
Desert Quotes

There are 654 quotes

"The Great Desert Breath...an extraordinary land art installation...designed to explore infinity and the desert as a landscape of the mind."
"Most people believe that the desert is nothing but a vast, empty land of nothingness, but occasionally, the desert hides the most unbelievable things."
"Desert Breath... lies in the heart of the Egyptian desert, just a short distance from the shores of the Red Sea."
"It is easy to imagine that nothing could ever be found in the desert, but you'd be surprised to learn about the strange things discovered by archaeologists."
"The raising waves of heat from the sand stretched out towards it, causing it to bend and contort as if it were being asphyxiated by the coming night."
"Amargosa Valley is actually home to a mysterious and beautiful oasis where turquoise blue Caribbean pools spring up from what looks like a barren desert."
"There's no disputing the fact that this is really a rare and special place. I mean, you don't see water in the desert right outside Death Valley, let alone water that looks like this."
"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well."
"They were created by scraping a few inches of iron oxide off of the dry desert floor."
"I really like the desert, there's something about that I really enjoy."
"We sit on the northernmost boundaries of the Chihuahuan Desert."
"There's a difference between someone who deserves it the most and someone who needs it the most."
"The Sahara, the most unforgiving desert on earth, stretches like a dry rolling sea across 10 countries."
"This surreal landscape becomes even more striking once you see the dunes."
"It's like Christmas in the desert, snowing sand."
"Dubai lies in the middle of the Arabian desert, which means the city can get real hot."
"Gigantic fish laying there in the desert, that's its scales, that's its tail."
"The Sahara is a true behemoth, covering the northern third of Africa."
"In the middle of the desert was a giant, gleaming metal monolith, about 10 to 12 feet tall."
"A body of water in the desert is always a very interesting contrast to see."
"Desert breath: intended to highlight the slow passage of time."
"The fact that somebody showed up out of the desert might be a miracle."
"Lost in the desert: Mauro Prosperi's harrowing tale of survival."
"I love that we can see the desert from up here so we know it's to the Southwest that's good."
"One of the best parts of a Simpson Crossing is night after night of perfect desert camping."
"Mexico's northern desert states are a hotbed of dinosaur fossils."
"The Sahara Desert, the hottest place on the planet, a deadly wasteland that time forgot."
"Life not only persists but is again thriving here in the middle of the frozen desert."
"This week the desert begins to bloom."
"Desert rain has a particularly very pleasing smell."
"And with Hoya's help, I have completed this rite of passage and crossed one of the world's remotest deserts on another of my journeys to the ends of the earth."
"Straight out the desert, yeah, I got back from SA day before yesterday."
"Joshua trees are pretty attractive plants to have on your property."
"The desert house designed by Kendrick Bangs Kellogg stands proudly amidst the vast Californian desert."
"I know Dave hates the desert with a passion, but I think he's digging desert night walking."
"For anyone searching for a way out of the desert, the key to escape is plenty of fuel for the road."
"In the desert, this is nothing short of miraculous."
"It's amazing how alive the desert is."
"What else is hidden in the desert?"
"The desert really comes alive in the springtime."
"There stood in the desert the great and ancient city of Arot."
"After consulting with Sybil, she prophesies that you are in a desert surrounded by sand, which means it's time for your biggest adventure yet."
"Finding shade or constructing a shade shelter is one of the first priorities for desert survival."
"It was as if that mighty desert of houses had found a voice for its fear and its solitude wailed that superhuman note."
"He's going into the Tyrant desert by himself, huh?"
"The juxtaposition of the bright green cactus contrasting with the many colors of desert floor make for that magical look."
"When tourists first came here, they are fascinated by the fact that there is barely any transition between the interminable desert and this lush green oasis."
"This huge construction project stretching across entire desert areas demonstrates a great collective hunting effort."
"That is the story as David Inis told it to me in the goat skin tent upon the rim of the great Sahara Desert."
"My favorite time to drive through the desert is at night because the stars majestically illuminate the terrain."
"Everything about moving, I mean, I think the ideal place to be is either like the mountains like, you know what they did in Red Dawn or the desert."
"Looks like a scene out of Mad Max."
