
UI Design Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"Always remember, as long as you adhere to good UI design fundamentals that you've learned so far, then you really just can't go wrong."
"We're going to tackle many topics including dark vs light UI design, responsive UI design, designing components, refactoring existing designs, creating full UI designs from scratch, and much, much more."
"If UI design is lacking in just one of these areas, it seriously degrades the quality of the design."
"Make sure that everything that we have here, we can see. Color and contrast very important."
"This is pretty solid, and normally there would be more content here to fill this out a little bit more, but for now, I think we've got a pretty good grip on this UI design here."
"Console applications are the only UI on this list that is cross-platform."
"You can dynamically change styles and make your user interface interactive."
"It is a rollercoaster-ing action game with deeply satisfying combat and creative encounter design, and a sometimes-cheesy but often very effective horror story, all wrapped up in viscera and genius-level UI design."
"React allows you to build your UI using reusable components."
"I will show you the exact steps from taking your wireframes all the way through to designing unique and world-class UI designs for your clients, so you can start charging more money."
"That's how you can create any style of button that you want."
"Material You starts with your own device wallpaper. Almost all facets of your device will adopt colors and hues determined by the colors of the wallpaper you choose."
"FF14 is more customizable. It's because as someone who likes to play the game a lot and has that time on their hands I can actually tweak and eventually change the UI to be precisely what I want."
"So now if I do this, the colors switch around. How cool is that?"
"Alert success - background color: var(--success-color)"
"I just wanted to make it so it could be reusable and we could embed it anywhere with custom color, custom text, and a custom function when it's clicked."
"React will completely blow your mind in terms of how easy it is to build excellent user interfaces."
"Easily integrate Material UI into your React app."
"Material UI: The go-to library for UI design."
"Think in terms of blocks and adhere to good UI design fundamentals."
"Understanding how to use the app and the features is only 10 of the battle. Knowing how to apply them and developing an eye for UI design is 90 of the battle."
"When it comes to UI design, having a good layout should really feel complete."
"It's like terraforming 2.0, the UI looks sick."
"We shouldn't have to surrender our UI layer to a third party library just to benefit from the reusable pieces that so many developers have already built."
"Components are elements that can be reused and they function on a master child system."
"We're using a checkbox with the class of 'toggler' and that's how we're toggling it."
"Our developers say that laying out UI with Flutter is significantly faster than on iOS or Android."
"And now, as you can see, this rating bar is animating nicely."
"Wireframes are meant to be used as rough representations of interface ideas that can be quickly discarded and iterated upon."
"So now bootstrap should be enabled if we save and we go back reload and now you can see the fonts different and there's no padding on the sides and top here all right."
"We want to color that green if it's the category number here equals the menu number."
"Flutter is the first UI platform that is designed for an ambient computing world."
"If you're a developer and you're looking to improve your design skills check out enhanced UI."
"Component-based UI architecture: a cornerstone of Angular."
"Smart component vs. UI component: understanding the difference."
"React's approach UI is a simple function of state with standard JavaScript values and idioms."
"React components are just idempotent functions that describe your UI at any point in time."
"Our UI is complete; now let's make it function with JavaScript."
"How would you like to have a free AI powered code review tool that tells you exactly what's wrong with your code, how to refactor, and how to write it better?"
"Now let's actually get started with cloning this user interface."
"Anything you're going to reuse just make it a component because we can update all of the Imagine buttons you want to change it."
"That's gonna be my register button now it's still not an official button until we select both of them so my selection tool we just you need to shift click both of them."
"We're going to create a nice-looking button for once."
"When we hover over it, it's gonna have some kind of effect."
"If you want to pursue UI designs specifically in games, it's about repetitions, it's about putting in the time."
"So this is kind of how you can start constructing your custom UI in Unity."
"The advantage is that you can customize the way they look and all the different functionalities that go into it."
"And we're done, like legit, at least for the UI component for this project."
"We're going to have this beautiful skeleton loader that you see right here."
