
Cultural Evolution Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"One day, we will have a president who grew up on Johnny Johnny and elot, and after that, there'll be one who's raised on AI-generated content farms."
"I think the culture should continue to evolve and everyone that joins it should get better and better."
"If you want to see China's past, go to Beijing. If you want to see the present, go to Shanghai. But if you want to see the future, go to Shenzhen."
"Love was never traditionally a part of marriage. It's a recent invention. Prior to that, it was about duty and who matches well together."
"Mythology is stories, and stories change with every telling."
"When we do a deep dive like this, I usually go as far back as I can to try and find the earliest stories so we can trace this evolution, and watch as the gods we're familiar with now start out as wildly unfamiliar figures before growing and changing with their societies to eventually become the figure we recognize today."
"We are the beneficiaries of thousands of years of cultural evolution."
"In the 1920s, it actually was very exciting because that's the first decade that restaurants actually became a thing."
"I've never found it possible to dismiss the content of religious thinking as simply part of an outmoded phase in the consciousness of mankind, a part we shall have to give up from now on."
"Leisure afforded long periods of hanging around with others, which led to the development of language, storytelling, and the arts."
"I'm an old man who is still shaking off the dregs of my generation, and I'm excited to see so many of these younger folks that are spearheading what will be a much better, much more healthy cultural future for us worldwide."
"As high fashion begins to take on elements of style that were previously deemed alternative, we're seeing the erosion of traditional cultural divides in favor of a less compartmentalized appreciation of creativity."
"I feel like one of the defining traits of culture building in the modern age is the process of stylization, which is to say, the evolutionary cycle in which a phenomenon inevitably gets more abstract over time, becoming symbolic or cliched in sync with the original context being forgotten."
"I think things are getting better and we are moving into an era of more diverse art styles."
"There's this one scene that's there towards the end of both films where our heroine gets a pep talk from spirit grandma that I feel speaks to the evolution not just of the cultural angle but of the ethical storytelling of Disney movies."
"The Robin Hood Legend evolves with every new screen adventure, questioning pressing issues of the day."
"For over half a century we have seen the zombie archetype evolve, devolve, spun around, turned upside down, and utterly milked to death."
"Marriage used to be about plots of land, dowries, political alliances... now we see it more as romance and love."
"It is through this rich tapestry of innovations that Greek religion found its unique expression, intertwining the spiritual, human, mythical, and historical."
"The culture changed and generally bent in the direction of actual genuine progress."
"Life at the Royal Courts of Europe had evolved into a rarefied world of ritual and affectation."
"It's like I'm tired of seeing the same cis gay love stories because we've done it plenty. I think it's great that we see it, but I also think we can push the boundaries further."
"Cultural shifts are happening faster than ever."
"From writing, to pyramids, to the rise of the modern metropolis, everything we call civilization can trace its origins back to the farming revolution."
"Taking us back to a time when people were just beginning to push the limits of state fair food."
"Genres like emo trap, psychedelic trap, and trap metal have emerged."
"Timothée Chalamet marks a milestone in the gender fluid sex symbol's journey from subversive rock and roll all the way to mainstream Hollywood."
"I gotta say this battle rap thing from the era Fight Club to what it is now it's amazing."
"In the end comedy will come back edgy humor will come back and the despots will lose."
"They are taking the ideals of the original rave generation and forge their own fight back with the scene totally of its time."
"Low time preferences initiate the process of civilization."
"The Birds morphed a pot sensibility with a much deeper theme."
"We were doing this in 1991 and no one came up with the term 'woke' in 1991."
"It went from scary and controversial to something we can all laugh about." - "It went from a thing that's like, 'hey, this is scary and controversial,' to 'hey, this is something that we can at least all sort of communally laugh about.'"
"Mirror neurons are essentially the thing that allowed us to rapidly progress as a species by giving birth to culture."
"Out Plex is a world-famous company widely recognized for the provision of customer care."
"It's cool as hell to think that we've gone from video game publishers actively butchering Japanese box art to a world where anime is celebrated."
"Symbols often take on new meanings and associations far from their origins."
"This is how our society evolves, this is how we get better, lessen death, this is us growing past you."
"K-pop's rise isn't just about music; it's about embracing something new, something different."
"The coolest thing for me is seeing the genres kind of blend a little more than they used to because before it was a taboo thing."
"Culture evolves to the concept of tempering capitalism, which is also an evolutionary trait and an advantage."
"I think what happened here is Indian Cinema just leaped over American Cinema."
"Ultimately, the best fate for the 'tomboy' trope is to fade completely out of existence, outdated by a world in which this label doesn’t need to exist and doesn’t even make sense."