"The desert is the key ingredient in our sound. We’re always trying to work the desert vibe into our music. We’re only two hours away from Los Angeles, but considering how different things are over here, we may as well be on Mars."
"Now this doesn't always work... you have to have the perfect conditions, the sand has to be dry, there has to be low humidity to hear the singing... but when you hear it, the sound is out of this world."
"I like the desert at night. They say it's dangerous to be out here, but I like it."
"Sleeping in the middle of deserts highly recommend you know why nothing disturbs you because everything's dead out here."
"He had come out of the desert weak but cleansed, the voice of God ringing in his ears. 'North,' it said, 'Go north.'"
"The Ethan Botanical cactus garden is a free garden with a stunning desert landscape with over 300 variety of cacti and succulents."
"Something about sunsets in the desert, it just hits differently."
"There's something about the desert that's just very magical."
"When I came upon it in the ghastly stillness of unending sleep it looked at me, chilly from the rays of a cold moon amidst the desert’s heat."
"I passed out from heat exhaustion in my first one in the middle of the desert. Like my kidneys were failing."
"Victory in the desert was hard-fought and it changed the outcome of the Second World War."
"It was a true oasis in the middle of the desert."
"Something about the desert at night really seemed to capture people's imaginations."
"Racing for me was never serious. It was always something that was a passion, it was always something that I enjoyed, whether I'm working on it, whether I'm driving it, whether I'm pre-running, or just the camaraderie of being in the desert with like-minded people."
"The surprise is very much the element of the game in the desert."
"A haunting reminder of the mysteries that lay hidden in the vast, enigmatic desert."
"I like being warm, I just love the desert."
"...So much of the Raptor mystique is based on desert racing."
"A place where cacti grow over 50 feet tall and can stop a car like a brick wall."
"The Simpson desert, the red heart of Australia... it's just glorious, it really is."
"Fatima is a woman of the desert. She knows that men have to go away in order to return, and she already has her treasure. It's you."
"The freman move through the desert like specters, they leave no trace and avoid even the vigilant M of the sandor."
"I always like auto parts store parking lots for repairs normally but the desert it's also a good spot to work on your junk."
"A lot of question marks about guns and munitions. You got your hands on stuff that's being hatched out in the desert somewhere."
"One is known as the Desert Bloom where seeds and plants that may have lain dormant for up to 10 years burst into flowers hour after a sudden rainfall."
"The environment is very unforgiving and desolate with little greenery, mostly desert."
"Despite the desert climate, there is no shortage of inspiration, money, and experience in this place."
"I chuckled at that. How many things out there are coyotes and retired seniors? Maybe a cougar. But Gigi insisted that she had a weird feeling, like we weren't alone in the desert."
"As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any better than camping in the Simpson Desert."
"When you enter the desert, it's like a freedom. You can do whatever you want with the cars, you know?"
"The desert offers peace to the spirit and soul and allows people to live with themselves and draw closer to God."
"The desert with its beauty still teaches people a secluded life, gives them the opportunity to live a life of silence, permits do not talk, it allows them to pray longer."
"But if you want a factory equipped vehicle that can do stuff that just about no other oem can at least out in the desert the bronco raptor is awesome"
"I heard the wind pick up before I felt it. It whistled between the rocks and shrubs, seeming to whirl around, passing me and then doubling back before arriving. It brought a warmth with it that was odd for the desert at night."
"The name actually makes sense, 'Sandaloud,' you know when you smell it because it has this, again, this dryness to it, it kind of conveys that feeling of the desert."
"Every single day in my military service as an officer, which is in the middle of the desert, I knew it's my last day. So every day, I would share with people about Jesus."
"It's like a trick yeah the baron exactly and so he assumes that the desert will kill them because the desert kills the weak."
"Do it like a local. Kind of goes down that same road of respecting the desert, staying on the trail."
"Joshua Tree National Park is a remarkable desert wilderness, renowned for its stunning and otherworldly landscapes."
"Here amidst the rugged terrain, ancient Joshua trees stand as sentinels of resilience, their twisted branches reaching for the heavens in the stark contrast of the desert landscape."
