
Student Loans Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"You all got student loans? Be honest, you do. Just go save some money and get some cash back."
"New student loan payments plan could make it easier for borrowers to become homeowners."
"Student loan forgiveness will allow me to be able to put a down payment on a home."
"Paying off loans doesn't go into effect until after you graduate."
"For many struggling to pay their student loans, the debt can feel overwhelming."
"I believe that we should do student loan forgiveness."
"The universities should pay off the student loan debt with their endowments."
"I can respect the left's position because I think these loans are predatory, targeting 18-year-olds who are now struggling to have families because they're laden with debt."
"The single biggest change you could make to the system to be fair to everybody is the ability to expunge your student loans in bankruptcy."
"It's immoral what we've done. We're up to 1.6 trillion in student loan debt up from less than a hundred billion in 99."
"Forgive students the first fifty thousand dollars in student loan debt with an executive order now. Um, here's the thing that people don't understand about this."
"It's amazing. It's this dark brand, this Biden who has decided now to take the power. He's forgiving student loan debt, he's saying what we've all been thinking this whole time. It's amazing, and he seems unfettered."
"Because of the loans that education had ended up doing me far more harm than good."
"Higher student loans means people have to put off saving and investing, which not only affects our lives, but the lives of future generations."
"He could provide millions upon millions of student loan borrowers a new lease on life."
"President Biden did officially announce that he would forgive '300 billion dollars of student loan debt'... 'the mess that had been mucking up one corner will now become a more widely distributed mess across a larger portion of the house.'"
"Instead of loading our kids up with 30 40 $50,000 in student loan debt we should be giving them 30 40 $50,000 small business loans."
"Canceling fifty thousand dollars in student loan debt would also help close the black-white wealth gap by 25 points."
"I support forgiving at least $10,000 in student loan debt per person."
"You're destroying young lives with it, you're hurting way more people than you're helping with the Student Loan program."
"It's not that bad at all. If you have a lot of student loans and you just feel like you're stuck in the mud, you don't know what to do, you don't know how you're going to do it, I promise you it does get better."
"You cannot forgive student loans. You have to fix the system before forgiving students. Fix it first."
"We cancel $50,000 worth of student loan debt, and what that will mean is that 85% of those who are struggling with student loan debt right now, about 40 million people, will see their student loan debt completely wiped out at the stroke of a pen."
"I would like to see some level of student loan forgiveness."
"We recently paid off over 300 thousand dollars in student loans."
"That's like two and a half years so yeah, so two and a half years though and we knocked out the crazy student loans."
"Your student loans don't have to be your prison."
"But at the same time, no, you know, people don't want to give kids a break on their student loans, but they'll give a trillion dollars to billionaires for their businesses to work well. Right."
"That's big news right there for anybody that has a student loan debt."
"Canceling student loan debt is possible and don't let people get away with telling you that it's not."
"20 million people were just freed from their student loan debt and millions more freed from predatory interest payments."
"The biden administration is extending the pause on student loan payments until February 2022."
"It's time to address the burden of student debt."
"It argues that the president can forgive student debt thanks to a 2003 law called the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act, or HEROES Act for short."
"Your student loan debt has just been canceled."
"Sometimes student loan debt puts us in a crisis where the only option is to stay home, and sometimes there's no home to come back to."
"If your job requires a college degree, you should be able to write off your student loan payments as a business expense."
"Canceling $10,000 of student loan debt would completely wipe out the debts of more than 15 million borrowers."
"Two-thirds of black voters strongly support cancelling student loan debt."
"50,000 in federal student loan debt forgiveness. Now that's a game-changer."
"Avoiding student loans can save a significant amount of money and help you establish good financial habits early on."
"College is not cheap... a lot of kids are ending up in student loan debt."
"I was able to put $250 toward my student loan debt."
"There's not nearly enough outrage over the student loan thing. There should be an eruption of moral outrage over this."
"Before student loans, universities used to be somewhat affordable and reasonable. But today, it's brought into a very profitable industry for those at the top."
"The majority of those who are going to have these loans forgiven are making at or will soon make above the national average."
"We are totally causing a holy ruckus with this thing because we are calling out the out-of-control student loan industry."
"The Congressional Black Caucus is pushing for an urgent meeting with President Biden to discuss student loan debt and call for broad-based cancellation of federal debt through executive action."
"People are seeing that this is just resuming a crisis that had in 2019 someone defaulted on their student loan bar were defaulted on the student debt every third second."
