
Government Responsibility Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"The government's job is to uphold justice, to turn over what they have that is exculpatory or tends to be exculpatory."
"We welcome the recent publication of the transition plan which details the vision of the Somali Government to gradually take over responsibilities in the area of security."
"The world in which we live today is a world of great uncertainty, and for us to survive, you need governments that are resilient."
"For me, this is a sign of a humanity crisis really put on the public by the governments and the authorities."
"The government's job is to represent the will of the people."
"The real enemy in the movie are the humans or the government that abandoned the tethered people."
"It is the responsibility of its government to make sure that there is a safety net, that there is something for people who work hard and play by the rules. This is not an entitlement, this is an earned benefit."
"The American people have made it clear that they want a government that will fight this virus and will protect their families and small businesses from the impacts of COVID-19."
"The whole point of the government is to protect its constituents, to respond to these kinds of emergencies and disasters."
"The government's job is to look out for the people."
"If they need financial help, they should ask for it instead of heartlessly sending asylum seekers on their way with one-way tickets."
"The number one responsibility of government is to protect people and property."
"A government's job should be to take care of its people and a government wants its people to be the best it can be so that the nation can be the best that it can be."
"The primary responsibility of government is the protection of lives and properties."
"It is one of the highest responsibilities of our government to see them, to see their dignity and to lift them up."
"The Chinese government is responsible for this. They're responsible for this at every level."
"I believe the American people are looking right now to their government for help, to do our job, to not let them down. So I'm going to act, and I'm going to act fast."
"The veterans in Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering the same illnesses and the same toxic exposure because of the actions of our own government."
"Keeping the country safe is the government's overriding priority."
"Governments have got to have a bit of courage and say, 'You're not making money out of Australians unless Australians are protected.'"
"Every time you talk about being a government official, you are elected by the people to have duties. Certain things do not belong in the public."
"Leadership, good government, responsibility is more important than ever before, especially in these divided times."
"I think that was something of a cold hard reality check... his primary purpose in the treasury right now is to restore economic credibility."
"If you're going to send our kids off... there's a moral requirement to make sure they're safe."
"Let us never forget that our government has the power that it does because the people have consented to it, specifically to a government that will serve all of us equally and that will protect the fundamental rights enumerated by our Constitution."
"Government created it, so we have a responsibility."
"We must not force them into shelters and we need the state to make a much bigger investment and the city to make a much bigger investment in ending homelessness."
"Every American deserves a government that protects them honors them defends them and fights for them."
"Government needs to address serious survival threats."
"The great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed and in the next place oblige it to control itself."
"Safety of workers, of their families as well needs to be the primary consideration of any government."
"Above all else, the American people want their government to be serious about protecting the public, enforcing the rule of law, and creating a rational system of legal immigration that will proactively fit our needs."
"It's our responsibility as an Administration to responsibly and safely care for unaccompanied children."
"I take full responsibility for everything that has happened under this government throughout my period in office."
"The government in my view has an important role in doing that."
"Where's congress on this? Congress, do your job!"
"The government's role should be to protect the space for that debate."
"The first duty of any government is to preserve the safety of its people."
"I think more than anything, what's important is to realize that this is our government. It works when we decide to get involved."
"People are starving and unhappy and no one's gonna step in."
"Government's first duty is the safety of the citizens."
"If your government isn't looking out for you when we're facing an eviction crisis and societal collapse, do you ever expect them to look out for you?"
"The government broke it, now the government must fix it."
"Government's first responsibility is safety and they are not living up to their oath."
"In a representative government, officials should reflect the will of the citizens."
"The moral imperative of government should be to deliver the best outcomes."
"These images have the power to make society and the government reflect on the importance of protecting these groups."
"The federal government is supposed to serve the people."
"We have one job in the federal government and that is to protect the United States of America."
"We're going to stay here as long as it takes to get everybody out that needs to get out, period."
"The Biden Administration refuses to guarantee the safety of Americans stranded in Afghanistan."
"If there is a housing shortage, it's only because no government has built council homes for the last 40 years."
"The responsibilities of regulating social media platforms fall on the government. It's past time to act."
"Our economy is so great, so great, that you have to have a law against evicting people, and not a law, you have to have a temporary mandate against evicting people because if you evict people, the society would... well, then it'll just fall apart."
"My devout hope is that Congress will raise the debt ceiling and pay all of our bills."
"I think we would have considerable legal standing to file against States Governors politicians that haven't pushed for it because they have abandoned their constitutional duties."
