
Topics Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"We're going to tackle many topics including dark vs light UI design, responsive UI design, designing components, refactoring existing designs, creating full UI designs from scratch, and much, much more."
"We have a weekly Zoom call where we talk about making money, cryptocurrency, real estate investing, all that stuff."
"I'm not scared of talking to anybody about any topic."
"Stay tuned for more interesting topics coming up."
"And through that. By the end of the conversation, We're no longer talking about a video."
"You're also being given thought-provoking topics to really start diving deep."
"If you're going to be funny, you should be funny about war and pestilence and all the heavyweight things."
"It's very positive, maybe the most positive possible topic."
"I'm free to share my opinions where the hell I want about whatever I want."
"Well hey this has been a great interview and we've gone over a bunch of great topics."
"It's all about time and when the time is right for a particular topic."
"Let us know what you think about these topics, if that's blankets or reliving a point in your life or all the stuff we said about music. Let us have it."
"We got some great guests, we got some great topics."
"We have a lot to talk about here in this show."
"There's just so much to talk about man, so much to talk about."
"But also, we have a long way to go and still have plenty of topics left to discuss."
"Deal with one topic at a time and invite employee participation."
"John Oliver doesn't know who I am, but we think about the same topics."
"Their educational repertoire includes topics as varied as the political landscape of Holy Terra to the cultural history of humanity."
"The topics that I cover are topics that have been neglected by our education system."
"Bring me your topics, what do you care about this week?"
"We're here today to talk about all kinds of stuff in the world of professional wrestling."
"Conversational warmup should center around a topic that everyone will be able to comfortably engage with."
"You can look at all sorts of different topics like PPC advertising, internet marketing, see what's trending."
It makes sense. The topics sung about on "Voodoo" extend past romance and weed.
"The age-old dating rule not to talk about religion or politics on the first date is kind of outdated."
"It's the show about the things we think about a lot and need to talk about more."
"My name is Shay and this is my channel, where I talk about entrepreneurship, girly things, and just whatever I want."
"So many women want to talk about this."
"Different schools of thought approach different topics."
"A really neat way to combine various topics together. We're now all done creating this bot, and I think this works pretty well, and it'll answer some customer questions."
"We talk about sport, women, and sex. Yes, we do talk quite a bit about sex."
"...each of these could be the subject of a video in their own right..."
"Most times, I don't even remember because we discussed so much [ __ ]."
"We've got some exciting stuff coming in the next few days, some really requested topics."
"We've got some more light-hearted topics to get into before that."
"There's lots of stuff that we haven't touched on in this video, but we will in future videos."
"I loved where she went on this, and I'm liking the fact that we're getting some different topics."
"Here are the 18 amazing topics we're going to cover in this video."
"We got another thing to talk about too."
"...let me know if you like empties and what do we want to talk about on Wednesday on Women or Wellness Wednesday..."
"There's a lot in store for us besides just these topics here. I also want to dive in and talk about working offline, adding more than one profile to Outlook, maybe customizing your view of your inbox."
"You want to continuously create relevant videos for the existing topics you cover."
"I really draw my attention and I'll touch a little religion in politics every now and then but not too regularly."
"People propose topics and then there's a vote by the whole group on which topic they want me to discuss that week."
"...speaking of interesting topics we are carrying on with unusual topics for the next few weeks."
"This video is about being Chi, this video is about food."
"So it's always we covered a lot of stuff."
"Brash, bold, and it touches on topics that writers normally shy away from."
"Remember, audience segments are people who have an interest. Topics are websites with specific topics."
"This is the first interview I've done for a while so I felt a bit rusty but it was so much fun. I'm glad we got to cover so many topics."
"Dial in on specific topics for more focused content."
"Welcome to Table Talk, where we talk about the stuff you tell us to talk about."
"...you're literally saying, 'Oh, the most basic-ass topics...'"
"We’ve covered a lot of fun topics in the last few years and we’ve got plenty more to come."
"I occasionally get asked if I expect to ever run out of topics, and the answer is a resounding 'NO'."
"Everything I wanted to talk about in this video."
"We talked travel and politics and current events and interests, you know, the general kind of banter at a dinner."
"Books on topics like history, politics, creativity, self-improvement, and more are broken up into small bite-sized chunks that make them easy to listen to."
"There's so much you can still talk about without having to know what it is or what it means."
"Make allah beloved to his servants. You want them to love the topics, to enjoy the topics."
"My niche and mostly what I talk about is anything from mental self-improvement to fitness, dating, even finances."
"Equally, if you have any ideas or specific topics you'd like to see me cover, please do let me know in the comments below."
"It's okay to sing about different things if the foundation of it is still authenticity."
"I think we talk weird, we cover everything from ufology to cryptids to conspiracies."
