
Composting Quotes

There are 303 quotes

"Turning food scraps into plant food in Just 4 hours."
"Lomi transforms almost anything you eat into nutrient-rich plant food at the push of a button."
"Lazy composting or cold composting is very simple because you just continue adding layers."
"Always keep one eye open for potential opportunities for where you can source materials and actually use them to compost."
"After a big storm, there's a lot of seaweed scattered about on a beach; you can harvest a load of that."
"The worms turn all the fruit and vegetables into compost."
"If you don't compost your food waste, the majority of weight that is in your rubbish bag is from food."
"What if I told you there was a method of growing food that combined gardening and composting while eliminating weeding?"
"It's very gratifying to start a compost bin. It's so cool to see the waste being reused."
"I truly love this product, I hate throwing things in the regular trash. I let's try and compost as much as I can and this is going to save me so much waste."
"Composting is one of the best things you can do for the environment."
"It's party time for the worms because they've got so much organic matter to incorporate to make soil."
"Banana leaves... the entire package can be composted after use."
"Composting as a habit that is sustainable for 2024 might be the most important thing you do."
"No dig means not disturbing the soil, feeding soil life with organic matter."
"These sort of solutions in general are not talked about enough how people can compost in their homes."
"Start making your own compost, even if it's in a pile in a corner."
"Start a compost pile. It's one of the most powerful things you can do to help address climate change."
"Composting is a really neat mechanic... it's very useful for peaceful players."
"Composting isn't difficult nor does it have to be complicated after all it's just a natural process."
"What composting is basically just taking a load of plant material allowing it to rot down which provides a fertilizer."
"Creating your first batch of compost is golden when it comes to the garden."
"It's a fantastic way to make really fast compost at home."
"Even if it is just grabbing that countertop compost bin, trading it out for some food scraps and really practicing making use of the outputs of your home."
"Composting is a way to convert things like food scraps and yard trimmings into fertilizer instead of sending those things to landfills."
"By composting human waste, countries could make cheap fertilizer and improve the health of their citizens at the same time."
"One of the most impactful ways that you can prevent waste when we talk about food is to compost."
"That is super useful, you can also put it in a composter and this will give you a 30% chance of increasing the level of a composter."
"Compost is magic and by participating in composting you are also participating in making magic."
"Composting is one thing everyone can do at home... it's our responsibility to take care of our waste."
"All of my food scraps, my plant clippings, even those leftovers I forgot in the back of the fridge, they go back into what would be my garden."
"Start making your own compost. Make sure that it is aerobic."
"The whole point of compost is to lock down nitrogen, which is volatile."
"When building a compost pile, one of the things you need to think about is the size of the compost pile."
"The four important ingredients you need for a compost pile are a source of nitrogen, a source of carbon, water, and oxygen."
"If you have the right materials to turn your pile, you can't have it too big."
"When you're turning that, you are getting oxygen in it, that's the main reason why we're turning this."
"By composting, you're actively reducing the amount of waste that ends up in our landfills, contributing to a healthier, more sustainable environment."
"Composting is an amazing process that not only reduces waste but also creates a valuable resource."
"Composting is not just a choice but a responsibility towards our environment."
"Every time you compost, you're not just feeding your plants; you're nourishing your independence, your resilience, and your connection with the Earth."
"If you're doing composting correctly, it doesn't smell."
"When you're making a compost, it's important to get a cubic meter."
"Composting is a good smelling process; the end result should smell good."
"It's a crucial stage in composting where microorganisms, particularly heat-loving bacteria, dominate the decomposition process."
"We want to mix it about 60% Brown, 40% greens."
"...you will be able to build your very own hot compost pile."
"Most of these are almost no work at all. They compost much slower."
"Composting is important because you're creating soil for your garden out of the things that you're going to throw away—your grass clippings, your food scraps, your garden waste."
"What we want to do for a compost pile is move the inside to the outside and the outside to the inside so all the material can break down."
"Don't let composting scare you, it's really simple, it's really quick."
"Composting made quick, simple, and inexpensive. It's a great way to turn something you would normally throw away into powerful organic nutrients to feed your spring garden."
"You don't have to do composting any particular way... you could literally do this and it actually works somewhat well."
"Common recommendation is three by three by three or one cubic yard... can you get away with less? Yeah, it just requires more management."