"The desert hides the most unbelievable things."
"A patch of desert, a square mile of freedom and anarchy."
"I still wonder was it a mere hallucination a trick played by the Mind under extreme stress or was there something more lurking in the shadows of this desert"
"Now, plunging out of the sands is the death worm, and the bigger they are, the harder they bite."
"In the desert, every decision is life or death, so stick to the rules."
This guy tells his wife, "I'll see you in six months," takes a water filter, a big bag of weed, and heads for the desert.
"Enduring the trials of the desert can make a man great."
"Last night when we were in bed we got the star gaze and you could literally see the milky way right through here. It's insane how clear the night sky gets here in the desert."
"...the desert X has a very good suspension it doesn't jiggle but it's not too stiff..."
"Something magical about the desert."
"That's the thing to take off the bucket list: Sunrise from the top of a dune in the Simpson desert and the middle of Australia."
"Deserts are just ultimate for adventure riding."
"The desert breath was made by three Greek artists known as the D.A.S.T. team."
"This place gets less than 5 cm or 2 in of rainfall per year and the highest recorded temperature is 56.7°C (134°F)."
"When one departs for the desert, away from the world and material things, his heart immediately gathers close to God…"
"The desert has always been a place of mystery, especially at night. I don't expect that to change because that's exactly what makes it the desert, and it's something I've always loved about it."
"This encounter happened in the '90s in the Sonoran Desert."
"You cannot make in the desert four scientifically correct statement without any scientific error that's not possible."
"The solitude of the desert was as eerie as it was liberating."
"Deep down, I can't shake the feeling that I stumbled onto something bigger. Like the desert's got more secrets than a politician's closet."
"The desert has a way of making the stars seem brighter, more alive."
"The humanitarian theory removes from punishment the concept of desert, but the concept of dessert is the only connecting link between punishment and justice."
"Drainage is extremely important, guys. Even here in the desert, I need drainage."
"It's funny when you're out in the desert you'll be driving along and there's nothing for ages and then you always seem to find something that's just that little bit different."
"I just think if you're gonna go through the whole epic go into the desert you might as well make it [__] fun."
"Tanaris: Where history whispers its secrets beneath the unrelenting Desert Sun."
"The desert is merciless. It takes everything from you."
"The place I've been to that really, to me, really most looks like Mars is Morocco, out in the deserts of Morocco. But of course, it's a very different climate."
"Given their unique method of movement, paths tend to be as downhill as possible, and getting stuck within a dune valley can be very dangerous for Rolly."
"The body and the mind goes through some really serious changes when you're in the desert for that long."
"Being in the city, you're just packed... constant stimulation. People, cars, noise, food... all of these things. Stuff you would have killed for when you're running across a desert."
"We have arrived to our desert camp, luxury desert camp."
"This is awesome. I love the desert. You know you just need desert in your life every once in a while. You just don't even realize it."
"It's nice out today as you would expect down here in the desert. 62° perfect mountain biking conditions."
"A lot of holes in the desert and a lot of problems are buried in those holes."
"So for me moving around the outdoors and just kind of going out in the desert in general, that's what I got on me."
"That gave me the chance twice a day to stick a helmet on and ride out to the desert."
"There is some kind of rally virus addiction that you get once you go into the desert. It's horrifically brutal, sadistic, but man, it makes you feel so alive."
"There's something about the desert that has kind of an interesting ambiance to it."
"Camels have a reputation to maintain since they're the kings of the desert."
"Last one through the desert has got a sandy tailpipe!"
"There is no peace greater than that of twilight on the desert."
"You'd be amazed when you're out here in the desert just how slow it is to drive."
"The tree of life stands as a resilient symbol amidst the arid desert landscape of Bahrain."
"Well, here we are folks, we have finally arrived at the pièce de résistance of the Simpson Desert."
"Do you need an awning for the Simpson Desert? To be honest, it's not essential, but if your roof rack weight allows, having an awning can be helpful."
"It was very quiet out here on the edge of the desert, and now the sun was really setting."
"The revelation of God that carried them through the rest of their lives came to them when they were in the desert."
"The desert is beautiful... because somewhere it hides a well."
