
Political Accountability Quotes

There are 425 quotes

"The fact that Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are the only two House Republicans who believe that we should know what happened on January 6 is itself incredibly astonishing."
"We do not owe politicians loyalty. They owe it to us."
"He committed an impeachable offense by inciting a violent and deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol."
"The president of the United States incited an attack against our democracy."
"Every single Labour MP that has failed to come out and call for a ceasefire when it was opportune to do so will hang their heads in fucking shame."
"If you're not listening to the people and you're not presenting something to the people that the people need, how do you expect we the people to want to support you come election time?"
"Public officials involved in activities following a national election should not have their actions shielded from public view due to concerns over potential damage to their reputation."
"We are talking potentially about impeaching the President of the United States, and when we deal with something this serious, only the members who are elected and accountable for their actions here in Congress to their own constituents should do the questioning."
"What we do about this lawless president will set the standard, will set the precedent, for what happens when we have another president, be it Democratic or Republican, who threatens our democracy the way he has."
"The political leaders and public officers must be accountable to their people; they must conduct elections that will reflect the wishes of the people, while the respect of the right of minority is protected."
"[Alexi's death] puts a question mark over [Putin's ability to continue his actions without international repercussions]."
"It's important to note that they did uphold our finding... that Donald Trump did engage in Insurrection."
"It's not my responsibility to like you. You're a politician; you also succumb to me to earn my vote."
"As a presidential candidate, I'm accountable to the American people." - Joe Biden
"If he's showing us that he has bad people working in his campaign and he does nothing about it, what do you think is going to happen when he's in government?"
"You and I should...be holding our politicians accountable for that because everything can't be done on an individual basis."
"We used to have bipartisan responsibility. Today, we have bipartisan irresponsibility."
"We need an informative, neutral press that is holding government and political parties to one standard of political accountability, no matter what side of the aisle they are on, no double standards."
"It is a disservice to the public for representatives of a campaign, especially the campaign of any incumbent president, to make and repeat the claim that there's proof of massive voter fraud, only to abandon any claim of fraud in the courtroom."
"Keep our politicians accountable, especially when you realize they're being paid a lot of money to represent special interests."
"Everybody's putting the blame on this administration, but I would say hey, where was the Reagan administration, where was the George H.W. administration, where was the George W. administration, where was the Trump administration?"
"It does not behoove any evangelical... to cover for bad acts by a politician."
"He should be forced to resign in absolute shame. I can't think of anything that would personify fake news more than reading from a fake transcript."
"We need all of you on the Grassroots to really push the line and keep the politicians in order."
"I'm amused that you vote these people in and then you are shocked and they do precisely the thing they said that they were going to do."
"Americans are looking at you guys and saying what the hell are you doing?"
"That reckless and wanton disregard for the established norms and for essentially putting millions of lives at stake, threatening really the world, is an impeachable offense."
"They're not indifferent. They know he does things they don't like and they call him out. They really do."
"Democrats are going to have to own AOC... you broke it, you bought it."
"This is them trying to bail out of the lies that they told."
"The Department of Justice is going to have to do the job that the Republican party will not do in self-policing."
"Think about what the president knew in January and didn't tell the American people."
"All of this is self-inflicted wounds by President Trump."
"We are going to have to make sure that our elected officials are not being lazy with solutions."
"Congress better figure out that they're the problem."
"Dr. Fauci's resignation should not prevent a full-throated investigation."
"I'm sorry that you trusted us and we let you down. I would say don't hold it against all Americans because this administration has called the shots and put this strategy into play."
"Impeachment... is some form of censure of the president merited on the basis of what we have seen, yes of course."
"When a Republican says something bizarre, every single elected and unelected Republican has to answer to it."
"The president has condemned neo-nazis and called them by name which is what we are asking Democrats to do when they see the same type of hatred."
"Former vice president Mike Pence just blasted his former Chief in command in a dinner in Washington D.C by saying, 'History will hold Donald Trump accountable.'"
"This just feels like Trump is going to get away with everything. What a terrible precedent this will set."
"Remember every Republican and every Democrat, remember them all who didn't stand up to stop this. Remember them. Don't forget them."
"One man chose this war, one man is directing this war, one man is responsible for this war, and that's Vladimir Putin."
"The message to Donald Trump tonight: fix it."
"We believe that the evidence described by my colleagues today... warrant a criminal referral of former President Donald J. Trump."
"It's time to hear directly from Secretary Clinton."
"This is history in the making... the Strategic goal is the accountability of Russia's political and Military leadership."