"Concepts like Satan evolved within an interrelated network of societal, cultural, and political influences."
"Without the barbarians of the Dark Ages, our world would be a very different place."
"I love how the many many years ago the art used to dictate the industry and now I think it's turning around."
"The popularity of the Nahanni legends seems to wax and wane over time, and to change with every generation."
"Tell a lie long enough it becomes legend, legend becomes lore, lore becomes myth, and mythos becomes religion."
"The Streamies are like the new Webbies, man."
"Utopia, if it's ever established, will die, will stagnate. Whereas what I'm talking about is an evolving culture or an emergent culture."
"The thing that actually makes us unique... is that we tamed fire."
"Tattoo culture is evolving, and Wiz Khalifa is one of the pioneers of this era."
"Art is not a fixed or objective concept but a dynamic and subjective one that continues to evolve with time and culture."
"I'm outing myself as old, I don't think the kids say steez anymore."
"Hip hop is growing in age, like it's a very young art form. People get older."
"I think that we have better language about Blackness I think we have better exposure to our African cousins and so we it's not necessarily we don't need to fill in the gaps with this holiday that we invented in the same way..."
"Tradition is the sum of successful innovations."
"From the first early cave paintings to Modern Art..."
"You don't have to tear down the cathedrals... religion can naturally fade away."
"Elizabeth is really both an embodiment of the old England that she grew up in and the new, fast-changing modern world that she increasingly adapted to."
"It's amazing that for something that 10 years ago people might not have ever heard of it's now becoming one of the preeminent paranormal stories in the world."
"The traditional elder of the past was all about reverence. You revered your elders, but a modern elder is about relevance. And so you better be as curious as you are wise."
"Inazuma has witnessed many a war... but what lets some bloom made others wither."
"The quality of the storytelling in the world is getting better by far."
"A new age is being born, the final stage in the spiritual and social mutation of humankind."
"Finally, we're getting a holistic picture, the missing link between the seventh century Arabs, the Nabataeans, the Quranic Nazarenes. How did they then become the Abbasid version of what we now know today as Islam?"
"The United States has become a much more civilized society since the 1960s."
"Hereditary inequality and societal complexity emerged in Chaco by the early 9th century CE."
"These memes are so different than the 2020 ones."
"It's so cool to see ancient wisdom being merged into modern-day."
"A modern feminist reboot of Charlie's Angels symbolizes the next move in this cultural shift towards parity."
"Culturally, embrace ascension... minds, bodies, spirits."
"Santa Claus is a perfect example of folklore that continues to evolve to this day."
"It's the proof of a sedentary race, or race where they have technology doing all the work for them."
"Language, theater, altruism, metaphysics, poetry, dance, religion... evolved under the aegis of a near symbiosis with psilocybin mushrooms."
"This pause that we're going through right now, it seems to me that it's time to birth new entertainers, new rappers, new fathers. It's a new day."
"Snow White's enchanting tale has captivated generations and continues to evolve."
"That moment when you realize internet culture will be remembered as a historical era for art, literature, and philosophy."
"Humankind: A historical tale of cultural evolution and unique gameplay."
"I think it's useful to understand how the environment works."
"Western culture evolved to a point where that type of conduct is not tolerated, at least in the public space."
"We are broadcasting a new song, a new consciousness for a new world."
"Policing have evolved but I don't know if the culture has."
"Hip-hop is one of those art forms that it is old enough but it is also young enough that we are still creating the standard."
"The werewolf has evolved throughout history, what most of us now accept as legend was once very real."
"If the sound of music can flow like the rivers and streams, perhaps the souls of those who have gone before us will hear the song of a new era."
"Somebody said Mary's not really a name yet, but she is definitely becoming a name."
"Society has moved from 'gay is bad' to broader acceptance of that community."
"It represents so much more than what it used to represent."
"Maybe society progresses to a point where this type of stuff isn't made as much anymore in the future."
"Entertainment evolves generationally, trust me. Us 80s and 90s kids know a thing or two about fruitless 'hey remember that' that our parents used to watch with us."
"The culture will only truly realize how great it could be once it manages to get past valorizing violence [__]."
"That's how the evolution of hip-hop is, it's so beautiful to see people grow."
"Risk-taking in art is necessary for innovation."
"A new culture began to appear, changing everything from music, to architecture, to fine art."
"Would we have tattooing today if it wasn't for people tattooing themselves?"
"I think hip-hop has become... a lot of people hip-hop, and I'm wondering, does there need to be two categories sometimes?"
"Tradition needs to be in conversation with modernity."