"This show was willing to delve into topics that many other children's cartoons even at the time wouldn't even dream of touching such as depression, separation, unrequited love and even alcoholism."
"Remember folks if you have topics you’d like to see me cover hit up the request form in the description box."
"It was a tangent it was good which is good because yeah yeah I think it's very relatable and there's a lot of different um topics that people are interested in when it comes to this stuff."
"I'm here with from five watt world and we're talking offset guitars today."
"I never make videos in hopes that, you know, 'Oh, I'm gonna get a bunch of clicks out of this.' I make videos about important topics."
"I hope I captured your interest about calendar girls, about popular music, about mariachis."
"During this interview, you're gonna hear us rip on all sorts of juicy copywriting topics."
"There's no topic I wouldn't make a joke about."
"People just seem to want to hear me talk about footy, which is weird."
"I was drunken on coke, okay? I was talking about lion fights."
"A ton of topics that we are going to learn in this video."
"I got a special guest here who going talk some [__] damn we been meaning to talk some [__]."
"We're dividing up this interview into sex, drugs, and rock and roll, but could you say this is not so much skeletons in the closet as knickers under the bed?"
"Next Weekend we’ll be touching on a topic near and dear to his heart, as we take a look at the concept of Alien Environments, from the strange to the mundane."
"I'm very excited because y'all seen what we was talking about on there, it was look sexual assault divorce prenups is going there today."
"He's like the counter alternative for topics like pedophilia stuff."
"I'm thrilled you're here. Have a great topic today and it comes from Anna P."
"It's like the number one source to get educated on freaking awesome topics that everyone needs to know about."
"Let's get into today's conversation. All right, what are we talking about today, Big Mike?"
"Thank you so much for joining me, I hope that has helped you in some way. Let me know as always which topics you would like me to cover in the comments section below, and until the next video, I'll see you all. Goodbye."
"There are two things I wanted to talk to you about," he said when the applause was over.
"That's just not something we're going to cover at this time."
"There will be other webinars on this topic."
"Some of these I have spoken about a little bit, some I haven't spoken about at all, and some are you know stuff that I used to talk about and I've kind of put them off and I'm kind of circumsicing back to them."
"Every Monday and Friday at 11 a.m Central I have new videos coming out about books, writing, and small business owner life."
"The good stuff that we're going to talk about for the rest of our section is parametric equations, the calculus of parametric equations, polar coordinates, and then the calculus of polar coordinates."
"If you're new here, welcome! I share content on financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and lifestyle."
"So today we're gonna cover this topic is here so start of lactic acidosis hyponatremia hyponatremia drug poisoning cyanide toxicity carbon monoxide toxicity metal mclubbe in a mere hypothermia."
"I'm really excited to have you here. I love these kinds of topics."
"But even in any area, it's almost like bridges it's like it's not like we run out of things to talk about."
"The topics are what the students are going to respond to."
"All the videos created here are put into playlists so if you're interested in a particular topic have a look at the playlist."
"Season two of Asian Enough explores topics like the pandemic's impact on the community, the need for allyship, the ongoing fight for inclusion in media, and so much more."
"Oh well, thank you. Please join us for part two where we discuss the cut-up method, the archons, Gnosticism, and magic in more detail."
"Patreon.com guys get all the exclusive behind-the-scenes content and we talk about making money on there, getting girls, getting in shape, real estate, everything, credit score, cryptocurrency, everything guys."
"Any of the topics that I cover anything that's I've written in my book or I've dealt with in terms of community I'd like to bring it here I like to bring the conversation here."
"The whole idea of the Warrens is that I get to talk about topics that are interesting to me but maybe can't make it into a fold down the rabbit hole."
"I wanted to write a story that something is an important topic in our daily newspaper or in our breakfast table discussion does not necessarily mean it's going to make a good play."
"That's what we do on our channel, that's what they do, we talk about the war, they talk about the gun."
"Hopefully, that gives you something to talk about."
"There's so much we could talk about here."
"We're going to get into some super interesting topics like authenticity."
"I love that because it takes the pressure off, and it's like I didn't bring it up, but here it is on the list."
"I got a lot of stuff to talk about."
"I just thought that this was going to be a good topic to start things off again, especially given the reason I was away in the first place, right?"
"...just the topics, the tough topics that they covered. Stuff that maybe idols can't talk about, you know?"
"Our pastor does not shy away from the hard topics."
"The topics that this book deals with, they deal with them very well but I feel like they deal with them in a very realistic way."
"Demystifying certain GMAT topics."
"I think it's a great topic, one that I'm very excited for."
"I like to bring them to you when I'm just really feeling passionate about the certain things I want to talk about."
"I am so excited for this because it's one of those topics that is near and dear to my heart."