"...the scientific Holy Grail so to speak is 30 to 1 carbon to nitrogen ratio."
"...the best compost pile is the one that's made with the most ingredients."
"...alternating your brown source your greens is going to just make your pile have the most nutrients and it'll just be better in the end."
"Making compost in the path is a win for your garden."
"Let's go into the nuts and bolts cool how do we make a composting board?"
"Chicken poop can be composted for use in the garden. It makes great fertilizer."
"So what can you do to create that diversity? Make living soil and feed this system. Compost. It really is the main component in turbocharging your soil."
"The key in the watering part of this compost is you really, the moisture is what really activates everything, microbes are aquatic creatures and they really only, they only move and reproduce and eat and become really active in water."
"We're talking about nitrogen and we're talking about carbon, these two things, they create energy and they create heat, so it's all about a balancing act, a ratio here."
"So the key to turning the pile is you want to try to get all of the outside to the middle and all of the middle to the outside, that's the goal guys, we want to try to get everything evenly broken down."
"Making your own compost...really closes the loop in your own garden ecosystem."
"Everything that's growing is composting, everything that's dead is decomposing, and all the cells and all the structure of all the plants and all the animals all have to decompose and the things that do that is the bacteria and the fungus."
"Lomi is a revolutionary new appliance that converts my family's food waste into rich organic matter."
"The Tracturn compost mixer accelerates decomposition of various organic waste forms, promoting uniform decomposition yielding nutrient-rich compost suitable for various composting activities."
"Compost piles can produce substantial heat, even in the winter."
"Once these microorganisms are finished with their job, then I set my compost aside to cure."
"To assure quality compost, don't add meat, cheese, and bones to your pile."
"Another type of composting is using compost worms to break down organic matter and we do that as well, it's called vermicomposting."
"Knowing that the food you've grown was fed with the compost that you've made and the water you've collected only makes it taste better."
"Chuck recommends leaving its product for 90 to 180 days in a backyard composting bin."
"Now that we've been composting we save all kinds of stuff to add to the compost pile."
"The main feature of our bathroom is our Nature's head toilet. It is a fully contained composting toilet."
"If one of the benefits of the soil food web is to detoxify all of these things that you just lifted off, why can't we just put them into the compost?"
"Healthy, well-maintained worm bin will not smell bad."
"Good luck and congratulations on starting to get composting with worms."
"Mind blown. If you just pile stuff up on the ground, provide air, provide water, it'll break down."
"This is beautiful, this is like free fertilizer right here."
"Finished compost is going to have a nice, just neutral earthy scent."
"Mix it with compost and vermicompost in two weeks, then use it and add water. That's the best thing you can do."
"Compost, compost, compost. Lots of organic matter, that is so important."
"Remember, compost is the key, it's the magic ingredient that'll make everything in your garden grow better than you ever imagined."
"This is a Nature's Head composting toilet. Poo and pea part is separate and that's what keeps it from smelling."
"Even if you get one of the best composters, if you’re not doing it properly it’s going, you’re going to have a compost fail on your hands."
"And this is the composter I could make compost in as short as 30 days."
"...we build our own high-tech composting Outhouse that the kids lovingly refer to as the poopmetic 3000."
"Composting is an interesting process, it's a useful process, it's helpful not just to you but to the environment."
"In the beginning there was compost."
"Have you ever seen the technology of composting dry chicken manure?"
"Composting is a great way to teach children about the natural cycles of life and care for our environment."
"Compost Tea is a great way to get those nutrients into your garden, into those pots and replenish those nutrients that have been used up by the plants, without having to add more soil on top."
"So you want to make sure it's really old or aged and or it has been composted down."
"I transitioned to just kind of layering compost and leaf mulch and just trying to think about building the soil by layering."
"Kitchen scraps and yard waste are garden gold."
"...go out and build a compost pile, it's good for the soul."
"But I also decided to write something about Verma composting so I titled it worms can recycle your garbage and it flew off the shelves."
"We're adding fresh manure on top, so we're really containing any of the anaerobic byproducts within the core of the pile."
"Composting is a viable strategy for waste reduction and for resource recovery."
"The secret to composting is oxygen."
