
Gym Quotes

There are 488 quotes

"It's not about showing up to the gyms now; it's about leveling up the skill inside of the gym."
"I quite enjoy going to the gym on my own, listening to an audiobook while I'm doing it."
"I just want to go in and [ __ ] go crazy in the gym and that was my therapy."
"I've made some friends in the gym and you just sit up slightly I feel like I'm shrinking down like when I was training with Monochrome I wasn't talking to anybody else it was really nice."
"It's so important to have a plan before you head to the gym."
"Going to the gym teaches you delayed gratification, discipline, and consistency. Once you master being uncomfortable, you cannot be stopped."
"To go to the gym and take control of my body a little bit or my diet and take control of my body."
"The gym is just my favorite place, it's socializing for me because I work from home."
"The magic of the weight room is on the other side of the work you refuse to do."
"Any day in the gym is a good day, as long as you made it. That's what really counts."
"If snico tells you to go to the gym, get fit, he's telling you the right things."
"Does your muscles ache after working hard at the gym?"
"The gym definitely saved me with mental health."
"One of them is called elevate, but we're gonna be at two gyms today."
"Listening to English while exercising at the gym is a great way to stay awake!" - AJ Hogue
"Blink fitness stole 500 bucks from you, man!"
"Nobody's like 'Great gym!' It's all 'They scammed me out of my money!'"
"Monday's the type of day where I like to bang things out meaning in terms of like going to the gym."
"I was at the gym, the Neo Circuit Power Plant."
"You get into that gym and you start training together."
"I think it's been the main thing that has helped me kind of maintain."
"If you want success in the gym, then you're gonna have to put that time. You're gonna have to be disciplined."
"I've got a lot more confidence with my body and the way I look I'm a lot more confident getting undressed in the gym things like that I don't mind people seeing me in my underwear in this any favor."
"Everyone is sleeping on this incredible gift; you show up to the gym a few days a week, you push hard, and you can carve an incredible physique."
"It's not how long you're spending in the gym, but what you're actually doing with that time."
"Leave the gym better than you found it."
"I'm talking about building a facility that is complete, that has just about everything you need to get as big and as strong as you want."
"I always feel really self-conscious when I go to the gym after being there for a long time."
"I got 500 bucks, Coop, I need help. What do you suggest for outfitting an entire gym?"
"He hits me up he's in the gym and he's like yo I've been trying to get in the gym with you but I'm about to leave man I gotta go."
"It's not a huge gym but it has every foundational machine and implemented free weight that we need."
"The gym is a public space... we're all of equal value and we're all there for a very similar reason which is to enhance our lives."
"I've been channeling everything into the gym but every time I look at her I'm reminded of all those feelings."
"The gym is the fountain of youth, guys."
"This is the gym, aka the Shaq Center."
"Had a great workout I just like got added on to their membership for $30 that's an okay gym but I think that when I come here I might sign up"
"when all said and done I want to be a coach right so you I want to open up a gym and then like have a fight career where people can look at that and be like okay he knows his stuff"
"I always wear my Raycons in the gym because they fit amazing and on top of that they have touch features so without grabbing my phone I can change songs change the volume you and answer and end calls."
"The boys go to the gym to train, surprising Kunun."
"...any great gym is normally just full of good guys who are there going let's try this let's try that."
"He's really truly a gym, a special artist indeed."
"If you're not training here, you're not going to train anywhere."
"By getting more resilient in the gym and taking cold showers, you can become more psychologically resilient."
"I love weightlifting, I love time in the gym. I love that feeling of pain, of like how can I push, how much can I hurt and still recover from it?"
"Over time I started waking up a little bit before my alarm. I started waking up without the alarm and my body just was starting to get used to me waking up. Over time, I reached my goal of getting to the gym at 5:00 a.m."
"Honestly, like finally getting back in the gym after 4 years of being out of the gym feels really really good."
"Cancel unused gym memberships. Work out at home and save hundreds."
"Your gym kit can double as everyday wear with the right pieces."
"Fitness is built on the trails, the road, the track. Medals are won in the gym."
"I'm signing up for this gym strictly for the hose. It's the only reason I signed up."
"Long hours at the gym are finally paying off."
"I have to do it, I will take like one day off a week but my... if I don't go to the gym, I don't feel right."
"I envy men, they just come to the gym, work out, and immediately the shirt size is tighter."
"The gym request that members refrain from doing T-Ros overhead presses, cleaning jerks, deadlifts, and even requests that members don't do supersets."
