
Schadenfreude Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"If there's one thing I know, it's that the internet loves a good train wreck."
"Beth is living her best life as bad things happen to the people around her."
"You deserve it, and I will experience great Schadenfreude."
"To witness the downfall of the popular bullies is pure schadenfreude."
"Taking pleasure in someone else's pain, that's a great rivalry."
"Watching people eat karma in real time is one of Humanity's greatest little tidbits of joy."
"We enjoy the suffering of successful people because we want to see them humanized."
"Schadenfreude is its own reward, worth losing assets to ensure the winner is taken down a peg."
"When members of the left are eaten by the left, it's quite delicious."
"We're the ones dishing out the Karma, we're the ones putting the smiles on your face when your ex's new boyfriend turns out runs out on her after knocking her up. You're welcome."
"It's a relief to me that extreme weather is also hitting rich countries."
"I'm sure you'll forgive me this little bit of schadenfreude while Elon eyes the purchase of Twitter."
"United's issues are so deep-rooted, and I love it. I absolutely love it."
"I take great Glee at the fall of these websites."
"Why would I not want that? Like the madness, it was the other way around, there's not a City fan in the country that wouldn't want Manchester United to be guilty and be in trouble."
"Every viewer watching is just hoping something will happen to give this kid a taste of his own medicine."
"Joe Biden's having a breakdown, and it's pretty glorious."
"I am so happy to see Lou Taylor being given a taste of her own medicine."
"If I had your devil nature, I would delight in the fact that your congregation has turned its back on you, that your wife has divorced you, that your own children have disowned you."
"Donald Trump's first criminal trial will start on Monday. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy."
"Change will come when the ratings are at impact levels, and when that day comes, I'll still be laughing."
"We're running out of money will somebody please give us a handout and then it doesn't happen uh and here's some good examples a buzzfeed news shut down."
"The collapse of the entitled is going to be so so beautiful."
"Hahaha, it's about time that lying bastard got his."
"We like to see powerful people brought down to our level."
"All political groups are prone to revel in the suffering of their opponents."
"People wanna see you get the [expletive] kicked out of you."
"ESPN is more fun to watch when Dallas loses."
"I personally find rejoicing over the suffering of other people to be shocking."
"The unification of the lower and middle classes against the elites, even under threat of their own potential financial loss, is perhaps a perfect example of schadenfreude."
"We often find it amusing when those even slightly more powerful than ourselves receive some sort of justice from the universe."
"Schadenfreude is a feeling of satisfaction or even joy that arises when we see someone suffer."
"Envious people tend to be unhappy, which is perhaps particularly why they find happiness in the misfortunes of others."
"People who experience the most schadenfreude over the most severe misfortunes are also the most likely to be sadists."
"I'm a human [ __ ] being uh so I'm kind of enjoying the the turmoil the upendedness of people's lives and all the [ __ ] [ __ ] that is going along with this."
"There is some sadistic enjoyment to be had from this."
"There's something about a grown man having a temper tantrum about the consequences of his own actions that is very satisfying to watch."
"And there's just something really satisfying about seeing rich people get taken down."
"I love the fact that the entitlement got evicted and quite frankly I believe got what she deserved."
"This is a great example of schadenfreude, justice, and fairness."
"Don't gain pleasure from someone else's downfall."
"Having a good laugh at these horrible people getting some well-deserved comeuppance."
"Apparently the right is tearing itself apart and it's actually glorious."
"Sometimes it's also fun to see douchebags fail."
"Maybe you can feel a little bit better laughing at other people's misfortunes."
"Can't wait to see Wendy get arrested right after she testifies, can't wait to see her arrogant smile wiped from her face."
"We love watching these calamities play out. Internet culture may be even worse than reality TV—it's a Non-Stop 24/7 window into the lives of other people and their every fault and failure."
"Your misery is like going to the movies for us."
"We love to watch a train wreck, we love to watch somebody burn their life down and eat popcorn while they do it."