"The holes left by these pipes in the biomass is what allows air to get down into the pile, facilitating the aerobic decomposition of whatever you put inside the bioreactor."
"A great analogy for composting is to think about food preservation."
"But using coconut coir as a base for your Worm Composting bin at least for your worms to get started is a really excellent choice because it has a neutral pH and it has a great ability to absorb moisture and keep your worms in the environment that they like."
"Once you see how amazing worm compost is in the garden you're going to want to create your own worm compost as well."
"...thank your soil. Give back to it by allowing the cow to trample about 25% of the forage they go over and feed it every year with composted manure..."
"We all have food waste every single day and most of us probably started initially composting because we wanted to use our food waste."
"Your soil should be that deep, rich, dark brown color of humic acid. That's what we want to see when you're out picking up your compost."
"When done correctly, horse manure ages like a fine wine."
"Okay, all of that soil is definitely going to need some compost at some point so set up your own Berkeley hot compost pile. It's really easy, all you need is a very large container three feet by three feet or even a little bit larger."
"Composting is at the essence of living a sustainable life."
"Composting poop is resistance to the throwaway mindset."
"Nothing is going to waste because it's all going to compost."
"The sign of a good compost is the way the roots have developed into it."
"Make a compost heap... recycle all your garden clippings and some of your kitchen waste and turn it into really nutritious compost for your garden."
"Worm bins are a great option. You should definitely look into it. The other perk with vermicomposting is that the worm castings and the worm juice that you get is like, that's some of the best compost you can get."
"The best use of a banana peel, to be quite honest with you, is in the compost buried directly under in the soil, in nice living soil or in your worm bin."
"We have to actually have composted and then make sure we build that understory set of plants."
"I knew you could get bad compost, what I didn't know was how good compost can be when you make it yourself and properly."
"Compost, have food scraps, have yard waste put it in a bin, let it cook, let something eat it and poop it out."
"Composting is not only better for the planet in terms of methane emissions that come from food rotting in landfills, but also in terms of giving nutrients back to our soils."
"The bottom of your vermicomposter will be accumulating like a run of water from the vegetables. They're mostly water."
"Sometimes it's past and we have filled up the second bin. We're a family of two adults and two kids, and it takes us roughly three months, I would say, to fill up this one bin."
"Redwood or cedar sawdust takes forever to break down, so I would stay away from it in your compost."
"If you can disturb your vermicompost or compost as little as possible, you're going to get more fungi going."
"Yeah, you don't have to worry about paper being fed to earthworms."
"We don't need to micromanage them. They work together, and that's how we end up with compost that can be so different from just what you buy at Walmart."
"In compost tea, bacteria release more alkaline enzymes, affecting pH. In the soil and in composts, it's the biology that dictates pH and chemistry."
"If you want more worms, feed them what they need."
"Compost heaps are incredible in fact this is on its way to becoming a giant wormery."
"You want your compost to resemble a wrung-out sponge or be at 50% moisture."
"Composting does not kill an amino pyridine. I don't care how much heat you put it through, it doesn't kill the amino pyridine."
"Composting is not difficult, but you do need to get a lot of material to get a worthwhile decomposition."
"Make compost and use compost in your own garden."
"Establishing a worm farm is one of the best ways to process food waste from the household, and it's a great way to live more sustainably."
"Composting your food scraps into new healthy soil is a win-win."
"This compost mixer blends organic matter with finesse, turning waste into nutrient-rich gold for the soil."
"The odor that you get from a composting toilet is more of an earthy smell."
"This is just a different way of making compost and one of the big differences here is that this heap never gets hot and you don't want it, obviously worms don't like heat."
"For my next trick, I'm going to use my new compost to grow flowers."
"It's gonna be a cool composting bin. We're looking forward to the final results."
"This is the most posh composter I've ever seen."
"Born with a bloody shovel in his hand, he's gonna teach you how to make the ultimate compost."
"The growth of these cabbages is so phenomenal, and it's just from composting."
"Building up your compost piles to have all of the diversity of microorganisms, that's what that composting process is all about."
"Inside this composter, all the messy gooey stuff turns into something totally different, like a magic trick."
"Layering organic matter on top of soil and growing in it while it's turning to compost is the most powerful growing method that's available in the world."
"My new favorite thing is composting in place."
"Using compost is actually less expensive than using the chemical stuff."