"I woke up at five and I went to the gym. I still have to finish my lift because I only had time to do my cardio before the sunrise started."
"We literally built this gym right it wasn't a case of kissing outer space we built the Space."
"It's just a freak accident that happened in the gym."
"Never ever ever underestimate what a good gym set can do to your workout."
"This is the gym area... It's all about the movement and making sure that I'm staying healthy."
"Identify the best one which is most similar to my best performing gym."
"I feel like when I first got into the gym like training hard and going to failure wasn't a hard thing for me."
"People say that when things didn't work out, I'm not saying it's good, but that's why a lot of guys, even the kuf, end up in the gym."
"People spend hours at the gym to improve physical health, and we should be prioritizing our mental health just as much."
"I just like to have fun in the gym so I play around a lot. So my exercise selection is always varying and often I find that allows me to walk into a busy gym and I'm not constrained by some sort of plan."
"You smell good, I'll be laying on the bench at the gym, balls radiating this, a mile away guys run head first."
"No more feeling embarrassed or frustrated in front of other gym goers."
"...it's like a two three part facility... this gym is crazy."
"Having all of your gym clothes laid out is just going to make getting yourself to the gym so much easier."
"This is arguably one of the most important pieces of kit in the entire gym."
"I would do that every day yeah so you that's how I met muncha because I I used to go train a Marcellus and he was training on marselves I was younger I was in high school so you leave High School go right to the city."
"It's not the healthiest way to fuel my gym journey which is obviously the body dysmorphia, it still does fuel it and I still do enjoy working out."
"I got to the gym and I forgot you've been in the backseat."
"He comes into the gym he's like dude you're going to break yourself like and he was my sear instructor so like the last time I'd remembered Randy...you know he's like this [ __ ] super Jack dude."
"The gym is a very social environment... you will never feel more powerful."
"The gym is a good place to find a quality, wealthy man."
"I cannot run on a treadmill with another grown man looking right at me, doing side skips."
"It's amazing...every public gym I go to it's like there's at least one usually more people training very very effectively it's wild to me the change in 10 years."
"Don't let anybody make you feel weird for wearing makeup to the gym."
"The gyms that satisfy and monetize the most customer needs will dominate their respective marketplace."
"The training regimen is simple, man. Just show up to the gym, do all the right stuff, stay disciplined, stay focused, and, you know, it paid off tonight, man."
"Coming from that sort of like box gym into this like the back of another gym where we started uh what's now the strength Edge you know I had enough clients that I was like I can I can make a go at this."
"The struggle we went through to get to the gym today."
"The gym is such a part of my recovery, such a part of my mental health."
"This gym I would highly recommend because they got tons of obstacles all the obstacles like in the show as well as like a separate kids section as well."
"To be fit means you need to work out at the gym."
"Even when you don't want to, some days I don't want to go to the charts, sometimes I don't want to go to the gym."
"This balcony is crying out to have um treadmill here or something it's like a deep balcony so I would say an open air um gym area agree guys what do you think so far."
"If you can't sweat in the gym, where can you sweat?"
"Strengthening in the gym is really fantastic, but at the end of the day, movement changes movement."
"Everybody at the gym want better for themselves."
"When I step into the gym, I'm in an anxiety state. I want to [ __ ] kill weights."
"I've been grabbing her bum at the gym and you've been dating her for two years."
"Honestly that was like the best gym experience I've had a week because I turned up and there was one car there and I went to the one that typically this week was super super busy."
"I don't go into the gym to impress anyone, I'm just doing this for me."
"One of the cool things about this gym here at the Plaza is the variety of equipment they have."
"...the most expensive gym in iran is 10 a month."
"Yeah, I think it is. Louis ran all kinds of people out over here at the gym where he's at now, right before I had left the last time, you know, because you really can't powerlift anymore."
"Normally Eric and I go to the gym together but he's still sleeping since it is so early so it's just going to be me that goes right now."
"Genuinely, what is the real reason behind why you want to start making that habit? Is it even sustainable for you? Being in the gym five times a week might not be the answer."
"The gym was like a form of meditation for me."
"Yeah, no, I'm not hitting any gyms."
"Guess who I ran into at the gym back Strickland he watched me do Tabo and he thinks that I'd make a great boxer."
"The best if we're going to use one metric is probably progress in the gym over a bunch of time."
"No, this was a thoroughly enjoyable song, this will be going on all three of my playlists, including the gym, I do believe since this song is in four primarily, I do believe this would be a good song for the gym, I think it'll work just fine."
"I feel like our gym is gonna be one of those badass gyms."