"This is the same content that the president of the United States just banned in the federal government because it is so harmful to people."
"A slow-moving disaster. It's our role as members of the government to advocate for our constituents."
"The very first responsibility of a responsible government is to ensure the safety of the citizens."
"If the federal government can't fix the shortage, it could result in benefit cuts up to 24% for retirees beginning in 2023."
"Governments must not only support global action to put an end to violations but also protect uyghur victims and activists abroad."
"So if the government is going to do that and take that risk, shouldn't they get some warrants or some upside in the company's future success?"
"It's government's job to be crucified sometimes for doing the right thing."
"If he actually wanted to do something and protect American citizens, it's actually not that hard."
"Now the priority is this government should start right away by fixing the fiscal problems to secure the money of the people."
"Once an item falls within the rights defined by the Second Amendment, it triggers a critical moment in time—the burden shifts to the government."
"Maintaining order is a government's first duty."
"The state should be making a very strong effort to provide more services in poorer areas."
"The president has to surge more equipment to New York and other places that are clearly in distress."
"National security is the most important thing a government can deliver, and we will never fall short."
"Teach them to fish, you feed them for a lifetime."
"Scottish government cabinet should take the white privilege test."
"Property rights are one of the greatest things that government must protect."
"National security also means doing everything we can to improve the lives of our people, many of whom have been abandoned by our government decade after decade."
"They could have been planning for this, they could have been producing personal protective equipment, they could have been ramping up testing capacity, they could have been building ventilators, and they didn't, and that was a political decision."
"The government is supposed to be about you, not those that have the wealthy corporations."
"We had a duty, as a government, and we made the choice of helping them."
"The British state is at the center of this moral failure."
"Our society is shaped not only by the rights it declares, but also by its willingness to protect and enforce those rights." - Attorney General Merrick Garland
"The Department of Justice is responsible for safeguarding the fundamental foundation of this Republic."
"Government has to hold its allies and other countries to account on human rights abuses."
"We can never bring back those we've lost, but we can come together to fulfill the first responsibility of our government and our democracy: to keep each other safe."
"It is the responsibility of the federal government to render protection to federal property and personnel."
"Shouldn't our government leaders seek to support the life and dignity of each human being instead of killing them?"
"We balance the budget without unduly burdening New Yorkers with tax hikes or massive service reductions."
"Imagine your family member being made a promise that they relied on by the government. That promise is supposed to stand."
"This is about what our government is supposed to do."
"Our government is just throwing its own citizens to the money wolves, because they don't want to deal with the thing we literally hired them to do."
"Funding the government is one of the most basic responsibilities of the Congress."
"You basically have corporations running roughshod over the people with government not doing its job of protecting the average person."
"The point is be it government for your people because there's a Revolution coming in the world."
"It's not the government's job to keep you safe."
"I just hope Congress resolves this because it's you know yes super important."
"Governments should have a service to community agenda."
"I think everybody knows millions of people are hurting, they are scared to death and as a government at the federal state and local levels we've got to do everything we can to protect our people." - Bernie Sanders
"The VA has one job: to act for the benefit of the veteran."
"Why pay taxes if the most foundational role of government is not being acted upon?"
"Unbelievable burden on the Polish government."
"If non-proliferation of unnecessarily risky research is a goal, it's critical for the US government to engender trust, both among American citizens and our allies abroad, through transparency."
"Migration and immigration is a natural phenomenon which you cannot fight. Government needs a clear plan to accommodate refugees."
"No government has the right to destroy the lives of the people which it is supposed to serve."
"What is the actual solution here? Well, the actual solution is for the Republic to wake up and get tough."
"I've been put in a position of saying... you've got to choose between keeping your word to your people or cutting Medicare."
"The federal government has abandoned border states, National Security, our security."
"None of this stuff that was happening with soldiers and with government employees that night raised red flags."
"The government has a duty and a right and a job to make sure that the economy functions in a way that promotes the well-being of the people, not the enrichment of a few."
"The government needs to be responsible and to get markets calmer and more under control."
"We're not doing enough and if the president won't act then congress should reconvene and congress should act to protect the american people."
"This shows you, it sums up people's attitude to climate change in large and it's why it's so important that the governments take action."
"If the government isn't doing what is needed to protect people, we have got a job to speak up for people."
"If the federal government doesn't act in the next couple of weeks, they will be more reckless and irresponsible than even I thought they were, and that's saying something."
"If we're not going to protect our troops and their families, I don't know who we should protect."
"Politics isn't just branding and marketing, that's actual policy that affects people."