"Keep the suggestions coming, we look forward to covering all the topics that you guys are wanting to hear about."
"It's a very mature approach to these topics in a way that has aged well."
"This is a topic I'm rather passionate about."
"She's a filmmaker who's willing to take on topics that others dare not touch."
"I am so excited to talk about this topic."
"Let's get started here are the topics we are going to cover in this training."
"Just having these experiences makes you an artist better informed and has more interesting topics."
"Thank you for watching, and thank you to my wonderful Patreon community for selecting this as a topic."
"The problem is that we have a collection of documents... and they have topics."
"We're going to jump right into it, these are the topics that you see in AP classroom."
"Anything else you want to talk about?"
"People are literally looking for anything to talk about."
"I'm super excited today, we're going to be touching on a couple of things."
"There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin."
"We talk about the big topics in life."
"What a great talent... all the amazing topics that he covers."
"People are not ready for that conversation yet, but I'm ready to talk about it."
"We've got some great topics in store."
"It has over 600,000 subscribers and has covered a wide range of topics from artificial intelligence to social anxiety to humans becoming a multi-planetary species."
"I've got so much to talk about now."
"These are topics that stir the imagination."
"Arthur tended to tackle more serious subjects."
"We're actually going to see several topics we've talked about come together."
"I want to reveal how complicated some of these topics really truly are."
"We discuss topics that are either really current or very evergreen."
"Scintillating topics that will make me leap out of bed in the mornings."
"The content of the midterm will be all the lectures, all the topics up through today-- hidden Markov models."
"It's important to think about the big picture topics."
"There's a lot more to talk about."
"I think metaphors make heavy topics a little bit more digestible."
"They cover a really wide range of topics and they seem to be essentially endless."
"We can organize our content with topics."
"You can randomly choose any of the topic you want."
"We will definitely cover the topics everybody wanted to share about."
"I'm super excited because this is like one of my favorite topics to talk about."
"It's a great topic to cover, and Cole handles the issue pretty sensitively and very well."
"I'm thoroughly enjoying the new topic."
"This is obviously quite a departure from our usual series of topics."
"Can we have something better to talk about than high school, please, for the love of God?"
"I want to talk about a subject that I don't think I've talked about on any of my videos before."
"It's just remarkable when you get into these topics."
"We're never on topic, we're always talking about life or something, which is what I like to talk about."
"Endless stuff to talk about, that's for sure."
"I have so many fun things to talk to you about today."
"It's a big topic, but it's quite interesting."
"This is a topic that I have been wanting to cover for a long, long time."
"I'm excited for the topics this season, I think they're going to be pretty rad."
"There's a huge interest amongst the regular population in this topic."
"We sit around and we bring some topics to the table and we just each kind of talk about whatever we want to talk about."
"It's one of my favorite topics ever."
"What a day to be talking about whatever we're going to talk about this week."
"We're going to do these once a month on various topics of interest."
"Food, which is always my favorite topic."
"Sign up for my newsletter every week, where I announce the topics that I'm going to be covering for the week, along with some encouragement and empowerment."
"We want these sessions to be informative to you, so please send us any topics that you would like us to cover."
"I should do it; it's a fun topic."
"This has been a really highly requested topic."
"I think this would be a really gentle approach, a not scary approach to some of these topics that we'll be encountering."
"That's literally something to talk about."
"I'm always happy to talk more about these topics, so anytime y'all want to talk, then let me know."
"Take a topic like forgiveness or love or hope or faith... and look for the different scriptures related to that topic."
"So do you want to hear more interesting topics?"
"Alright, there's two things I want to talk to you guys about."
"We have a whole lot to talk about today."
"I really want you guys to give me some inputs on some topics that you guys want me to talk about."
"It's a topic that needs to be discussed and it needs to be had."
"We've got five fantastic topics today."
"I told you guys we had a lot to talk about."
"There are certain things you just don't joke about."
"This is what we do. We sit around, we talk about random topics, we have like a full-on discussion."
"I am fired up for all the things that we can talk about."
"People somehow find out about it all the same, fairly interesting topic."
"Having that live conversation about some of these topics I think is really, really special."
"We have a lot of meaty topics to delve into."
"It's important as artists to talk about so many different topics that other people are dealing with and can relate to."
"Accepting the coveted award, Jared touched on several important topics at once."
"We've got three great topics everyone could relate to."
"If you don't tell the algorithm about it, does it recover those topics? The answer is, yeah, pretty much."
"I can talk about touchy topics and sensitively, well, I hope so."
"We're going to list out all the topics here."
"You're giving nuance to a often misunderstood topic."
"I want to take on these kind of topics about having to power through."
"Esports moves very fast, so we have a lot of new topics to cover."