"Card components typically involve a picture, a title, and a description. You can use cards for all sorts of things."
"I really like the UI for this. I think it's very clean, I think it's easy to use."
"Rubber band mode is good for making selections because it shows you where the next line is going to go."
"Wireframes are blueprints for the UI, showing which elements make up the UI and how they should behave."
"At least we saw like how we can quickly build those UI and then again now how we can create those collect or clear collect kind of function to build out our data source in the memory."
"One of the most important skills that you will need as a UI designer is to be able to design responsively."
"You'll learn how to create your own icons, buttons, and all sorts of UI components."
"And then the last thing that I'm going to do here is the following, I'm going to change this to grid because that's what it comes from Material UI."
"Step function workflow designer is a new UI-based tool which you can use to develop your pipeline."
"The UI first off is far better than both of them and it lets you use markdown to style the documents quickly."
"I realized okay when I'm writing my CSS this way and I need to build some piece of UI most of the time I didn't even have to write CSS at all I could just build the thing I wanted to build using the existing pieces that I'd made."
"This is probably my favorite UI so far."
"Knowing how to effectively use color as a UI designer is probably one of the most important but also at the same time one of the most difficult skills to master."
"Use optimistic UI to immediately update the UI based on the desired outcome of your server actions."
"React applications are perfectly positioned to use the office UI fabric as well."
"Now let's add this in-memory storage for our health checker UI."
"I've got this nested button component in here as well."
"By running different functions in response to different events, the result is that we can begin to build much more dynamic user interfaces."
"...this is how you'd normally add buttons: ``."
"Styling the components visually makes it so much easier."
"Adjusting styles with visual toggles and inputs is convenient."
"I'm going to show you how to implement this kind of UI."
"React solves several problems... it allows to focus on describing the UI you want rather than sitting on the details that the UI actually gets inserted into the page."
"Swift UI gives us a bunch of really, really useful transitions."
"You get to draw upon Apple's powerful SwiftUI framework."
"And so there is an awesome little View that you can use to give a set of fields like this some form, it's called Form."
"And when you tap on them, it will remove them from our chosen palette."
"Swift UI does a pretty good job with its declarative syntax to arrange things so that your UI doesn't look broken on various screen sizes."
"So now you know how to create fluid, dynamic user interfaces that work well on any sort of screen size."
"React.js... has solidified modern day declarative UI patterns."
"Adaptive cards are platform-agnostic snippets of UI authored in JSON."
"What are adaptive cards? They are portable, JSON-based, and platform-agnostic."
"We have state-of-the-art user experiences with our new UI."
"As we all know, storybook excels at capturing or freezing UI components in various states."
"It's the secret weapon that smart teams use to develop, document, and test UIs."
"There are infinite possibilities that you can do in SwiftUI in terms of layering and stacking items."
"Functional programming to the entire server side and to your client side is a very powerful way of approaching UIs."
"The resource visualization contains properties such as the title and the preview image that can be used in the UI."
"Well today, you are in luck because I'm going to show you the new AWS Amplify UI admin interface which makes it really simple to create your data models."
"Implicit animation is going to automatically animate every time that modifiers on that View change."
"Explicit animation is where we cause an animation to happen all with the same duration, all with the same curve for a whole bunch of Views."
"I'm really focusing on building web apps right now, mostly UI and UX."
"Mobile Blazer bindings lets you author native UI using that same Blazer syntax."
"The CollectionView also can do columns, so you can specifically have multiple items in a column."
"Hopefully, you now have the information you need to start building your own Java desktop UI applications using Swing and JavaFX."
"Thanks to the Elm architecture, it provides a very nice pattern that we can follow, a very simple API, and just like a very nice way of thinking about our UIs in general."
"It's similar to like Material UI, but I like Chakra better just because you don't have to write as much code to get the same results."
"What's much more important is like, can you build websites, can you build UIs, can you solve some problems."
