
Art Creation Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"Suddenly, everyone's an artist, and you can be too, all you need is a phone and access to the internet."
"The only person gatekeeping art is yourself and keeping yourself from attempting it."
"I think art is like an individual's expression, so the more that an artist can interact with people or experiences they can have, the better the art they produce."
"Great art, in some way, shape, or form, is always personal or semi-autobiographical... We put ourselves in it because it gives it a sense of reality."
"Persistence is key. Every drawing or every art piece you work on, just try to improve one thing."
"Humans are going to continue producing art forever; that is part of being human."
"The making of art is a reflection of that uniqueness which has no predictive content."
"The idea that all media is political is one of the most destructive ideas when it comes to media analysis and art creation."
"Selling yourself should be one of the last thing you do when you when you try to make art. When you're in the moment it's very hard to know what the meaning is."
"Let's keep making art because nobody can take that away from us."
"There is something fulfilling and absolutely beautiful about working on a piece of art that you are emotionally completely connected to."
"Art is where you create something that shows the world as you see it."
"Make beautiful art that tells people what is good and what is true."
"AI art will simply change how art is made and not diminish the quality of it or amount of people making it."
"Gotta sign it even the bad ones you should sign you should love them just because he probably still learned something."
"How do you know when to stop and not overwork a drawing? Honestly, for me, I find that I end up stopping when I'm sick of looking at it."
"Great art can be created when artists are comfortable and feeling good."
"I've made every piece of art that I make from the lens of being dead."
"Take your time, some people have spent a couple weeks working on a sculpture and that's totally okay."
"The whole collaging process is not as messy and it doesn't take as long because I don't have to overthink things."
"One of my favorite parts of the entire process honestly was getting to work with folks on our amazing internal concept art team."
"But we still had a lot of fun doing this. I hope you enjoyed and as always, happy painting. God bless."
"Good art doesn't come from focus groups and statistics. It comes from people who share how they see things in their own unique way."
"Great art requires some friction, some resistance, some frustration."
"Making art and playful experiments is a joyful way of interfacing with the world."
"I think there is something to this idea of making art for the joy of making art without any preconceived idea on how it will later be able to be used to turn a profit."
"I highly recommend making art every day. It can really make a big difference, not just in your skills but in your life."
"You don't have to do something super complicated to make a piece of art that you really like."
"Start making some character busts - the face is the most interesting part of sculpting and the most difficult."
"Every day he saw the model anew so that every stroke is like captures that moment in time and only that moment."
"Your brain knows do I like it do I not like it yeah so how is it possible that you can draw something that you don't like?"
"It's like living art, it's like making cool paint jobs."
"Creating art and creating media is so important."
"This use of tracing saves them much more time and also teaches them how to draw that pose or characters in similar poses off the top of their head."
"To make great art, one must embrace disorientation and turn away from certainty."
"My eyes observe, my mind interprets, and my heart guides my brush."
"It's really satisfying when you're like 'er, draw a raccoon being angry' and then an artist is like, 'Here you go.'"
"Having a good plan... makes your final piece a lot better more often."
"Patience is key and don't be afraid to throw a piece away."
"It's threatening their ability to make art because you know, we've moved from a place where it's about the battle for the battle of ideas to the battle for ideas."
"The whole point of creating art is you're never gonna create something truly original, it's just impossible."
"From acrylic pouring to vibrant art: A journey in colors."
"I really wanted to paint Chow Hayes because a painting done in from life gives the viewer an opportunity to know what it was like to share the same space with that person."
"So I painted it, I shipped it out to my friend Nancy Hadley in California so she can stretch it for me, and I jumped on a plane and flew from east to west coast."
"Flower painting is a lot of fun, but you gotta relax."
"Let's just focus on creating nice, good art."
"It's like it's making art, that's what it's like."
"Create art, sell it on various platforms, and let them do the marketing for you."
"It opens the door to fine-tune creating really precise details."