"I think a good idea would be a gym where all the equipment generates power to offset the electric bill or whatever of that gym. There's an idea there."
"The gym is honestly the best money I've ever spent in my life."
"So from 8 p.m. to 9:30 I'll be in the gym."
"Anybody watching, if you're ever in that moment where you're deciding whether or not you should go to the gym, you're making up every excuse, just do it because after you go, you're gonna feel way better."
"Going to the gym can be the healthiest habit you ever pick up as long as you do it right."
"What this proves is that anything can happen in the gym to anyone. In fact, it's often experienced lifters that become complacent with safety."
"At Alpha, there are no numbers that can justify how good this gym is."
"You won't get ripped from downloading a workout plan, you gotta go to the gym and lift the weights."
"It's all about discipline when you get to the gym. It's not about motivation because you are not going to wake up feeling motivated every single day."
"Alpha land... a mini city of gym world."
"The gym is kind of your chill thing in a way, you know? Like, that's almost your escape."
"There's a confidence that comes from seeing objective progress in the gym."
"So we didn't want to go the route of just like purchasing general made equipment... we wanted to have that brand feel throughout the whole gym."
"The gym anxiety is so real. I'm not gonna lie. Totally fine. We're just a pure gym. Pretending I'm confident, I'm pretending, you know what? I'm so nervous, I think I'm leaving. Prince on the floor."
"I went to the gym yesterday and guess what happened? Someone there who was working out too, he walks up to me and he goes, 'Hey, I'm really glad to see that you're still continuing it.'"
"Joining the gym and then just to ease back into it, just going to the gym two to three times a week I think would be a really good place to start."
"Everyone's focused on themselves. Go to the gym, get comfortable with the area. It's okay to be the only girl in the weight section."
"I was nervous that my shoulder is going to be hurt worse. And then I started thinking, you were having fun. I was having fun at the gym. Well, and then, but I was like, I'm nervous that my shoulder is going to be hurt worse."
"The most accepting place on Earth is the gym."
"The most accepting gyms are the most hardcore gyms."
"Literally because I know even like at the gym I see a lot of women."
"This album is an absolute bop. I still listen to this going to the gym almost every single day."
"You wouldn't go to the gym and want glutes of steel after doing a couple of squats."
"The gyms are here, the chances are done. You're done, stop talking, you're done."
"If you feel overwhelmed when there's a lot of people, try to find out what your gym's off-peak times are and try to go at that time instead."
"I usually use a foot but at the gym you better not say what I think you're gonna say."
"It's definitely going to help you when you need that little extra push in the gym."
"The gym is like the best therapy."
"When you're thinking about the layout, you have to be thinking about what the purpose of your gym space is really all about."
"I just can't wait to start building the gym around it."
"Everyone deserves a space in the gym."
"I'm really loving being back at the gym."
"I've trained in so many gyms, I've never ever ever met a guy like Craig Coakley when it comes to striking."
"I think people would have enjoyed gym a lot more if I was leading the chorus."
"I like your pecs today. Oh, thanks, man. You know, I've been trying to get in there. You know, it's been hard. But just the way you spin in that chair, boy."
"I think ultimately, a lot of people go to the gym to socialize and to meet and to be part of that group in that collective, and that's almost, if not more important than actually doing the press-ups and the lifting the tin."
"Lever arms can essentially replace any machine in the gym."
"The gym is absolutely huge. A lot of people utilize it. It's full a lot of the time, like not completely full, but there's usually like someone on every floor."
"I actually really liked the Smith machine for shoulder pressing which is I believe the original uh purpose of it."
"...we want most bang for a buck we're not in the gym to waste time."
"I absolutely love it and I actually wore this to the gym the other day and I just didn't go too heavy. I sprayed one spray on the inside of each elbow and it was really nice. It was projecting really nicely."
"I love when Tiana wakes up early because we get to go to the gym together in the morning and it's super fun."
"This is Mark Bel from Super trending gym, the strongest gym in the west."
"Every rep, every set, every beat of sweat in that gym is for her."
"I've just been honestly in the gym man, that's what I've been doing, just training and um, trying to keep my mental state good, you know."
"There's so many other things we can do in the gym, right? You can work on that defense, you can do bag work, you can do shadow boxing, skipping, all that. But something that's very important which a lot of people don't take extra moments for is that body conditioning."
"But now I work from the back bro, I tell you now, now I from the back. I used to gym a lot and I had like not massive but like I used to have troubles cuz I would bend too far and I couldn't reach properly so I would grab the wipes."