"For the system medium and the system large cases, we will now implement widget UIs."
"A VStack is basically like building blocks; you have different UI elements and whatever is at the top of your stack will be at the top of your UI."
"That gives you a random appearance to your loading screen, which is really cool."
"Let's begin with designing the user interface; we have already integrated the Bootstrap."
"Now that you know how to use stack views and auto layout constraints, we're ready to build the UI of our next app."
"My goal with this tutorial is to purely focus on how to use the common widgets to cook up a nice looking UI."
"We've got you covered; we'll add a sleek dark mode feature using Tailwind CSS."
"So here I create three nth sliders, and I'm gonna lay them out in an H box, which means put them side-by-side horizontally."
"And this course is all about next level UI design."
"This is a very powerful video that will help you start your progress in no code and also UI design."
"What's very cool about Jetpack Compose is that it's very powerful and that you can create a lot of UI with very less code."
"Manipulating the DOM is key for building rich, expressive user interfaces."
"That lightweight representation lets React update your UI in a predictable way."
"I've defined template fill and I'll just type in white here so I've got a little bit of a separator within my gallery."
"We use another use state hook to control how many results the type-ahead shows."
"Let's start by profiling and see how our type-ahead performs."
"So with two lines of code, we were able to get a pixel perfect component into our application."
"Slots are a required piece of primitive to build composable UIs."
"That's pretty cool; we see that we have three cards."
"The main idea here is just putting UI controls together so that we can reuse them."
"So before we start cowboy coding this user interface, I did prepare a wireframe."
"Working with inline SVG lets you solve a lot of UI problems with very little mental overhead."
"With the ability to add custom animations and interactions, Figma allows designers to create unique and engaging button designs that will enhance the overall design of the app or website."
"Front-end development uses web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to implement UI design."
"We've covered a lot of stuff in this code lab, we brought together a lot of different effects... and in the end, I think we built a screen that pushes the boundaries of what most people think of when they think of Flutter UIs."
"They're super powerful to set up really great intricate UIs."
"This UI pattern over here is pretty typical and you'll find it a lot inside of real-world applications."
"We are going to build a pretty cool food delivery app based on the UI design that we have just bought recently."
"It's essentially an object repository to store your UI elements."
"And remember the radio buttons were kind of a combination of checkboxes where they have a checked property and also the text inputs where they have a value property."
"And so what a lot of people will do is they'll just put an option at the top that maybe we'll leave empty and put something like 'Choose an option'."
"So UI builder is our WYSIWYG editor that lets you take components, drag them onto the page, and then kind of make them talk to each other."
"Shiny Fluent lets you use Microsoft's Fluent UI in Shiny."
"I would try to decouple the view model from navigation, from animation, from UI transitions in general."
"The multi-preview feature allows you to see how your UI built in Jetpack Compose will look across multiple different device sizes simultaneously."
"One of my favorite things about UI builder is how easy it is to create and work with modals."
"If you can build a component in SwiftUI, it's probably better to use the SwiftUI version than find a UIKit version and then convert it."
"Let's start building out this UI for the login screen."
"Single pass measurement is good for performance, allowing Compose to efficiently handle deep UI trees."
"I just love the idea of having something like this reusable resizable panel that can compose with more advanced UI elements."
"It's a very flexible and powerful UI management system."
"Components are the most basic building blocks of the UI in an Angular application."
"The UI updates, the JavaScript and layout operations happen in three different threads and the communication between these is asynchronous."
"You define state, you have different things that change state, and every time we change the state, our UI just updates accordingly."
"The main benefit of headless UI components is you have complete control over how everything looks."
"The initial idea is based on atomic design approach, where UI is considered as a set of elements and behavioral patterns."
"All views are positioned relative to their parents."
"We can reuse views in different contexts if your views don't have a lot of application-specific code."
"The view lifecycle has some more details that you can learn about."
"The HTML control is one of my favorite controls just because of the benefits that you can get from it from UI and branding standpoint."