"Once you start to create, the world around you fades away and all that matters right here, right now, is your art."
"If all you do is try to make art and it never profits, it's going to kill your desire to do art."
"Making art shouldn't be painful just get out there and do it, just do it create some beauty put it back into the world and make the world a better place that's your job."
"Art, you need to keep in mind why you're doing this if you're creating art, if you want to create interesting art, for people to vibe with it."
"People who create art have a much deeper understanding of human nature than the people who make our policies."
"Limiting your color palette is very useful when creating a cohesive piece."
"Nothing should get in the way of making art. It should be fun, it should be freeing, and it should come naturally to everyone."
"Art isn't just about the finished product, it's about the process that you take to get there."
"Creating art and consuming art is one of the most human things we can do."
"I loved playing video games. I liked creating art, which was weird. And now it's like, this is the cool thing to do."
"The best art advice I've ever received is that you don't have to be afraid to steal someone's idea."
"Art doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be fun."
"I'm not going as dark as possible because I'm still gonna look for an opportunity to create a bit of texture within the shadows."
"When do we decide when a painting is done? It depends..."
"The greatest art is made through collision, through pain, through hurt, through turbulent times."
"Art takes years upon years of dedication and determination and hard work. There is no such thing as a shortcut or a hack to get you ahead."
"Anything we're creating is art and there's choices to be made."
"In creating art, it's important to remember that half of what you do resides in your audience."
"The AI is essentially learning how to create art just like a real person might but with superhuman versatility and speed."
"Makes it easier to channel nature mother nature did all the hard work to channel this one so it would be a perfect candidate the channel."
"Every piece of art we consume has a whole team of people behind it working their asses off."
"The last step to any painting is to sign it."
"Art is better when it's made by a person for a person and you need to become a more complete person in order to tell better art."
"You don't draw with alcohol ink, you collaborate with alcohol ink."
"It is a story about creating something, creating art, and then that art going on to protect you."
"AI art, open source, is one of the greatest artistic tools mankind has ever made."
"At the end of the day this is Art being created right these are stories and art and mythologies and narrative and they're going to hit some of us better than the others."
"Ten seconds, okay. Little feeties coming out as well, hands coming out. It's got little claws on it."
"You can draw a masterpiece with precision as you can see, all done with the S Pen."
"Happy painting, god bless, and we'll see you next time."
"This is definitely turning into a speed paint video."
"Making great art isn't about chaos or waking up at 3:00 a.m."
"There's no real risk to making art that you don't like. There's no real risk. But there is. It's bad if you never try, so please, please, please take the risk."
"All art is made with good intentions in mind."
"Wow, pandemic was really bad everybody was trying to do their best and he was able to create art and joy out of a really dark time."
"Hope you're painting along and I'll look forward to seeing you next time."
"Every painting that you're going to do ever in your entire life is a memory exercise."
"I feel like I make my art entirely escapist so that it's free from a world in which you have to think of the right 'i' or not to need to make sense."
"Casting a fire ant colony in aluminum: making some really cool art."
"When it comes to digital art, it's so easy to just zoom in and start focusing on things that are completely inconsequential to the final piece. And sometimes it really is true that less is more."
"I feel so thankful to be able to make my art creation my full-time career."
"I am here and taking you along with me on the process of me creating a custom painting."
"I really wanted to bring down the cost of creating art."
"Just using the yellow ocher red and the green just to get the basic shape."
"I saw it and I was like, oh my god I did that. Really weird because when you're the person creating the art... you've seen it at all stages. So to you, it doesn't look like a finished beautiful work of art that you feel like someone just waved a wand and completed it."
"No one does that alone. You can't make that art in a vacuum and you need to learn from your history and your contemporaries about what is being done and how."
"It's not necessarily about exact measurements."
"It's still going to work because again measurements don't matter."
"So try not to concentrate on those measurements."