"We're entering the first truly major travail of the birth of a new age, a 20th-century period where science will slowly eclipse blind belief, blind faith."
"The journey of Atlanta from a quiet player to a dominant force in the rap game is as fascinating as it is influential."
"They took the archetypes that Silent Hill birthed and evolved them, making something intensely familiar but novel at the same time."
"It's not about replacing what was before, it's about evolving it."
"Did we fabricate belief constructs? Or did they evolve from actual events shared over generations?"
"Blue's Clues walked so Film Theory could run."
"Religion today is a dead shell of the religion of the past."
"Vice City has grown beyond its inspirations, coming full circle to inspire an entire generation of music, art, and style."
"There's a deeper ethic that people are striving towards that you can see expressed in culture."
"Memes are the building blocks of a new kind of evolution."
"We need to move past cheap heat and practice empathy in storytelling."
"We desperately need a reprogramming... we have the opportunity now in the 21st century to get past that."
"Status shifts over a course of generations as symbols or artifacts develop new meanings."
"With the passing of communism, the last universal alternative to liberal capitalism passed from the world."
"I feel like that kind of stuff's coming into it, though. I feel like we're...I mean, look, there's definitely still tons of people, but I feel like I don't hear as many people say they believe it's a choice."
"Stray Kids is showing that just because everyone knows what K-Pop is now doesn't mean there aren't new barriers and walls to dismantle."
"Hip-hop was too young for us to ever say what died and what didn't."
"In time, bourbon and rye whiskey would become the most popular liquors as the saloon evolves into a more traditional barroom."
"This was the birth of Street culture as we know it today."
"Sonic's new form represents that Evolution, the culmination of eons upon eons of culture, love, and life bringing out something far more powerful than what any of them could produce on their own."
"It's a necessary conversation and an advancement and evolution of our culture."
"So the theory of memes tells us that there is a process, very much like the one that shapes our genomes, at work in the cultural layer."
"I think it's really great to see that people can take our culture and twist it."
"It's 2019, like I'm just not about the primitive shit."
"That evolution makes people better cuz we're watching something and we're adding to it somebody else is watching something adding to it."
"The definition of idol is going to change over time."
"Our purpose in life and cultural norms are being redefined with little resistance and even less attention."
"The evolution of memes from when they started to where they're at now."
"Laws will change as culture changes, but we must change culture."
"You have to progress, you know? Art's always arts always about progression."
"It's kind of funny to think about how these legendary yokai folklore and now essentially basic net-con."
"Cavemen used to simply just throw on a blanket around their balls and walk with their ass hanging out trying to hunt deers to men in the 1600s dressed in leotards and skirts possessedly as can be. Crazy how times change."
"In the Picts, we can recognize the genius of a people who created their own cultural identity while also being shaped by the ideas and culture of others."
"Every culture in the world has adjusted and adapted over time."
"There's a part of me that feels we need to set them aside let the past die kill it if we have to to make room for more and better art."
"I think the stereotypes of what our culture is have been broken and redefined."
"Ice cream was a luxury of a sort that is almost impossible to even fathom today."
"It's all about walking in the steps of ancestors and family members, but also seeing how it's evolved."
"We need internet freedom so based legal mindset can grow from baby in cell medium channel to intergalactic interdimensional empire."
"They are creating an Islam that is becoming ever more diverse."
"I'm calling for us to laugh our way into the future and cultivate our wit."
"Language changed everything. It's so understated, but it's allowed us to accumulate knowledge from one generation to another."
"The evolution of tattooing in New Zealand, especially within the jails, has taken on more of a Maori element."
"South Park has gone from being regarded as a crudely animated show filled with fart jokes to an Emmy award-winning cultural touchstone."
"Chinatown has definitely changed throughout the years yet businesses such as Kim Han coffee shop have managed to keep their doors open and a traditional laughs just like the next restaurant we're headed to."
"It was during the time where you know you had the whole hip-hop scene starting to heat up in New York."
"When things really begin to change is when the social culture changes."
"The Folk Nation: From Urban Exodus to Nomadic Brotherhood, rewriting the rules of survival."
"Australia's becoming more inclusive and open country."
"Comics are just finally catching up to reflect that and it's about time."
"The story behind the patterns: tracing Singapore's camouflage evolution."
"Islam will eventually become a more modern... belief system in the West."
"Neolithic pastoral traditions slowly gave way to silver and copper mining."
"Humans in gaming go back thousands of years."
"Marriage has evolved over time in this cultural evolution type method."
"What began as a subculture is now omnipresent."