"We can create super cool UIs using Tailwind CSS in React Native."
"UI image system name allows us to load one of the 1500 icons Apple provided with SF symbols."
"That's looking like a proper close button now rather than the X which is not quite symmetrical."
"Well, a lot of people really like the new design; there's a totally new UI with all nice kind of rounded corners."
"Now we're going to create a very useful widget for building out responsive UI."
"Containers... determine the size and position of their children."
"An HBox container arranges its children horizontally."
"A VBox container arranges its children vertically."
"The stretch ratio controls how much extra space they get."
"Any free space that's in your parent container, expand basically says you are requesting the parent to give you some of that free space."
"As you keep adding controls to the grid container, new rows will be created as needed."
"Containers control children's size and position."
"Figma is the most popular UI tool in the web design industry and most web agencies require you have experience with this tool."
"Content and navigation pane separation isn't limited to just large screens; it can really help to keep your chrome stable in your application."
"Glassmorphism is basically that: replicating the effect of having glass to give a pseudo three-dimensional look or feel to your interface."
"So now that we've talked about how to build great UIs for any form factor, let's talk about how you can work without a connection."
"UI is a function of state, or UI equals F(state)."
"Whenever any of the properties of the container changes, it will automatically animate between those two."
"React uses components to create user interfaces."
"We use a stack widget to layer widgets on top of each other."
"The collection view is actually very powerful; the layout that it allows you to configure is very easy to customize."
"Constraints essentially define how the view is laid out."
"Creating UIs is one of Flutter's strengths."
"We've managed to build out this entire Twitter UI using Tailwind CSS and its utility classes."
"I'm thinking of making this a series, so maybe I'll do other UIs in the future."
"You now see this blue color which is nice, and the nice thing with Shet and UI is that you now have actually a design system."
"We will use Bootstrap for better and responsive UI."
"Motion plus tangibility equals a more understandable UI for your users."
"UI design really is typography. If we're drawing screens, whether we know it or not, we're typographers."
"Let's now add a button in because obviously going to want the user to actually log in, that's going to be quite important."
"With these three classes, I believe that you're all ready to start implementing complex UI."
"Polaris is a really great way to go because of their pre-built components and the UI you build out with Polaris is already optimized for desktop and mobile clients."
"It's very very easy to build flexible and powerful UIs with Kivy."
"We hope these tips will help you create user interfaces that run smoothly with no jank."
"So now whenever we want to layout views, we don't have to write all the redundant view.frame.size or origin, we can use these shorthanded properties."
"Flutter is not only great for building apps, it's also perfect for creating UIs for any surface."
"Material theming is built on the foundation of material design and it gives you control to express your brand through UI."
"A dark theme is a low-light UI that occupies the majority of the space with dark surfaces and uses color as an accent."
"The sequence in which I add the widgets or controls to my vertical panel actually determines the sequence in which they are stacked."
"The whole idea of MVVM is, as the data changes for the view model from the model, it should automatically update the UI."
"We're going to be focusing on drawing out a little fun objects inside of our application right over here."
"A UI stack view is a really good component because it just fills up the entire stack view with the subviews."
"With Flutter, you can nest columns and rows to build complex UIs."
"The ability to reuse Blazor components across all of your applications makes building UI way more productive."
"Constraint layout can help place composables relative to others on the screen."
"Expression binding is incredibly useful for adding little components of logic to your various attributes in your XML in your UI5 controls."
"This is how you can add the hero section very quickly with this Hyper UI component."
"With the help of modern Tailwind CSS Library, we implemented this beautiful UI."
"React is your UI layer; it provides a really good toolset for building your UI."
"This UI system is not a black box... majority of the UI is actually open and modifiable for you."
"Hello and welcome to my weekly live stream where we discuss the latest techniques in UI design."
"This next major release of NativeScript enables a much more flexible composition of your UI."
"React is a great tool for creating user interfaces and it's one of the most popular frameworks that gets used for creating dApps."