"If Trump were to shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, he would have to be impeached."
"The Democrat party needs to be held to account for its role in this an electoral annihilation this fall would be a good start and it would make us all safer."
"That's why it's important for any voter in any District in the country to go sort of ask the people who are asking for their vote hey what do you plan on actually doing when you're in there."
"God's justice is coming and that writes swiftly for a party that consistently lies to the American population and promises things it just can't fulfill."
"Demand more out of our elected officials. Make arguments. Start to say, 'Hey, we want not excuses and we want action.'"
"Humanizing elected officials can be a good thing, as long as we're not doing it so that they can escape responsibility."
"If we allow insurrection against the United States with impunity, with no accountability, we are inviting it to happen again."
"We should be critical, we should do research, and we should absolutely hold electeds accountable."
"Hold these anti-crypto people accountable. Do not vote someone in who is against your best interest from a financial perspective."
"It is time to remind politicians that these offices belong to the people."
"If these allegations are true, can the President be impeached?"
"It's time to remind politicians that these offices belong to the people and also that the budget ought to be balanced. You don't get to live off the paychecks of the future."
"Are you not supposed to point out lies of politicians?"
"The real victory is holding Donald Trump's feet to the fire."
"We want justice for the American people, transparency for the American people, and accountability for the more than six hundred thousand Americans who lost their lives from the COVID-19 virus." - Kevin McCarthy
"I take full responsibility for everything that has happened under this government throughout my period in office."
"How can you look at them straight in the face and say that you voted against that?"
"We can't look at two decades and say, 'Oh yeah, we still did nothing about that.'"
"Trump's Director of National Intelligence is not staying silent after the disastrous Helsinki summit."
"Every Republican member of Congress who did not vote to impeach Donald Trump when they had the chance should be drummed out of public life." - John Favreau
"When you don't prosecute these people for their illegal activity, it just emboldens them to do it all the more."
"We saw that with January 6th and we saw that in the lead up to January 6th and how we navigate questions not just of freedom of speech but also accountability for incitement of violence."
"The only person to resign so far for this scandal is Allegra Stratton, a woman, while he, the man who sanctioned and attended at least one party in 10 Downing Street, still sits in his place."
"We are the check on power. We are the dissenting voice."
"It is hypocrisy for Justin Trudeau to call for the resignation of any official in his government who's found to have done this, to stand there and then say no, I think I'm gonna stick right here guys."
"It's as clear as day what Donald Trump did. He incited that violent mob to rush onto the Capitol to try to stop the peaceful transfer of Presidential Power."
"Out now the CIA and everybody's coming out and saying no no no no we warned him we told him this would happen he didn't listen."
"Anybody that backs the regime is going to be held accountable. Okay, there's absolutely no doubt this regime is going to fall."
"This is about the American people this is for the office of the president what happened at Donald Trump can never happen again."
"He is literally useless because the only thing that we expect of our attorney general is to hold people accountable."
"Hillary Clinton was guilty of it but so is Paul Ryan."
"Politicians should tell us exactly why or why not and they should be upfront why or why not." - Donald Trump
"Nothing we do in rooting out corruption and corrupt money in London or any other capital should for one minute distract from where the true blame for this crisis lies, which is wholly and exclusively and entirely with Vladimir Putin and his regime."
"We need our news media to challenge those who are in power, to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted."
"Imagine if he actually took accountability... decided that he was going to try to help the future of the United States... think about how that would be written about in history."
"What I hope comes of it is it sets a precedence where we start jailing corrupt politicians and then we just keep right on going."
"We gave you our vote, now we want to hold you accountable."
"It really is part of our civic duty to ensure that the people that we elect into office actually make good on the promises that they made during the election."
"We must rise above partisan politics and hold our own accountable."
"We can never fix our problems by relying on the same politicians who created our problems."
"We became paralyzed by the NRA we did not hold our elected officials accountable as they were loosening the sensible gun regulations that were keeping us safe instead we chose to burden our youth with the responsibility of saving their own lives."
"But why hasn’t Antony Blinken labeled it a genocide?"
"I promise you, if you elect me, when I'm wrong I'll acknowledge it, I'll take responsibility."
"We can't trust lawmakers in positions of power to not also abuse those positions to massively enrich themselves."
"Even if Crump's administration alters the numbers States will still be reporting on ICU capacity and death toll he can't hide that that's exactly my hope that's exactly my hope."