"That ain't right like I still think that's [ __ ] and uh right because I I did that I had student loans I paid them off I still want people to have their student loans forgiven."
"So the good news is it at least he doesn't have any student debt right."
"So they really need to think critically about how they would roll out student loan forgiveness and really work with the Federal Reserve."
"Ultimately, the Democratic Party is selling out the American taxpayer, ultimately Joe Biden is selling out the responsible productive individual out there who paid off their own student loan."
"Money now. I actually support some kind of student loan forgiveness."
"I'm a sovereign citizen, you can't prosecute me. I wish I could use this defense with my student loans."
"Americans don't have to worry about paying their federal student loans at least till may next year."
"It's frustrating. I do intend to pay my student loans. It's just the amount was so high, I can't afford that."
"Student loan debt relief is a universal economic policy."
"How do I get my student loans forgiven versus JFK's 'Ask not what your country can do for you'?"
"The president offered to forgive ten thousand dollars of student loan debt this is on top of existing debt the democrats should take it."
"I hate it, I hate to say it this way and it's morbid, but I'll probably pass still owing student loans."
"We're going to get this done. President Biden could cancel fifty thousand dollars worth of student loan debt basically with the stroke of a pen."
"Are they going to pause this again at some point? They're going to restart and over 40 million Americans are going to have to restart this." - Video Presenter
"The agreement... student loan repayment... is going to end... and that is really going to impact consumer spending."
"I just checked my student loans because I needed to get the information to someone and what the [__] I started with 80,000."
"Don't ask, tell the lender you need to have a Freddie Mac backed conventional mortgage because of your student loans."
"Under the Biden plan, individuals making $25,000 or less per year will not owe any payments on their undergraduate federal student loans and also won’t accrue any interest on those loans."
"Having to repay student loans is a source of anxiety for many people."
"Now I can confidently say that now as of today we have about nine thousand dollars left in student loan debt."
"I wish I could pay off today would definitely be my student loans... that would be like amazing."
"It's like taking out a student loan to earn you a degree."
"This bipartisan bill is a common sense fix to help some of our students most deserving public servants and to get out from the burden of student loan debt more quickly."
"Let's cancel student debt... just about 1.6 trillion dollars."
"For your generation, student loan debt I would say is possibly one of the most important things you need to decide before you take on the debt."
"I'm on the public service loan forgiveness plan. I qualify, I submit my application, I just recertified, it was approved."
"We're not taking loans out because you could have done that, doing it yourself. So, and a lot of people do, right? They got to take out the loans to make it work."
"Your app name is Young plus something you always carry with you no matter where you go: young student loan debt."
"My wife did that ancestry.com. She discovered that one of her ancestors graduated in the first graduating class at Harvard in 1636. And get this. Two weeks ago, he finished paying off his student loans."
"You just do school, possibly more school and then pay back your school with your job."
"President Biden raised student loan forgiveness for those making under $125,000 a year, providing breathing room for many."
"They passed a bill to cancel a ton of student loan debt."
"We ended up paying $289. It definitely makes me feel a lot better in terms of my student loans."
"That student loan that you're about to leave with, life in the 20s and 30s, aren't going to be as fun as you think."
"You don't have to get into debt to get qualified for that career field."
"I hope you all learned something on this student loan breakdown here. Again, I want you all to do your own research because this stuff is pretty in-depth and it's easy to get lost if you don't pay attention."
"So on today's video, we're going to be talking about student debt and student loans and more specifically medical student debt."
"not having debt is still to me because of my student loan debt it's not even in my realm of reality."
"Student loans are crippling millions of people, many of them fresh out of college."
"I was looking at over a hundred thousand dollars in student loans and I always knew that when I got to college starting a business would be my path to Financial Freedom."
"Graduates now have to pay £50,000 or earn £50,000 before they pay down the capital of their student loan. Is university still worth it? Yes, it is."
"Never in a million years did I think that I would be done paying off my student loans in four months."
"I'm really excited to talk to you because I love this. I mean, I don't love the I had 175,000 in student loan debt, but I love the fact that you've paid off such a big chunk of it in such a small amount of time."
"The fact that the students have been essentially handed a bill of indentured servitude here for their student loans is absolutely beyond comprehension."
"Personally, I think I'm more for student loan forgiveness because I think with the cost of so you're telling me someone who dropped out of elementary school, I should have to pay for your student loans?"
"It's amazing that this exists in a modern society. If you don't pay off your student loans, when you're 65, the government will garnish your social security wages to pay off your student debt."
"Earnest is giving our listeners a $100 bonus when you visit earnest.com/flagrant to refinance your student loan."
"Everybody's walking around saying how bad the student loan program is, how it's an epic failure, how it's a plague on society, and yet Congress just continues to write these dadgum checks."
"...we must factor that into our budget so we are going for a lower budget than last time because we need to factor in my very high student loan payments."
"40K in student loans? Come on, do you realize how long it takes the average person to save forty thousand dollars after taxes to pay off loans of something you've already spent?"
"...your student loans are officially unforgivable, and it's the final countdown before the COVID-driven payment pause is up..."
"...now the payments are back, Voldemort style, circa Mike Newell's. Got 45 million student borrowers, most of whom were already living paycheck to paycheck, are going to have to belly up an extra 400 bucks a month on payments again..."
"I think if you start paying off student loans and you start helping people with education and you start raising wages, I think you'll be able to get the people you want."
"If you can do that, you're going to be able to overcome that student loan in the first year, two, three, five years of your working career."
"Being a student without a student loan is absolutely possible."
"I got all of my student loan money paid back and at that point I didn't have to pay it back to the bank yet so I suddenly had budgets to actually you know get things like a new computer."
"I remember getting my paychecks and seeing my student loan payment and thinking, 'Well, great. How do I do this with paying for other things?'"
"I ate ramen noodles for three years, put 90% of my money to my loans, paid them off. I had a party when I paid them off."
"I pray that young people will not be yoked with student loan debt for the next 20 years of your life."
"Honestly, canceling student loan debt seems like some [__] that they would never really do. It always seems like, damn, the only person that I really believe would do it would be somebody like Bernie."
"This company's mission to help recent graduates pay off student loan debt really speaks to me."
"There are even companies in the U.S. who pay your student loan for you when they employ you."
"Pay off the student loans as soon as possible."
"University tuition in the U.S is very expensive, and millions of students rely on loans and grants to pay for their education."
"You don't want your total student loan debt to exceed your first year salary."
"We have radically reformed the college loan program to lower the cost of college loans and broaden the availability of it."
"Everything over that should really just be thrown towards these student loans."
"If you're going to have $250,000 in loans when you come into law school, you need some serious cash to be able to service that loan debt."
"If someone gave you a thousand dollars, what would you buy with them? I wouldn't buy anything; I'd probably pay off my student loans."
"President Biden has extended the stimulus provision of student loan freeze for a few more months."
"Make sure your student loan debt doesn't exceed your anticipated first-year salary."
"Enjoy your life, having your student loans taking an extended repayment option on your student loans doesn't mean that you don't get to enjoy the journey."
"Public Service Loan Forgiveness is a repayment option if you have qualifying federal student loans."
"I put it immediately to savings to try to pay off my student loan."
"Paying off my student loans is going to feel so free and liberating."
"I'm the rapper who went viral for paying his student loans off and making a song about it called Sally Mayback."
"I cannot understate the danger and the risk... of allowing the moratorium on student loan payments to lapse."
"You want to come out of college with no more than one year's salary worth of student loan debt."
"If y'all won, what would you do with the ten thousand dollars? I have a dumb answer: student loans."
"Anytime I hear a student paying off their loan within their first year, it gives hope that it is possible."
"So you just graduated... we're going to be talking about what happens to your student loans after you graduate."
"You do know, however, as we were talking about student loans, it's a rather large amount, about a trillion two that is out there."
"There need to be more discharge rights for student loan borrowers."
"We need to reform this plan and we need to let families get out from underneath this crushing misdirection of government policy and student lending."
"The impact of student debt isn't shared equally."
"Student loan borrowers are consumers and they are taxpayers and they should be protected."
"I can't be greedy twice, Howie, this is going to help me pay up the start of my loans."
"I'm paying extra towards my student loans, and that feels good."
"I paid off all my student loans completely on my own."
"We are not going to let our student loan debt control our entire lives in every single decision that we make."
"This whole student loan gambit has seeded the seeds of a moral hazard on Main Street."
"It feels great with all the student loan stuff coming back and not having a care in the world."
"A very exciting one for anyone who has a student loan, that would be student loan forgiveness."
"The Disabled Veteran Student Loan Forgiveness Program essentially discharges the federal student loan debt of qualified veterans."
"If you have federal student loans, they've actually gotten pushed back to September 30th where they cannot penalize you for any missed or late payments."
"There has never been a president and there's never been an administration that has come close to providing the support and relief for student loan borrowers that this administration has."