"If you're new at this, I highly suggest just pouring some in the center, tilting it around, and getting it to go over the edges."
"I had a blast making this video. I feel like I'm excited again about art."
"So I'm showing you two colors here that I mixed up we will not be putting silicone in those and that will be the white and the metallic."
"Creating art is basically a fight, not a fight, but an effort against death."
"Generative art is art programmed using a computer that intentionally introduces randomness as a part of its creation process."
"I love that, I love that so much, this is the coolest way to make a picture."
"...there's so much joy and, for lack of a better term, like enlightening experiences to be had in the process of making art that it almost becomes... that becomes the reason why you do it."
"I don't want this to end, I want to go to work every day, I want to spend time with these people and make art with them because it's such a good crew."
"If you understand the basic properties of light, you'll be able to kind of create the image that you want to create."
"Art does not do well when it's made by committees."
"I want Bob Ross to draw a mountainous landscape; I'll do that."
"Be good, make awesome art, and I will see you next time."
"Welcome back to our channel; today, we're going to be painting a pop art canvas together."
"We're going to be creating some galaxy art today, and it's actually going to be a lot easier than you think."
"When it comes to creating scenes with your art, building illustrations that represent a living, breathing world with characters and environments and backgrounds and everything interacting, I think there's two main elements that you can really dig your teeth into early on."
"Take your time as much as you want to; it's all about the end result."
"I love how the oil pastel feels so oily as you paint; I can almost imagine getting it all over my fingers."
"She just wanted to create meaningful arts with a meaningful message."
"You just put it together and have fun, and that is what art is."
"We want a high CRI bulb that tries to max out what it can show you."
"When you're making art, sometimes the obstructions that you come up against make the best art possible."
"If you're spending a lot of time zoomed in, make sure that you zoom out just to see if people can really actually see the details you're putting into it."
"Being okay with making bad art makes it so much easier to do art."
"Rebel has become an indispensable product."
"It gives you a much more natural way of creating digital art."
"Take a break from it, and then continue it next week."
"When you take the human element out of creating art, it ceases to become art."
"We're gonna write up our instructions now and see if the boys can follow our instructions and make this scenery and guess what the scenery is."
"The only way you're going to start to grasp a concept of what you're drawn to and enjoy in art is to make a ton of stuff and a ton of different stuff."
"Recreating personal memories allows me to not only revisit those memories and feelings but more importantly they offer a unique and personal angle to create my art from."
"Build up from light to dark or dark to light, but whatever you do, you want to do it gradually."
"I'm often approached when people see some of my seascapes or sky scenes about how I created the glitter on the water or the highlights on the cloud."
"I'm here in my studio, and for this video, I'm going to be doing a small landscape."
"If nobody worked on their craft, we wouldn't get art."
"But remember that creation is utterly dependent upon the splendid alchemy that occurs when you mix pigment with water."
"You're going to create art as a product of the time that you've chosen to dedicate to this moment."
"A whole lot of art, I think, is just being like, 'Oh, this isn't what I planned, but this is what's happening. What can we do with it anyways?'"
"It doesn't have to be beautiful, or it doesn't have to be perfect; it's just about making art and being creative."
"It's a mindset; you have to change the way your brain thinks when you're working on a colored paper."
"The fervor that guided pilgrims on the road to relics was also the source of inspiration for the Western world's greatest works of art."
"The process of creating art isn't so much about creating from scratch; it's about responding to what you have in front of you."
"There's no way to make a drawing; there's only drawing."
"You can make art for almost pennies on the dollar just by getting creative."
"It's an interesting thing how things become works of art, almost in spite of themselves."
"There's a lot of philosophy involved in the creation of art as well as its content."
"Making art and creating photographic art is living in the moment and having fun."
"I'm going to start out my piece with a little thinned Baja Blue."
"Hey, you guys are so awesome. We love drawing with you live."
"The surfaces in this video are not my favorite because of how long they will last, but because of how they feel to work on."