"Republicans don't do that Republicans have more spine but they don't care if it's a Republican president if you didn't do it right so I'm not interested I think we need to hold our politicians more accountable particularly as Democrats."
"Anybody that introduced this piece of legislation, anybody that supports it in its current form, should never ever ever be allowed in the halls of power again in the United States of America."
"60% think he has something to do with January 6. 60% think he should be indicted for this document."
"People should start asking their elected representatives, 'Hey, this is driving up costs. Where do you stand on this issue?'"
"We're going to push those who are elected to explain how to make things better."
"They must answer their constituents, not to Crypto Twitter." - Emily Parker on CoinDesk
"I want politicians to be judged on outcomes."
"Vigilant oversight by Congress may serve to deter presidential abuses of office."
"There is no excuse for taking the British people for fools."
"If you're not going to charge someone like Donald Trump or any of his cronies for the criminality that they engaged in, I'm willing to forgive you for that if you actually look out for consumers."
"I hope all of you can hold their feet to the fire, first and foremost Adam Schiff for doing it, and secondly ask Nunes and others why they did nothing when they knew it was happening."
"An apology is not enough from someone who wants to be the President of the U.S."
"We all must understand who is to blame. It is the former president, Donald Trump."
"If Congress isn't going to do their [ __ ], it's nice that somebody will."
"Those who continue to support this dangerous gambit will forever be seen as complicit in an unprecedented attack against our democracy."
"If a president commits serious misconduct in his first term, he doesn't get a pass."
"Joe Biden will be forced to answer those sorts of questions."
"Senator Rick Scott is pledging to hold Communist China and WHO accountable for coronavirus fallout."
"If they are unwilling, they should step aside and make way for new leadership."
"This deserves an apology. Donald Trump should apologize to Sadiq Khan."
"I think it is the politicians that are in charge of the policies they create to be held accountable too, yep."
"Politicians are supposed to be elected to serve you, they work for you, they are beneath you, not above you."
"Senators who don't vote to impeach the former president are complicit in his wrongdoing."
"If politicians in the media had to live with this, they would approach climate change differently."
"It cannot be the case that a president of the United States can attempt to overturn an election and seize power."
"Any politician who is not right now fighting for Medicare for all is complicit in murder of the American people."
"Love them or hate them, you gotta respect the guy in the arena."
"Trump's moment of Reckoning has finally come."
"The weight of evidence that Matt Hancock wouldn't have fought his own actions were acceptable is significant."
"And, for God’s sake, it is time that the Republicans in Congress understand that by enabling this they are putting the entire country at jeopardy."
"250,000 minimum Americans are dead of COVID, and Trump is nowhere near any sort of accountability for that."
"The governor Rick Snyder needs to atone for his crimes."
"Putin must be brought to a court of law and end his days in prison."
"Anyone who's responsible for not taking control, in fact not saying I'm I take no responsibility initially, anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America."
"If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this: anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president."
"Wyoming has drawn a line in the sand that if we put you in power you will be accountable to us, you will answer to us, and you will do what is in our best interests. And if you don't, we will fire you."
"The rest of us need to know the truth about 1-6 and the insurrection and Trump's role in it."
"Democrats will be responsible for their failures, and we will rise stronger in 2022."
"My belief is if Democrats had passed...a standalone stimulus checks bill...before Trump had said anything, Nancy Pelosi...unless you put this forward and pass it right now, we should be able to pass it."
"Politicians...need to be held accountable, and it's important to push them when we think they're making the wrong strategic decision."
"I do think though that coming out of this we should remember for the rest of our lives the people who actively encouraged people especially people who agree with them politically to die from covid. I don't want us to ever forget about that."
"Joe Biden and his family must be held accountable for their corruption."
"The prime minister can't defend his policy so he's changing the name"
"Maybe it's time we demanded less from celebrities and more from the people and places of political power."
"The state of Michigan will be charging its ex-governor Rick Snyder in the Flint water probe."
"You need to take responsibility as a party as to why you were wrong."
"A president should be removed from office if they commit serious crimes."
"It's long past time for Nancy Pelosi to put country over her political party and remove Eric Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee."
"The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters."
"How often do you need to be reminded that the government are meant to work for you?"
"Presidents have tried to get away with stuff like this in the past, and they've lost."
"Donald Trump absolutely should be prosecuted for a conspiracy to commit offenses."
"Why do I blame all the voters? Because they said, 'Give guns to everybody.'"
"We're making this up as we go. Where is any Republican to do the smallest bit?"
"He lied to you. You were just asked if anyone on Mueller's team had expressed report any problems with you."