"If this is not a job for the government, then what could be a job for the government?"
"Understanding this danger is vital for governments, communities, and individuals."
"The blame for Grenfell must lie at the government's door."
"The federal government cannot allow anarchists and insurrectionists to destroy federal courthouses, federal buildings, or other federal property."
"I do believe that the state should do its best to support small businesses that are suffering during this time period."
"The primary responsibility of government is to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority."
"Stop with this nonsense, man. Listen, there's some issues that are top-down issues that have to be addressed by the government, and you cannot address them on the individual level."
"There was a lack of compassion by government entities to give people access to the treatment that they need."
"Why haven't we done reparations? We clearly owe them. And by we, I don't mean white people, I mean the government of the United States."
"It's the brinkmanship has to end. There's no excuse for another crisis."
"Perhaps Congress should be the one to determine how that should be handled."
"The government must ensure that mental health provision is available for all NHS workers and care staff now and for as long as they need it."
"You can't close businesses down and not provide some way of people getting some money to feed their families."
"The long-term implications of a default are Unthinkable the leaders are saying the magnitude of adverse consequences from a prolonged negotiation or default is unquantifiable."
"This Administration should apologize to the family of the 11-year-old girl who was raped last week."
"House Republicans continue to offer Solutions we all knew this date was going to be here and the White House ignored it we will not ignore the problems and will continue to work for the American public."
"The only job of our government is the protection and upholding of those rights."
"The incompetence in this instance though doesn't come from battlefield failures, but from a crumbling nuclear infrastructure."
"The government must not be allowed to stop paying its debts."
"These are the things that we just need to get right to actually get out to the public."
"Urgent action is needed today right now by the Trump administration." - Joe Biden
"The first duty of government is to protect the safety of our citizens." - Attorney General Barr
"If the government is going to be closing you down and taking away your ability to earn a living, then they should compensate you for that denial."
"Start with the text, then the burden shifts to the government."
"If they really cared, it would be about modernization, it would be about bringing the people back to work."
"The government should stop passing the buck and actually take responsibility for how their policies have driven up the cost of groceries in Canada."
"The interest of a government in making sure that children do not die during a time of a global pandemic is something that would seem logical and that we should all embrace."
"Governments have a responsibility to protect not only their citizens but people living within their territories."
"In framing food banks and food charities as an effective solution to this problem, the government is running away from its commitment to uphold the right to food, and we should not accept this response."
"The Spanish flu had long term impacts... it really woke up governments that we've got to do something, we have a responsibility for health."
"The survival of this entire nation depends upon the ability of federal, state, and local governments to carry out their responsibilities in the event of a massive nuclear attack."
"The federal government owes a very strong obligation to preserve our natural resources."
"The job of the government was to protect those rights."
"While America will pursue cooperation and commerce with other nations, we are renewing our commitment to the first duty of every government: the duty to its people."
"It remains a matter of urgency for the government to sincerely look into the issue from every angle based on custom and tradition, history and land holding, and to give justice to all."
"The IRS needs to do its job and get these overdue payments out ASAP."
"The federal government has a responsibility to small municipalities, to small Armenian businesses, to individuals."
"The biggest responsibility of government is to protect people from one another."
"The two big problems with the aid model is that it allows African governments to abdicate their responsibility."
"We believe that is government's duty to make data available, to break down wall gardens, to enhance transparency."
"People are starving, people are suffering, how can I in the United States government use our positions to help Africa?"
"I think government bears a responsibility for assisting in making sure that those are cleaned up as well."
"We have more work to do to make sure our economy, our justice system, and our government work not just for the few, but for the many."
"If you're brave enough to fight for this country, you certainly deserve for the government to look out for you when you get back."
"The kingdom government is responsible and obligated to the citizen."
"I just want people to be educated and healthy, that is the job of a government."
"It's the government's duty to actually cure the pain and psychological traumas these individuals faced during the sacrifice."
"It is an imperative that this country's federal government, who has a constitutional obligation to secure the border of the United States, do so."
"The government should do more for people who are struggling."
"This is an opportunity for every level of government to step up and lead."
"One of the responsibilities of our government is to raise revenue or monies through direct and indirect taxation."
"The government is now responsible or more responsible than they've been for the social welfare of individuals who are struggling."
"All humans share an intrinsic worth that entitles them to certain dues from their government."
"A responsible government protects the health and safety of its people, especially in a crisis like COVID-19."
"The fundamental duty of the government is to comply with the law."
"The government is morally responsible to treat everyone equally under the law."