"This channel is all about saving people money, saving people time, and creating beautiful art."
"Every single stone or platform that you pour on, every pour is going to look different."
"We're gonna do something similar."
"Making these pieces and it started to make sense and since then I feel like I've only benefited from having more of an open mind."
"It's wildly magnetic, this way of being that produces the art."
"It's something magical about being able to take what's left over and repurpose it to make something that feels significant."
"What I'd like to show you is that starting with a great photo, choosing nine to 12 fabrics, and then following my steps, you too can make fabric art projects that you'll be proud to show."
"You'll see how this painting comes together."
"I recommend just building up your artwork in layers."
"The moment that you're making art, you're no longer an aspiring artist; you're just an artist."
"The person using the computer draws with the mouse, and then the machine learning model takes over and finishes the drawing."
"You can't draw from a meaningful life to create meaningful art if you're not living a meaningful life that you need to be stable to sustain."
"The secret is not the mechanics or technical skill that create art, but the process of introspection and different levels of contemplation that generate it."
"Creators make art in order to give context to life and understand it better."
"I think one of those things with art is like trying to figure out when you're done."
"That's really how art's done. Like you have a vision, you do it, and sometimes you change it in the middle."
"Art is artifice, it's designed to look easier done than it was done."
"I love creating art for people and really changing other people's lives. Been a wild ride."
"You could go off and do a full piece with just the Mars Lumograph Black if you wanted to."
"So you always want to be looking at that before you put your next mark down so that you can anticipate what that mark will be like."
"One of the biggest challenges is putting together the concept of story and the finished art that actually ends up in the reader's hands."
"It's about making art, about having fun, about sharing things."
"Don't rush, just take your time and try to build it up."
"There are so many ways you can create art."
"Art is so easy to do; it's instantly dry, it is awesome."
"The lay down is beautiful, really smooth layering and stuff like that."
"To create a botanical painting, you must have time, patience, and curiosity, which will lead to a keen sense of observation."
"Taking the tape off is one of my favorite parts; it's just so fun revealing the finished artwork with those perfect borders."
"Dolly is an AI system that creates realistic art and imagery by interacting with it via text-based prompts."
"It's always a good idea to step back from your painting while you're painting it because then you can actually see it."
"I'm going to use a rich mix of colors to create that wonderful drama of the light against dark."
"I'm going to start off by simply filling in my sky."
"You now have your very own beautiful tropical waterfall."
"You're the artist, and by me explaining all of these things to you, you can just make your own stuff."
"I prefer the hydras for sure because I know that if I do create something that I want to keep, it'll last."
"I hope you make lots of money so you can buy lots more art supplies."
"I feel like this is the way art should happen."
"I really like doing multiple sketches because I think it really helps me zero in on the best shapes."
"I really hope you enjoyed this process."
"It's all coming together, isn't that nice that you see the painting coming together for you?"
"If you're someone that's locked into the Windows platform for creating and making art, I think you'll really enjoy it now with the Slim Pen 2."
"Art can arise from discontent and cynicism, but it can also be born of wonder and serenity."
"I'm just really excited to make more art."
"One did not feel disowned, only ignored and much alone, with a vague pressure from authority that art couldn't be made here."
"The words I use in talking about art do not bear close relationship to making art, nor are they necessary directives or useful explanations. When I work, the train of thought has no words. It is simply all in the visual world. The language is an image."
"Seeing the raw format in which a render is made is really valuable."
"It might look fragile now, but once the plaster bandages harden, it's going to be like a rock."
"That tiny little house was perfect because I was able to go into the basement and kind of make it into an art studio."
"Before we start creating our piece of art a little inspiration always comes in handy."
"So guys, thank you so much. Happy painting, bye for now."
"You can have yourself your own little Van Gogh masterpiece."
"You definitely don't need all of this stuff to create beautiful art; it's just what I like to use personally."
"The hard work and the application of hard work is how you make a piece of art."