"It's my responsibility as Speaker of the House to make sure we get to the truth on this."
"There's just no world where Donald Trump didn't know that he was making false claims."
"If Nancy Pelosi gets evidence of money laundering with the Russians and still does nothing, I think she should be impeached."
"Republican Senator Lindsey Graham's own words are coming back to haunt him."
"Trump's argument would undermine accountability for other law-breaking officials."
"Donald Trump has no excuse not to deliver on all the promises that he's made."
"How long are we going to help elect people who continue to disappoint us?"
"I want to see Donald Trump indicted, prosecuted, and potentially convicted for crimes that he committed."
"Senators, you've seen all the evidence so far and this is clear: on January 6, President Trump left everyone in this capital for dead."
"We were voting for Donald on possibilities, now we have to vote on Donald on performance or lack thereof."
"I would tell Vladimir Putin the same thing I would tell Zelensky, this is both your fault because there were things that could have happened, everything is happening, every life lost, every building destroyed, everything didn't have to happen."
"It's time for Prime Minister Scott Morrison to man up and apologize to Christine Holgate and reinstate her as CEO of Australia Post."
"If Trump has done something wrong, if Trump is acting untoward, if he's violating his oath of office by all means he should be investigated and impeached."
"Both in terms of health records but also, let's look at taxes." - Kamala Harris
"What this investigation revealed was a disturbing pattern of conduct by the governor of the great state of New York."
"Accountability regarding Russia is of utmost importance."
"If the country defaults, you blame the top guy. The president eats the majority of the blame."
"Every single Republican in positions of power that agitated to this point, they are responsible."
"You heal the country by holding Trump accountable."
"When is a reporter gonna ask him about these Medicaid cuts at one of these press conferences that he's willing to forego $9 billion because he doesn't want to tax the wealthiest 0.1% of the people in his state?"
"Making sure they are being held accountable to the agenda that you set for them when you put them in office... anybody who's standing in the way of progress... will not have an office seat to hold."
"We must instill in our public officials... They must tell us the truth. If they cannot do this, then they must be impeached or they must be removed from office."
"They've forgotten who puts them there, who pays their salaries."
"We can't have those same people in power that would do something like this to thousands of people based upon a lie."
"The incompetence, corruption, and cronyism of this government goes right to the top."
"Remember that Republicans put him into a position of power."
"The privilege of being a member of congress should not grant you one more iota of protection or courtesy."
"Put every single member of Congress on the record: I want the liar to stay or I want the liar to go."
"That is the cost of war, that is the cost of invasion, that is why this is a morally abhorrent completely unacceptable act."
"The most powerful weapon one can wield is the ability to hold your congressional representatives accountable."
"If you can't have a secure election and you don't have people in office at your local level who are willing to make those cases, then everything else is moot."
"It always matters whether or not you can trust your government."
"China's lies kill. My bill... holds Communist China accountable."
"Government has to hold its allies and other countries to account on human rights abuses."
"But that doesn't mean that congress should get away with doing nothing again."
"There are limits of what we allow even people who get to be the president of the United States what they're allowed to do."
"Former presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one [criminal justice system or civil litigation]." - Mitch McConnell
"If you're corrupt in Washington DC, quit now because Republicans are coming for you."
"The American people deserve the truth and the answers."
"If Trump would have turned in those documents, not a single one of the Trump fans would be saying like wow what an example of blatant partisanship."
"Putin is perceived as the only person who stands to benefit from these murders is being held accountable for everything."
"Running for president is not a ticket to criminal impunity." - Jessica Denson
"The truth is going to come out but there's a special level of gumption that's required for Hawley and some of these others to sit there and try to question what happened."
"You know they're going to be judged the administration will be judged in 2022 and then again in 2024 on like what did you get done for me especially with people who don't follow much attention to politics right."
"If the Senate can subpoena Donald Trump Jr. to testify after all of this, they can subpoena everyone else who was actually involved in this nonsense."
"I think that we need to hang this around the necks of the government of Alberta and particular politicians and particular lawyers like a stinking albatross and never let them forget who they are and what they did."
"To do nothing would make us complicit in the President's abuse of his high office, the public trust, and our national security."
"Joe Biden was attending the tarmac ceremony where the remains of some of the Marines that died in Afghanistan...he seemed completely uninclined to take any interest in the proceedings." - Critiquing leadership and demanding accountability.
"Y'all voted for these people that are then making these laws."
"Inflation at 9.1 percent... we should hold accountable politicians whose policies hurt us."