"The cheaper route is actually really, really healthy for your soil, especially when you have compost underneath."
"Because my compost is alive, that's the beauty of compost."
"Compost is when you take all the food that's about to go bad, pile it up in your backyard for all the worms to eat, and they turn it into nutritional food for plants."
"It's the cycle of a compost load, from basically more or less from garden to shelf."
"They'll eat all this stuff, turn it into worm compost, worm droppings which is very nutrient rich."
"Coffee grounds are great to compost. I would much rather put coffee grounds in the compost than on the ground."
"Have fun making compost and using these principles; it really is a joy."
"This is actually perfect. Worms are going to love it."
"Vermicomposting is way easier to start with than traditional composting."
"Turn your food waste into dirt with the press of a button."
"Once you essentially have finished cooking and turning it, you could throw seeds directly into the compost and they grow really well."
"Leave manure in a pile for six months to a year, and that's great to use afterwards."
"Compost is really awesome, compost and vermicompost super simple easy ways to put nutrients and microbials back into your soil and let the microbials do all the work for you."
"If you can start sequestering carbon in 6 months after you put compost on the ground, how do you support that compost being made and getting out there as soon as possible?"
"Compost is number one for me; there's not a soil structure that compost could not improve."
"If you're gonna grow a garden, you really want to have a compost pile."
"Start small, and then you can work your way up into making more and more compost."
"I think every gardener should have a compost pile."
"If it's invasive, I look at it as free compost."
"You can compost, and turn those food scraps into wonderful soil!"
"Don't worry if your compost doesn't look perfect."
"If you let manure sit for one year, it composts and it turns into a really nice soil amendment."
"It helped me to create copious amounts of compost."
"By adding compost, we're adding organic matter to our soil, which is very important."
"We're not going to have a significant amount of compost by any means, but what we will have will be ours because we made it."
"Learning how to compost has made all the difference in the health of my garden and soil."
"This is probably the best inexpensive rapid composter that you can actually make at home."
"Compost needs water, oxygen, and nitrogen... that's the cow's manure and carbon which is the hay and the wood chips."
"I love building soil, I love making compost, and I love making good use of any of the organic matter we have on the farm."
"Composting meat and composting animals to some people is a controversial subject... but that's just not true. You can do it, nature does it every day."
"You've heard me talk before about ratios, right? The ratios of your greens and browns and when you want to get a pile going fast, it's really important to get those just right."
"If I've done my job well, then in about four days this will be up at least over 100 degrees, hopefully up closer to 140 degrees and well on its way to breaking down."
"Look how quickly the soil biology go to town and break down all of those kitchen scraps in a matter of only a couple of weeks."
"You can compost things that almost none of those systems can compost: fats, meats, cheeses, cooked leftovers."
"What Bokashi allows you to do is break down food items that normally you wouldn't put in a compost pile."
"It is beautiful and fulfilling to take your own veggie scraps and compost it to create nutrient-dense compost which can go back into the soil and feed new plants for you to eat."
"By putting food scraps into my composter, I'm sending less garbage to the garbage dump."
"I just love this as a way to get rid of my food scraps; I don't feel like I'm wasting so much."
"For someone to care about why I'm saying they should start composting, they have to know all of the issues behind why not doing that is awful for the environment."
"Composting is something that can be done with most organic matter and is a great solution that could be more widely adopted to really reign in our waste production."
"Composting reduces landfill volume and at the same time produces a nice product which can be used to enrich soil."
"It smells absolutely glorious like a good compost should."
"Composting is a tremendous benefit."
"Using composting is an important practice that you should consider."
"If you have a small compost pile, clean your yard up in the Autumn, just flip it a few times, go outside, get some exercise, flip it around, and you'll have finished compost in no time."
"I'm not making hot compost, I don't do that for my gardening because I want my soil to be alive."
"If you've ever gone into the compost pile, 'Oh wow, this is really warm,' that's dancing bacteria reproducing bacteria actually inside the compost pile."
"Fragmented waste provides more surface area for microbes to accelerate the composting process. The end result is a natural source of soil nutrients that increase the organic content of soil, helping to boost plant growth and soil enrichment."
"The Lomi is an appliance that will speed up the process of composting."
"The ideal range for a thermophilic compost pile is 130 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit."