
Unprecedented Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"The process of reopening the economy is unprecedented, as was the shutdown at the onset of the pandemic."
"Nobody thought a thing like this was possible, a pandemic that affected every single person on the planet."
"This COVID issue... is a totally unprecedented issue that was never foreseen."
"This is a crisis like no other. Never in the history of the IMF have we witnessed the world economy coming to a standstill. We are now in recession. It is way worse than the global financial crisis." - Kristalina Georgieva
"Never in a million years could I have imagined we'd be witnessing what we're witnessing right now."
"We are living in an unbelievably unprecedented moment."
"It's unprecedented. It's incredibly, incredibly impressive."
"It's unprecedented for an ex-president to do any of the things that you did. That's why this is unprecedented."
"Can anybody remember a crazier night in football history?"
"This cycle is unique because what we have seen... is a stimulus on the degree never seen before."
"It's staggering McAllen city manager Roy Rodriguez says really we've never seen anything like this before."
"In my 25 years, I have never seen anything like this."
"It happened in a church and that is unprecedented."
"We've never seen a response like this before."
"Nobody's ever seen a virus like this. It doesn't follow any of the patterns of a virus. Straight out of hell."
"It's crazy this is talk about unprecedented things."
"We've never experienced something like this in global history before."
"We've never really seen this before on a global scale."
"What Republicans did with Merrick Garland is something that has never been done before, and they did it without any hesitance, without any shame."
"This is really unprecedented, completely unprecedented."
"The sheer production capability and military assets available to the Empire are unprecedented."
"It is unprecedented. It really is unreal. I've never seen anything like it. I don't think we'll see anything like it."
"It is unprecedented, no one's seen or been anything... it's unprecedented, the worst start for 45 years."
"This has never been done to a president before. Everything happens for the first time sometime."
"There will be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation."
"We have never been in this place before. Earth has never been in this place before."
"The world has never been put on pause before ever, right?"
"We are about to make an extremely unheard of, unparalleled, never-seen-before, rapid change."
"There's never been an opportunity like this in the history of mankind."
"A genuinely unprecedented decision by a judge." - Paul Rosenzweig, former George W. Bush official
"We are in an unprecedented point in history."
"The shots that Damian Lillard were hitting, we have not seen before."
"No president ever had his property searched."
"This is ground breaking, this is revolutionary, this is something that has never happened before."
"It's entirely unprecedented. It's never happened before."
"We've never seen 7 trillion flood into the United States Financial system before."
"There's never been anything like this in terms of speed, nothing even close."
"We are facing an unprecedented decade that will be fraught with challenges that humanity has never had to tackle."
"The television broadcast of Trump's criminal trials... is going to be absolutely like nothing this country has ever seen before."
"A Demon Lord defeating a hero in his infancy was unprecedented."
"A scene like we've never witnessed before."
"Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures."
"This culture with that level of grave Goods is unprecedented."
"What we mean is that they're unanimous in their belief that this is completely unprecedented."
"The situation in Thailand was unprecedented."
"Max Verstappen has delivered at a level which we have never seen before."
"...we're living through something that we've never seen before in 5,000 years of recorded human history."
"He had never had a moment like this before."
"This amount of time in space is obviously unprecedented."
"I've never seen anything like that so 10 out of 10."
"...unlike anything anyone had ever seen."
"What we've witnessed today is truly historic. Nothing like this has ever occurred."
"Never before in American history had a president called for a crowd to come contest the counting of electoral votes."
"I've never been this happy before."
"When a fight card needed to deliver, I don't know if we've ever seen one like this."
"Nothing like this has ever happened in American history."
"I just want to say how a 15-year run is unprecedented. Like, that's hard. I don't know anybody who's had a 15-year run."
"...we've just never seen that before."
"It was something I've never seen before."
"No one knows what to do. This has never happened anywhere in the United States."
"It is just absolutely unprecedented but with Donald Trump it's almost it's almost inevitable that this this was going to happen"
"It scared us because this has never happened before."
"This is one of the few things one could say we have no precedent for in the United States."
"I've never seen anything like that before at any time in any game."
"We've never seen anything like this before in human history."
"Nothing like this had ever been attempted before."
"The scope and scale of the disaster that was Chernobyl was something the world had never seen."
"The sheer speed and precision of his victories were unprecedented, leaving even the most skeptical observers in disbelief."
"The wings of the variable wing sweep geometry was just absolutely unprecedented at the time."
"This level of skateboarding is unprecedented."
"The sheer ability to organize and coordinate something on this scale was totally unprecedented."
"We've never seen anything of that scale in human history."
"What we're seeing is something we've never quite seen before."
"I'm in an unprecedented season in my life."
"One of the things we can all agree on is that we're living in a time in human history that is absolutely unprecedented."
"This message has not been preached anywhere else."
"What would amazing and unprecedented look like?"
"Wow, my favorite part—that was the most unprecedented moment of this trip."
"This is really interesting and very unprecedented."
"This is something the likes of which we have never seen which means we need a response that is the same."
"I've literally never felt this relaxed ever."
"This is going to be like nothing we've ever done before, nothing that has ever been seen anywhere in the world before. This is going to be an absolute extravaganza."
"This is going to be something totally unprecedented for like all of our lifetimes."
"This is a storm we've literally never had."
"It is literally like watching a car crash in action. You can't stop watching because we have never witnessed something like this before."
"The epic collapse is something I don't recall ever seeing."
"An unprecedented spiritual hunger in our times."
"This doesn't happen. Bands don't do this. What's going on?"
"And Joel focuses on this and it's not just another difficult circumstance that happened throughout human history. Joel's going to show very clearly, this is unprecedented. This has never happened before and never will again."
"Nobody had ever seen anything like it."
"A day without precedent on the Giro d'Italia."
"The details are unlike anything I have ever seen before."
"The blast was unlike anything the world had ever seen before."
"We've been seeing this unfold for the last nearly 20 days now and I think it's safe to say that in my lifetime I've never seen anything like this."
"It would be a tragedy on a scope we have not seen in our lifetime, or yeah, it would just be unprecedented in the scope of death that would occur."
"We are just in an unprecedented time right now."
"It tells something about where we are today being unprecedented in terms of climate history."
"Unprecedented financial breakthrough."
"Thanks to one of the strangest Playoff scenarios that we are ever going to see unfold In Our Lifetime."
"Wow, this is just awesome to watch. This is unprecedented."
"15 wins in a row, there's still four races left in this season, wrapping things up earlier, doing things that we've never really seen before quite like this."
"The challenge is unprecedented, is immense."
"This is the first time that world history has ever seen something like this."
"We were actually preparing to ditch that airplane at night in the Pacific Ocean, which has never been done before."
"No airplane has ever landed with this amount of damage."
"They are going to have such a strength of love and affection for you like you have never experienced before."
"That kind of storytelling has never happened before in cinema."
"The state of the world is such that, our civilization has never had to face up to a challenge of this kind before."
"I'm giving you the prototype to build something that's never been built so that you can handle what's never happened."
"It's something very special, it's better than anything we've ever seen before."
"This is the craziest thing that's probably ever happened in our lifetime."
"I think we all experienced something nobody has in their lifetime pretty much, with the kind of a cessation of life to some degree."
"Monstrous, something that has never been done before."
"...we've never seen this in our lifetime, and it's an exciting time."
"We are all living through unprecedented times, experiencing changes that we have never experienced before."
"We live in an unprecedented time and I believe in a God who will move in an unprecedented way amongst us."
"Everything all at once, never been done before, spectacular, amazing, life-changing, phenomenal."
"It is going to be a free flow of help that you have never seen in your life."
"I've been in the zoo profession for over 30 plus years and never had a situation like this; it's unprecedented and very disturbing."
"Achieving the top scholar of the province with just an ordinary profession, such a feat is unprecedented."
"A cave diving rescue mission unlike the world has ever seen."
"It's a sad time, something that we have never seen during my lifetime."
"This has never been seen before in the United States of America."
"Truly a journey where no man had ever gone before."
"When this attack actually happened, it was completely unprecedented."
"We've just witnessed the first time in history that a torpedo sunk a truck."
"We've never seen a start like this in a major match."
"If you put a beat down on Francis Ngannou, even if it isn't his first sport, I still got to hold my hands up and go, 'You knocked out a man I've never even seen hurt before.'"
"The speed with which the world's population is growing is something that's never been seen in history or prehistory."
"This is next level giving that I've never experienced before. Thank you."
"The Golden State killer did things that nobody had ever seen or thought of before."
"We've never had a finish to the race like this."
"This is unlike anything we've ever seen in the history of the world, part one or part two."
"We have never seen a fighter with this level of dominance in the featherweight division's history."
"It was almost unheard of, it was almost unprecedented."
"We're in unprecedented times with all the stimulus and money printing that occurred during the pandemic."
"It is truly, and I'm using this word, I know it's abused today, but unprecedented."
"The world's never seen anything like this before."
"We're looking at some completely unprecedented numbers."
"Historic like there was never before has there been a gathering this big."
"This has never happened in the history of baseball."
"The world just became completely upside down, unlike anything we'd ever known before."
"Unprecedented organization on a scale never seen before."
"This is something we've never had before in this country."
"This has never happened before in history."
"We are seeing one of the strangest global events of our lifetimes."
"We've never seen anything like that before."
"I could not believe what I was watching; I've never seen anything like this."
"Never experienced anything like this; it's just absolutely amazing."
"This is a moment we have not seen ever in U.S history."
"God is moving in unprecedented ways."
"This is a really unprecedented moment and time for the country."
"Something amazing happened, something unprecedented, something that's never happened before."
"We are witnessing something that no one has ever seen."
"No one had ever escaped from this prison before."
"The level of smoothness, the level of grip, that was just something I had never felt before."
"It is a record to create something that has not been done before and will certainly under the current structure and system and where football's heading will never in my opinion happen again."
"We have hundreds of millions of people documenting the world in real-time, never before has that happened."
"The impacts of these geopolitical and economic forces are large and somewhat unprecedented."
"It's time for miracles that we haven't heard about before that haven't been recorded before in history."
"This is unprecedented in my lifetime... but I do believe that we are gonna make it through."
"We've just never seen anything like this to this scale."
"This is truly an unprecedented event for us."
"Events are about to unfold the likes of which no generation has ever seen before."
"For under the whole heaven such has never been done as what has been done to Jerusalem."
"We're seeing titans do things that we've never seen them do before."
"I don't think we've ever seen a battle like this in Hip Hop."
"We've never seen stimulus like we've seen since 2020."
"What's happening right now is just truly unprecedented."
"Unlike anything you've ever seen." - Manohla Dargis of The New York Times
"We've got to come together on this and we've got to accept that there will be mistakes and there will be lack of clarity because this is unprecedented."
"I have never, and I mean never, experienced anything like this."
"It's a situation that we have never had before, another historic moment on The Price is Right."
"It was something never seen before, the most-watched triathlon in history, and Super League Hamilton Island did not disappoint."
"Nothing has ever happened like this worldwide where the entire world is on one page."
"2020 has been a blur, kind of for me, for the family. It's seen so many remarkable things, things that I've never seen in my lifetime."
"This is historic, they ain't never did nothing like this."
"Two magic wands choosing the same master together, this is history, something that has never happened."
"I felt a sense of horror I never felt before in my life."
"The current warming trend is unprecedented in history."
"This pandemic is something that none of us have ever experienced before in our lifetime."
"This experiment at Colorado, Coach Prime changing over the roster, 90 new players, this is completely unprecedented."
"During the design of the inlet, that's something that's not accounted for because that's not something that's ever happened before."
"We have never seen anything like this. Wow."
"We're in a global pandemic, and there's things that are happening that have not really happened in most of our lifetimes."
"We witnessed something that has never happened before."
"It was a game changer, this is the first time this has ever happened."
"This was a collaborative venture on a scale that would have been unheard of in the world before SCP-001."
"This is an experience in general that nobody experienced before."
"There's so many things that we're doing that just has not been seen or done to this magnitude before."
"This remains the only occasion a Grammy has ever been taken back."
"I have never ever ever encountered anything quite like this before."
"This is something that would be unheard of for the price and the size of picture quality."
"The ability for the camera to lock onto those eyes like this is unprecedented."
"We've never seen this before in recorded history, fire weather has never been as severe this early in spring."
"This is history in racing fun, we have never seen a car DNF four times in a row here."
"It was something that I had never seen before."
"Ring number six, unprecedented by the way."
"We've never seen this before, ever."
"Goku ascended to a level that had never been reached before."