
Legal Clarity Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"I need him to explain it. You can't just gloss over that and say with one line, 'Oh, it's legal.' Nah, bruh."
"Indictments need to be specific enough so the defendants know what crime has been alleged."
"He didn't kill him; he died because of health problems."
"You have the right to defend yourself period full stop."
"The courts have been very clear that such expressions are protected by the First Amendment."
"Texas: It's illegal to sell someone's eye. You smell that? That's the smell of a law as clear-cut and dry as Texas barbecue, my friend."
"People who signed up for the voluntary neighborhood association were not actually defrauded and therefore couldn't be part of the settlement."
"The judicial and the executive do not draft or modify the law; they enforce it or strike it down respectively."
"It is in the public interest to have the courts resolve this legal question."
"This is a clear-cut obvious case of self-defense."
"Just because you're on the clear list doesn't mean you don't end up a suspect."
"Each of these words set forth in the Second Amendment were carefully chosen by our founding fathers and they were not intended to have some sort of false and secret meaning."
"The laws on the books right now restricting abortion are very clear about what is being banned and restricted."
"Rape is rape, and the idea that we should be parsing and qualifying and slicing what types of rape we're talking about doesn't make sense to the American people and certainly doesn't make sense to me."
"The ruling read by the president of the International Court of Justice did not leave any doubt."
"I hope the SEC kind of both makes these rules more clear because frankly the lawyers advising crypto companies are telling them it's a toss up 50/50."
"The minute we get clarity there, you will start to see structured capital." - Paul Barrow
"I advocate for pro-life laws, there's not one pro-life law that says if a woman has a natural miscarriage, um, that is considered an abortion, a direct abortion."
"I try my best to accurately explain legal issues, while trying to keep things fun as well."
"Mood puts an end to guessing games, okay? It's 100% federally legal Delta eight and Delta 9 THC."
"This was not a close call, this was a clear-cut case in the eyes of the jury."
"The legal questions are more clear than the politics."
"If they don't mean for this to affect everyday normal social media users, you know your grandma, then they should say that in the law."
"It will improve the rules and provide some much needed clarity about the legality of shooting videos in national parks and on other public lands."
"Maybe that happened but I would rather just it being highly regulated to the point that everyone knows it's illegal to take away the buy button."
"The waiver of this immunity may not be inferred but must be expressed and unequivocal."
"That's rape. That is not consensual sex. That is rape."
"The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, pretty clear."
"It's supposed to be much more straightforward if you have a president who was doing crimes all the time."
"Contracts in all industries need to be simplified now."
"Would a fair notice settlement give XRP the clarity it is looking for?" 🤔
"The industry will finally get the clarity it deserves. Goodbye Howey test, hello Ripple test."
"Using enforcement actions to tell people what the law is in an emerging industry is not efficient or fair way of regulating." - Hester Pierce
"The court should state its reasons and any finding of fact."
"The crime is super clear and has been from the very beginning."
"This was not an exoneration. To say that he was exonerated by us or anyone else is not true."
"It is wrong to suggest that lack of indictment means there wasn't a basis for investigation."
"The best case scenario is regulatory clarity for XRP."
"Every single one of those conditions are gone because they never had any authority to impose them in the first place."
"The court case could make XRP the only crypto asset with regulatory clarity in the United States."
"The court grants summary judgment on all claims in favor of defendants and dismisses plaintiffs' claims with prejudice."
"The statute is unambiguous as applied to Mr. Cargill's non-mechanical bump stocks."
"They simplified the story and made clear and accessible the specific aspects of the fraud and money laundering that they were asking the jury to convict on."
"A good clause should be written clearly; it should explicitly state that ownership or title in the goods won't pass to the buyer until the goods have been paid for."
"Legal documents should be written so that you can understand them easily the first time you read them."
"It makes everything else cleaner, legally it's also the option that makes the most sense."
"If trained SEC lawyers were showing uncertainty about digital assets in these emails, how the heck were lay people supposed to know that what they were doing was wrong?"
"A codified constitution would also give clarity on what was and wasn't constitutional."
"Crimes must not be formulated vaguely."
"Clarity from Congress that CFTC has oversight over digital commodities spot markets would bring a number of protections to those markets and participants."
"XRP is the only digital asset with legal clarity until 2025."
"The law is clear that people should be detained if necessary to protect Public Safety."
"XRP now has official legal clarity, so the sun is not rising for Bitcoin, it's rising for XRP."
"The evidence in the case was pretty clear, and we presented it in a way that made it easy for the jury to see that the defendant committed these crimes."