"This is pretty much the original cars that they would have had in Dubai when Dubai looked more like this than the city it looks to there's a big office and there a little at."
"The fome culture appeared during a period of turmoil."
"In certain ways, Ireland is more Irish now than it was when I was born."
"There's a whole new generation of Mexican chefs."
"Basically, such restrictions are probably more of a product of cultural evolution than direct human design."
"There was a time 30 or so years ago, you casually heard 'kill the Gypo', that was standard 30 years ago."
"It's interesting what's happened we'll use the example of Barbie because I suppose that's the obviously the most runaway success and it's kind of weird and that that tells its own story."
"We live in, like, 2021. So, in terms of numbers, it's 2021 years, even though we can all say that there's been a lot more years before that. So, could you imagine, yeah, that like 2,000 years ago, there were things that people thought were right?"
"These modern myths are interesting because unlike ancient myths, we can actually watch as they start."
"Painting has been shoved aside. Now, I don't doubt there'll always be some interesting painters here. I'm not predicting the end of painting altogether, and paint is such beautiful stuff to work with, but I am noticing its extremely rapid retreat from the cultural frontline."
"It lets everybody else who's observing us see that this [ __ ] is possible, right? And I think that's important for the evolution of the culture, you know I mean, uh?"
"We're trying to open people up and make them sensitive to things that people in earlier epics were automatically sensitive to."
"These cultures didn't have an image of an ape back in the early days."
"They are the new New Orleans, the new Creole."
"It's a project that seems to sum up the new Ethiopia, a testament to a flowering culture."
"I think it's cool to look at it because there was one point where the music that we listened to right now was original Mexicano. But now, like, they switch it to música Mexicana because it's being listened to everywhere. It changes, like, the game has changed, bro."
"I feel like the current like wide Trend kind of didn't come from the same place originally."
"It is no such thing ironically it is itself partly comprehensible as one more cultural evolution in the complex history of the Western world."
"What will American culture become? What does it need? Who will be its heroes?"
"There are gradations. And I've noticed that the later we go in the text--and the later we go in the Babylonian tradition--we see more concessions to the alternative, to the Greco-Roman view."
"Vikings are more so a thing of the past."
"Human civilisation has come to its present stage through many changes in its way of life, including its diet."
"I think afrobeats is a good evolution to the sounds that we need to be listening to, right? Because afrobeats is healthy. Afrobeats is more positive, more joyful, more happy."
"The grand style of an era can always be found in what is governed by the secret yet obvious necessity for revolution."
"Memes have the shortest time frame. You could actually see the pattern of art history in memes."
"We don't do religious prostitution anymore. We don't do pedophilia anymore. But not because it was wrong, just because the world doesn't understand our kind of love."
"Paul's idea of having a Gentile Christian Church that doesn't have to obey the law is the church that the author of Luke is emerging out of."
"As cultural FST increases, that means groups then become very culturally variable, the level of cooperation across those group boundaries should decrease."
"The idea of a worldwide language makes sense in a technologically advanced and interconnected society, in a world that's just barely invented gunpowder you would expect there to be at least some regional variants."
"We also have to consider that probably in the many different centuries that separate the English from the Norse, the mythology developed fairly differently."
"It is a process that continues to this day and has brought with it a richness and diversity the likes of which the world has never known."
"We're reaching stages in our life that the culture had never reached, so we have to now start incorporating other ideologies."
"The Sinaloan music style evolved into its own distinct rural variation."
"People already like Punk, people already like the 50s rockabilly [ __ ] already did its thing so now you have to have something new"
"Our brains expanded because they needed to acquire store and organize a growing body of cultural information."
"Much of twentieth-century art and creativity as we know it was all born out of this great migration."
"If culture exists, it will evolve, and therefore you will have intelligences that perhaps we cannot dream of now."
"We're very, very clearly in the kind of birth canal of the emergence into culture as a cultural form of what Gebser and Wilber too calls the integral."
"Over the course of the 19th century, western writers shed the jinn of their Islamic associations and reimagined them as the wish-granting 'genies' that we see today in western media."
"And I think it is important for us as a culture to evolve in the direction of a much clearer, more precise, more detailed, common understanding of the whole spiritual realm."
"If you're a child of the 80s, it's time for you to evolve. Get rid of your chrome, get rid of your shine."
"Different subsistence economies select for and incentivize certain cultural and even physical traits."
"Most of American culture today is from hip-hop."
"Now, when rappers the light jumped off, rap was on the scene at that minute. We was rapping since 1973, even before that. But the rap we do today is from '73."
"Kashi is ever evolving, ever dynamic, and uh it's is something to be experienced."