"I laugh when you lose because that's what you get when you insult the intelligence."
"Happiness is best shared with your friends. I actually think that it's better when your friends are sad and then you win, then you can rub it in their face."
"Seeing him fall from grace in some way puts a smile on your face."
"Watching the royal family crumble in front of your eyes as an Indian, that's pretty bloody cathartic."
"It's like my personal pleasure to just watch Will suffer through this."
"You single-handedly tank the value of someone's prime real estate, and that makes me happy."
"Schadenfreude consists of Schaden which means damage or harm and Freude which means joy."
"People want to see you fail when they have no control over you."
"Your walls are definitely up. You're definitely not believing what this person has to say. You're not... It kind of makes you happy to see the shoe on the other foot."
"Everyone loves when someone else is doing bad as opposed to looking at your own situation."
"Ah, karma, is there any better feeling than watching a truly terrible person get their comeuppance? The answer is no."
"Every time this man takes an L, it makes me happy."
"I've never been more satisfied to watch someone's downfall."
"I think people innately just like to see other people suffer."
"Your misfortune is our entertainment."
"there is a society of schadenfreude now where we want people to do badly if they're doing well we want me to do bad or which I've never understood really I've never understood jealousy that of someone that it doesn't affect you in the slight"
"It's driven by a society where seeing someone else's downfall makes some people feel better about their own shitty lives."
"I'm glad I'm here because your seething rage at watching this movie was my only entertainment."
"It's because we love seeing, you know, vainglorious people brought low. Like, that's just part of the human condition."
"The best thing about those scooters is when they fall off. I've laughed at a lot of comedy in my time, but I don't think I've laughed quite as hard as when I see a scooter guy eat [ __ ]."
"Nothing makes me as happy as when the woke eat their own."
"You know what, baby? It's been a brutal six months, so I'm gonna mainline some schadenfreude."
"Sometimes I'll look for bad [ __ ] that happens to people I don't like."
"There's no word for this in the English language, the like explicit joy you get in the suffering of others. It's only a German word for it."
"Nothing makes me happier than watching people whose lives revolve around college applications get rejected from schools they think they're entitled to."
"The public have always enjoyed watching other people's misfortunes none more so than when The Misfortune involved a public hanging."
"Seeing him get beat up is fantastic, man, fantastic."
"You gotta love it when you see a horrible human being completely screw things."
"People just love seeing people crash and burn."
"People are just as happy losing money if it makes somebody else suffer too."
"Oh, he got ripped off. Oh, I'm so happy."
"What is something that makes you the most happy? I'm so happy that my ex-wife is miserable."
"Oh my God, we take this sick joy in seeing a beautiful successful woman crumble. It's really twisted."
"I always feel joy in others' misery."
"Several people delighted in Britney's downward spiral and if anything it's proof that a lot of people who supported Stars rise to success will be just as entertained by their downfall."
"Seeing the reactions of fear in these people was priceless."
"It is very satisfying to hear someone's world of [ __ ] crashing down around them and they are finally being proven unequipped to handle adversity after projecting that they can for so long."
"Sucks, doesn't it? I mean, sucks to be you."
"They don't like to see other people happy."
"Anytime we, as Spurs fans, see Chelsea fans suffering, we do take a little bit of joy in it."
"Someone thought they really did a number on you when in reality, someone's doing an even bigger number on them."
"It really makes you believe in karma, doesn't it? When England fans trash Ikea and then our cabinet collapses."
"But what you fail to understand is that a lot of people like watching you because it's like watching a train wreck. Like, it's kind of hard to look away."
"That's why we like watching videos of them getting caught."
"I don't like watching something, but I do enjoy watching Manchester United lose."
"They wanted to see you suffer because you walked away."
"Old Troll laughed, when he heard Tom groan."
"We have some very entertaining, rather delicious shades of Schadenfreude news today."
"There's nothing better than when people make that kind of mistake and you just call them out."
