eats, that's how we like you know we created what we're doing."
"The whole experience of... give all this valuable feedback has been fantastic."
"I think what I realized... I just love building businesses with friends. I hated Hollywood."
"Businesses don't start and work on the first try... I'm gonna just keep trying until something sticks."
"My hope is that the next wave of great entrepreneurs will come from Africa."
"There is more activity going on with the franchise."
"The first thing you have to do if you want to be able to build a successful business is you have to be resourceful."
"this is building into a giant in this industry."
"Tata Iron and Steel Company once again applied for the mining licenses and received them."