"Don't be in the gym looking foolish because trust me, we all see your terrible form."
"What the (bleep) is going on in 2021 already? People bringing their dogs into the gym."
"Every time I didn't want to go to the gym the only thing that got me there was the fact that I would mentally feel better afterwards."
"Everything is here you need and it feels like one of those Rocky movies when you come in when you see the people working there's some big people working out in the end you know so you're like they're screaming they you know it's a good feeling."
"All I needed was to watch them do reps and I was ready for the [ __ ] gym."
"I like to go there I meet a lot of new people at the gym as well and I'm not a big partier I don't really go to clubs I don't really go out."
"You can go to the gym without being cringy I'm telling you right now like I know it sounds like a freaking crazy concept but you truly can."
"I'm a morning person... I'd rather get up super early and get to the gym and get it done."
"You looked absolutely ridiculous in the gym."
"...if you're that guy in the gym that can be able to correctly lead them on to a right path to a better path a healthier path then please go out and do it."
"Going to the gym is the best kind of physical and also mental relief."
"Exercise, go out, get a gym membership, pick up heavy [ __ ], put it down."
"If you want to see results in the gym, you have to be eating."
"Finally, I went down, toppling over my bike, landing on my front looking up at the dark glass doors of the gym."
"Do I even look like I'm going to the gym right now? Because I am."
"Next time you're back in town I think you'll be at my gym."
"I think for the first few years, I was literally in the gym."
"Being in the gym and lifting heavy weights is sweet."
"There was many about me but uh one of them was that uh because all the guys knew I trained in the gym in the morning then I'd go home and have my lunch and I disappear for a few hours because I was sleeping."
"You can always be beat by somebody else in the gym but never let yourself be yourself."
"Imagine I go to the gym, and somebody tells me just wear a jacket. Come on!"
"I'm startled every time I go to see how many people in the gym have at the slightest concept of what constitutes correct training."
"The gym actually sucked, like they have no fucking machines, and like the dumpster."
"Guys, it's just like, it's a gym."
"It's like a pre-workout for the gym. Pre-workout always has you feeling like you're on car. I've never felt like ants, like crawl on that is trash. They're not paying as ."
"Oh yeah, look, I'm still in the gym, still trying to drop another 10 pounds."
"Legacy members, these are all of the people that came with us from the original Athlete gym, been with us for years, the OGs. They're locked in."
"The recovery, the big area in the back, the S, like all that's coming in. The cool thing about that is that these two guys you're good, you don't need to pay any extra. It's not like an addition, it's just going to be included in your membership."
"Welcome to the upgraded alphal land gym. I've got some things to show you all, some things we've been working on, some pieces we've been putting in, things we've been buying months ago and are finally arriving."
"The best thing about this gym is just the price, only $15."
"Is it normally hard to get a squat rack here?"
"I remember my daughter seeing me off when I went to the gym, and I was back in like 42 minutes and she said, 'Oh, did you forget something?' and I was like, 'No.'"
"It wasn't just about winning for me, it was about winning for the gym."
"I haven't been to the gym, shocker. I have however just finished editing the Vlog that you're watching right now."
"We're walking into the gym now, I'm kind of joining this workout, it's legs, we're going to get it done, we always do."
"I feel like I've set a standard or like I've set a habit for myself that I want to maintain where it's like that every other day gym thing you know I don't want to break that and I want to stick to it."
"...most guys who claim two and a half hour workouts are just spending 150 minutes at the gym because they don't have friends or anywhere else to be."
"...I feel like it's so important to have a good gym outfit when you go to the gym because when you're feeling confident, your workout is like a million times better..."
"I've always rated the gym in it I've always and that's one of my biggest buzz but yeah it was decided to do a gym in his 60s on each side yeah I've always met a gym from I was for my first winter you know but it does help with the mental health."
"I've always wanted to go home to my bed after the gym, chill out. I was happy with that."
"Alright guys so we are at our Dragon's Lair, this is Flex Lewis and Ali Lewis's gym. It is pretty badass."
"Hope isn't a strategy not for the gym you can't rely on hope you got to come up with a sound plan."
"She's gonna cancel her gym membership."
"The benefit of using the selectorized system is convenience, ease of use, and quicker use of the whole system to get in and out of your gym."
"I had some things that I wanted to achieve in the gym like fitness goals."
"Give him about two years when he gets that east strength and he gets in the gym more and he you know saying bulks up and everything bro he's literally going to make this guy go flying."
"It's actually a pretty sizable gym in here."
"If you can improve an individual's confidence in the gym it reflects in their life."