"Have you ever derived pleasure when one of your siblings has gotten into trouble?"
"I'm gonna be talking about five signs someone loves your misfortune and what to do about it."
"If anything can stop people earning their weekly wage, they are delighted. Absolutely delighted."
"I love to see the teams that have given us bad losses fail."
"You always get that extra smile where a few more extra teeth show than normal when you see your ex doing bad."
"Most expensive fails ever caught on camera."
"It's just nice to hear how messed up other people's relationships are, you know? It's sort of comforting."
"It's always fun to be proven right, and it's even more fun when people you really don't like in power are forced to admit it."
"Do the math, see who will laugh when you're on top and you finally slip up."
"When you are happy over somebody else's misfortunes and somebody else's demise, you're actually telling the universe that you like when that stuff happens, so therefore it's going to happen to you."
"Now the chickens are coming home to roost. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy."
"It takes a coward to sit back, point a finger, and laugh at someone else's failures and misfortunes."
"Dinner sixty-six dollars, cocktails twenty-two dollars, picking up the check after our old boyfriend's credit card has been denied - priceless."
"I think that a lot of people don't like to admit it, but everyone loves a good train wreck."
"Tonight we will watch them attempt those tasks, revel in their successes, and take particular delight in their embarrassing failure."
"It's so nice to watch people stew in the mess they made."
"I'm not usually one to find it funny when people hurt themselves, but no matter how many times I watch grape-stomping lady, I die laughing."
"I love when they get upset about it, that is hilarious, like it is a highlight of my life."
"People love embarrassing stories when they happen to other people."
"Nothing makes me happier than when bad people screw up and expose themselves for the phonies they are."
"I enjoy the chaos, I enjoy seeing the pain and suffering because it isn't me."
"People really like to see a little bit of failure."
"One man's misery is a community's pleasure."
"It's fun to watch other people embarrass themselves on TV."
"It's also funny when it didn't happen to you."
"It doesn't matter how old you are, man, if somebody falls down it's funny."
"I love when people lose their power overnight."
"Sometimes you're the guy getting rained on, other times you're the guy watching people get rained on."
"I will also laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh."
"I think that like billionaires losing, especially hedge fund billionaires losing, is just a fun thing for me."
"You take no comfort in other people's misfortunes."
"Hot challenges are like watching cops on TV; people don't like to be pulled over, but they do like to watch people get pulled over."
"It is lovely to see on Taskmaster when people think they've nailed it and to have the rug pulled out from under them."
"Scammers getting caught red-handed is oddly satisfying."
"Hey everybody, welcome back. It is a beautiful day today, a beautiful day to laugh at some people who were being called out online."
"This is the most fun I've ever had with Schadenfreude."
"Well done, old chap, flying the flag for manners, decency, and taking joy in other people's misery."
"People who are envious cannot help feel some glee when they hear of bad luck of those they envy."
"Oh Lord yeah, oh him roasting cheaters is one of my favorite moments ever."
"Hey, it's good knowing that these choosing beggars are actually getting a little bit of justice against them."
"People love it when you lose, they love it."
"There's one thing that people like more than a sincerely entertaining video, and that is someone that they believe to be dumber than they are."
"I am glad for every moment that Kyle suffers."
"We like when people... it's like when you're driving in a car and you see a car accident, you know you shouldn't be looking, but you can't look away."
"Watching a breakdown... is very sad, but in other respects, couldn't happen to a nicer guy."
"Humans love to watch train wrecks."
"My simple pleasures: seeing people who were mean in high school join pyramid schemes."
"It's somehow more enjoyable to me though because it's not really at his expense."
"What's better than Jack Eichel being excited to score against the Leafs and watching them lose anyway? That's great."
"Sometimes it's more fun to watch people screw up than it is to watch them do it right."
"A lot of people are getting gratification from the downfall of others instead of actually working hard."
"Why do we celebrate the downfall of other people?"
"People love to see the elite brought down."
"They're in for the disappointment of a freaking lifetime."