"There was something standing out in the desert. It looked truly surreal."
"We're having a sunset dinner in the desert like the full desert experience."
"When you're camping right out in the desert, it's just a really good time to get to know your kids, do a bit of that old family bonding stuff, you know?"
"There could be no better place than the Simpson Desert to launch a rocket."
"Living in the desert and traveling through desert brings one closer to God."
"If we covered four percent of the world's deserts in solar farms, we could power the entire world."
"The Golem stood as a sentinel watching over the vast expanse of the Sudanese desert."
"The sound of a desert fox with its high-pitched cries echoed across the desolate landscape."
"The helicopter gently descended, landing on the sandy patch of desert."
"The desert was unforgiving to those who didn't respect its perils."
"The vast sea of sand stretched out in every direction."
"The water shone like precious gems, gleaming brilliantly against the golden sands."
"We're going to bring this desert back to life in its full glory."
"Everything's gonna be fine, even here in the desert where nothing should be alive."
"I used to come out to the desert with friends and family and just kind of camp out here, and I used to have a blast doing it."
"In a desert, water can be more precious than money."
"The objective and some of the skills that you have to have are the same. Basically, you have to take off across the desert, you got to figure out where you're going, you have to get to these checkpoints."
"Linda Carter's beginnings were by most accounts far from the razzmatazz of Hollywood."
"Sometimes the desert hides some really interesting, unique stuff."
"Thou shalt find here no water to drink."
"Antarctica is actually the largest desert in the world. People don't really realize that because there's so little precipitation."
"You couldn't leave Morocco without going to the desert."
"This is a part of a desert that was created by water."
"This shows you the complete diversity of this desert."
"You love this desert, don't you? I really do."
"You're never surprised at what you might find in the desert."
"I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the sun-baked earth."
"I'm providing water in the desert, rivers through the sun-baked earth."
"Experience a natural wonder in the deserts."
"The desert can be a very unforgiving place."
"We've just rolled out of the Simpson Desert, we've done the Madigan line."
"I think traction boards are great options to have if you're wheeling in sand or wheeling in the desert where there's no trees."
"Join us as we take you across the Simpson Desert in the Toyota Land Cruiser, one of the most legendary four-wheel drives of all time."
"Join us as we cross the Simpson Desert, one of Australia's most iconic four-wheel drive adventures."
"I'm coming to terms with the desert now; it doesn't look like everything's trying to kill me anymore."
"When you're standing on top of the dunes, you really get this feeling like you're actually in an ocean of sand."
"Heritage and rejuvenation... the desert is blooming."
"Finding God in the Desert of the Soul."
"The desert is a great metaphor for the soul."
"A desert is God's way of getting your attention."
"It's a paradise right in the heart of a desert."
"Something that's been a running theme for our last two weeks of exploring the Namibian deserts is this feeling of impermanence of us and permanence of the desert."
"The Sahara is probably like the desert, the big one; it's likely the most influential desert when it comes to world's building."
"When in a desert, don't overexert yourself, cover your skin, breathe through your nose, seek shade, and avoid drinking diuretic drinks."
"It is an absolute oasis in the desert."
"I love the desert, I think that it's absolutely stunning."
"It's rad, isn't it? I don't know why this thing is way out in the middle of the desert, but I'm sure glad it is because it looks freakin' awesome."
"A beautiful end to a beautiful day, I just love these desert adventures."
"Fatma is a woman of the desert," said the alchemist. "She knows that men have to go away in order to return."
"The desert, mile after mile of nothing but sand and sagebrush and Joshua trees."
"It feels like the Earth isn't even spinning when you're drinking outside and hanging out outside in the desert air at night."
"I witness a rare sight in the desert, a ghost rain."
"Sink your teeth into that; it's food and drink to a desert man," he advised.
"The menacing sands of the Libyan Desert, undulant and iridescent and evil with older arcana."
"Good morning from the top of the Living Desert."
"In the little world yonder, Sphinx, my place is as high as yours in this great desert."
"Some desert legend, one of them muttered, but I knew what we had seen was no myth."
"In the midst of the unforgiving Arizona desert, a group of us hunters had embarked on a daring expedition."